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Pathways to Net-Zero
for the US Energy Transition
Jackson Ewing, Martin Ross, Amy Pickle, Robert Stout, and Brian Murray
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability nicholasinstitute.duke.edu
We are grateful for participation and input from ADM; AVANGRID; Bank of America; bp; the Duke
Center for Energy, Development, and the Global Environment; Duke Energy; the Energy Transitions
Commission; FedEx; General Motors; Modern Energy; National Grid; Ørsted; RMI; Shell; Volvo Group;
and World Resources Institute.
Energy Pathways USA is convened by the Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability
based at Duke University, in collaboration with the Energy Transitions Commission. This report
constitutes a collective view of Energy Pathways USA. Members of Energy Pathways USA endorse the
general thrust of the arguments made in this report but should not be taken as agreeing with every
nding or recommendation. The companies involved have not been asked to formally endorse the report.
Pathways to Net-Zero
for the US Energy Transition
A Report of Energy Pathways USA
Jackson Ewing, Martin Ross, Amy Pickle, Robert Stout, and Brian Murray
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | iii
Introduction: Toward Net-Zero in the United States 1
US Emissions History and Business-as-Usual Direction 2
Business-as-Usual Projections 6
Potential Net-Zero Trajectories 8
Clean Electricity Generation 10
Electrication:Light-DutyVehicles 13
ElectricationandOtherOptions:Medium/Heavy-DutyVehicles 15
Electrication:ResidentialandCommercialBuildings 17
ElectricationandOtherOptions:Industry 18
Potential Roles for Clean Fuels 21
The US Decarbonization Policy Landscape 22
KeyFederalExecutiveandLegislativeActions 22
TheStatePolicyLandscape 30
PolicyLandscapeImplications 31
Conclusion: Challenges and Opportunities for US Net-Zero Emissions 31
IssueAreas 33
WorkPlanComponents 34
NextSteps 37
References 38
Appendix: Global Net-Zero Analyses and Projections 42
IPCC 42
EnergyTransitionsCommission 43
IEA Net Zero by 2050 45
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 1
Various public and private sector initiatives aim for the United States (US) to transition to an
economy-wide net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emission footprint by 2050. The near- and long-
term pathways toward this goal are uncertain and defy strict predictability. The outcome is far from
guaranteed, and the stakes are high. With some three-quarters of GHG emissions stemming from
fossil fuel combustion, the US must rapidly scale clean electricity production while concurrently
electrifying high energy–use sectors and developing new technologies for emission sources that
are dicult to electrify. At this juncture, the necessary timeline for climate action suggests a
steady, incrementalistic approach will be insucient to meet the need. Circumstances require
the urgent combination of public policy implementation, technological progress, and changes to
operational norms and behaviors by both public and private sector actors.
There are reasons for optimism. While business-as-usual trendlines for the US fall far short of
net-zero goals, recent legislation with climate implications appears poised to accelerate Americas
energy transition pace. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) (2021) and the Ination Reduction
Act (IRA) (2022) both use incentives and the public purse, combined with selective regulation, to
create opportunities for decarbonizing the US economy in ways and at speeds that would have
seemed unlikely in the recent past. However, while these eorts take on landmark size in the
history of US climate eorts, their scale should be kept in context. Together, the two laws enable
roughly $1 trillion in public investment over the next 10 years, not all of which goes toward the
energy transition. Compare this to projections that the cumulative gross domestic product (GDP)
of the US will be more than $300 trillion over the same period, establishing this as an investment
of some one-third of one percent of GDP (CBO 2022, 7). Put another way, while the IRA steers
the largest volume of public resources—including roughly $369 billion in nancial provisions—
toward addressing climate change in the history of federal policy, this gure pales in comparison
to the $1.9 trillion spent on the American Rescue Plan in a single year. More will be required from
both public and private sectors for midcentury net-zero goals to become reality.
New US legislation must therefore galvanize momentum for scaling up the deployment of
established technologies and systems and accelerate the development and marketability of
those that are more nascent. Subsidies, mandates, and regulatory constraints have a history of
catalyzing demand shifts, innovation, price reductions, and new economies of scale—at times
through virtuous cycles that drive the development of new sectors (Ip 2022). Rapid declines in
the cost of photovoltaic module manufacturing, which fell some 96% between 1980 and 2012,
oer a historical marker. Roughly 30% of this decline has been attributed to public and private
research and development, with another 60% coming from “learning-by-doing” improvements
in manufacturing processes (Kavlak, McNerney, and Trancik 2018). These price declines, along
with those for wind, are slowing down, but the processes that drove them oer a window into the
potential of the BIL and especially the IRA. If implemented eectively, these policies can lower
the costs, hasten the uptake, and strengthen the performance of already competitive solar, wind,
and battery sectors, while setting the stage for rapid price competitiveness and wider readiness
improvements in next-generation technologies and infrastructure needed to decarbonize the
wider US economy.
This report by Energy Pathways USA is a brief examination of the current trendlines, challenges,
and opportunities for meeting the US net-zero objective. Energy Pathways USA is an autonomous
regional initiative of the global Energy Transitions Commission, and works with leading private
2 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
sector companies, public bodies, nongovernmental organizations, and thought leaders to advance
the US net-zero agenda. The report encompasses three main sections that (1) highlight critical
observations about past and present US emissions trends, (2) discuss leading analyses of potential
US emissions trajectories out to 2050, and (3) frame the domestic and federal policy landscape for
net-zero eorts.
The report concludes by presenting a selection of key challenges and opportunities to the US net-
zero project that require further attention. These include the need to advance targeted modeling
for clean electricity and wide-ranging electrication, which together represent the foundation for
US net-zero outcomes; necessary progress on project siting, licensing, and materials extraction
to develop new energy assets; the need to eectively deploy IRA loan nance and guarantees
to bolster equitable investments; the necessity of advancing state and regional coordination,
particularly for grid systems; and the current and potential impacts of clean energy standards
and carbon pricing for US net-zero prospects.
The report seeks to strengthen the evidence base on what will be required for a robust US energy
transition, and to elucidate key barriers and pathways toward net-zero goals. It also serves as the
foundation for future work by Energy Pathways USA, which will provide in-depth and ongoing
analysis across these topics.
The United States is the worlds largest economy and has been the worlds top energy consumer
for much of the post-industrial era, being surpassed by China only in the last 15 years. The US is
likewise the single largest national contributor to cumulative global GHG emissions, even before
accounting for emissions embodied in imported goods and services. As of 2020, this relative
contribution represented 25% of all global CO
emissions emitted since the beginning of the
industrial revolution (Ritchie 2019). In per capita terms, US energy use is comparatively high,
but has declined by 1.8% per year since 2000. The US population has grown while total energy
consumption has been remained relatively stable.
The Biden administration is proactively pursuing a US energy transition. Using international
Paris Agreement pledges as a starting point, the Biden administration has updated the US
nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to the agreement with a GHG emissions target of
50% to 52% below 2005 levels by 2030 and economy-wide net-zero emissions “no later than 2050
(The White House 2021a). This is a substantial increase in US ambition, moving from 2015 NDC
targets of 26% to 28% reductions below 2005’s levels by 2025 and 80% below 2005 levels by 2050.
Business-as-usual (BAU) scenarios, unsurprisingly, do not place the US on track to meet these
Paris Agreement climate commitments, or for meeting the Biden administrations midcentury
net-zero ambitions (Figure 1).
Figure 2 shows historical trends in overall GHG emissions in the United States since 1990. The six
largest categories of CO
emissions are those from fossil fuel combustion, which comprised 74.4%
of all US GHG emissions as of 2019. The largest—and growing—share is from transportation, at
27.3% of all emissions. Prior to 2010, the electric power sector was the largest source with one-
third of all emissions; however, coal plant retirements and a continuing shift to natural gas and
renewable generation reduced its share to 24.1% by 2019. These sources are followed by industrial
(12.4%) and residential sectors (5.1%), respectively.
Figure 1. US net GHG emissions (1990–2019) and future emissions targets
Source: Adapted from EPA (2022).
Figure 2. Historical US GHG emissions by gas and source
Source: EPA (2022).
Abbreviation: LULUCF = land use, land-use change, and forestry
Carbon dioxide emissions from industrial sources—unrelated to the burning of fossil fuels—
accounted for 6.0% of all US GHG in 2019, with most of these emissions coming from cement
manufacturing, energy production, and the iron and steel industries. Methane emissions in 2019
were around 10% of all emissions, roughly 4% of which came from agriculture (mainly enteric
fermentation and manure), 4% from energy production (natural gas systems and coal mining),
and 2% from wastes (wastewater treatment and burning). Nitrous oxide was 6.9% of the total in
2019, largely from agriculture, and uorinated gases were 2.8%, largely from the substitution of
chemicals away from ozone-depleting substances.
Figure 3 complements these data by assigning fossil fuel CO
emissions to sectors by fuel type for
the year 2021. In this assignment, emissions associated with electricity generation are shared out
across consumers of the electricity; hence the right-hand column for the electricity sector replicates
the emissions that have already been included in yellow across the other sectors. By fuel, 45% of
emissions are associated with consumption of petroleum, mainly in the transportation sector.
Natural gas use causes 34% of CO
emissions and is split across the industrial, residential, and
commercial sectors, where industrial use is the largest component of the total. Most coal is used
for electricity generation, aside from a small amount in the industrial sector. Emissions associated
with electricity consumption are the largest share of total residential and commercial emissions
and represent an important component of industrial emissions.
Figure 3. US energy-related CO
emissions by sector and fossil fuel in 2021
Source: EIA (2022).
These trends in energy consumption, energy production, and broader characteristics in
commerce, housing, and transportation vary widely across the US. Figure 4 ranks US states by
energy consumption per capita across the combination of residential, commercial, and transport
sectors. In general terms, states with the smallest populations have the highest per capita energy
use. This could be attributable to higher transport needs because of more dispersed populations,
a hypothesis worth examining in assessing the impacts of national versus regional or local policy
interventions. These states are clustered broadly in the middle of the country, with per capita
energy consumption declining as the ranking moves toward the East and West Coasts. Residential
and commercial use also roughly follows weather patterns measured by heating degree days, with
colder states using more energy for heating purposes. Income distributions (not shown) also follow
a similar—though inverseranking across states, where poorer states are more concentrated
in the center of the nation, use more energy per capita, and thus could face higher burdens if
emissions reductions cause energy prices to rise.
Figure 4 also superimposes industrial energy use per capita (black diamonds) on the ranking of
states’ energy consumption in the residential, commercial, and transportation sectors. One of
the largest factors inuencing these data is the inclusion of energy used in the energy production
process, which is categorized as industrial. This explains, for example, why Louisiana, with its
petroleum reneries, has industrial energy use that is 6.5 times the national average (it also has
a relatively small population when measuring in per capita terms). Texas also has much of the
nations rening industry and, partly in consequence, has energy use that is more than 2.5 times
Figure 4. Ranking US states by energy consumption per capita
Source: EIA (2022).
6 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
the US average, but that is lower than Louisianas because its population is higher. More generally,
industrial use still follows the rough distribution of energy use in other sectors, where central
states have much higher energy use per person than those on the coasts. For the East and West
Coasts, the greater emphasis on service industries (reected in the commercial sector) and a
manufacturing base less-focused on heavy or energy-intensive industries sees them toward the
bottom of the ranking.
Business-as-Usual Projections
Setting aside US emissions’ geographic distribution within the country, understanding net-
zero pathways for the nation as a whole begins with examining which sectors of the economy
will produce most of the future emissions in the absence of new climate policies. While recent
legislation detailed in the Policy Landscape section of this report will impact these pathways, they
provide a vital baseline for level-setting future analysis and action. Figure 5 breaks the US Energy
Information Administrations (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2022 (AEO) Reference case emission
forecast (EIA 2022)which represents the absence of new policies or BAU—into several broad
Currently, electricity generation causes around 30% of US CO
emissions related to energy
consumption. By 2050, under BAU pathways, electricity generations share of emissions is expected
to fall somewhat to 23%, but this forecast does not suggest a continuation of recent historical
Figure 5. CO
emissions by sector (AEO Reference case)
Source: Calculations based on EIA (2022).
trends that led to substantial reductions in coal-red emissions. Light-duty vehicles (LDVs)
are responsible for around 21% of total forecasted emissions, a share that remains consistent
through 2050. Overall, the AEO is conservative in its forecasts of electric-vehicle adoption (given
its reliance solely on current policies), and consequently roughly 44% of all expected CO
in 2050 come from just two sources—electricity generation and LDVs. These sectors have in
common the fact that there are technology options in use today that could substantially reduce
or eliminate these emissions, and that future policies could be enacted to amplify the adoption of
those technologies in ways not captured by BAU.
The remaining emissions from the transportation sectorfreight trucks at 8.5% of total emissions
in 2050, aviation at 6.3%, and all other sources at 5.2%—are among the largest remaining source
categories across the economy in the 2050 reference case baseline. However, these modes of
transport have fewer and/or potentially more costly emissions-reduction opportunities than do
LDVs. In the residential and commercial sectors, one-half of the energy needs are already expected
to be supplied by electricity; which presumably could be decarbonized using technologies available
today. The remaining energy consumption in these two sectors—mainly natural gas—each
contributes 5% to 6% of total emissions. Space heating represents the largest share of residential
energy demand and is also an important part of overall commercial energy consumption.
The broadly dened industrial sector emits around 20% of US energy-related CO
currently, a share that is expected to increase toward 25% by 2050 in the BAU scenario. Reduction
opportunities in the cement and iron and steel industries either have been or are being developed.
However, any substantial lowering of industrial emissions will depend on additional technology
development in areas such as the bulk chemicals industry, which is expected to represent 6.6%
of all US energy-related CO
emissions in 2050. Emissions-reduction technologies in this area—
and in the inclusive “other” category—may vary substantially across specic products and
industries, potentially making emissions reductions for these sources dicult, and pose more
technological challenges than for decarbonizing most other sectors. Replacing feedstock with
nonfossil alternatives is challenging in many instances, particularly steel and cement production,
given high heat requirements, established production systems, and the untested nature of many
alternative feedstocks for commercial application (Cleary 2022). Electried industrial processes
are likewise often more expensive than traditional fossil energy systems.
In the AEO Reference case (again, without climate policies from 2022 onward and without the
impacts of recent legislation), forecasts of electricity generation by type of unit in Figure 6 show
some decline in coal generation in the near term, but substantial coal capacity still remains in 2050.
Natural gas expands somewhat, with the largest change in gas-combustion turbine capacity that
can be used to provide reliability services as renewables increase production over time. Onshore
wind does not see sustained expansion throughout the forecast horizon, although some oshore
wind enters the system (partially in response to mandates such as those in Virginias Clean Economy
Act [2020]and recent federal leasing of up to 30 GW of potential oshore wind on the East Coast).
The biggest persistent change in the central reference forecast is in solar photovoltaics, which
build on their recent growth as installation costs continue to decline. Some battery storage
becomes cost-competitive in the forecast—and some is mandated—but most reliability needs in
the reference case are met by peaking gas turbines.
Figure 7 ranks industries’ energy consumption based on energy use as of 2020, focusing on
the “industrial-other” category plus cement and iron and steel.
The construction industry faces the largest expansion in absolute energy terms, concentrated
in petroleum use—largely by heavy vehicles—suggesting some potential diculties with
achieving future emissions reductions. Food and agriculture energy use also increases
signicantly, even ignoring GHG emissions from the sector beyond those from energy
consumption. Other manufacturing sectors likewise expand, largely on the back of natural
Historical energy and emissions characteristics and BAU trends provide a necessary window into
the US decarbonization challenge. BAU is clearly inadequate for meeting US net-zero goals. Rather,
multiple pathways exist by which the US economy might evolve away from past energy systems,
each of which strongly leverage clean electricity production, transmission, and exible availability
as the future backbone of power use and the low-carbon electrication of high-emitting sectors.
The following section summarizes some of the leading analyses of such pathways and helps clarify
the need for further strategies to reach net-zero in the US.
Several high-prole, quantitatively focused analyses have explored the steps that need to be taken
to reach net-zero GHG emissions in the United States by 2050. Comparing these analyses highlights
broad areas of consensus and alternative views and elevates key considerations for developing
interim steps toward 2050 goals, technology needs, policy objectives, and possible sequencing
and prioritization. This section—along with Appendix A—draws from the following reports: the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC’s) Sixth Assessment Report Climate Change
2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (IPCC 2022), the Energy Transitions Commission’s Making
Mission Possible: Delivering a Net-Zero Economy (ETC 2020), the International Energy Agencys
Figure 6. Electricity generation and capacity by type (AEO Reference case)
Source: EIA (2022).
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 9
(IE A’s) Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector (IEA 2021), the Princeton
Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit (REPEAT) project’s Net-Zero America:
Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, and Impacts (Larson et al. 2021), and the National Academy
of Sciences’ (NAS’) Accelerating Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy System (NAS 2021).
On balance, these studies reach consistent conclusions about possible pathways to net-zero
emissions. Foundationally, reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 is technically feasible since the
types of technologies needed to decarbonize emissions-intensive sectors are either known or in
development. While the deployment trajectories of these technologies contain many uncertainties,
cost estimates are generally relatively small as a percentage of future GDP and in comparison to
spending that would have occurred on energy in the absence of net-zero–oriented climate policies
(current policies are discussed in the following main section).
Technology and infrastructure, however, must be deployed at unprecedented rates in most sectors
by 2030 to meet 2050 goals. Because the US must rapidly scale up emission-reducing technology
implementation in the very near term, the studies generally identify wind and solar electricity
generation and the electrication of vehicles as core early drivers of emission reductions.
Electrication by households and businesses (space heating and cooling, water heating, etc.) must
also accelerate, while deploying or preparing to deploy advanced—less established—technology
opportunities will be essential to reduce emissions from sources that are more dicult to abate,
such as certain industrial processes and some forms of transportation (e.g., aviation). As such,
Figure 7. Industrial energy consumption by sector and fuel (AEO Reference case)
Source: EIA (2022).
10 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
research and development (R&D) is needed to quickly scale solutions such as advanced batteries,
hydrogen electrolyzers, and direct air capture (DAC), among others.
Collectively, these studies suggest critical steps for each of the following main components of the
energy transition: clean electricity generation, electrication of end uses, and industrial process
decarbonization. For clean electricity generation, wind and solar production represent the earliest
and largest sources of reductions in most recent studies. The Princeton study—in four out of their
ve main scenarios—quadruples wind and solar to 600 GW by 2030, capable of supplying one-
half of US electricity. Existing coal plants in the US (along with other advanced economies in
global scenarios) would need to cease operation by 2030 or 2035 (IPCC 2022; IEA 2021; Larson
et al. 2021). As new generation comes online, high-voltage transmission will expand by 60% by
2030 (Larson et al. 2021). The grid will also need to accommodate more information, be more
resilient, and maintain reliability, all of which will require signicant grid modernization. Overall,
net-zero emissions from electricity comes shortly after 2030 for the US and by 2035 in advanced
economies (IEA 2021).
Alongside cleaning the grid, transportation and buildings must electrify to replace fossil fuels now
being used for these purposes. The net-zero analyses identify electric vehicles (EVs) as an early
source of emissions reduction. In the Princeton report, more than 50 million light-duty EVs are
on the road in the US, with more than 3 million public chargers by 2030. Buildings are electried,
primarily through shifting residential heating and air conditioning from natural gas and oil to heat
pumps powered by electricity. For example, the Princeton report doubles the share of heat pumps
in residential homes by 2030. Hydrogen as a fuel source plays an important role between 2030
and 2050, both in providing exibility to the electric grid and in reducing industrial emissions.
The studies dier on whether the aviation sector can reduce aviation fuel and switch to low-
emission alternatives. Finally, all studies anticipate that additional carbon management will be
required to meet the net-zero goal. Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS)—both as part
of the power generation mix and industrial processes—is an essential component of the energy
transition and would thus inuence the future role of fossil fuels in the energy mix. However, the
studies disagree on the role of biomass as a component of future energy supplies. Each of these
topics is explored in more detail throughout the remainder of this section.
Clean Electricity Generation
The types of models used in these quantitative analyses estimate how the electricity sector will
respond to future market conditions (e.g., natural gas prices) and climate policies. These response
estimates are largely controlled by their forecasts of technology options and their capital and
operating costs, which must be tempered by the changes to these costs that will accompany shifts
in the net-zero policy landscape discussed subsequently in this report. Figure 8 illustrates the
assumptions on overnight (upfront capital) costs that underlie the AEO Reference case results, in
the absence of a comprehensive net-zero policy. For climate analysis, emphasis is usually placed
on solar photovoltaic costs and, to a lesser extent, onshore and oshore wind trends. However,
potential issues such as transmission availability and system reliability may also place importance
on technologies such as advanced nuclear reactors or carbon capture on fossil units.
There are important dierences among these projections on electricity generation and capacity
(Figures 9 and 10) that shed light on pathway alternatives. The AEO 2022 reference case assumes
more solar use, and the Princeton report projects more on gas combined cycle and onshore wind.
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 11
In the Princeton high electrication pathway to net-zero, unabated fossil generation is mostly gone
by 2050 (coal is gone by 2030), as solar and wind generation dominate the mix. The Princeton
study assumes that gas plants can core with up to 60% hydrogen, but the analysis is unclear
about how much of the remaining gas generation is cored in this fashion in this scenario.
Analyses typically forecast that signicant increases in transmission capacity will be necessary
to support the dramatic expansions of renewable generation seeking to interconnect to the
transmission system over the next several decades. The location of these wind and solar resources,
along with the overall increase in electricity demand from electrication, lead the Princeton
analysis to estimate that high-voltage line capacity will need to expand by more than 200% from
present-day levels (Figure 11). Reforms at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and in
both Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) and Independent System Operators (ISOs) are
needed to facilitate the siting and cost allocation of new regional or interregional transmission.
Current regulatory frameworks will make it challenging to construct sucient transmission
in time to meet national and subnational decarbonization goals. If such construction proves
infeasible for technical, siting, or political reasons, the system will have to adjust in dierent ways
to provide clean electricity while simultaneously meeting growing demand.
The implications of assumptions about the reliability of power systems are among the most crucial
areas that need to be addressed in any net-zero modeling that moves the system toward substantial
shares of variable renewable generation. The Princeton modeling uses nonoperating fossil units to
Figure 8. AEO 2022 Reference case trends in capacity costs
Source: EIA (2022).
12 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
ensure that the system has enough available quick-start capacity to meet sudden spikes in demand
or unexpected outages of units. IEA global estimates likewise also see a large role in developed
countries for hydroelectricity and nuclear units to supply relatively large capacities. Hydrogen
backup has an important role, with more limited reliance on natural gas to remain available in the
long term to ensure the grid functions properly.
Clean electricity is a necessary foundation of broader decarbonization of the US economy. Clean
electricity innovation and infrastructure development and integration are paramount to prospects
for cleaning industry, building and household energy usage, and—most pressingly—transportation.
Figure 10. US electricity capacity—Comparative projections
Source: Adapted from Larson et al. (2021) and EIA (2022).
Figure 9. US electricity generation—Comparative projections
Source: Adapted from Larson et al. (2021) and EIA (2022).
The needs of these sectors will increase the lift required of clean electricity far beyond the
replacement of fossil fuels for energy generation, and create challenges and opportunities for
creating more modern, intertwined energy systems from production to nal use. The following
sections introduce electrication trends and projections across multiple sectors, representing a
next step that must occur in tandem with clean electricity developments for net-zero targets to be
Electrication: Light-Duty Vehicles
As seen across the range of net-zero policy analyses, converting the eet of LDVs to EVs is a critical
step for lowering economy-wide emissions. Figure 12 compares EV sales market share scenarios
across multiple studies: the AEO Reference case forecast for EV sales (without new climate
policies) as a percentage of the total LDV market, to the forecasts from the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory’s (NRELs) Electrication Futures Study (“medium” and “high” electrication
trends) (Zhou and Mai 2021), and analysis from the Princeton net-zero study.
AEO estimates of EV adoption are historically on the conservative side of forecasts, and would
appear particularly so when compared to the expectations of vehicle manufacturers. The previous
NREL forecasts in their electrication study (Zhou and Mai 2021) appeared optimistic when
originally proposed, but have since been exceeded by more recent studies and industry goals. In
a net-zero policy scenario, the Princeton modeling reaches a 100% EV sales share by 2050, but is
only around 50% in 2030 and 85% by 2035 (see Figure 15), which is lower than some expectations
within the industry (or those used in the IEA modeling that assumed 60% of global vehicle sales
were electric by 2030).
Figure 11. Princeton transmission expansion in the high electrication case
Source: Larson et al. (2021).
Analyzing vehicle sales trends is dicult—assumptions about vehicle costs, stock turnover, and
people’s willingness to adopt new technology are hard to incorporate fully into broad economy-
wide models. Unlike electricity generation, where assumed adoption of least-cost technologies
appears to be a reasonable characterization of the sector’s behavior, cost premiums for vehicle
types are only one component of the EV adoption decision. More than a century of observing
vehicle purchases clearly shows that buyers do not simply buy the least costly option to travel;
rather, there are many features from style to safety to convenience that determine purchases. This
will also be true of EV purchase decisions, particularly as they raise—and must resolve—unique
issues of driving range and access to charging.
Figure 13 illustrates assumptions in the Princeton analysis regarding the cost premiums for electric
and fuel-cell vehicles in 2030, compared to conventional internal-combustion vehicles. LDVs have
essentially reached cost parity by 2030, but a combination of stock turnover assumptions and
constraints on EV adoption to proxy concerns about the new technology, range limitations, and
the availability of charging stations can still limit EV growth.
As the stock of EVs expands and their overall electricity needs grow, when the vehicles are charged—
and how those patterns match up with renewable generation—will have signicant eects on how
vehicle electrication will impact electricity generators. This point is highlighted in Figure 14,
which compares the AEO Reference case forecast for electricity generation in the United States
by type of fuel. The Princeton high electrication scenario implies that generation will need to
reach 7,000 TWh by 2050 to supply EVs, instead of the 5,000 TWh that were required prior to the
conversion of the light-duty eet to EVs. Note that this 40% increase in electricity demand at this
stage includes only demands from LDVs, not the demands associated with electrifying any other
vehicles or sectors of the economy.
Figure 12. Electric vehicle sales forecasts as a percent of total light-duty vehicle sales
Source: IEA (2021), Larson et al. (2021), and Zhou and Mai (2021).
Abbreviation: EFS = Electrication Futures Study
Electrication and Other Options: Medium/Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Medium- to heavy-duty vehicles are forecast to contribute around 8.5% of total US energy-related
emissions through 2050 in the AEO Reference case, which is slightly higher than the global
average of 7.3% (ETC 2019). Unlike most LDVs that are used for short daily trips, heavier transport
(cargo trucks, buses, and so on) can operate as either short- or long-haul vehicles. These dierent
modes of transport lend themselves to a wider array of technology choices than are expected in
LDVs (Figure 15).
The forecasted mix of energy sources for heavy vehicles across the available net-zero analyses
suggests that electrication will be only one of several approaches to emissions reductions. Globally,
the ETC analysis separates the responses into three categories of roughly equal importance:
demand management (logistical eciency), energy eciency (engines and aerodynamics), and
decarbonization options (electrication, hydrogen fuel cells, and other liquid fuels such as biofuels)
(ETC 2019). As shown in Figure 15, the Princeton study splits trucking between battery and fuel
cell vehicles for the US, with heavier trucks relying more on fuel cells.
Biofuels are not a contributor to emissions reductions in the Princeton study, which is also true
in the global ETC examination of heavy transport (ETC 2019). ETC points out uncertainties in
the true carbon intensity of biofuels, which might aect their treatment and pricing under a net-
zero policy, and suggests that biofuels will not be able to compete on a cost basis with electric
drivetrains in the long term. The IEA divides global transport technologies by daily driving
distance between batteries and fuel cells and sees biofuels supplying 10% of energy needs in heavy
transport in 2050, but direct most of the available biofuels and zero-carbon synthetic fuels toward
hard-to-abate transportation areas (i.e., aviation and shipping).
Figure 13. Princeton assumptions about electric vehicle cost premiums in 2030
Source: Larson et al. (2021).
16 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
Given its outsized presence in the US emissions footprint, truck electrication must be a major
decarbonization priority. The noncommercial, subjective consumer preference considerations
that signicantly aect the uptake of LDVs (as noted previously) appear to be less impactful with
medium-to-heavy–duty vehicles. The conclusions across the surveyed studies suggest that zero-
and low-carbon trucks are already technically feasible, and that the best technology options for
each type of vehicle will depend on how they are used. Charging for short-haul electric trucks that
can be done overnight will make electrication preferable in this area and can be scaled up in the
relative near term with the right policies and incentives. Electrication of longer-haul trucking
is more technically challenging, with long ranges leading to longer charging times, with debate
around charging-time length trajectories currently unresolved.
Cost comparisons and resulting time horizons for cleaning medium- to heavy-duty vehicle
operations likewise vary, as do projections of wider transportation shifts that aect trucking
needs. Even where direct vehicle electrication is not pursued, clean electricity sourcing retains
primacy as the cost competitiveness of fuel cell vehicles is controlled by the cost of hydrogen,
which is in turn dependent on the price of electricity if it is derived from electrolysis. This calculus
is unlikely to be altered by biofuels, which are not anticipated to play a major role in decarbonizing
heavy road transport.
Figure 14. AEO Reference case generation plus incremental demand from electric
Source: Adapted from Larson et al. (2021), EIA (2022), and Zhou and Mai (2021).
Electrication: Residential and Commercial Buildings
Emissions associated with fossil fuel use in buildings (and not accounting for upstream emissions
from electricity used in buildings) are a smaller share of expected CO
emissions in US forecasts
than electric power, transportation, and industrial sources, yet are important to consider for
technological and behavioral reasons. Over the next three decades, forecast (AEO Reference case),
fossil energy consumption in the residential sector is responsible for around 6.5% of US energy-
related CO
emissions (excluding indirect emissions from electricity use), and the commercial
sector is responsible for an additional 5.5% (see Figure 5). More than one-half of these emissions
are related to space heating, with water heating in residential homes as the next largest share.
Both sources have technology options available today that can shift heating needs from fossil fuels
(natural gas and, to a much lesser extent, petroleum) toward electricity.
The most energy-ecient method for heating most buildings is air-source heat pumps that take
advantage of temperature dierentials between the indoors and outdoors of buildings. These heat
pumps run on electricity and are backed up by electric resistance heating for particularly cold
periods or times of the day when occupants wish to raise the heat quickly. The heat pumps also
supply cooling needs in the summer through the same temperature dierential process.
Figure 15. Princeton report sales trends for light versus medium versus heavy
Source: Adapted from Larson et al. (2021), p. 46.
In the US, the Princeton high electrication scenario estimates that the market share for heat
pumps is likely to grow from around 20% currently to 90% by 2050 in the residential sector.
Heat pump penetration in the commercial sector is closer to 10% today and expected to reach
80% by 2050. Assumptions made in dierent technology pathways in their study about overall
electrication trends inuence how quickly these types of units displace fossil heating. The
Princeton high electrication case displaces most natural gas heating by 2035, while the less-high
case only eliminates most gas heat by 2045 (Figure 16). Similar trends are seen in commercial
buildings, although the switch away from natural gas is more prolonged in this sector. Total energy
use declines in the net-zero scenarios as more ecient electric equipment displaces natural gas
heating and cooking, without the need for substantial increases in total electricity use.
Broadly put, leading projections assume that demand for residential energy-related services does
not change in the net-zero scenarios. In other words, that behavior does not meaningfully change
or respond to prices. Most fossil energy in heating, cooling, and cooking is replaced with electricity
by 2035, though adoption varies signicantly across US climate zones. By 2050 between 80% to
100% of all space and water heating and cooking are electric, with total energy use declining
through eciency improvements. Both residential and commercial buildings transition away
from natural gas, with the commercial sector moving slower. These and other projections rest on
technology cost models and a number of assumptions on issues such as behavioral change, the (in)
elasticity of dierent energy options, energy prices and demands, and interactions with policies
such as carbon prices or eciency standards. Further assessments are possible that can more
directly capture these and other factors.
Electrication and Other Options: Industry
With expected energy-related CO
emissions comprising almost one-quarter of all US emissions
in 2050, decarbonizing the industrial sector will be a critical component of meeting net-
zero goals. Reducing these emissions is expected to require a wide array of strategies beyond
just electrication, depending on the specic type of manufacturing. This section looks across
industries and technology options to see where opportunities are expected to exist to switch
Figure 16. Princeton report energy use in residential and commercial buildings
Source: Larson et al. (2021).
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 19
industrial energy consumption into electricity and where other areas should be evaluated because
electrication is either not feasible or not cost-eective.
Past studies of heavy industry decarbonization at global levels have been more likely to diverge in
their conclusions than expected electrication pathways in other sectors of the economy. The IEA
nds that—in advanced economies—there is little change in industrial production volumes from
2020 across major industrial emissions sources, but chemicals, steel and cement are almost fully
decarbonized. Meanwhile, globally, the IEA sees a combination of CCUS, electrication, biomass,
eciency, and hydrogen all playing roles in substantially lowering (by 95%) industrial emissions
by 2050; however, signicant amounts of fossil fuels with CCUS remain in the sector. In contrast,
the ETC (2020) report expects industrial electrication to play a larger role than does IEA (Figure
17). Electricity use in a zero-carbon economy covers energy needs for the majority of industries;
chemical feedstocks are largely made up of a combination of hydrogen and fossil fuels where
carbon capture has been used, along with limited amounts of bioenergy. The shares of fossil fuels
with CCUS are similar to those of electricity, with substantial amounts of hydrogen in the energy
mix. For comparison, other sectors of the economy—aside from shipping and aviation—are much
more heavily electried.
In contrast to the globally focused conclusions from IEA and ETC, the Princeton report forecasts
much more limited electrication in the US industrial sector as a whole (Figure 18). Fossil energy
consumption (with or without CCUS) remains largely unchanged between 2020 and 2050 in the
high electrication case, aside from the small increase in electricity use and a reduction in natural
gas. Energy consumption by industry (across all fuel types) show substantial declines in energy
for petroleum rening, but limited changes in other parts of the industrial sector. Bulk chemicals
continue to grow as an energy consumer, but without switching into other energy sources. Had
Figure 17. ETC energy mix projections in a global net-zero economy
Source: ETC (2020).
20 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
they made this switch, the amount of hydrogen in the industrial sector as a whole would have
increased commensurately.
The Princeton investigation of US cement and steel industries (Figure 19) expects cement to
operate with 100% of its capacity employing carbon capture by 2050, in contrast to the global
ndings by ETC. Similarly, the US steel industry is fully electried by 2050 in the net-zero policy
As with transportation, and despite some projections seeing signicant fossil use with CCUS,
industrial decarbonization depends substantially on clean electricity production, transmission,
and ready availability. This is true across scenarios because of the need for clean electricity used
directly in industrial processes, indirectly in the creation of new feedstocks like green hydrogen,
and even in cases with continuing fossil use with CCUS as this will not comprehensively cover
industrial needs in net-zero scenarios. Such clean electricity expansion—with resulting economy-
wide decarbonization potential—depends to signicant degrees on conducive policy environments.
DAC technologies could alter these decarbonization scenarios in industrial sectors and beyond.
While not yet commercially operational at scale, some analyses nd DAC to be increasingly
commercially viable and able to deliver substantial emissions reductions alongside secure
geological storage (BPC 2021). With cost estimates declining from up to $1,000 per ton of CO
Figure 18. Princeton report industrial energy consumption by fuel type and industry
Source: Larson et al. (2021).
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 21
captured a decade ago to roughly $100–$250 per ton estimated for future large-scale facilities,
potential future price declines could bolster the case for widespread DAC deployment (AEIC 2021).
A 1 million ton per year DAC facility is currently being planned in the Permian Basin, a sign that
industrial-level eorts may be in the ong. Like many of the technologies and pathways explored
in this and the previous section, DAC eorts are entering a new policy landscape with emerging
incentives and nance options that could lead to accelerated deployment.
Potential Roles for Clean Fuels
Alternative electrication scenarios to those presented in the previous sections envisage a growing
role for renewable natural gas (RNG) and hybrid congurations that combine clean hydrogen
and fossil-free natural gas—particularly for heating. Analyses underpinning these scenarios
question the viability and cost-eectiveness of heating demands being met wholly or largely by
electricity, particularly in cold climates, and highlight the potential importance of fuel back-ups to
meet emergency needs (Ameresco 2022, EPRI 2022, Brown 2021, National Grid 2022, E3 2022).
Resulting scenarios see the partial electrication of domestic and commercial heating networks
combined with the use of fossil-free gas and networked geothermal sources.
RNG, captured from sources such as waste management and agricultural systems that would
otherwise emit methane, enjoys a comparatively low lifecycle carbon intensity when displacing
fossil natural gas (Garg and Weitz 2019; CDP 2022). RNG can also be stored and transported
through existing gas networks and is usable with existing appliances and domestic and commercial
systems currently operating on fossil gas. Its current usage and availability are small but could
expand with new investments and infrastructure. For instance, National Grid—servicing a
customer base in the Northeast—estimates that it will ultimately procure 10% to 20% of the
annual Eastern US RNG supply, meeting the gas demand for both its residential and commercial
customers (National Grid 2022). These inputs will only succeed as part of a net-zero solution if
they eectively combine with increased electrication, increased building and heating system
eciency, and eective synergies with other non-electric sources—particularly hydrogen.
Figure 19. Princeton report cement and steel production investigation
Source: Larson et al. (2021).
22 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
These alternative electrication scenarios also envision the blending of hydrogen with natural
gas or RNG at signicant volumes running through existing gas networks, and then being used in
customer appliances without signicant upgrades to infrastructure or equipment. When coupled
with wind or solar resources that are able to produce more electricity than the grid needs, which
can then be stored for later use, these scenarios suggest that the resulting green hydrogen could
play signicant roles in long-duration renewable energy storage and as a source of fuel for power
generation, transportation, and particularly heating—especially in instances where electrication
without clean fuels might prove suboptimal in terms of cost, reliability, customer preference, or
otherwise. In parts of the US pursuing oshore wind, including areas along the eastern seaboard
with high current gas demand, multiple projects propose electrolysis-driven hydrogen production
and, as the following section details, “hydrogen hubs” are gaining federal and state-level support.
The resulting decarbonization scenario sees local and piped sources of RNG increase at the same
time that expanding renewable energy capacity provides higher volumes of clean hydrogen. When
combined with greater grid electrication, eciency gains that reduce demand, and additions
from networked geothermal, these clean fuels contribute to an integrated system that provides
low-carbon heating. Major buildouts would be needed in each of these categories for this scenario
to come to fruition. The next phase of this research will thus examine and assess this alternative
approach in further detail as part of an overall assessment of potential US electrication pathways.
As the following section demonstrates, the trajectory of the electrication–clean fuel intersection
and broader possibilities for the shape of net-zero pathways are markedly aected by a shifting
policy landscape.
While the US has enjoyed emissions declines for nearly two decades, the prior two sections of this
report have revealed that such BAU trends (excluding recent legislation) are insucient to meet
the US’s net-zero goals and, by extension, the climate change challenge. This insuciency results
both from the diculty of evolving beyond the entrenched energy, economic, and social systems
that fuel the US emissions prole, and from a policy environment that, particularly at the federal
level, was often misaligned with ambitious decarbonization eorts. Nascent changes to this policy
environment are creating opportunities for energy transitions at greater pace and scale than those
captured in the historical trends and future projections presented here thus far and are explored
further in this section.
Like any country, the US requires widespread federal and subnational policies to bring about
reductions from the millions of discrete sources of GHG emissions. The previous sections of
this report analyze central high-emitting sectors that, in turn, have high mitigation potential.
Reaching this potential will require eective federal and subnational policies in the form of a
mix of incentive-based and regulatory approaches that directly and indirectly aect national
energy transition and decarbonization trajectories. This section oers an overview of key existing
policies, their drivers, and their potential implications.
Key Federal Executive and Legislative Actions
The Biden administrations NDC to address global climate change pledges to eliminate carbon
emissions from the electricity sector by 2035 through a combination of eciency gains; carbon-
free electricity; electrifying transport, buildings, and select industry; and scaling up new energy
sources and carriers (The White House 2021b). Prior to the recent passage of major federal
legislation, NDC and other climate goals were pursued largely through executive action at the
federal level. For instance, Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and
Abroad,” stipulates that the federal budget process is a conduit through which agencies shall
prioritize action on climate change (Executive Oce of the President 2021). This formed the
basis for FY22 Biden administration budgetary requests of billions in increased federal spending
and lending to support GHG reductions, including for clean energy projects and workforce
development ($2 billion); clean energy, storage, and transmission projects for rural areas ($6.5
billion); eciency grants ($1.7 billion); federal EV procurement ($600 million); the remediation
of abandoned oil and gas wells to reduce methane leakage ($580 million); investment in the EV
market including rebates, battery manufacturing, charging infrastructure, and more ($174 billion);
and research, design, and demonstration (RD&D) in clean energy innovation across nondefense
agencies ($10 billion) (OMB 2021, 20). These requests were scaled back but not eliminated during
budget reconciliation processes, and President Bidens FY23 budget redoubles climate and energy
transition spending requests. Such budgetary outlays and reconciliation processes for nalizing
them have waned in relevance, however, with 2021–2022 legislative outcomes.
More durable energy transition and climate mitigation policy is possible through congressional
legislation. Yet, except for irregular urries of legislative eort to price and trade carbon
more recent interest in implementing a national border carbon adjustment,
there had been
relatively scant legislative eorts to nationally regulate GHG emissions or create wholesale energy
transition policies. US legislation was typically more indirect and/or more granular, such as
through adjustments to federal fuel eciency standards, tax incentives for renewable energy, and
CCUS eorts.
Two vital exceptions to this norm now take primacy in the US net-zero policy landscape: the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) (2021), and the Ination Reduction Act (IRA) (2022). Both
the BIL and especially the IRA promise signicant potential impact and, given their foundation
in law, will prove more robust than the previously discussed executive actions. The BIL includes
signicant funding for transmission and grid improvements ($75 billion), increasing resilience of
the nations natural and physical infrastructure ($50 billion), investing in a national EV charging
infrastructure ($7.5 billion), and reducing methane emissions from orphaned oil and gas wells
($4.7 billion). Perhaps most notably in terms of galvanizing emerging, nascent and future clean
energy pathways, the BIL funded the creation of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Oce of
Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) to support demonstration projects in clean hydrogen,
carbon capture, grid-scale energy storage, small modular reactors, and beyond. With over $20
billion in initial funding, the OCED will fund major R&D and proof-of-concept projects that seek
to galvanize follow-on private sector investment to deploy clean technologies.
Where successful,
Most notably through the American Clean Energy and Security Act (colloquially the Waxman-Markey Act) in 2009
and, to a lesser extent, the American Power Act (colloquially the Kerry-Lieberman Act) in 2010.
Most notably the FAIR Transition and Competition Act (colloquially the Coons-Peters Act) in 2021.
See for example: Sherlock, M. F., Energy Tax Provisions: Overview and Budgetary Cost, CRS Report R46865 (Washington,
DC: Congressional Research Service, 2021), https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46865; and Folger, P., Carbon
Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in the United States, CRS Report R44902 (Washington, DC: Congressional Research
Service, 2022), https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R44902.pdf.
For a brief introduction of this OCED mandate see: https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-establishes-new-oce-
these investments may yield outsized energy transition dividends beyond those currently foreseen
and modeled.
However, these successes notwithstanding, the BILs intended investments in energy transition
sectors were pared down substantially from the Biden administrations original goals. Major
funding for RD&D in clean technology areas such as utility-scale energy storage, CCUS, hydrogen,
oating oshore wind, and more did not clear the legislative process. Major culls to investments
in clean energy manufacturing and training, along with tax credit schemes for clean energy
manufacturing facilities, reduce the BILs energy transition heft, as does its failure to retain
stipulations that would reform tax preferences for fossil fuels. Such mixed outcomes demonstrate
the headwinds faced by climate and energy transition policies in the US, which—while still on
display—did not preclude the passage of the IRA in August 2022. Despite its name, the IRA is the
most targeted and potentially impactful piece of domestic US climate legislation of the twenty-
rst century to date.
A reconstitution of the Build Back Better Act of 2021, which passed the US House of Representatives
but stalled in the Senate, the IRA delivers a series of incentives to drive the national energy transition
(among other aims). These incentives primarily take the form of clean energy tax credits along with
programs and pools of nance for commercial and emerging clean technologies, infrastructure,
and products. Fees and punitive regulations (e.g., for methane leaks from oil and gas operations)
are part of the IRA, but to lesser degrees than positive incentives. Table 1 provides the core energy
transition components of the IRA, which are too expansive to comprehensively summarize here.
In total, the IRA commits roughly $369 billion
in funding for climate and clean energy provisions
and specically incentivizes the development of a domestic US supply chain to produce clean
energy. It also conditions the issuance of renewable energy leases on federal lands on the oering
of land for oil and gas development, as well as the completion of multiple 2022 lease auctions that
were previously canceled. However, there is no requirement that oil and gas leases actually be
sold, and recent years have seen declines in industry interest in developing oil and gas resources
on federal land (Webb 2022). This fossil-fuel support resulted from political compromises that
ultimately led to the IRAs successful passage and has the potential to temper to some extent
the nature, timing, and/or scope of its eects on the energy transition. However, initial analysis
suggests the IRA will have major impacts on US emissions reduction eorts.
Three initial early IRA assessments warrant attention. The Rhodium Group estimates that the
IRA will reduce US net emissions by 32% to 42% below 2005 levels by 2030, compared to 24% to
35% without it (Figure 20), and scale clean generation to supply up to 81% of all electricity (Larsen
et al. 2022).The Princeton REPEAT project comes to relatively similar conclusions (Figure 21),
estimating that the IRA will cut annual emissions in 2030 by roughly 1 billion metric tons beyond
that which would have occurred without it, closing approximately two-thirds of the previous
emissions gap between BAU trends and the national target of a 50% reduction from 2005 by 2030
(Jenkins et al. 2022).
For an eective summary see: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/ination-reduction-act-summary-energy-climate-
Importantly, this oft-cited gure is a projection based on the amount of investment expected, and tax credits for
hydrogen and renewable energy are not necessarily capped at this or any other gure.
Table 1. Ination Reduction Act—Key energy transition components
Provision Key Components
New clean hydrogen
production tax credit
y Creates a new 10-year incentive for clean hydrogen production with four
y Projectsmustbeginconstructionby2033
y Eligibilityincludesretrotfacilities
New advanced
production tax credit
y Tax credit for producing clean energy components in the US
y Includes solar components, wind turbine and offshore wind components,
inverters, many battery components, and critical minerals
y Beginstophaseoutin2029andphasesoutcompletelyin2032
Nuclear power
production tax credit
y Nuclear power production credit
y Availabletofacilitiesalreadyinservicein2024,endsafter2032
Extension of renewable
electricity production
tax credit
y Extends existing production tax credit (PTC) for geothermal, wind, closed-
and open-loop biomass, landll gas, municipal solid waste, hydropower,
y Increases hydropower, municipal solid waste, and marine and hydrokinetic
credit to full value (previously halved)
y Strikes the offshore wind credit phaseout for facilities placed into service
before 2022
New clean electricity
production tax credit
y CreatesaPTCcreditof1.5centsperkWhofelectricityproducedandsold
y Creditsphaseoutin2032orwhenemissiontargetsareachieved
Extension of energy
investment tax credit
y Extends existing energy investment tax credit for applicable energy projects
New clean electricity
investment tax credit
y CreatesITCcreditof30%oftheinvestmentintheyearthefacilityisplaced
in service
y Clean electricity projects smaller than 5 MW can include the costs of
interconnection under the ITC
y Creditsaresettophaseoutin2032orwhenemissiontargetsareachieved,
whichever is later
Advanced energy
project credit
y Extends 30% investment tax credit to low-carbon industrial heat, carbon
capture, transport, utilization and storage systems, and equipment for
y Expands credit to include projects at manufacturing facilities that want to
y Tax credit is funded at $10 billion for eligible projects
Fuel tax credits y Creates a new technology-neutral two-year tax credit for low-carbon
transportation fuel
New sustainable
aviation fuel credit
y Creates an incentive to lower aviation transportation emissions
26 | Pathways to Net-Zero for the US Energy Transition
Clean vehicle tax
y Maintains $7,500 consumer credit for purchasing qualied new clean
y Creates a $4,000 consumer tax credit for purchasing previously owned
y Createsa$7,500commercialtaxcreditforpurchasingqualiedcleanclass
y Creditincreasesto$40,000forclass4andabovecommercialvehicles
Residential energy
y Extends credit through 2034 for residential solar, wind, geothermal, and
biomass fuel
y Expands eligibility to battery storage technology
y Extendscreditforenergyeciencyhomeimprovementsthrough2032
y Funds$4.3billionthrough2031toDOEforstateenergyocestoprovide
y Funds$4.3billionthrough2031forgrantsfromDOEtostatesandtribesto
y Providesupto$14,000intaxcreditsperhousehold,including$8,000for
heat pumps, $1,750 for heat pump water heaters, and $840 for electric
Energy innovation y Createsnew$5.8billionprogramundertheOCEDforemissions-reducing
projects in iron, steel, concrete, glass, pulp, paper, ceramics, and chemical
y FundsDOENationalLaboratoryimprovements
y Funds$150millionfortheOceofFossilEnergyandCarbonManagement,
y Provides$700millioninadditionalfundingtotheDOEAdvancedNuclear
Fuel Availability program through 2026
Offshorewind y Makes $100 million available for the planning, modeling, analysis, and
development of interregional transmission and optimized integration of
energy generated from offshore wind
y Requiresanoilandgasleasesaleof60millionacresintheprioryearfor
y LiftstheoffshorewindmoratoriuminthesoutheasternUSandEasternGulf
and allows leasing in the US territories
Oilandgas y Increasesoffshoreoilandgasroyaltyratestoaminimumof16.66%from
y Increases onshore oil and gas leasing minimum bid from $2 to $10 per acre
y Increases annual rental rates for new onshore oil and gas leases
reduction program
y Funds$1.55billionforEPAtoprovideincentives,grants,contracts,loans,
and rebates for facilities, well operators, and communities to enable
methane emission reduction activities
y Establishes a maximum annual methane waste emission rate of 25,000
e per facility and imposes penalties at $900 per ton in
in compliance with EPA regulations (thus providing a regulatory backstop)
Investments in the
permitting process
y Funds$760millionthrough2026forDOEgrantstofacilitateandaccelerate
the siting and permitting of interstate transmission projects
y Funds$350millionthrough2026fortheEnvironmentalReviewImprovement
Cleanenergynancing y DOELoanProgramsOce(LPO)providesover$40billioninavailableloan
and loan guarantees
y Creates Energy Infrastructure Reinvestment Financing program with $5
billion tocarryoutprogram authoritiesand $250billionin loanauthority
through 2026
y Creates Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to enable EPA to make grants to
y Provides $2 billion in grants through 2031 to retool existing auto
manufacturing facilities for domestic production of clean vehicles
y Funds $500 million to carry out the Defense Production Act (1950) for
critical mineral processing and heat pumps
y Funds $10 million to EPA for new grants to support advanced biofuel
industries that provide 50% GHG emission reduction compared to
conventional fuels
y Provides$500millionuntil2031forcompetitivegrantstosupportblending,
storing, supplying, or distributing biofuels with higher levels of ethanol and
1.5 cents multiplied by kilowatt-hours of electricity produced minus 16% of the facility’s gross recipients
in excess of 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
Many PTCs and ITCs in the IRA apply a 10% bonus for meeting domestic manufacturing requirements
for steel, iron, or manufactured components and a 10% bonus for facilities located in browneld sites or
fossil fuel communities.
Maximum credit is $1 per gallon (or $1.75 per gallon for sustainable aviation fuel) multiplied by an
emissions factor. The emissions factor is calculated proportional to a maximum emission rate standard of
50 kilograms of CO
e per 1 MMBtu.
Credit starts at $1.25 per gallon for aviation fuel that reduces GHG emissions by 50% and increases by 1
cent for each additional percent reduction, maxing at $1.75 per gallon.
A certain percentage of the critical minerals used in battery components are not extracted or processed
in the US or a free trade agreement country or recycled in North America. The percentage required
increases from 40% in 2024 to 80% in 2026. It determines a maximum cost of $80,000 per vehicle
for vans, SUVs, and pickups; $55,000 for other vehicles; and an income eligibility limit of $150,000 or
$300,000 for joint lers.
Sets a maximum sale price of $25,000. Model must be at least two years older than the year of sale.
Implements an income eligibility limit of $75,000 or $150,000 for joint lers.
Maintains the previous credit rate but adjusts the project dates. Applies a 30% credit for projects started
between 2022 and 2032. Credit decreases to 26% for projects started in 2033 and 22% for projects
started in 2034.
Increases credit from 10% to 30%. Replaces lifetime cap on credits with a $1,200 annual credit limit,
including $600 for windows and $500 for doors. Increases limit to $2,000 for heat pumps and biomass
stoves, removes eligibility on roofs, expands credit to cover the cost of home energy audits up to $150 and
electrical panel upgrades up to $600.
Includes further rebates for improvements to electrical panels or wiring and home insulation or sealant.
Eligible recipients must fall below 150% of the area median income.
Specically, $133.2 million for laboratory infrastructure projects, $321.6 million for laboratory facilities,
$800.7 million for laboratory construction and equipment, $294.5 million for energy sciences projects.
Including monitoring, reporting, source plugging, obtaining technical and nancial assistance,
installing innovative solutions, mitigating negative health impacts, and performing environmental
Part of the Fixing Americas Surface Transportation (FAST) Act that seeks to accelerate and streamline
the environmental review process. Provides $40 million through 2026 for EPA to invest in stang and
equipment that enables more accurate and timely environmental reviews. The IRA also provides $100
million through 2026 for EPA to develop review documents and speed the environmental review process,
and $20 million through 2026 for NOAA to invest in stang and equipment that lead to more accurate
and timely reviews.
Funding falls under three programs: $21.9 billion for Title 17 (innovation), $15.1 billion for Advance
Vehicles Technology Manufacturing (AVTM), and $2 billion for the Tribal Energy Loan Guarantee
Program (TELGP).
Projects must retool, repower, repurpose, or replace energy infrastructure that has ceased operation or
enable operating energy infrastructure to avoid, reduce, utilize, or sequester GHG emissions.
Provides $11.97 billion through 2024 to make grants for eligible nancial entities, $15 billion through
2024 to make grants for eligible entities to provide nancial and technical support and support the
deployment of clean energy technologies in low-income and disadvantaged communities, and $30 million
for administrative costs of the program through 2031.
Very much in the same vein, Energy Innovation estimates that the IRA could cut GHG emissions
37% to 41% below 2005 levels (Figure 22), and that for every ton of emissions increases generated
by IRA oil and gas provisions, more than 24 tons of emissions are avoided by the other provisions
(Mahajan et al. 2022).
Figure 20. Rhodium Group projection of IRA emissions impact
Source: The range reects uncertainty around future fossil fuel prices, economic growth, and clean
technology costs. It corresponds with high, central, and low emissions scenarios detailed in Taking Stock
2022 (Larsen et al. 2022).
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University | 29
Figure 21. Princeton projection of IRA emissions impact
Source: Adapted from Larson et al. (2021).
equivalent emissions calculations use IPCC AR 100-year global warming potential as per EPA
Inventory of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks. All values should be regarded as approximate given
uncertainty in future outcomes.
Modeled emissions reduce any changes in passenger and freight miles traveled due to surface trans-
portation, rail, and transit investments in IIJA. According to the Georgetown Climate Center, emissions
impact of these changes depends heavily on state implementation of funding.
Results reect preliminary modeling based on the July 27, 2022, draft legislation.
d Results reect average of estimated high and low oil and gas production scenarios, which span ±20 Mt
e in 2030. Impact on land carbon sinks based on analysis by Energy Innovation (Jenkins et al. 2022).
Figure 22. Energy Innovation projection of IRA emissions impact
Source: Mahajan et al. (2022).
These projections provide a strong foundation for interpreting the potential impacts of the IRA.
They are far from deterministic, however, and the results of the law will be uid and depend
on the eectiveness of its provisions. A core premise of the IRA—beyond the broad political
palatability of incentives versus constraints—is that the roughly decadal time horizon of many of
its provisions will enable clean energy to scale across the US energy system and reduce emissions
in the near term while also setting the foundation for long-term reductions toward net-zero. As
such, the strategies and structures underpinning the IRAs constituent parts and programs will
evolve and require timely analysis, including that which feeds private sector actors seeking to take
advantage of IRA opportunities.
While these projections reveal the promise of the IRA, they assume a degree of linearity between
incentives provided, capital invested, ensuing cost curves, and emissions impacts that obscures
signicant uncertainty. Constraints in supply chain developments, human capital progress,
degrees of public acceptance for large solar and wind expansions, broader permitting challenges
and long lead times, and beyond will all aect the impacts of IRA provisions. These eects must
be continuously analyzed—including at the subnational level.
The State Policy Landscape
The absence of durable and comprehensive federal drivers of energy transition and emissions
control policies prior to the IRA led to states taking a range of actions. Thus far, 33 states have
released climate action plans or are in the process of revising or developing them, which broadly
include GHG reduction targets and actions planned or implemented for reaching them.
four states plus the District of Columbia have specic GHG emissions targets, albeit from dierent
baseline years and of varying degrees of ambition.
Carbon pricing and electricity portfolio standards cover a substantial portion of the US power
production and emissions proles via subnational cap-and-trade programs.
California’s system
has operated since 2013; covers power, fossil fuel distributors, and major industrial emitters; and
is linked to its 2030 emissions reduction goal.
On the eastern seaboard, 12 states on the eastern
seaboard participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program
targeting electric power that went into eect in 2009 and is likewise tied to a 2030 emissions
Thirty states, three US territories, and the District of Columbia have mandated clean
energy standards (CESs) or renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) requiring a minimum amount of
electricity be generated by renewables, with 11 jurisdictions requiring that 100 percent of electricity
ultimately come from eligible low-carbon sources.
There are signs that renewable heating fuel
standards (RHFS)—which require sellers of natural gas to procure a growing proportion of their
supply from qualifying fuels such as RNG and/or low-carbon hydrogen—may be in the ong to
Of these, 23 states have released plans, 8 states are updating plans, and 1 state is developing a plan (Center for
Climate and Energy Solutions, n.d.).
For a summary of all carbon pricing instruments operating in the United States see: World Bank, State and Trends of
Carbon Pricing 2021, (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021), p. 71 https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/35620.
This goal is a 40% reduction in GHGs below 1990 by 2030.
RGGI states are Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York,
Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and, as of April 2022, Pennsylvania.
The jurisdictions with 100% clean energy standards are California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Hawaii,
Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Virginia, and Washington.
drive the expansion of RNG and hydrogen supply chains along with their integration as heating
Transportation has likewise proven to be a space for state-level mitigation action, as well as an
additional battleground for interpreting the Clean Air Act. Forty-ve states and the District of
Columbia oer incentives for EVs and/or hybrids, including rebates, tax credits, and favorable
electricity rate treatment (Igleheart 2022). The incentives range from tax credits or rebates for eet
acquisition goals, exemptions from emissions testing, or favorable electricity rate treatment. Seven
states have some version of a low-carbon or alternative fuel standard, and 13 states are applying
a RGGI-type model to the transportation sector via the Transportation and Climate Initiative.
Beginning in 2009, California set standards—in collaboration with the federal government
on fuel eciency and emissions across multiple vehicle categories, as well as requirements that
auto manufacturers increase the number of zero-emissions vehicles sold in the state (California
Air Resources Board, n.d). These policies became mired in federal disputes, with the Trump
administration–era EPA curtailing California’s right to set vehicle emissions standards stronger
than those at national levels, which was later restored by the Biden administration in March 2022
(Oce of Governor Gavin Newsom 2022). Such discontinuity could readily resurface.
Policy Landscape Implications
The IRA and BIL provide an important foundation for investments in soft and hard energy transition
infrastructure. For the US to reach its climate goals, these federal government investments will
need to galvanize a multiplicative eect of private and subnational investments—along with
construction of infrastructure and deployment of new technology—at an unprecedented scope,
scale, and pace. At present these investments appear promising for fostering such eects in the
core sectors of clean electricity, vehicle electrication, industrial decarbonization, and advanced
technologies, but uncertainties abound. Scaled-up private sector eorts are needed to both to
drive their own energy transition operations and those of their sector peers, along with eectively
advocating for more regulatory certainty and energy transition prioritization from governments
at multiple levels.
The BIL and IRA created a dynamic shift in the US policy landscape. The impact of this shift is still
being assessed and will ultimately depend on unknown implementation ecacy and engagement
on challenges that are outside statutory frames at federal and state levels. Critically, the IRA
and BIL provide an important foundation for investments in soft and hard energy transition
infrastructure, but do not address all components of an equitable transition. For the US to reach
its climate goals, these federal investments will need to galvanize a multiplicative eect of private
and subnational investments—along with construction of infrastructure and deployment of new
technology—at an unprecedented scope, scale, and pace. At present these investments appear
This includes a RHFS that was introduced in Massachusetts through legislation in 2021. See: ht t ps://
promising for fostering such eects in the core sectors of clean electricity, vehicle electrication,
industrial decarbonization, and advanced technologies, but uncertainties abound. Scaled-up
private sector eorts are needed to both to drive their own energy transition operations and those
of their sector peers, along with eectively advocating for more regulatory certainty and energy
transition prioritization from governments at multiple levels.
The provisions of the current federal policy mix are indicators of this administrations assessment
of key challenges and prioritization of policy levers to accelerate the energy transition. Of note
is the BIL and IRA focus on nancial policy incentives for clean technology deployment. As
noted previously, some barriers to such deployment are not addressed and will need additional
policy tools to accelerate deployment. For example, infrastructure siting and build-out is a long-
recognized barrier to an accelerated electricity transition. The Council on Environmental Quality
found that, across all federal agencies, the average Environmental Impact Statement completion
time (from notice of intent to record of decision) was 4.5 years; the median was 3.6 years (CEQ
2020). Multiple intersecting challenges, including land availability and competition, species and
ecosystem prioritization, and social resistance to siting decisions can all decelerate US net-zero
progress. These considerations have myriad direct and indirect consequences, including the
potential future preferencing of less land-intensive energy resources such as geothermal, nuclear,
and fossil fuel with CCUS as compared to wind and solar; site selection for wind, which has highly
variable space requirements per gigawatt-hour; and decisions on transmission infrastructure
and grid integration. They also impact national eorts to mine for needed clean energy materials
domestically—which inuences their costs, availability, supply chain reliability—and the ability of
projects to receive tax credits based on domestic content requirements. The IRA and BIL provisions
bring national attention to a suite of priorities that are essential for the energy transition, each of
which has associated challenges.
Key areas for accelerating the US energy transition include the following:
Accelerated deployment of clean electricity and the electrication of vehicles
Accelerated energy eciency and the electrication of buildings
Development and deployment of advanced energy technologies, including hydrogen, CCUS,
DAC, zero-carbon liquid fuels, and advanced nuclear and geothermal energy sources
Reduced industrial-sector emissions through electrication, eciency upgrades, the
deployment of advanced energy technologies, and low- or zero-carbon fuels
Reductions in methane emissions in oil and gas exploration and development
Enhanced conservation and sequestration in forest and agricultural lands
Accelerated state and regional coordination and eorts
Ensured equitability for the energy transition
Increased domestic supply chain sourcing to support all aspects of the transition
Forward progress in any of these key areas will impact eorts in others, creating synergies or
unanticipated hurdles and deceleration. While this report is not designed to deeply assess each of
these areas, we highlight the following as areas of future focus for Energy Pathways USA. Future
work will build on these core areas and will include overarching attention on ensuring the energy
transition is both equitable and aligned with ambitious net-zero targets.
Issue Areas
Accelerating the deployment of clean electricity and the electrication of vehicles, including siting,
transmission incentives, utility-scale energy storage, and the transportation and storage of CO
, is
the foundation for economy-wide decarbonization. The IRA provides $760 million through 2026
for DOE grants to facilitate and accelerate the siting and permitting of interstate transmission
projects, $350 million through 2026 for the Environmental Review Improvement Fund, and
funding for capacity enhancements throughout review agencies. These and other provisions are
intended to shrink administrative burdens and reduce permitting times and are necessary, but
not sucient in and of themselves, to catalyze the acceleration of siting and permitting required
to meet decarbonization goals. Both national and site-specic work is needed to further elucidate
siting and licensing barriers and develop solutions that can supplement and help inform these
government-driven eorts. Near-term analysis will therefore focus on issues, challenges, and
opportunities relating to siting and permitting, supply chain development and management,
and interjurisdictional and interrm coordination—focusing on how these variables aect clean
electricity deployment and electrication and industrial decarbonization, and policy options for
addressing them.
Subnational Coordination
A longstanding diculty with achieving consensus on climate policy is the uneven distribution
of energy consumption, energy production, and manufacturing within US states. States with the
smallest populations—and potentially higher transport needs resulting from dispersed population
centers—have the highest per capita energy use. Residential and commercial use roughly follows
weather patterns measured by heating degree days, with colder states using more energy for
heating purposes. Industrial use follows roughly the same distribution of energy use in other
sectors where the central states have much higher energy use per person than those on the coasts.
These physical realities combine with a wide range of energy and emissions regulation policies
and instruments and the presence of multiple regional and state grids, RTOs, and ISOs.
Net-zero eorts necessitate further integration of energy transmission, storage systems, markets,
preferential dispatch connections, demand management measures, and more across currently
siloed systems. In lieu of more uniform federal policies that are unlikely to emerge, there is a need
for creative analysis that oers both broad principles for subnational cooperation across systems
and bespoke solutions that target specic state and regional actors. Moreover, it will be important
to assess how relevant federal policies, even if not uniform, can incentivize or otherwise aect the
development of cooperative subnational eorts.
Strengthening Supply Chains
The IRA takes key initial steps to address supply chain challenges and bolster technology
component production in North America and builds on other federal eorts to create a resilient
supply chain. For example, it creates a $7,500 tax credit for battery components that requires
100% to be produced in North America by 2029. The ultimate impact of these and other incentives
created by the IRA will depend not only upon the supply chain investments they spur over the
course of this decade, but also the extent to which the demand they create is sustained over the
longer term, which in turn may depend on future policies. DOE’s 2022 report assessing supply
chain challenges, proposing a strategy for ensuring that key elements of the supply chain are
available and insisting that the supply chain will not decelerate the policy eorts made in other
areas, shows prioritization around this issue (DOE 2022a). However, permitting, siting, and
jurisdictional issues that challenge the other clean energy infrastructure systems discussed
previously also pertain to raw materials. Cost-competitiveness is more complex in these spaces
because of often sprawling international supply chains for clean energy inputs—particularly for
solar and batteries. Further analysis and engagement are needed to move domestic supply chain
enhancement goals to practical realities.
The US industrial sector is considered dicult to decarbonize largely because of the diverse
energy inputs that feed into a varied array of industrial processes and operations (DOE 2022b;
NAS 2021). Decarbonizing the US industrial sector requires combining established and advanced
technologies and practices, namely improving energy eciency; industrial electrication; low-
carbon fuels, feedstocks, and energy sources; and CCUS. Vitally, these components of industrial
decarbonization must work in concert, and cross-cutting issues that connect them require further
analysis. These intersectional issues include the need for improved thermal operations and material
eciency, material substitution, and end-of-life material feed-ins to low-carbon feedstocks (DOE
2022b). Such intersections expand into the need for broader systems-level analysis of circular-
economy approaches that integrated emerging biobased options, CCUS, material eciency gains
through product lifecycles, and interactions between multiple technological pathways.
Work Plan Components
Energy Pathways USA is uniquely congured to identify, analyze, and develop strategies that
address cross-sectoral interdependencies and operational synergies and barriers among these
issue areas. Energy Pathways USA will work to accelerate an equitable energy transition through
exploring and analyzing current and proposed federal, state, and regional policy incentives
and the broad range of their potential impacts, including on emissions, costs, technology, and
consumer behavior. These eorts will include advancing technical and economic modeling of
decarbonization pathways, beginning with advances in clean electricity and electrication and
building to industrial sectors, and leveraging private sector and knowledge partner expertise to
identify and develop solutions to the challenges in all of the key areas. Energy Pathways USAs
model of working has the following three components.
Exploring Federal and State Policy Development and Implementation
While the IRA and BIL represent a policy landscape pivot, policy challenges and barriers remain
that have the potential to slow US progress toward net-zero goals. By and large, the quantitatively
focused studies explored in this report do not develop in-depth policy recommendations. NAS did
recommend rst setting a net-zero emissions goal for 2050, along with putting a price on carbon.
NAS also recommended adopting CESs for electricity (75% by 2030) and transitioning to EVs
(50% of sales by 2030). Each of the studies also identied the need to invest in key technologies
to reduce costs and increase adoption after 2030, and several highlighted the need to improve the
eciency of planning and permitted of transmission and future CO
pipelines, along with other
key areas already identied. Additional work is needed to understand implementation bottlenecks
and explore alternate policy pathways in an iterative fashion that mobilizes analysis as state and
federal decision makers take the next steps for an equitable energy transition. For example, sector-
relevant analysis on the IRA deployment options could highlight synergies and barriers presented
by the nancial incentive structure of the law. The IRA law authorizes substantial federal loan
capital and loan guarantees (~$369 billion in total) for energy and transportation projects and
businesses. This capital is managed by the DOE and is additional tax and other incentives present
elsewhere in the law. This loan capital and risk defrayment could enable future technologies
and scale emerging ones that otherwise would struggle to develop. The DOE was reviewing 77
applications for $80 billion in loans sought before the IRA was signed, and the pool of capital will
now grow substantially. It is vital that these projects galvanize meaningful acceleration toward
net-zero and avoid stranded assets and waste wherever possible while still keeping a risk appetite
that enables occasional high and unforeseen rewards. This is a dicult balance to nd, and work
that enhances principles for loan deployment across specic high-impact clean electricity and
electrication sectors could help prioritize and inform the use of both capital and guarantee
Parallel state policy eorts to accelerate the energy transition can also create synergies or barriers.
As discussed previously, states are dierently situated based on energy resources, consumption,
and technology deployment. An accelerated energy transitions requires an analysis of state and
regional coordination and implementation of diverse energy policies, including the role of RTO/
ISO coordination, interstate transmission infrastructure and transportation corridors, and
innovative deployment for advanced energy technology. For example, 31 states and the District
of Columbia have either an RPS or CES. Thirteen power companies signed a letter to the Biden
administration in April 2021 calling for a national CES. Over 38% of emissions from energy are
priced in the US through subnational instruments (OECD 2021). However, denitions of clean
energy, uses for renewable energy credits and solar renewable energy credits, levels and coverage
of carbon pricing, and the broad intentions of dierent policy instruments relative to emissions
reductions vary widely across dierent regulatory systems. These realities and developments
create the chance to evaluate the current eects of CES, RPS, and carbon pricing instruments on
US net-zero eorts. Analysis could extend to evaluate potential eects under scenarios of plausible
changes and expansions to these instruments in federal and select subnational forms.
Finally, the IRA funds several environmental and climate justice initiatives that enhance the
equity dimension of mitigating GHG emissions, legacy air pollution, and access to aordable
clean energy. Key provisions include $27 billion to the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, which is
intended to increase access to low-cost nance for clean energy projects, that prioritizes $7 billion
in the rst funding stream to low-income and marginalized communities to benet from zero-
emission technologies and $3 billion in climate justice block grants for community-led projects to
address legacy air pollution. While these initiatives are signicant, deeper analysis is necessary to
explore how dierent transition pathways could aect vulnerable populations.
All existing net-zero analyses suggest that the transition to clean electricity generation is a
critical building block for both lowering emissions from generation itself and for providing the
energy needed to electrify the rest of the economy. Such electrication is needed given that other
approaches to substituting away from fossil fuels and reducing emissions are less available and/
or less cost eective. There is therefore the need to continually improve modeling approaches for
clean electricity and electrication that recognize relationships more fully across actors, sectors,
and policies, and reveal opportunities to accelerate US decarbonization trends.
Three essential areas form the foundation of further developing the net-zero options for US
electricity generation and corresponding electrication.
First, more robust denitions of clean energy generation are needed to facilitate eective
comparisons across policy instruments and emission-reduction pathways. Wind and solar are
uncontroversial inclusions, though siting issues for make their wider social, environmental and
equity implications more varied and complex. Conventional and advanced modular nuclear
creates questions on how long existing units will operate and what the prospects are for future
infrastructure. Future hydroelectric dams could be included based on their emissions footprint or
prohibited because of wider ecological and social concerns. Biomass creates questions both about
its carbon content and the how demand for biomass feedstocks competes with that for liquid
biofuels. Battery storage and new, closed loop pumped hydro storage both may ultimately warrant
further modeling attention vis-à-vis clean electricity trends and possibilities. So too might natural
gas and/or coal use with CCUS, which creates questions about capture rates, costs, transport,
and storage. The future of hydrogen as a clean fuel depends in part on how much can be used
to core either turbines or combined-cycle units, new hydrogen-burning turbines, retrots of
existing plants, constraints on using excess renewable generation to electrolyze water, and broader
assumptions on methane leakage from natural gas (which are also relevant beyond hydrogen).
Second, the pace and scale of the electricity sector’s transition to net-zero emissions will depend
on economic, policy, and technology factors. A deep assessment of pathways for the electricity
transition should incorporate a policy framework that includes possible subsidies and tax credits
(such as those in the IRA legislation), emissions targets by year, potential CO
prices, CESs,
RPSs, and any new regional policies across states. Expanded modeling is also needed to advance
understanding of potential demand increases associated with electrication; capital costs for
renewables, nuclear and CCUS; natural gas prices; contributions of renewables and fossil fuels
to system reliability; amounts of renewables by state; costs of connecting renewables to existing
grids and of developing additional transmission (including long-distance); land-use restrictions;
stranded asset costs; material costs for new construction; storage capacities; and consumer
responses to energy price changes. End-use considerations likewise abound, including, for
example, how growing heat pump and electric resistance heating deployment will aect electricity
supply and demand considerations. Broadly, there is need to assess the levels of incentive needed
over long time horizons to reach a zero-carbon electricity sector by a given year (e.g., 2040, 2045,
2050). Conversely, there is also the potential to explore high-cost and/or constrained fossil fuel
supply scenarios that could better illuminate the risks with continued reliance on coal and gas.
Third, given that there is unlikely to be a single correct forecast of EV adoption (and other
electried sectors), the best option for any analysis may be to evaluate a range of possible outcomes
as a component of net-zero policies. This approach allows additional information such as policy
decisions and/or nancial support for charging stations to inuence EV sales trends—not typically
part of a cost-optimization modeling framework such as those used to forecast electricity sector
behavior. Other trends can also be considered through modeling, such as dierent estimates of
vehicle costs or sales forecasts from vehicle manufacturers.
Energy Pathways USA is designed to bring together a range of organizations and sectors, including
energy producers, carbon-constrained industries, technology providers, nance, transportation,
and electric utilities, all of whom play signicant roles in the energy transition and have critical
insights into energy system constraints and synergies. This diversity of perspective and partners’
deep expertise informs our work through in-depth exchanges on the full energy system and
enables the analyses to reect the multiplicity of energy system acceleration paths. Knowledge
partners and contributors are committed to help accelerate the energy transition to net-zero
carbon emissions by 2050. By engaging in dialogue founded on robust policy, technology, and
modeling analyses, partners are stress-testing energy transition pathways to build a systems-level
uency and operational reality into developed energy transition pathways.
Next Steps
The Energy Pathways USA partnership will build on the ndings and plans outlined in this report
to provide a series of future knowledge products geared toward accelerating net-zero progress
in the United States. Working with members throughout to create these products, the Energy
Pathways USA team will seek traction for their ndings in public and private spheres. This
continuous process of cocreation will build on the momentum of current net-zero eorts in the
US, and lead to outcomes both intended and unforeseen. Only through such collaborations can
net-zero goals that are decades in the future drive the urgent change that is needed now.
American Energy Innovation Council, July 1, 2021. https://americanenergyinnovation.org/
Ameresco. 2022. Beyond Hydrogen: Renewable Natural Gas and Deep Decarbonization.
Framingham,MA:Ameresco. https://19545844.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/
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The IPCC recently released their Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation
of Climate Change, which examines the literature from a wide range of disciplines on dierent
aspects of climate change mitigation (IPCC 2022). The reports integrated-assessment modeling
looked at eight groups of emissions scenarios to evaluate potential likelihood of exceeding stated
goals for global warming levels (both peak and by 2100)—only three of which result in warming
of 2°C or less in the year. All three of these categories are expected to involve rapid and signicant
reductions in GHG emissions across the global economies, in most cases implying that global GHG
emissions have to peak by 2025. Neither currently proposed policies nor potential modest actions
come close to containing global temperatures. Any successful strategies are likely to require net-
negative emissions globally by 2100, if not before.
Within IPCC’s broad categories of potential emissions trends, several Illustrative Mitigation
Pathways (IMP) were examined to see how dierent combinations of sectoral mitigation strategies
might aect how and where the emissions reductions would occur. In Figure A1, “CurPol is
current policies, “ModAct” is moderate action, “IMP-GS” is gradual strengthening, “IMP-Neg” is
net-negative emissions in energy and industry through CCUS, “IMP-LD” is low energy demand,
“IMP-Ren” is heavy use of renewables, and “IMP-SP” is inclusion of sustainable development
goals. The gure contrasts global GHG emissions in 2019 to the remaining sectoral contributions
when net-zero CO
emissions is reached. It distinguishes between direct energy emissions and
indirect emissions. In most of the IMG scenarios, non-CO
emissions are still relatively high
across the approaches. Aside from the scenario with heavy use of renewables, carbon sinks are
essential in reaching net-zero, as is also likely the case for some net negative emissions across
energy industries. Harder-to-abate components of the industrial and transport sectors continue
to be among the largest likely emissions sources.
The literature used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, however, is more optimistic on the costs
of emissions reductions than the likelihood of achieving them. Figure A2 presents estimates of
GHG reduction opportunities for a detailed list of sources and categorizes them by costs. Many
reductions have net lifetime costs that are lower than those of the alternative technologies being
used in the reference case trends. Wind and solar energy are estimated to be particularly cost-
eective compared to fossil generation currently in use. Other areas in lighting, energy eciency,
and LDVs also have the potential for signicant low/negative cost emissions reductions. Industrial
sources and agriculture/land use are on the opposite end of the spectrum, with potentially much
higher abatement costs per ton.
Taking these costs into consideration, IPCC nds that mitigation pathways likely to limit warming
to 2°C have global GDP losses of 1.3% to 2.7% in 2050 (CO
prices of around $90/ton in 2030 and
$210/ton in 2050, with substantial variability around these central estimates). Limiting warming
to 1.5°C with limited/no overshoot of temperatures is associated with GDP losses of 2.6% to 4.2%
in 2050 (central CO
prices of around $220/ton in 2030 and $630/ton in 2050). However, IPCC
estimates that—if the economic impacts of 2°C of warming are on the moderate to high end of the
potential range—the global benets of the emissions reductions pathways will exceed the global
mitigation costs over the twenty-rst century (even without accounting for the benets from
sustainable development, nonmarket damages of climate change, or any improvements in human
health). These costs and benets vary widely by region, depending on policy implementation and
international cooperation.
Energy Transitions Commission
As part of a series of reports, the Energy Transitions Commission released Making Mission
Possible: Delivering a Net-Zero Economy (ETC 2020), which examined challenges to lowering
emissions in hard-to-abate sectors of the economy including cement, steel, plastics, heavy road
transport, shipping, and aviation. This global analysis concluded that the technologies needed to
decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors are either known or in development, and it estimated that full
decarbonization of the worlds economies would cost less than 0.5% of global GDP.
Three keys to transforming the energy system by 2050 are identied: (1) massive clean electrication
that results in 70% of nal energy use being fullled by zero-carbon electricity; (2) transition to a
hydrogen economy where electrication is less suitable, leading to hydrogen supplying more than
10% of energy needs; and (3) carbon capture and storage or use (CCS/U) for bioenergy and any
remaining fossil fuels.
As in other reports, a critical component of their recommended approach is improving eciency
in energy (e.g., improved heating, vehicles, and industry), materials (recycling and improved
materials), and services (better utilization of services, demand reductions, and behavioral
changes). The report estimates that it is possible to lower energy demands by 30% in 2050 through
these measures.
In this global analysis by the Energy Transitions Commission, sea and air transport consume
much of the liquid fuels, while surface transportation is mostly electried aside from some heavy
transport that uses hydrogen. Most industrial uses are electried, but heavy energy-intensive
Figure A1. GHG emissions by sector at net-zero CO
(and relative contributions)
Source: IPCC (2022), Figure SPM.5(ef).
Figure A2. Emissions abatement costs and quantities available by sector in 2030
Source: IPCC (2022) Figure SPM.7.
industries use much of the available hydrogen while some manufacturing sectors would make
use of carbon capture in their processes. Building space heat and other operations such as space
cooling, water heating, and cooking are largely electried by 2050.
IEA Net Zero by 2050
IEA analyzed one potential global pathway for meeting net-zero CO
emissions goals by 2050,
consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C in their report Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the
Global Energy Sector (IEA 2021). Broadly, its conclusion was that the pathway is narrow and that
success would depend on unprecedented adoption of clean technologies by 2030. The focus of the
report was on CO
emissions from the energy sector—no osets outside of energy industries were
allowed because of concerns about permanence and oset availability under a global approach.
The report’s pathway also has comparatively limited reliance on negative emissions technologies
to lower GHG, relative to other reports (IEA has 1.9 gigatons of CO
capture from bioenergy with
carbon capture and storage and direct air carbon capture and storage in 2050, compared with
IPCC scenarios that range between 3.515 gigatons by 2050).
The biggest technology opportunities identied were in advanced batteries, hydrogen electrolyzers,
and DAC. Emissions savings from behavioral changes averaged around 5% of total reductions;
however, these savings came in some potentially hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation. Key
uncertainties identied in the net-zero pathway were the availability and use of bioenergy, CCUS,
and the potential extent of behavioral changes.
A summary of the main IEA conclusions is as follows:
Behavioral changes oset one-third of the growth in energy demand between 2020–2050.
The largest and earliest opportunities are in wind and solar generation. By 2050, these
sources supply more than one-third of all energy consumed.
EVs are also important and early contributors to emissions reductions.
Hydrogen plays an important role between 2030 and 2050.
Eciency contributions are signicant, but don’t increase much after 2035.
Modern bioenergy represents 20% of all energy supplies by 2050. Bioenergy (coupled with
CCUS where possible) expands land use from 330 million hectares in 2020 to 410 million
hectares by 2050.
There is no assumed expansion of cropland for bioenergy.
There are no bioenergy crops allowed on currently forested land.
Biofuel use in transportation is 50% of the size of EVs’ contribution to transportation.
CCUS grows rapidly after 2030, particularly from natural gas. By 2050, almost one-half of
the 7.6 gigatons of CO
captured is from fossil fuels, compared with 20% from industrial
sources and 30% from bioenergy use. Limiting the use of CCUS would require signicant
additional expansion in wind and solar generation, combined with electrolyzer capacity.
The remaining unabated fossil emissions (1.7 gigatons CO
in 2050) are more than fully
oset by BECCS and DACCS.
IEA lays out a set of key milestones to be achieved on the path toward net-zero emissions by
2050. The report does not provide country-specic actions, but generally assumes that “advanced
economies” (including the United States) have the technology and resources to move more
aggressively than other nations. Among the highlights relevant for the United States between
2030 and 2050 are:
Emissions reductions come from: behavioral changes (5%), current technologies
(80%), and technologies under development (15%)
Coal plants without carbon capture have been phased out (advanced economies)
Large expansion of annual wind and solar installations (1,020 GW globally)
60% of car sales are EVs (globally; presumably the US is higher)
All new buildings are zero-carbon-ready
Expansion of low-carbon hydrogen (150 megatons globally from 850 GW of
Net-zero emissions from electricity generation (advanced economies)
No new sales of internal combustion engine cars (globally)
50% of heavy truck sales are electric (globally)
50% of aviation fuels are low emissions (globally)
Global net-zero emissions from electricity generation (including developing countries)
2,400 GW of electrolyzer capacity (globally)
50% of existing buildings are retrot to be zero-carbon-ready (globally)
Emissions reductions come from: behavioral changes (5%), current technologies
(50%), and technologies under development (45%)
More than 90% of heavy industry production is low-emissions (globally)
520 megatons of low-carbon hydrogen annually, compared to total supply of 87
megatons in 2020
7.6 gigatons of CO
are captured annually (globally)
The nal energy mix for low-emissions sources in 2050 is around 20% fossil fuels
with carbon capture, some increase in nuclear and hydroelectric, and the balance
(>60%) in renewables
IEA chiey concentrates on one possible pathway to net-zero emissions, though there is some
limited discussion of key alternatives and uncertainties. The reports net-zero emissions trends
were estimated with the IEA World Energy Model, a large-scale simulation model within the IEAs
annual World Energy Outlook forecasts. The modeling focused on net-zero CO
and industrial process emissions by 2050 and had some consideration of methane emissions
from the energy sector, but no detail on other emissions sources or types of GHG. The modeling
assumes all countries cooperate to reach net-zero globally, based on economic development and
equity concerns. The scenario approach is designed to aim for an orderly transition that minimizes
stranded assets and volatility in energy markets.
Evaluation of the modeling results and assumptions that drive them is complicated for several
reasons. First, detailed growth assumptions and results for energy supply, demand, and electricity
generation are only available at a global level. More challenging is the fact that much of the analysis
is driven by externally imposed conditions, which makes it hard to understand key issues from a
modeling perspective. Among these imposed (and not always well-specied) assumptions are as
No new coal, oil, or gas development (thus, fuel prices decline with operating costs of
existing elds)
Any potential demand increase for fossil fuels from low prices is prevented by other policies
prices are assumed globally
Developed countries start at $75/ton in 2025 and rise to $250/ton by 2050
Some midtier countries start at $45/ton in 2025 and rise to $200/ton by 2050
Other emerging markets start at $3/ton in 2025 and rise to $55/ton by 2050
A “broad range” of other policies are also mandated to reduce emissions (levels are not
Renewable fuel mandates
Eciency standards
R&D supports, market reforms, elimination of fossil-fuel subsidies
Many other conditions are also imposed (e.g., restrictions on sales of internal combustion
engine vehicles and mandates for liquid biofuels/synfuels in aviation)
Jackson Ewing, Senior Fellow, Nicholas
Institute for Energy, Environment &
Sustainability, Duke University
Martin Ross, Senior Research Economist,
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment &
Sustainability, Duke University
Amy Pickle, Director of State Policy Program,
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment &
Sustainability, Duke University
Robert Stout, Senior Fellow (Non-Resident),
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment &
Sustainability, Duke University
Brian Murray, Director, Nicholas Institute for
Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke
Stout,andBrianMurray.2022.Pathways to Net-
Zero for the US Energy Transition. NI R 22-06.
Published by the Nicholas Institute Energy, Environment
& Sustainability in 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Publication Number: NI R 22-06
Nicholas Institute for Energy,
Environment & Sustainability
The Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment
& Sustainability advances Duke University’s
eorts to build a more sustainable world,
working closely with Duke schools and
other units. The Nicholas Institute develops
transformative educational experiences;
galvanizes and conducts impactful research; and
engages with key decision makers at the global,
national, state, and local levels. The Nicholas
Institute’s team of economists, scientists,
lawyers, and policy experts has developed a
strong reputation for delivering timely, credible
analysis and for convening decision makers to
advance actionable solutions to pressing energy
and environmental challenges.
Energy Pathways USA
Energy Pathways USA, an autonomous regional
initiative of the global Energy Transitions
Commission, works with leading private sector
companies, public bodies, nongovernmental
organizations, and thought leaders to advance
the US net-zero agenda. Convened by the
Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment
& Sustainability at Duke University, Energy
Pathways USA brings together experts from
diverse sectors and organizations to explore and
analyze current and proposed federal, state,
and regional policy incentives and the broad
range of their potential impacts, including on
emissions, costs, technology, and consumer
behavior. By advancing cross-sectoral dialogue
based on robust policy, technology, and
modeling analyses, this partnership aims to
develop actionable pathways to accelerate an
equitable energy transition.
Copyright © 2022 Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability, Duke University
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