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Emerging Trends in Real Estate
A publication from:
iEmerging Trends in Real Estate
1 Notice to Readers
3 Chapter 1 Taking the Long View
4 Normalizing
7 … Still, We’ve Changed Some
9 Capital Moving to the Sidelines—
or to Other Assets
12 Too Much for Too Many
16 Give Me Quality, Give Me Niche
18 Finding a Higher Purpose
20 Rewardsand Growing Painsin the Sun Belt
22 Smarter, Fairer Cities through
Infrastructure Spending
24 Climate Change’s Growing Impact on Real Estate
26 Action through Regulation?
35 Chapter 2 Property Type Outlook
36 Multifamily: A Bumpy Ride and a
Bumper Crop
47 The Future of Single-Family Housing
50 Industrial/Logistics: Strong Fundamentals Persist
while Capital Markets Adjust
53 Office: Desperately Seeking Clarity about
Its Future
65 Retail
68 Hotels
73 Chapter 3 Markets to Watch
79 Grouping the Markets
93 Chapter 4 Emerging Trends in Canadian
Real Estate
94 Costs and Capital: A Period of Price Discovery
amid Major Shifts for Real Estate
96 ESG Performance: A Critical Issue for Canadian
Real Estate
98 Housing Affordability: A Growing Challenge for
Real Estate Companies
104 Property Type Outlook
109 Markets to Watch
114 Expected Best Bets for 2023
115 Interviewees
119 Sponsoring Organizations
in Real Estate
ii Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Editorial Leadership Team
Aaron Sen*
Abhi Jain
Abhinav Ravi*
Adam Modhtaderi*
Adam Rose*
Alec Watson*
Alex Howieson*
Alex Schraft
Ali Abbas*
Allan Cheng
Alyssa Gilland
Andrea Ades*
Andrew Alperstein
Andrew Popert*
Andrew Simi
Annabelle Lafortune*
Anthony Di Nuzzo*
Ashley Somchanh*
Ashley Yanke*
Avery Parti
Avi Shah
Benjamin Roy
Bill Staffieri
Billy Ampatzis*
Blake Byl
Brendan Smith
Brendan White
Brian Ness
Bryan Allsopp*
Calen Byers
Cam Moniz
Camille Matute*
Charles Campany
Chris Bailey
Chris Dietrick
Chris Emslie
Chris Kavanaugh
Chris Vangou*
Christine Augusta
Christopher Bailey
Christian Serao
Christopher Emslie
Christopher Mill
Cindy Wu*
Claire Bennet*
Cosimo Pellegrino*
Dan Genter
Dan Picone
Dan Ryan
Daniel D’Archivio*
Daniel Lawson
Danielle Aucoin*
Danielle Desjardins*
Darren Speake*
David Baldwin
David Hughes
David Swerling
David Whiteley*
David Yee*
Derek Hatoum*
Donald Flinn*
Doug Struckman
Dylan Anderson
Edouard Godin*
Emily Pillars
Eric Desmarais*
Eric Lemay*
Ernie Hudson*
Evan Cohen
Frederic Lepage*
Gordon Ashe*
Graham McGowan*
Hannah Tam
Henry Zhang*
Hilda Garcia
Howard Quan*
Isabelle Morgan
Itisha Jain
Jake Wiley
Jano Van Wyk*
Jasen Kwong*
Jason Kaplin
Jeffrey Taveras
Jen Lawson*
Jeremy Lewis
Jessica Gordon
John Crossman
John Matheson*
John Mormile*
John Rosano
Jonas Pittman
Jonathan Connolly
Jonathan Osten*
Joseph Moyer*
Joshua Levine
Joshua Rubin
Joy Dutta*
Justin Belanger*
Justin Mukai*
Kartik Kannan*
Keegan Landry
Ken Griffin*
Kendall Breshears
Khaldoon Iqtait*
Kristen Conner
Kristy Romo
Laura Lewis*
Laura Lynch
Lauren Garrett
Leah Waldrum
Lee-Anne Kovacs*
Lee Overstreet
Lily Bannister
Luda Baiden*
Manisha Chen*
Marilyn Wang*
Mario Longpre*
Martin Bernier*
Martin Labrecque*
Martin Schreiber
Matt Manza
Matthew Berkowitz
Matthew Nichols
Matthew Rosenberg
Max Worobow
Maxime Lessard*
Meredith DeLuca
Michael Loranger
Michael Shea*
Michelle Zhu*
Mike Harris*
Minh Ngo*
Monique Perez
Munezeh Wald
Nadia King*
Natalie Cheng*
Nicholas Mobilio*
Nick Ethier*
Nick Worrall
Nicole Stroud
Nik Woodworth*
Nikki Mills*
Peter Harris*
Philip Heywood*
Philippe Desrochers*
Philippe Pourreaux*
Rabiya Adhia*
Rachael Fabian
Rachel Klein
Rahim Lallani*
Renee Sarria
Ricardo Ruiz
Richard Martin*
Richard Probert*
Rick Munn
Rob Sciaudone
Robert Sciaudone
Ron Bidulka*
Ronnie De Zen*
Ryan Dooley
Sabrina Fitzgerald*
Saket Ayala*
Samay Luthra*
Santino Gurreri*
Scott McDonald*
Serena Lowe
Seth Promisel
Shauna Peck*
Shivang Mahajan*
Spyros Stathonikos*
Stephan Gianoplus
Steve Hollinger*
Tatiana Smith
Tim Bodner
Tina Raether
Tom Wilkin
Tressa Teranishi*
Trevor Toombs*
Warren Marr
Wesley Mark*
*Based in Canada.
PwC Advisers and Contributing ResearchersEmerging Trends Chairs
R. Byron Carlock Jr., PwC
W. Edward Walter, Urban Land
Andrew Warren, PwC
Anita Kramer, Urban Land Institute
Author, Chapters 1 and 3
Andrew J. Nelson
Authors, Chapter 2
Garrick Brown, Retail
Heather Belfor and Ahalya Srikant,
Lesley Deutch, Single-Family
Paul Fiorilla, Office
John McManus, Multifamily
Avikar Shah, Hotels
Authors, Chapter 4
Glenn Kauth
Peter Kovessy
Paul Angelone
Lindsay Brugger
John Chang
Mike Hargrave
Roberto Hernandez
David Liggitt
Beth Burnham Mace
Hilda Martin
Onay Payne
Amber Schiada
Luke Smith
Maureen Waters
Carl Whitaker
Cody Young
Senior Advisers
Fred Cassano, PwC, Canada
Braiden Goodchild, PwC, Canada
Miriam Gurza, PwC, Canada
Frank Magliocco, PwC, Canada
Christopher J. Potter, PwC,
Steven Weisenburger, PwC, U.S.
Project Staff, ULI Center for
Real Estate Economics and
Capital Markets
Jennifer Milliken, Director
Nolan Eyre, Senior Associate
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Editor/Manuscript Editor
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Recommended bibliographic listing:
PwC and the Urban Land Institute: Emerging Trends in Real Estate
2023. Washington, D.C.: PwC and the Urban Land Institute, 2022.
ISBN: 978-0-87420-481-0
1Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Notice to Readers
Emerging Trends in Real Estate
is a trends and forecast publication now in its 44th
edition, and is one of the most highly regarded and widely read forecast reports in the
real estate industry. Emerging Trends in Real Estate
2023, undertaken jointly by PwC
and the Urban Land Institute, provides an outlook on real estate investment and devel-
opment trends, real estate finance and capital markets, property sectors, metropolitan
areas, and other real estate issues throughout the United States and Canada.
Emerging Trends in Real Estate
2023 reflects the views of individuals who completed
surveys or were interviewed as a part of the research process for this report. The
views expressed herein, including all comments appearing in quotes, are obtained
exclusively from these surveys and interviews and do not express the opinions of
either PwC or ULI. Interviewees and survey participants represent a wide range of
industry experts, including investors, fund managers, developers, property compa-
nies, lenders, brokers, advisers, and consultants. ULI and PwC researchers personally
interviewed 617 individuals, and survey responses were received from more than
1,450 individuals, whose company affiliations are broken down below:
Private property owner or commercial/multifamily
real estate developer: 35%
Real estate advisory, service firm, or asset manager: 21%
Private-equity real estate investor: 11%
Bank or other lender: 7%
Construction/construction services/architecture firm: 7%
Homebuilder or residential land developer: 6%
Investment manager/adviser: 5%
REIT or publicly listed real estate property company: 3%
Private REIT or nontraded real estate property company: 2%
Other entity: 2%
Throughout this publication, the views of interviewees and/or survey respondents
have been presented as direct quotations from the participant without name-specific
attribution to any particular participant. A list of the interview participants in this year’s
study who chose to be identified appears at the end of this report, but it should be
noted that all interviewees are given the option to remain anonymous regarding their
participation. In several cases, quotes contained herein were obtained from interview-
ees who are not listed in the back of this report. Readers are cautioned not to attempt
to attribute any quote to a specific individual or company.
To all who helped, the Institute and PwC extend sincere thanks for sharing valuable
time and expertise. Without the involvement of these many individuals, this report
would not have been possible.
2 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
3Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Interest rates are rising, economic clouds are darkening, and
real estate deal flows are sinking because buyers and sellers
cannot agree on pricing. But for all that, most commercial real
estate professionals we interviewed for this year’s Emerging
Trends remain reasonably upbeat about longer-term prospects.
Not everyone is as sanguine as the CEO of an investment
management firm who provided our opening quote, and there
certainly are some troubling risks ahead for the industry. But the
consensus mood seems to be one of cautious optimism that
we will ride out any near-term slump and be well positioned for
another period of sustained growth and strong returns.
It makes sense that real estate experts would take the long view
given the nature of real estate assets: buildings take a long time
to conceive and develop. Even simply acquiring one typically
takes more time (and effort) than buying just about any other
type of financial asset, and they are usually held for longer dura-
tions. Still, the willingness of so many people in the industry to
look beyond some of the cyclical headwinds is striking. Says the
head of advisory services for a commercial real estate (CRE)
analytics firm, “The recessionif we go into onewill obviously
impact some markets worse than others, but it’s just like any-
thing else. We’ll look back in 10 years, and the prices that seem
astronomical today will seem like a bargain 10 years from now.
An Economic Rorschach Test
By one popular rule of thumb, the U.S. economy entered a
recession in the first half of 2022, having sustained two straight
quarters of (modestly) declining gross domestic product (GDP).
But if we were in a recession at the time of writing, it would be a
most peculiar one. For one thing, gross national incomethe
income side of the national accounts ledger that is supposed
to square with GDPhas been positive over this same period,
suggesting flaws in how we measure economic output. And
other economic metrics certainly do not indicate a downturn:
Jobs are still growing strongly while unemployment claims
are at their lowest levels since the 1960s;
Home prices and rents are at record levels and are still
rising; and
Consumer spendingwhich accounts for two-thirds of the
economy—has been at least mildly positive every month this
year (through July 2022).
This duality likely explains why the National Bureau of Economic
Researchthe official arbiter of business cycles—has not
yet called this period a recession. That is not to suggest that
all is copacetic with the economy. Key barometers like the
business outlook indices compiled by the Institute for Supply
Management have been trending downward since mid-2021,
Taking the Long View
“The short-term risks are real, and Im not making light of any of them.
But if you have the long view,
I don’t think its time to panic
Exhibit 1-1 Firm Protability Prospects for 2023
Percentage of respondents
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
4 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Higher for Longer
With interest rates headed “higher for longer,” the risk of a
deeper, full-fledged recession is rising, according to a grow-
ing consensus of economists. In an August 2022 survey by the
National Association of Business Economics, only a quarter
of economists were even “somewhat” confident that the Fed
could bring down inflation to its target range without causing a
recession. Worrying signs out of Europe in early autumn and
expectations of soaring heating bills this coming winter add to
the gloomy global economic outlook.
These conditions would be problematic for property markets:
slowing or falling economic growth dampens tenant demand,
while higher interest rates raise the cost of developing or
acquiring properties. Both factors would cut returns and reduce
values. Indeed, rising interest rates and uncertainty over future
market conditions are already killing deals since sellers have not
been ready to capitulate to buyers’ growing demands for price
concessions, as we discuss in our capital markets trend.
New Horizons
Still, not all recessions are alike, and most economists, as well
as Emerging Trends interviewees, expect any recession to be
relatively short and shallow. Reflecting the view of several CRE
leaders we interviewed, a senior executive with a global devel-
opment and investment firm said, “My gut says we’re going to
have a recession, but its going to be relatively mild compared
to some of the more severe recessions we’ve had. I don’t see
anything like the 2008 economic downturn going on.
One leading CRE economist went so far as to say, “I think
we’re going into what I would say is a healthy down cycle. It’s a
cleansing, Schumpeterian idea that every so often, economies
property markets includedneed to cleanse, and it washes out
bad ideas, it washes out unrealistic unsustainable values.
That reset presents new opportunities, even as it introduces
uncertainty. Says the CEO of a development company, “I think
this is a moment in time. And when I look back historically, and I
did not act in these moments in time, I’ve always regretted it.
The 10 emerging trends that we expect for 2023 and
beyond follow:
1. Normalizing
Property market fundamentals are “normalizing” as some
markets weaken due to diminishing pandemic tailwinds and
the potential for a cyclical economic downturn.
Exhibit 1-2 U.S. Real Estate Returns and Economic Growth
GDP change
Index change
NAREIT Equity REIT Index
Sources: NCREIF, NAREIT, Bureau of Economic Analysis/U.S. Department of Commerce,
PwC Investor Survey.
*NCREIF/NAREIT and GDP projections for 2022 and 2023 are based on the PwC Investor
even if they are not technically in the recession range. Declines
in consumer confidence over the last year have been even
sharper. All of these positive and negative factors together paint
a kind of a Rorschach test, where observers can draw their own
conclusions as to the strength of the economy.
The End of the Beginning
But there is one issue on which our interviewees agree: “The exis-
tential risk for the real estate economy right now is that Fed action
in response to persistent inflation will tip us into a recession,” says
a senior partner with a leading advisory firm. But can the Federal
Reserve Bank tame inflation without breaking the economy?
Moderating inflation rates this summer led many to believe that
the worst was over and that the Fed could soon ease up its con-
tractionary monetary policy. Indeed, the consensus of experts we
interviewed this summer was that the Fed would cease tightening
by the end of 2022 and start cutting rates again in mid-2023.
That sentiment now appears optimistic. “Inflation is going to be
a little stickier than people think,” said an investment banking
executive we interviewed during the summer, whose views
turned out to be more prescient. Sentiment started changing in
late August when Fed Chairman Jerome Powell gave his annual
speech to fellow central bankers affirming the Fed view that infla-
tion is not nearly under control, jolting markets. Any remaining
doubt about that was quashed by the official Fed commentary
accompanying their September rate announcement projecting
that rates would keep rising through 2023. As Winston Churchill
famously cautioned after the British army won a critical WWII
battle, the victory marked “not the end, not even the beginning
of the end, but, possibly, the end of the beginning.
5Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Some property sectors may cool, including residential and
industrial, while others may heat up to historical average
levels, such as hotels and retail.
Returns and prices of most assets are declining as cap rates
rise and transaction volumes fall from record levels, while
rent gains for others are merely moderating as demand
returns to a more sustainable pace.
Defying just about every prediction voiced during the terrify-
ing and uncertain days of the COVID-19 lockdown that began
in March 2020, U.S. commercial property markets actually
embarked on a remarkable run, with some of the strongest
returns, rent growth, and price appreciation rates ever recorded.
Not every property type, however: hotels endured their worst
and most sustained downturn in memory, while offices suffered
an unprecedented and significant cut in usage of space. And
not every market: some of the nation’s strongest gateway mar-
kets, like New York City and San Francisco, experienced sharp
outflows of residents, businesses, and tenants of all types. But
overall and across much of the United States, property markets
far outperformed expectations and historical norms.
And now, more than two years on, property investors and
managers are learning anew that whopping growth and profits
eventually fall back to eartha “reversion to the mean,” to use
finance jargon, or simply “normalizing,” as numerous industry
experts we interviewed put it. Some looming market adjustments
will be cyclical due to the weakening economic conditions
that most economists and real estate professionals expect,
while others represent more of a return to normalcy after all the
pandemic-fueled market distortions.
These market reversions will take several forms: prices of most
assets are declining as cap rates rise and transaction volumes
fall from record levels, while rent gains for others are merely
moderating as demand returns to more sustainable levels.
Perhaps the biggest surprise is that these reversals of fortune
are hitting favored property sectors like multifamily and indus-
trial. That does not necessarily mean the market corrections will
be painful. In many cases, recent losses in property value will
only trim already healthy gains. But many indicators suggest that
the (really) good times may be over, at least for a while.
Housing Set to Cool
A finance executive with one national homebuilder told us,
We’re still selling. It’s just not at the pace that it was selling
before [the last two years], which was a pace that you don’t typi-
cally see. So, the markets are more normalizing.” Indeed, home
Exhibit 1-3 Importance of Issues for Real Estate in 2023
Currency exchange rates
Federal taxes
State and local taxes
Tariffs/trade conflicts
Global economic growth
Capital availability
Job and income growth
Availability of qualified labor
Interest rates and cost of capital
Health- and safety-related policies
Municipal service cuts
Health and wellness features
Risks from extreme weather
Environmental/sustainability requirements
Property taxes
Tenant leasing and retention costs
State and local regulations
Operating costs
Land costs
Construction labor availability
Construction material costs
Construction labor costs
Economic/financial issues
Real estate/development issues
Social/political issues
Threat of terrorism
Diversity and inclusion
Higher education costs
Federal budget deficit
Income inequality
State/local government budgets
Climate change
Immigration policy
Political extremism
Geopolitical conflicts
Housing costs and availability
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
6 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
salesboth new and existinghad an extraordinary 12-year
run since bottoming out in the summer of 2010 until the Fed
started hiking interest rates in the spring of 2022.
But it’s not just home sales that are slowing. Virtually all aspects
of the housing market—both for-sale and rental—have been
decelerating. New home prices peaked in April 2022, while
prices of existing homes likely peaked in June after appreciation
started to slow with the rise in mortgage rates. Meanwhile,
apartment rents have continued to push ever higher, but the pace
has been moderating in recent months. Construction starts also
have slowed. The National Association of Home Builders housing
market index has fallen for eight straight months through August
2022 to its lowest level since May 2020.
This is not to say that we’re in a housing recessionfar from it.
Homes are still selling at a healthy rate by historical levels, and
home prices remain near record levels. And while multifamily
vacancies are at their lowest level in four decades and rents
continue to log new records every month, the rates of increase
have been slowing and are expected to decelerate further,
according to many experts we interviewed. “Maybe you don’t
see the 10 percent–plus rent growth in multifamily markets,
says the head of one institutional investment advisory firm. “They
should come back to more of a long-term historical average of
3 percent to 4 percent, and maybe offset some of the unafford-
ability in the country.
Indeed, housing markets may be partly victims of their own
success as record prices and rents mean fewer households can
afford to buy homes or rent apartments, particularly with mort-
gage interest rates and housing-related expenses like utilities
rising sharply—a topic we explore in “Too Much for Too Many,
our trend on housing affordability.
The Warehouse Pause
The white-hot industrial market also seems set to cool after
several years of unprecedented demand growth and rent
gains that have pushed rents far above prior records. Growth
in e-commerce is slowing and giving back some of the market
share it captured from physical retailers during the pandemic.
The largest warehouse user in the United States has delayed
occupying numerous completed projects, trying to sublet many,
as it slows its physical growth. Other major retailers also have
been cutting back their distribution expansion plans.
To be sure, the industrial sector still enjoys record-low vacancy
rates, as demand for high-quality, well-located logistics facilities
has been running ahead of the market’s ability to supply them.
And investors are not ready to abandon industrial or multifamily,
both of which still reign at the top of the heap in the Emerging
Trends survey. Still, the ratings are a bit less exuberant than last
year, and these high-riding sectors do not look quite as invulner-
able as they had in recent years.
But even recognizing that industrial demand could ease at all
from its torrid growth is a changestill robust, but a bit closer
to historical patterns. The head of one investment management
firm says, “While we still believe in the fundamentals over the
long term, there’s still cycles within the business and therefore
you could potentially see some oversupply in the industrial mar-
ket over a short period of time.
Reversion UP to the Mean, Too
While some sectors will be trending down in some fashion,
others will be reverting up to more normal levels. Property
fundamentals have been improving for the battered hotel sec-
tor, especially hotels serving leisure travelers, and there seems
to be a growing consensus that the beleaguered retail sector
has been oversold in recent years. Says the head of advisory
services for a real estate firm, “I think we’ve had a little bit of a
reset now where if you survived to this point in retail, the future
probably looks pretty good for you.
The “Sugar Rush” Is Over
Property investment returns are primed for a reset. Earnings
have been unusually robust during the two years since COVID-
19 hit, driven by strong property fundamentals and intense
investor demandas well as ultra-cheap debt and the federal
government’s three rounds of stimulus spending. Total returns
Exhibit 1-4 Emerging Trends Barometer 2023
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
7Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
for the institutional-quality real estate in the NCREIF Property
Index (NPI) soared to over 20 percent in the four quarters
through mid-2022, almost three times the 20-year average.
But returns will be coming down. The 43 economists and ana-
lysts surveyed in October 2022 by ULI’s Center for Real Estate
Economics and Capital Markets expect total returns to drop to
3.8 percent in 2023, and recover to a moderate 7 percent in
2024. That is to say, more normal returns.
That outlook tracks with the collective wisdom of respondents
to this year’s Emerging Trends survey. More than half believe
that capitalization rates are heading up next year and returns
are coming down, primarily due to rising “interest rates and cost
of capital,” which was the top economic concern voiced in our
survey. After more than a decade of “lower for longer,” the Fed is
finally normalizing interest rates closer to historical levels. Those
rising interest rates are already driving up debt costs and thus
the costs to acquire and develop property, reducing leveraged
At the same time, the federal government is done with providing
stimulus, indirectly reducing tenant demand for space. Unlike
in the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and during the pandemic,
“nobody’s coming to the rescue, and now we got to take our
medicine, and here it comes,” says the head of research for an
investment management firm. Thus, the government is turning
off both the monetary and fiscal spigots that had been support-
ing commercial real estate and the economy overall.
The head of a development company summarized it like this: “I
feel like we’ve been on a little bit of a sugar high with this stimu-
lus and cheap debt. There’s going to be a slowdown. There’s
got to be this normalization. So, what does that mean? I think it’s
going to be a little bouncy; it’s going to be a little bit turbulent.
But then we bottom out, and we start back into growth.
2. … Still, We’ve Changed Some
The pandemic forced structural shifts in how and where
we live, work, and recreate in ways that seem destinated
to endure.
Online spending is receding from its pandemic peaks but is
not likely to revert to pre-pandemic levels. Business travel is
unlikely to recover to pre-COVID-19 levels for at least several
years, meaning business hotels, fine dining, and conference
facilities will continue to face challenges.
The greatest changes may be in how and where we work.
The impact on office use and leasing is still evolving, and a
significant share of the existing stock may need to be reposi-
tioned to remain competitive.
Even as property markets begin to “normalize” in many ways after
some of the disruptions of the past few years, we won’t be resum-
ing our former lives in some key respects. The pandemic forced
structural shifts in how and where we live, work, and recreate in
ways that seem destinated to endure at least at some level, even if
less extreme than our behaviors during the peak of COVID-19.
Many activities have already returned to pre-pandemic levels,
of course, especially those involving socializing. Americans are
back to attending concerts and sporting events, and leisure
travelers, at least, have returned to the nation’s roads and
airways. Meanwhile, we are obviously tired of exercising and
cooking alone at home, so gym memberships have returned to
historical levels while restaurant sales are back above groceries,
as they had been since 2015 until COVID-19 shut down dining
Yet many other activitiesand how we use spaceseem
unlikely to return to the old ways. The pandemic changed us.
Says a director of an investment management firm, “People are
looking to achieve their lifestyle choices more quickly. They’re
less focused on their employer and more focused on their per-
sonal lifestyle. And that is changing how apartments are being
viewed, how single-family residential is being viewed, how office
is being utilized, and where corporations are heading.
In-Store versus Online Shopping
Much of our spending shifted online during the pandemic. The
e-commerce share of retail sales (excluding auto-related sales)
shot up from 13 percent in 2019 to a peak of 20 percent during
the initial national lockdown. That drained a lot of spending from
physical retailers and squeezed the nations shopping centers.
The online share inevitably waned as the economy reopened
and more consumers felt comfortable shopping in stores again.
But don’t expect online spending to drop down to pre-pandemic
levels, say many experts we interviewed. While shoppers initially
resorted to e-commerce due to safety concerns or simply
because the stores were not even opendid we really live
through that?—they still shop online today because of its other
benefits, including greater convenience, selection, and price
advantages. Thus, the share we spend online remains highly
elevated at just under 18 percent, nearly five percentage points
above the rate before COVID-19.
8 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Where will it go from here? The fate of shopping centers and
physical retailers hangs on the answer, with downstream
impacts on warehouses and logistics. The retail property sector
fared far better during and since the pandemic than anyone
could have expected, benefiting from both direct government
assistance to retailers and the stimulus payments to households,
who could keep spending, even if out of work.
Those gains could moderate or even reverse if the online
shopping share endures, however, as consumers shift some
spending back from goods to nonretail services they avoided
during the pandemic, like travel and entertainment. As one real
estate investment trust (REIT) analyst notes, “There’s still very
healthy growth in e-commerce, but it’s no longer the lofty expec-
tations we used to have at the height of the pandemic.
With growth in online spending slowing, physical retailers will
have an opportunity to regain some lost market share, espe-
cially those that can “bridge the gap between e-commerce and
bricks and sticks. They survived very well in the pandemic and
will probably continue to do well,” says one investment con-
sultant. Other winners will be the resourceful retailers that can
provide consumers with compelling shopping experiences. But
the permanent shift to greater online spending ultimately means
that fewer shopping centers and retail space can survive.
Business Travel versus Video Meetings
The old Buggles song has it that “Video Killed the Radio Star.
And indeed, radio began to fade as television ascended in
popularity. Now, in a different era, video meetings just might
kill—or at least greatly reduceovernight business travel.
According to the U.S. Travel Association (USTA), domestic
business travel spending was 56 percent lower in 2021 than in
2019, while leisure travel was actually up modestly. Excluding
the impact of inflation on spending shows that travel trips fell
even more, since the number of meetings and events dropped
by almost 80 percent.
A summer 2022 study conducted by Tourism Economics for
USTA forecasts that U.S. business travel in 2022 will get back
to only 73 percent of 2019 levels and will not return to pre-pan-
demic levels through at least 2026. Firms are restricting travel to
save on costs, and employees are reluctant to travel anyway. Of
greater importance, they have less need to travel since clients
are often unwilling to interact in person, and many industry
conferences have either been canceled or moved online. But
perhaps the core issue is that after working from home for so
long, we have learned to conduct business remotely, facilitated
by improved meeting technology.
Business travel will continue to recover over time, but few
expect levels to attain prior levels soon. The USTA study shows
business travel flattening in 2023 short of pre-COVID-19 levels.
The greatest real estate impacts will be on business hotels, fine
dining, and conference facilities. But office demand also could
suffer as firms have less need to lease space to accommodate
client visits.
Work from Home versus Return to the Office
No dynamic touches more property sectors and markets than
how many of us will finally relocate from our home office back
to the company workplace and how often. Two-plus years after
the onset of COVID-19, most of us are still not back in the office
nearly as often as in the “before times.” Various sources suggest
that less than half of office workers actually come into an office
on a given day, at least in major markets.
That level may finally increase meaningfully this fall, as some
leading tech firms and investment banks issued ultimatums for
their employees to return to the office more often after Labor Day.
As this publication goes to press in late September 2022, it is too
soon to know whether this time will prove more successful than
similar prior deadlines that passed with little apparent impact.
But will workers return? As the senior leader of a development
company said, “Everyone’s still in a fact-finding mode.” The
contours of the decision are by now familiar: employer demands
for control and building culture, the need for mentoring and col-
laboration, and workers’ “fear of missing out” will translate into
more in-office work over time. But those factors will be weighed
against the potential to save on occupancy costs and especially
worker demands for more locational flexibility. As we continue
to hear, “There’s just been a shift in consumer behavior. Most
people don’t want to commute into the office five days a week,
in the words of one senior investment adviser.
For now, tight labor markets ensure that employees have the
upper hand in these negotiations and will resist employer
desires to have workers return to the office. But that could
change if unemployment rises in a downturn. Says the head of
real estate at one investment bank, “I don’t think we’ll know the
outcome of office until we’re through a recession and the power
dynamics between employee and employer change. But we do
know there’s definitely going to be less office demand.
One guess, which seems to reflect the collective wisdom of
experts we interviewed, is that “probably somewhere between
10 and 20 percent of the stock needs to be removed or repur-
posed, leaving the 80 percent that really does a better job of
delivering what tenants want,” according to the head of research
9Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
at one asset management firm. But there is still considerable
difference of opinion: a “jump ball—everybody’s just guessing,
says one investor. Whatever the ultimate figure, there is little
doubt that a meaningful portion of today’s office stock will be
rendered redundant and available to be redevelopeda topic
we discuss in the “Finding a Higher Purpose” trend.
Also uncertain is how to design the space to best facilitate the
kinds of collaborative work expected to dominate office work in
the future, which likely will vary across firms and industries and
take years to define. Another critical challenge is accommodat-
ing worker preferences for individual workspaces if most people
come into the office on the same three days to be with their col-
leagues. Flex space might be the answer for many companies
as they try to figure out their space needs.
So far, the impacts on office markets have been relatively muted
during this prolonged discovery period. Firms have held onto
their offices either as a precaution in case they need the space
in the future or because they could not break their lease. Thus,
the level of physical office occupancy (i.e., the share of work-
ers actually coming into the office) is considerably less than
standard economic occupancy metrics (the percentage of office
space that is leased) as firms figure out what to do.
Tenants cannot afford to keep that empty space indefinitely,
however, so office landlords should not be lulled into compla-
cency by the relatively benign vacancy levels. More firms are
downsizing or not renewing their expiring leases, so vacancy
rates are still slowly rising, in contrast to every other major
property sector. Plus, tenants are dumping unused offices by
trying to sublet the space until their leases expire. Brokers report
that a record level of office space is available for sublease, and
more is hitting the market every quarter. Much of this space will
eventually turn into outright vacancies as leases turn, unless
firms eventually reverse course.
But no one we interviewed expects a mass departure from office
buildings. Even under the most pessimistic scenarios, most
knowledge work will occur in company offices, which, after all,
were designed to facilitate this high-value work. But it will take
more time for firms to figure out how much space they will need,
how it should be configured, and where it should be located. As
summarized by one economist, “Mixing Greek mythology and
biblical references, it’s probably really more of an Odyssey as
opposed to an Exodus.” The search for a post-pandemic “new
normal” will continue.
3. Capital Moving to the Sidelinesor
to Other Assets
After a robust first half of 2022, real estate property transac-
tions began declining, primarily because buyers and sellers
cannot agree on pricing due to heightened market uncer-
Rising debt costs and restrictive underwriting standards are
also limiting transaction volumes.
Exhibit 1-5
Anticipated Changes in Commercial Mortgage Rates, Ination, Cap Rates, and Expected Returns, Next Five Years
Investor return expectationsReal estate cap ratesCommercial mortgage ratesInflation
Next 5 years2023Next 5 years2023Next 5 years2023Next 5 years2023
Increase substantially
Remain stable
at current levels
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
10 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Says the regional leader of one global firm, “Cap rates have
gapped out as interest rates went up. And suddenly, things didn’t
pencil, and that generated broken deals. The cost of financing
for real estate and everything else went up dramatically. And so
everything has to be repriced, everything has to be reset.
Also limiting investor demand: debt is getting more difficult to
obtain, and the Emerging Trends survey expects underwriting
standards to get even more rigorous. As the partner in one lead-
ing advisory firm explains, “This is one of those ‘cash is king’
situations where borrowing costs are higher, and if you’re an all-
cash buyer, those probably represent a disproportionate share
of the people in the market today.
The denominator effect may force some institutional inves-
tors to reduce their CRE exposure, but any negative impact
could be limited by the growing market share held by
nontraded REITs, high-net-worth investors, and other non-
institutional investors.
One of our key themes last year was “Everyone Wants In,
reflecting the deep and wide investor demand for just about
every type of real estate, except central business district (CBD)
office and regional malls. Sales volumes jumped to over $800
billion in 2021, according to MSCI Real Assetsalmost double
the depressed total in the first pandemic year of 2020 and
nearly one-third more than the prior $600 billion record reached
in 2019. The surge continued into 2022, with sales volumes in
the first half of the year up 38 percent over the same period last
year, as even the sharp rise in interest rates did little to dampen
transaction volumes.
But these recent volumes do not tell the whole storyand
the story they do tell may be misleading as to where property
markets seem to be heading. Discussions with numerous
participants from all corners of the industry confirm that many
investors have moved to the sidelines—or to other types of
assets like equities and bonds. Indeed, the recent surge may
well reflect a last gasp to get deals done before the expected
increase in interest rates.
Fewer Investors
Fewer investors and lenders will be providing capital for assets,
according to this year’s Emerging Trends survey: expectations
of availability declined for every one of the 13 equity and debt
capital sources. Over the past decade, CRE markets benefited
from a substantial capital inflow as alternative investment classes
have gained wider acceptance and real estate offered compel-
ling risk-adjusted returns.
Now, some of those inflows look to reverse. Investor interest is still
healthy, but not what it was. “Instead of seven or 10 competing
offers for sale, there’s now two or three, which I think that’s normal,
says the head of an investment firm. “That’s normalizing, too.
Several forces look to restrict investor demand, starting with
the lower expected returns discussed in our “Normalizing”
trend. Rising interest rates are making acquisition and construc-
tion debt more expensive, just when operating incomes seem
destined to slide as the economy weakens in the forecasted
downturn. Indeed, the prospect of lower income and higher
costs is breaking deals, as buyers either seek price breaks or
pull out altogether.
Exhibit 1-6 Availability of Capital for Real Estate,
2023 versus 2022
Public-equity REITs
Institutional investors/
pension funds
Private local investors
Private REITs
Foreign investors
hedge funds
Securitized lenders/CMBS
Commercial banks
Mortgage REITs
Insurance companies
Debt funds
Nonbank financial
Lending source
2 43
the same
Equity source
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
11Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Meanwhile, the same interest rate increases that reduce lever-
aged returns and thus demand for real estate also make bonds
and other interest-bearing investments more compelling. As the
head of real estate banking at one investment bank explains,
“Rising bond yields are going to mean that real estate and other
alternatives are all going to be facing less availability of capital
and some outflows.
And while interest rates are increasing, equity and bond prices
have been falling, triggering the “denominator effect” for some
institutional investors with asset allocations that must remain in
balance. The denominator effect can be magnified because
CRE values in a portfolio are generally appraisal-based, which
tend to be backward-looking.
However, the impact on CRE portfolios may not be severe this
time. Many institutional investors have been under-allocated in
CRE, so they will not need to rebalance by selling real estate
assets. Furthermore, a rising share of CRE investors is not gov-
erned by fixed asset allocations, including public REITs, private
investment firms, and high-net-worth individuals, and especially
nontraded REITs, which have grown to be among the leading
investors in CRE, with an asset value of almost $300 billion in
2021. In sum, capital availability should decline in the near term,
though the denominator effect may not force sales as much as
in typical downturns.
Uncertainty = Hesitancy
Perhaps the biggest headwind to getting deals done now is
uncertainty over where prices will settle. Reflecting the views of
many experts we interviewed, one senior investment banker says,
“Transactions are being done at cap rates that are anywhere from
25 to 75 basis points wider than they werebut there is not any
conviction that these are the right levels.” That translates into a 5
to 15 percent drop in values so far, with more to come. But there
are too few assets trading now to know for sure.
Buyers are concerned about overpaying. Says one banker:
“Now is not the time to be a heromeaning, it’s not the time to
go out and be aggressive on buying something. It’s not the time
to be aggressive on borrowing.” On the other hand, sellers don’t
want to sell their assets short and then see them retraded at
higher prices once the markets improve and few suffer from the
financial distress that forces them to. It all translates into fewer
deals. One senior adviser to institutional investors said, “It’s pen-
cils down in investment committee. We can’t get an acquisition
or disposition approved in investment committee at this time.
The fundamental issue for many investors is how long the Fed
will keep raising rates. Many people we consulted in the summer
believed that the Fed will finish hiking by the end of 2022 and could
start lowering again by mid-2023. However, Chairman Powell’s
comments at the end of August led more observers to believe that
relief will not come until at least 2024 and seemed to precipitate
a sharp market selloff. But everyone agrees that deal volumes
will not
return until market players better understand the Fed’s
which, in turn, hinges on when inflation can be tamed.
As the U.S. head of real estate at one investment bank explained,
“That’s going to create more clarity, and then some of the volatility
comes down, and that’s the opportunity to start buying.
Deal flow will also require investors to recognize that pricing
expectations have changed. Says one portfolio manager who
wants to put money out now, “I just don’t know that sellers have
capitulated enough to recognize the new environment.
Exhibit 1-7 Debt Underwriting Standards Forecast
for the United States
More rigorousRemain the sameLess rigorous
4.1% 24.8% 71.1%
20.3 61.1 18.6
3.9 22.3 73.8
13.1 52.4 34.5
24.9 45 .0 30.1
16.8 47.0 36.2
8.4 44.2 47.4
35.4 51.7 12.9
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
Exhibit 1-8 Equity Underwriting Standards Forecast
for the United States
More rigorousRemain the sameLess rigorous
4.4% 28.8% 66.8%
28.0 53.7 18.3
5.0 27.9 67.1
12.9 55.5 31.6
21.1 48.7 30.2
17.1 51.4 31.5
11.5 54.2 34.3
34.0 52.4 13.6
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
12 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
At the beginning of COVID-19, several firms set up opportunistic
funds anticipating all the distress that ultimately never came.
Most of those funds eventually just went away or changed their
focus. Investors waiting for distressed deals in the coming years
may be similarly disappointed.
The research head of one investment management firm says,
A lot of bids have gone away, highly leveraged bids have gone
away, but there’s still a lot of depth to the capital markets. A lot
of the nontraded REITs have plenty of money. There’s still high
net worth. The strength of the U.S. dollar, while it’s going up, also
confirms that foreigners like to own U.S. dollar assets. So, there’s
plenty of liquidity.
A pension fund portfolio manager adds, “We have pulled back
on some things. We’re more selective, and things have to be
more compelling. You have to take a closer look, resharpen your
pencils.” But deals will get done. Concludes one adviser, “If
deals underwrite and make sense, there is capital that is both
eager and available.
4. Too Much for Too Many
Housing affordability has fallen to its lowest level in over 30
years. Prices and rents have soared relative to incomes.
Spiraling mortgage rates have pushed the homeownership
bar further out of reach for a growing share of households.
The chronic undersupply of housing is the result of govern-
ment policies that limit new supply or increase construction
costs and is exacerbated by a labor shortage, as well as
Simply constructing more housing may be the most obvious
and effective solution, but is far from easy to achieve.
Housing is too expensive. It has been that way for too longfor
too many people neither for-sale nor rental housing is afford-
ablebut prices and rents have soared even further out of
reach over the course of the past year. And even if we experi-
ence an economic downturn, as many economists expect, it is
not projected to provide significant relief.
It starts with record home prices. The U.S. median existing-
home price jumped by over 18 percent in 2021 alonethe
largest increase on record going back to the early 1950s
and then tacked on a further 15 percent through mid-2022.
Combined with rapidly rising mortgage rates, housing afford-
ability has fallen to its lowest level in over 30 years relative to
incomes, according to the National Association of Realtors.
Exhibit 1-9 Real Estate Capital Market Balance Forecast,
2023 versus 2022
Debt capital for acquisitions
Debt capital for renancing
Debt capital for development/redevelopment
OversuppliedIn balanceUndersupplied
36% 53%
43% 9%
54% 27%
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
More a Lull Than a Crash
If transaction volumes do fall, few real estate people expect a
crash or liquidity crunch in property markets. Notably, there are
few signs of distress. Balance sheets are generally strong, lever-
age is low, and values have not fallen very far, so few assets are
underwater with their debt. Moreover, replacement financing is
generally still available for those who need it, if at a higher price
and with tighter underwriting. Many investors and developers
are willing to look beyond the short-term turbulence to focus on
longer-term opportunities, a theme we introduced in our open-
ing overview. Thus, there are few examples of motivated sellers
in the market.
13Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Though prices began to fall modestly in the summer, as we
discuss in the “Normalizing” trend, prices are still near record
levels nationally.
The rise in mortgage rates alone has had a significant impact.
John Burns Real Estate Consulting calculated that the number of
U.S. households that could afford a $400,000 mortgage—about
the mortgage amount required to purchase the median-priced
home with a 5 percent downpayment—dropped by 16.5 million
due to rising interest rates, just in the first half of 2022.
That hurts. But the fundamental issue is the overall chronic
undersupply of housing, especially at affordable price points.
The challenges are hardly new. Restrictive zoning and build-
ing codes block or limit new supply, while NIMBYism delays
and curbs approvals of even as-of-right projects. Affordable
housing developers complain that increasingly complex deals
now require more underwriting from more capital sources. One
developer says, “The average deal for us used to take 90 days
to close, and now it’s over six months.
Some experts we interviewed believe that the rise of single-
family rentals (SFRs) also contributes to declining affordability
of for-sale housing. Proponents argue that SFRs extend the
opportunity to live in a single-family house to those who cannot
afford to buy or just don’t want to, while generally expanding the
supply of rental housing. But critics point out that “institutional
capital is driving up prices in the resale market,” in the words of
one housing adviser, by outbidding owner/occupant homebuy-
ers for existing homes.
One reason: existing tax laws are stacked against the individual
homebuyer. Explains one academic, “Investors are allowed to
not only deduct everything, but also they can depreciate the
unit. They also have access to lower cost of capital.” In sum,
institutional buyers assembling “horizontal apartment” portfolios
can afford to pay more to be the high bidder for homes. And
they do. Investors account for one in five homebuyers, up by a
third compared with before the pandemic.
Another supply constraint is homebuilders’ cautious construc-
tion pacing, a vestige of the last recession. Explains the director
of an investment institute who developed housing earlier in his
career, “A lot of the homebuilders, when the Great Recession
happened, were stuck with inventory, said, ‘We’re not doing that
again. We’re going to build 10 new units, and as they sell, we’ll
start the next one, etc.
And then labor shortages are compounding the problems. “The
construction sector as a whole hasn’t returned to the peak we
saw prior to the Great Recession. We saw a lot of that labor
leave the sector for something maybe perceived more stable,
says the economist for a housing advisory firm.
All these factors are conspiring to limit housing construction far
below population growth. In fact, the number of single-family
housing starts in the last decade (20102019) relative to house-
hold formations was the lowest since the government began
tracking these trends and half as much or less than in preced-
ing decades, despite the consistent increase in deliveries since
bottoming in 2010. And now both permits and housing starts
have been trending down again in 2022. Plunging homebuilder
Exhibit 1-10 Median Price of Existing Single-Family Homes, Nominal versus Real Prices, 19542022
Real price
Nominal price
2022201820142 01020062002199819941990198619821978197419701966196219581954
Source: DQYDJ.com based on data from the National Association of Realtors, Robert Shiller, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency; compiled by Nelson Economics.
14 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
confidence suggests that that decline will likely continue until the
interest rate environment turns more favorable.
And the homes that do get built are expensive, particularly since
the pandemic. Construction costs shot up due to supply chain
disruptions and are still worrisome. As one housing industry
adviser notes, “There’s a stress index about global supply
chains, and those stress indices are all indicating that they’re
moderating, but they’re still at very high levels.” Finally, high
permitting fees and utility charges and large minimum lot sizes
push developers to build more expensive homes.
Renters Priced Out of the Homebuying Market
With a growing share of households priced out of the for-sale
market, demand for rental units is far outstripping new supply.
Though population growth slowed sharply during the pandemic,
demand is also rising from the many young adults eager to start
their own households after moving back in with their parents
during COVID-19. Further boosting demand is the increasing
number of younger adults choosing to live alone, according
to a report from economists at the Fed, perhaps a reaction to
lockdown claustrophobia.
The multifamily sector has responded with an unprecedented
increase in new supply. “We’ve built more multifamily housing
units over the last 10 years than we had in any other time since
1980,” notes an adviser to institutional investors. But it is still far
less than needed. Vacancies have fallen to their lowest levels
ever while rents are rising faster than evereven faster than
home prices. And though not a formal part of the affordability
calculations, other housing-related costs like utilities and main-
tenance are also rising faster than incomes, further constraining
the ability of households to afford basic shelter.
Moving to More Affordable
Recent slowdowns in rent growth and home price appreciation,
noted in our “Normalizing” trend, have done little to increase
affordability. So how to address this? Millions of people have
taken matters into their own hands. As an executive with one
developer notes, “A lot of people are moving to markets where
Exhibit 1-11 Average Cost of Regulation as a Percentage of Total Multifamily Development Cost
Pure cost of delay (if regulation imposed no other cost)
Cost of land dedicated to the government or left unbuilt
Complying with OSHA/other labor regulations
Affordability mandates (e.g., inclusive zoning)
Cost of applying for zoning approval
Fees charged when building construction is authorized
Development requirements (layout, materials, etc.) beyond the ordinary
Costs when site work begins (fees required, studies, etc.)
Changes to building codes over the past 10 years
Sources: National Association of Home Builders; National Multifamily Housing Council.
15Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
they can go buy a house and it’s a little more affordable.” That
solved the issue for many early movers, but prices and rents
have been rising much faster in many of these “Zoom towns,
reducing their affordability, a topic we take up in our trend
“Rewards—and Growing Pains—in the Sun Belt.” So far, migra-
tion from the highest-priced markets has not been enough to
actually reduce housing costs in those markets, though costs
generally are rising more slowly there.
Demographics and the slowing economy could also help ease
the housing imbalance. The nation’s population is growing at
its slowest pace ever, thanks to both low birth and immigration
rates. And fewer buyers are on the hunt for homes now due
to affordability and concerns about possible job losses in a
recession. “The good news is that it is an opportunity for home-
builders and land developers to do a little catch-up. They’ve
been running behind for two years, and they may actually
welcome a little respite to finish the homes that they have sold,
thinks a senior adviser to many homebuilders.
But these favorable trends alone will not be nearly enough to
solve the affordability quandary. What else would help? As we
outlined in previous editions of Emerging Trendswhen hous-
ing was less expensive than it is nowthere are no easy fixes,
but several obvious policy options would help: notably, lowering
the many obstacles to housing construction, decreasing rising
regulatory costs (stemming from fees and changes to building
codes), and expediting approvals.
Technology can play a bigger role in actually delivering homes
by helping bring innovation and cost efficiencies to a sector that
has been notoriously slow to change. Most notable are different
approaches to prefabricated and modular housing in which much
or all of the house is built in a factory and then assembled on
the homesite. These methods can dramatically reduce the need
for labor and shrink production times at more affordable costs.
Promising innovations are also arising from the nascent single-fam-
ily build-to-rent sector, which is learning how to scale construction
and design to reduce costs and development time, as explained
in our single-family sector overview found in chapter 2.
Government could also expand affordable housing produc-
tion. Unfortunately, Congress dropped the affordable housing
components of the proposed Build Back Better Act from what
became the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, meaning that no
additional federal help is on the way. But many state and local
governments are stepping into the breach, as we discuss in our
final trend on regulation.
In the end, perhaps the most effective solution is the most obvi-
ous: we must construct more housing that is affordable to more
people. As the former homebuilder we quoted earlier puts it,
what is needed is “a new way of getting housing out there and
get it built more affordably.
Exhibit 1-12 U.S. Housing Starts per 1,000 Households, 1961–2022
Multifamily average = 4.5
Single-family average = 12
Multifamily starts (5+ units)
Single-family starts
19 79
19 77
19 75
19 73
19 71
Sources: U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: 2022 gures are through July.
16 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
5. Give Me Quality, Give Me Niche
Investment demand for commercial real estate assets is still
healthy, if more tentative, as discussed in
“Capital Moving to the
Sidelinesor to Other Assets.” But real estate capital markets
are also becoming more bifurcated between
the favored and the
scorned as investors, lenders, and developers turn more selective
than they have been in recent years. What assets will find love
and capitalin the coming years?
Investors and developers seem to be preferring three distinct
types of opportunities:
The security of major product types with the strongest
demand fundamentals, notably industrial and multifamily
housing, which essentially tie for top investment ratings in
this year’s Emerging Trends survey;
Best-quality assets in sectors undergoing significant
demand disruption, especially retail and office; and
Narrowly targeted subsectors (like student housing) and
newer “niche” asset types (like single-family rentals).
There is much less appetite now for riskier opportunistic invest-
ments. Our survey also confirms continuing strong interest in
Sun Belt markets, though the rankings are moderately tighter
than last year, as we show in our markets review in chapter 3.
Hot or Not?
The dominant capital market trend is the increasing divergence
of demand among different property types and then within
property types, particularly office. As investors get more
selective, they increasingly choose safer sectors with the most
compelling market fundamentals. Tenant demand continues
to outpace the market’s capacity to add new supply in both
the residential and industrial sectors, which therefore draw the
greatest interest from capital markets. Retail and office, by
contrast, find much less support.
We repeatedly heard some version of that story in interviews
with industry leaders. But that big picture does not fully capture
the range of market currents. Tenant and investor demand for
apartments and warehouses is deep at all price points and
almost every market, but the story is more nuanced for office
and retail. Demand for well-located, top-quality office and retail
space is as strong as ever, but tenants, and thus investors, are
losing interest in lower-quality buildings and shopping centers.
Bifurcation and the Flight to Quality
The bifurcated demand that started a decade ago in the retail
sector and expanded over time has now spread to the hotel
and office sectors. However, the dynamics are different for
each sector. The retail bifurcation was driven primarily by years
of overbuilding combined with the sector’s failure to update or
demolish obsolete centers and then compounded by the grow-
ing competitive pressures from e-commerce. The tenant market
could not support all the existing centers, causing a divide
between the best-located centers with the best retailers and
everything else. Investors have followed suit.
A similar divergence is taking place in the hotel sector but
through a very different dynamic. Here, the divide is being
driven by the contrast between the broad post-COVID-19 recov-
ery in the leisure market and the much slower and incomplete
business market recovery. Thus, resorts and destination hotels
are commanding record revenue while many convention and
business hotels languish.
And then there is office, where tenants are increasingly choos-
ing newer, more modern buildings and abandoning everything
else, especially pre-1990 buildings. Unfortunately, for current
owners, the office sector experienced its greatest construction
boom in the 1980s. Now, many of those assets are becoming
functionally obsolete, unwanted by tenants or investors.
Says a senior leader of a global development firm, “If it’s old
class B office, I’d be worried because that’s the kind of space
that companies will ultimately shed to move into new space.” But
not just any new space. The top tier of spacewhich industry
experts say accounts for only about 20 percent of all office
stock—is distinguished by several key modern design features.
These include the following:
Exhibit 1-13 Share of All CRE Transactions, by Major
Property Sector, 1H 22 and Change from 1H 21
Share of
1H 22 sales
Change from
1H 21
Apartments 43.7% +3.6%
Hotel 6.3% 2.4%
Industrial 21.1% 0.8%
Office 16.3% –3.3%
Retail 12.6% +2.8%
Source: MSCI Real Assets; compiled by Nelson Economics.
17Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
High ceilings and floor-to-ceiling window lines that allow for
abundant natural light;
Sustainable design that minimizes or even zeros out the
building’s carbon footprint; and
Premium health and safety features, such as efficient HVAC
systems with rapid air-refresh rates.
The U.S. head of real estate banking for another major invest-
ment firm sees office building quality more as a competitive
advantage in the war for talent. “Major companies, especially
their headquarters space, think of that as synonymous with their
brand. And so if they want to attract talent, they want to be at a
modern, sustainable building.
“Those rents continue to hold up really well,” says the head of a
real estate investment bank. “And everything else continues to
be really, really tough. So it’s going to be ‘trophy and trauma’ in
the business.” It is almost hard to overstate how much that older
office product has fallen out of favor. A global portfolio man-
ager of an investment management firm explains that “office,
especially value-add office, has kind of become toxic. The debt
funds were the primary lender to value-add, especially opportu-
nistic office. That’s completely dried up.
As with failing retail centers, many of these older office assets
will need to be either upgraded or converted, as discussed in
our next trend on repurposing obsolete buildings. The biggest
challenge is the enormous cost of renovating a 40-year-old
building to the health and safety and sustainability features and
modern design standards offered by the top-tier properties.
Mainstreaming of Niche Property Types
In last year’s Emerging Trends, we documented the growing
interest by institutional investors in nontraditional CRE product
types. This year’s survey and interviews reveal an even stronger
interest in niche products. Niche property types occupy five of
the top-rated six slots for “investment prospects,” as shown in
chapter 2, including the two top subsectors, workforce housing
(market-rate housing affordable to middle-income households)
and data centers.
This shift partly reflects investor expectations that cyclical trends
will reduce returns in 2022 and 2023, intensifying the eternal
search for yield. That search will favor some of these smaller
product types that generally command higher cap rates and
returns relative to the traditional product types. Why? Exits are
less certain because these assets tend to be more thinly traded.
Moreover, there is less reliable operating data, and these prod-
ucts often require more specialized management, raising the
risks for investors lacking experience in these sectors.
The significance of these factors is likely to recede as more
investors enter these sectors. That potential looks to get a boost
from an unlikely, if wonky, source: NCRIEF’s Property Index
(NPI). Pension funds, investment advisers, and other institu-
tional players often construct their portfolios to match the NPI
mix, a phenomenon known as “benchmark hugging.” The NPI
includes only the five major product typesapartments, hotels,
industrial, office, and retailand a select few subtypes, like flex
space and research and development (R&D) under industrial. In
a revolutionary move for the often-plodding institutional investor
world, NCREIF plans to promote a new, expanded “NPI Plus”
with all product subtypes as its headline benchmark. This subtle
Exhibit 1-14 Net Office Absorption since COVID-19 Onset (April 2020June 2022) by Building Age
–100 –80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Net absorption (millions of square feet)
2015–pres ent
7 7,4 54,0 06
Source: JLL Research. ©2022 Jones Lang LaSalle IP Inc. All rights reserved.
18 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
change will effectively give investors more latitude to pursue less
traditional asset types.
This change comes at a propitious time in the investment cycle
as investors seek assets better positioned to outperform during
more volatile market conditions. These include some of the
more established subtypes like medical office, self-storage, and
student and senior housing with strong demographic tailwinds
supporting rising demand. There also are newer subtypes with
growing interest, like cold storage warehouse, life-sciences
office, and single-family rentals, generally benefiting from favor-
able demand shifts. And still others don’t fit neatly into traditional
CRE categories, like media (e.g., movie studios, sound stages,
and recording studios), cell towers, and data centers, but all
benefit from solid demand.
Some investors introduce niche products to add diversification
to their portfolios. Says a senior adviser to institutional investors,
“I like, within certain traditional segments, playing off the niche a
little bit. Medical office is an interesting offset to traditional office
exposure in a portfolio. And you have the same thing happening
with other major property types like industrial with cold storage
and data centers.”
In summary, real estate investors are viewing calendar year
2022 as a transitional year requiring changes in near-term
investment tactics. Some capital has moved to the sidelines until
there is greater clarity on pricing and future market conditions.
But investors still actively seeking opportunities are generally
seeking the safety of top-quality assets or sectors most likely to
ride out expected headwinds due to strong demographic sup-
port or other favorable demand fundamentals.
6. Finding a Higher Purpose
Long-term demographic trends and more recent structural
demand shifts have rendered countless existing buildings
and properties either redundant or obsolete. Many of these
buildings may ultimately need to be repurposed or upgraded
to meet new market requirements.
Key repositioning targets are concentrated among retail,
office, and older industrial structures and sites. Promising
opportunities include residential units and newer or better-
located industrial stock, as well opportunities to “retrofit for
the future.
These conversions are often much easier to envision than to
execute, however, often requiring specialized expertise and
substantial investment to execute. The value loss that owners
may need to recognize in order to justify the transformative
investment could be the greatest barrier to project feasibility.
We have too much retail space and too many office buildings,
and not enough residential units or modern industrial space.
That is the inescapable conclusion from our many discussions
with leaders across the industry, as summarized in the preced-
ing pages. There also is not enough developable land on which
to build all the housing and warehouses where needed. Hmmm,
maybe there’s something to that.
The Importance of Older Buildings
In her classic 1961 urban planning treatise, The Death and Life
of Great American Cities, Jane Jacobs elucidates the critical
ingredients for a diverse, vibrant city. Among them is one rule
that may seem puzzling at first: “The district must mingle build-
ings that vary in age and condition, including a good proportion
of old ones.” Why the need for old buildings? Why not all new?
“If a city area has only new buildings, the enterprises that can
exist there are automatically limited to those that can support the
high costs of new construction.” How boring and monotonous
that would be. Jacobs points to all the small local businesses
that occupy these older structures that give the neighborhood
its diversity and vitality.
Although Jacobs doesn’t say it precisely, there is another crucial
observation regarding the importance of older buildings: so
many of them find new life with uses different from their original
function. Walk around the bustling old port districts of Montreal
or Boston or Portland, Maine, and you will find hundreds of for-
mer warehouses that have been repurposed into upscale hotels,
cool offices, hip restaurants, and distinctive retail spaces.
Conversions are hardly limited to old warehouse districts. Every
vibrant downtown is filled with buildings of varying types and
vintages that have been converted into new uses. Often the
conversions go “upstream,” as lower-value land uses like ware-
houses convert into higher-value uses like office or retail. But the
direction is often reversed, with old offices converting into artist
space or storage.
Lemonade from Lemons
Demographic trends and structural demand shifts magnified
by the pandemic have rendered countless existing buildings
either redundant (no tenant demand for the current use or at the
location) or obsolete (unable to lease in its current condition and/
or configuration). But many—though not allof these can be
either repurposed or upgraded to meet new market standards.
The many opportunities include the following:
19Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Converting older offices to residential uses, or upgrading
them into modern offices, where feasible and supported by
the market;
Repurposing excess retail space for other uses (including
fulfillment, service office, and residential) or improving with
mixed use (especially residential, office, and hospitality); and
Scraping buildings to create development land where con-
version is not feasible, or where density can be increased,
to site new housing.
These conversions are often much easier to envision than to
execute, however. The notion of converting obsolete malls into
fulfillment centers, for example, has been a point of interest by
both people inside and outside the real estate industry. But the
case for these conversions can be easy to exaggerate. Nearby
residents don’t relish sharing local roads with big-rig trucks serv-
ing these logistics facilities, while local governments resist losing
retail sales tax revenue and jobs. And everyone laments losing
what had been a community gathering place.
But the greatest barrier to land use conversions is the value loss
that owners must recognize in order to justify transformative
investment and make projects feasible. Malls, for example, often
command the highest values per square foot of any property
type and warehouses among the lowest: converting a mall into a
warehouse may require an enormous value writedown.
It is possible to convert malls to uses with higher values than
warehouses. For example, the Austin Community College
converted Highland Mall into a mixed-use campus, while an
e-commerce giant purchased the former Lord & Taylor flagship
store in Manhattan, aiming to convert the building into offices,
though those plans have since been frozen as it reevaluates
its space needs. An even more likely step for failing malls is to
convert just the most problematic portions. For example, at York
Galleria in York, Pennsylvania, a former Sears was converted into
a casino and then a vacant Bon-Ton department store into a self-
storage facility.
What’s Next for Office?
Perhaps the biggest challenge confronting urban landlords and
city leaders is what to do with all that older office space that
increasingly looks redundant, obsolete, or both.
“One of the major problems we have in the office market right
now is we’ve got a bunch of pre-1980 buildings that are function-
ally obsolete, and we don’t know what we do with them,” says
the global head of research for an investment management firm.
The instinct of many owners will be to upgrade in order to attract
new tenants. But that approach can be expensive, with the
payoff highly uncertain. Owners of one older high-rise in Boston
invested $300 million to convert the 1 million-square-foot con-
crete building into a sleek glass-lined tower. Some major leases
have been signed, but significant blocks remain available.
Not every older building would require such extensive improve-
ments to compete for tenants, of course, but even funding
tenant improvements may be too risky in this highly competi-
tive market. A senior executive with one CRE investment firm
believes, “There’s going to be a lot of distress. Even in a great
market, if their debt is coming due, they’re going to be hard
pressed to refinance that building, particularly if that building
needs the capital to fit out space, get new building amenities,
all the things that are required as table stakes today in leasing
office space.
Says one real estate investment banking executive, “It’s all going
to be triggered by when major leases roll or debt matures or
there’s some debt extension test that comes up. Some of those
buildings will come back to the lenders, but others may be can-
didates for conversion to other uses.
One affordable housing developer is optimistic about the poten-
tial for more housing. “Anybody who’s sitting in city hall with a
homelessness problem, which is pretty much everybody, needs
to start thinking about how to take some of these office buildings
and repurpose them into all flavors of residential, including some
homeless shelters.
But as with the aforementioned mall conversions, that would
require a tremendous value decline to make such projects
feasible, among other hurdles. That capitulation could be painful
and really has yet to begin. Half of the industry people surveyed
for Emerging Trends believe that central-city offices are over-
priced. But at some point, owners may have no alternative to a
serious writedown if office tenant demand keeps falling.
Moving from Here to There
Discussions with experienced practitioners for the upcoming
ULI report, Behind the Facade: The Feasibility of Converting
Commercial Real Estate to Multifamily, suggest several lessons
that can increase the odds of successful conversions. First is the
understanding that there is no cookie-cutter building to convert,
particularly when converting commercial real estate to multifam-
ily use. Not only is each experience different, but developers of
successful conversions expect that each subsequent one will
be different. Because of the unknowns when taking off a facade
and walls and bringing it down to the concrete, interviewees
stressed the need for an experienced and nimble team that can
20 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
adjust in real time. As one developer summed it up: “You go with
the flow of what the building is telling you it wants to do or can
do and then merge that with your financials.
Second, two perceived stumbling blocks of office conversions
to multifamily—large floor plates and office buildings that are not
fully vacant—may not be the universal impediments once thought.
They have been successfully addressed enough times to suggest
that there are options to pursue, at least in some cases. The former
by innovative configurations, often by providing bedrooms without
direct natural light, use of internal space for amenities, or creating
a lightwell. The latter typically by the expected departure of a main
tenant but then lease termination negotiations with the remaining
tenants. Of course, the financial viability of these solutionsand
the full conversion process itself—depends on the strength of the
multifamily market in the particular location.
A growing number of developers are honing the skills required
to understand which buildings are most amenable to trans-
formation at a feasible price point and to undertake the
complexities of conversions. Conversions to residential units
have become a mainstream development option, and perhaps
even a specialized niche sector. And institutional and private
capital are finding investment opportunities in this area.
Retrotting for the Future
The obstacles to converting from one property type to another
are varied and daunting. Many owners will rise to the challenge,
but such undertakings are often not practical—either too expen-
sive or just too difficult. But the need to “retrofit for the future,
as one real estate adviser points out, provides another set of
opportunities that may be more limited in scope but ultimately
broader in scale. Owners and managers of real estate will need
to enhance the resilience of their assets against potential climate
change impacts or otherwise decarbonize their assets as
increasingly demanded by tenants, investors, and regulators,
as we discuss in greater detail below.
But whether a full-scale conversion to another land use or a
more limited retrofit to higher building standards, there is a
compelling sustainability reason for these projects beyond their
potential financial feasibility. It has been said that “the greenest
building is one that is already built.” Simply, it is far more sustain-
able for the planet to reuse existing buildings than to build new
ones. Reason enough to encourage landowners to consider
what reuse options exist before demolishing buildings to make
way for new construction.
7. Rewardsand Growing Painsin the
Sun Belt
Despite their continued popularity among residents, employ-
ers, tenants, and investors, some Sun Belt markets are
experiencing growing pains. “Big city” problems are coming
to these markets known for their affordability and quality of life
after years of continuous economic and population growth.
These destination markets typically offer lower tax rates
and lighter regulatory burdens than many gateway markets,
heightening their appeal to many businesses. Conversely,
some of these attractive characteristics may limit their capac-
ity to accommodate continued massive population inflows.
These markets will remain popular for both business and
residential in-migration but could see the pace of both occur
at more moderate levels.
Everyone still likes the hot Sun Belt markets. Almost all the
Emerging Trends “magnet” markets that shone most brightly
in our last reportthe large Super Sun Belt metro areas and
the fastest-growing Supernovas—still shine luminously in the
Exhibit 1-15 Importance of Disrupters for Real Estate
in 2023
Augmented/virtual reality
3-D printing
Autonomous vehicles
Sharing/gig economy
5G implementation
Internet of things
Artificial intelligence/machine learning
Big data
Construction technology
Real estate industry disrupters
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
21Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
CRE galaxy, as we detail in the “Markets to Watch” chapter. But
another year of hypergrowth has brought growing pains and has
slightly dimmed the outlook for some star markets, as indicated
by this year’s survey.
All this growth is bringing big-city problems to some smaller,
vibrant markets that Emerging Trends once described all-inclu-
sively as 18-hour cities. Such problems include those that affect the
quality of life (like congestion) and standard of living (like declining
housing affordability). These side effects to unfettered growth bring
to mind the old joke about the hot restaurant that is so popular that
no one wants to go there anymore. The Sun Belt markets are
still strong population and business magnets, but they may now
draw fewer and different people as their appeal changes.
Becoming a 24-Hour City
Though still ranked among the highest of all markets, some
high-flying Sun Belt metros declined in ratings this year. Housing
is more expensive, traffic is getting worse, longtime residents
are getting frustrated, and even some newcomers are finding
the proverbial grass to be not quite as green as they envisioned.
In focus groups with local market experts conducted by ULI
district councils across the United States, participants from the
Supernovas and some other Sun Belt markets were likelier than
members from metro areas with more sluggish economies to
cite issues like living costs, housing affordability, and infrastruc-
ture quality as being a regional disadvantage. These issues
were most frequently mentioned as problems in some of the
booming markets, like Austin and Nashville.
Describing the growing pains in her market, a focus group par-
ticipant commented, “Nashville is like a teenager. We have grown
too quickly and havent decided what we want to be when we
grow up.” Like some other Sun Belt markets, this former “18-Hour
City” has graduated to a full-fledged 24-hour metropolis, but the
regional infrastructure has strained to keep pace.
Too Much, Too Soon
The pandemic supercharged interregional migration patterns
to leading Sun Belt and lifestyle metro areas, as well as intrare-
gional migrations from CBDs to suburbs. Some of this migration
was destined to reverse eventually. Some households left their
inner-city apartments for safer environs until the pandemic was
better understood and brought under control. Some young
adults moved back in with their parents until their jobs reopened
or their old neighborhood revived. Many of these migrants have
moved back to their old places.
But beyond these temporary moves, the pandemic acceler-
ated more permanent migration. Some workers were freed to
move wherever they wanted by flexible work arrangements
that became more commonplace during the pandemic. Many
left expensive coastal markets in search of more affordable
“lifestyle” markets that offer what they perceive to be more favor-
able amenities or superior economic opportunities. A ULI focus
group participant from Salt Lake City said, “Quality of life and
affordability have been great draws to the market. Sustained
high growth will test these factors long-term.
These migrations certainly caught the attention of investors and
developers. Many of these lifestyle markets jumped to the top
of the Emerging Trends rankings. A senior executive with one
development firm said, “We are fans of certain ‘lifestyle markets.
We think they were already on a very good growth trajectory for
work/life balance, and then the jobs have come in a big way.
They were already doing right, and then the COVID-19 tailwinds
really accelerated the growth.
However, there are signs that the pace of this migration may
easeeven as developer interest and investments are still gain-
ing momentumrisking oversupplied markets. While job growth
and income growth in these markets far outdistance national
trends, home prices and rents are growing even faster, compro-
mising the affordability that helped made them draw migrants
in the first place. Inflation rates in Phoenix, Atlanta, Tampa, and
other popular Sun Belt metro areas are among the highest in the
country, partly due to surging housing costs, which make up a
significant portion of the inflation calculation.
What happened? For some markets, it was just too much, too
soon. Population in the markets we identified last year as either
“Supernova” or “Super Sun Belt” grew by an average of over 5
percent since 2019, almost four times faster than the rest of the
nation, primarily due to rapid net in-migration. For some metro
areas, that was just more than they could handle. Homebuilding
has been rapid but not enough to keep up with demand.
Tax Burdens versus Quality of Life
At the same time, one appeal of these destination markets is their
lower tax rates and perceived lighter regulatory burden. But more
relaxed taxation and regulation come at a cost, as evidenced by
the challenges of accommodating massive population inflows.
Of course, every fast-growing city that successfully morphs into
a major metropolis inevitably experiences growing pains along
the way. A key issue confronting the current generation of hyper-
growth markets is whether they will invest in the infrastructure
and regional planning needed to facilitate growth while maintain-
ing the qualities that led to their appeal.
22 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
One ULI focus group participant in Austin said, “The disadvan-
tages of housing affordability, lack of mobility due to inadequate
infrastructure, and property taxes will likely negatively impact
our market in the coming years.” Similarly, a Boise representa-
tive offered that “the rapid increases in cost of living that we’ve
seen in the region have hindered some of the advantages the
area had for attracting new residents and businesses.
The Impacts on Migration and Development Opportunities
It is too soon to know which way these sometimes-opposing
winds will blow, but growth is moderating in some of these
Sun Belt markets. Population growth is forecast to be slower
in four of the five Supernova markets over the next five years
than in the years since COVID-19 hit, and brokers already report
housing price cuts and broken deals in cities like Boise, Denver,
and Salt Lake City.
For many participants in the CRE community, any slowdown
would compound concerns about looming oversupply of both
residential and commercial real estate. The head of an insti-
tutional investment advisory firm says they are “paying much
closer attention to supply in traditionally unconstrained markets,
especially Dallas, Atlanta, Austin, and Phoenix. “We are prob-
ably relatively less attracted to the growth markets despite their
fundamentals, relative to where we were last year. These were
the hot markets, but we’re a little concerned about what it looks
like going forward.
But don’t count out these markets just yet. In-migration to these
markets will continue, if at a slower pace going forward, and will
continue to attract a disproportionate share of the investment
capital. And any “oversupply” of homes could help ease hous-
ing affordability concerns.
Concludes the head of research for an investment management
firm, “We’ve always been about growth markets because we’ve
always believed that population and employment growth are
keys to success. And they can also cover up a lot of mistakes.
So those markets are still a major focus.
8. Smarter, Fairer Cities through
Infrastructure Spending
Infrastructure spending is back among the top trends in
Emerging Trends, but this time on a more hopeful note.
New federal infrastructure spending provides the opportu-
nity to replace and expand critical urban infrastructure to
rebuild cities and spur new development—and address
historical inequities.
After years of uncoordinated local efforts, the new national
programs may provide the leadership needed to transform
the built environment.
The title of the final trend in the 2020 edition of Emerging Trends
captured the sorry record of federal leadership in funding criti-
cally needed infrastructure: “Washington Fumbles; States and
Cities Pick Up the Ball.” Noting that “decaying infrastructure
is a national problem needing a national solution,” our report
predicted that progress “will likely be more influenced by action
at the state and local levels.
At least seven “infrastructure weeks” came and went between
2017 and 2019 without any tangible movement in Washington,
after which infrastructure completely fell off the agenda. In the
meantime, state and local governments took the initiative with
efforts destined to be more piecemeal and less coordinated
than a comprehensive national program.
Three years later, the federal government finally stepped up
with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law enacted in November
2021. This $1 trillion bill provides $550 billion in new spend-
ing over five years and eclipses the $305 billion infrastructure
bill that President Obama signed into law at the end of 2015.
This program will be supplemented by additional infrastructure
programs in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, as discussed in
the following “Climate Change’s Growing Impact on Real Estate
trend on resilience.
The main infrastructure bill encompasses a broad range of activities
focused chiefly on transportationincluding bridges and roads, rail
and transit, ports and airportsbut also provides funding for broad-
band internet, power, environmental remediation, and resilience,
among other programs. The Inflation Reduction Act adds spending
for combating climate change and building energy security.
While every program promises to touch some part of the built envi-
ronment, several stand out as having especially significant impacts
for cities and the potential to advance economic and environmental
justice by investing in traditionally underserved communities.
Reconnecting Communities by Capping Divisive Highways
Of particular note is the “Reconnecting Communities Pilot,
which provides $1 billion “for projects that remove barriers to
opportunity caused by legacy infrastructure.” Many highway
projects (and urban renewal programs) of the 1950s and 1960s
bulldozed through Black neighborhoods and other communities
of color, dividing previously thriving places, displacing thou-
sands, and destroying generational wealth. The Reconnecting
Communities Pilot program will provide “dedicated funding for
23Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
planning, design, demolition, and reconstruction of street grids,
parks, or other infrastructure” to reconnect these bifurcated
communities. An additional $3 billion was included within the
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 furthering this initiative.
A growing “cap-and-cover” movement is already underway,
but work by ULI and others show that there is a lot of work to
be done and injustices to reverse. The Rondo neighborhood
of St. Paul, Minnesota, is one glaring example. As explained in
ULI’s Restorative Development: Infrastructure and Land Use
Exchange forum held in February 2022, Rondo was a vibrant
African American community with a thriving business district
before Interstate 94 was constructed through the heart of the
neighborhood. According to a leader of the reconnect effort, the
community then lost 61 percent of its population and almost half
of its homeownership between 1950 and 1980. As he con-
cludes: “Thats a pretty devastating gutting of a community.
Minnesota plans to cover part of the highway and build a new
24-acre neighborhood on top of it, including parks and other
cultural amenities, in addition to affordable housing and a new busi-
ness corridor. St. Paul already has received a $1.4 million grant to
develop a comprehensive transportation plan for the Rondo neigh-
borhood to address safety, equity, and quality of life concerns.
The Reconnecting Communities Pilot program may help this
project and other similar ones move forward:
The Texas Department of Transportation is building a deck
above a sunken portion of I-10 separating downtown and
uptown El Paso to create, as described in the federal grant
application, “amenities such as green space, public gather-
ing space, and entertainment venues.”
A community group called Loving the Bronx supports
capping the Cross-Bronx Expressway, which runs through
dense neighborhoods in the South Bronx, with the goals of
improving local air quality and providing new land for devel-
opment projects.
In Seattle, Lid-5 activists are advocating for the city govern-
ment to cover and add green space over I-5.
Reconnect Austin is pushing the city of Austin to bury I-35
through the urban core of Austin and dedicate the new land
as public space and developable land.
Many projects of note are either in the works or being
actively discussed, including those in Syracuse, New York;
Richmond, Virginia; and Houston.
Expanding Broadband Access
Another program from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law with sig-
nificant potential impact on communities and the CRE industry
is the $65 billion to expand broadband access to the 30 million
Americans living in areas without broadband infrastructure.
Recognizing the relatively high cost of service in the United
States, the program also seeks to “lower prices for internet ser-
vice and help close the digital divide, so that more Americans
can afford internet access.
The importance of this initiative was anticipated in ULI’s
2021 report Broadband and Real Estate: Understanding the
Opportunity: “Availability of widespread, high-speed broadband
networks already has a wide variety of benefits to the real estate
industry, communities, and individuals. . . . Increasing mobility
opportunities can present potential value that real estate owners
and managers can harness for their buildings. Such opportuni-
ties include repurposed or reduced parking facilities, denser
projects, and higher rates of return.
Expanding broadband access to underserved communities is
also critical to increasing opportunities for employees in more
communities to work from home, as we discussed in our “… Still,
We’ve Changed Some” trend above.
Transportation Infrastructure
We noted in a prior trend that many hypergrowth markets have
been unable to keep up with building critical infrastructure,
particularly that which is related to transportation. The infrastruc-
ture funding bill will provide almost $600 billion in transportation
funding. More than half of that will be allocated to the highway
system, the largest such investment since the Interstate Highway
System began construction in the 1950s.
The Institute’s 2021 report Prioritizing Effective Infrastructure-Led
Development: A ULI Infrastructure Framework highlighted the
need to invest in public transportation: “Increasing access to
jobs, economic opportunities, social interactions, and mobility
is essential. Public transportation provides the regional frame-
work for compact, people-centric urban development, enables
significant real estate and value creation opportunities, and
mitigates climate change.” The new infrastructure funds more
than $90 billion to modernize transit, improve accessibility, and
continue existing transit programs.
Finally, the infrastructure bill provides critical funding for building
environmental resilience and expanding water availability, as will
be discussed in the following trend.
24 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
9. Climate Changes Growing Impact on
Real Estate
The CRE sector has an important role to play in mitigat-
ing climate change. But with climate risks growing, the real
estate industry must proactively address the impacts of
climate change on assets.
Climate change may alter the dynamics of where people
want to live and invest. In addition to the discomfort and
health risks of living in ever-hotter climates, energy costs rise
with temperatures, as do the risks of power outages as more
strain is placed on power grids. Extended drought condi-
tions may limit new development because authorities may
limit new hookups.
Many investors rely on insurance rather than capital improve-
ments to protect their investments, but changing investor
sentiment toward climate risks may force more affirmative
The earth is getting hotter. The latest global climate report from
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
found that July 2022 “marked the 451st-consecutive month with
temperatures above the 20th-century average. And the five
warmest Julys on record have all occurred since 2016.”
As a result, extreme weather and climate events are becoming
more frequent and more severe. NOAA’s National Centers for
Environmental Information calculates that the annual number
of billion-dollar events (inflation-adjusted) in the United States
has been increasing rapidly in recent decades, rising from
about three per year in the 1980s to over 20 in the 2020s. More
disturbing is the increase in severe summer storms, excluding
climate events like drought, flooding, and wildfires. The number
of billion-dollar severe storms has jumped from less than one
per year in the 1980s to 12 in this decadea 15-fold increase in
less than 40 years and trending further upward.
Just in the recent summer of 2022, we experienced five “once-in-
a-1,000-year storms” in Dallas, Death Valley, central and southern
Illinois, Kentucky, and St. Louis, which recorded the most intense
rainfall in the city’s history. These storms demonstrate that build-
ings and infrastructure are poorly equipped to withstand the
changing climatemuch less what might be coming.
There is still a political divide in the country about what is to
blame for climate change, and what, if anything, to do about it.
But there is now growing agreement about its prevalence. Fully
two-thirds of Americans surveyed by the Pew Research Center
in 2021 believe that extreme weather events across the United
States occur more often than in the past. Close to half say that
it is hitting close to home as their community has recently
experienced severe weather like floods and intense storms
(43 percent) or long periods of unusually hot weather (42 percent).
Last year in these pages, we highlighted the role of commercial
real estate in accelerating—or potentially mitigatingclimate
change, in a trend we called “Climate Risks Are on Us.” Despite
recent calls by some CRE leaders that we should deemphasize
ESG issues now as we grapple with growing economic threats,
many in our industry are continuing to answer society’s call to do
even more to reduce our carbon footprint. But with climate risks
climbing still further, this year we highlight climate’s impact on us
as owners, managers, and users of real propertyand how our
industry can proactively address the impacts of climate change
on our assets.
Hotter, More Expensive Summers
Several themes stand out. First, climate change may alter the
dynamics of where we want to live. The hottest metro areas may
soon face declining demandand potentially an exodus
due to unbearable weather, even as households continue to
migrate from colder climates to warmer metro areas overall.
Large swathes of Texas and the U.S. Southwest have endured
100-degree highs almost every day this summer, with nighttime
temperatures frequently not dipping below 80 degrees. And it’s
not confined to just the Southwest. “Heat domes” have settled
over the Pacific Northwest during the past two summers, bring-
ing heatwaves unprecedented in their length and intensity.
The built environment intensifies climate change as buildings
and roads absorb and retain heat. This “heat island effect”
raises not only daytime peaks but especially nighttime tempera-
tures, which can be hazardous to humans if they cannot cool
down at night. Sun Belt cities like Phoenix and Dallas are work-
ing with CRE owners to reduce heat islands by expanding the
tree canopy, adding reflective coatings or vegetation to roofs,
and using cool pavements to reduce the heat absorption of
asphalt streets and concrete sidewalks. These approaches are
important and necessary but may ultimately prove inadequate
to the challenge if climate change keeps ratcheting up tempera-
tures as expected.
Beyond the discomfort and health risks of living in ever-hotter
climates, energy costs rise with temperatures, as do the risks
of power outages as more strain is placed on power grids. A
less obvious cost: higher temperatures and ultraviolet exposure
can increase building maintenance costs. Extreme weather
worsened by climate change is even exacerbating inflation as
25Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
drought and floods reduce U.S. crop yields and close factories
in China as droughts force authorities to ration power. Other
impactsand strategies for addressing water scarcity—are
highlighted in ULI’s 2022 report Water Wise: Strategies for
Drought-Resilient Development.
Water and Power
The combination of rising temperatures and drought—often
related—may soon limit where we can build. Drought through-
out much of the Southwest is prompting water authorities to
cut allocations to several states as water levels in rivers and
lakes fall to multidecade lows. Declining water availability could
require reductions in new hookups and compromise hydroelec-
tric power sources. States may be forced to choose between
growing cities and agricultural areas. Some of the fastest-
growing markets in the countryand investor favoritesare
located in areas of the Sun Belt that already suffer from alarming
water shortages. We are already seeing the first instances of
cities pausing all new development because of drought in some
western states.
Building Resilience
Climate-related programs in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and could eventually
begin to reverse or at least slow climate change. But improve-
ment will come slowly, and forecasts expect temperatures to
keep rising and weather to become more extreme for the fore-
seeable future. So how are we to adapt?
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law highlighted in the preceding
“Smarter, Fairer Cities through Infrastructure Spending” trend
contains major programs specifically designed to improve
the resilience of physical and natural systems. These include
funding for water efficiency and drought resilience projects in
eight western states and programs to increase the resilience
of transportation systems. The infrastructure law also provides
funding to homeowners for energy efficiency upgrades through
the Department of Energy’s weatherization assistance program.
Though none of these programs offers direct assistance to own-
ers of commercial real estate, there is plenty of motivation for
the CRE sector to act on its own, given the enormous potential
impacts of unchecked climate change. But it can be a “hard,
slow sell” to convince owners and asset managers to undertake
even cost-effective physical improvements that would protect
their buildings, admits the principal in a CRE investment firm
specializing in improving building resilience. Because extreme
weather events occur so infrequently in any one location, “the
odds are low that anything will happen on your watch, especially
if you’re managing or holding the asset for only a few years.
Thus, asset managers, who typically rotate every few years,
often prefer to protect their buildings through insurance rather
than upgrading them to withstand the extreme weather better
but likely would be more expensive in the short term.
That calculus could change if insurance costs are allowed to
rise to reflect the full risks of climate change. In many high-risk
areas, insurance is subsidized, or insurers are limited in what
Exhibit 1-16 Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Say Their Community Has Experienced Weather- and Climate-Related
Events in the Past 12 Months
Experienced rising sea levels
that erode beaches
Experienced major
Experienced droughts
or water shortages
Experienced long periods
of unusually hot weather
Experienced severe weather,
like floods or intense storms
Source: Pew Research Center, published August 12, 2022.
Note: Based on survey conducted May 2-8, 2022. Respondents who did not give an answer are not shown.
26 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
they can charge, creating a “moral hazard” that encourages
owners to locate in risky regions and not undertake sensible
physical improvements. “I would prefer that they bear the price
of that amenity and location fully, and they don’t,” says one
academic. “But I think we’re moving in that direction. When the
insurance costs reflect the reality, and when the mortgage risks
reflect the reality, the market will start to work.
That would be a step forward but not the total solution. In ULI’s
2022 report Enhancing Resilience through Neighborhood-Scale
Strategies, the global head of ESG strategy for an investment
management firm explained that insurance is not a substitute
for building resilience: “Now investors understand the need to
model climate risk over a longer period of time. Insurance can
protect us against damage loss but not demographic or investor
sentiment changes.
It’s a race against timeand climate change.
10. Action through Regulation?
Pressures for greater ESG disclosure by real estate owners
and investors are intensifying due to efforts both from indus-
try groups like NCREIF and PREA and from government
regulation by the SEC.
As shelter costs increasingly strain household budgets, state
and local governments are resorting to regulation to address
affordability, including various types of rent control and
vacancy taxes.
While building owners and developers benefit from various
government incentives, the industry faces an increasingly
challenging set of environmental and economic regulations.
Will certain regulations end up being counterproductive?
Preceding trends highlighted several areas where private
markets have been slow to fix mounting problems that the
property sector has played a central role in creating, notably
climate change and housing affordability. Industry groups are
calling for collective voluntary action, which is a start. But, if the
growing number of regulations being considered at the federal,
state, and local levels is any indication, governments are getting
impatient about the limited progress.
ESG Disclosures
Pressures for greater ESG disclosure by real estate owners and
investors are intensifying. In October 2021, the two primary
industry groups for institutional investorsthe National Council
of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) and the Pension
Real Estate Association (PREA)jointly released their ESG
Principles of Reporting for Private Real Estate handbook for
reporting ESG factors, as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion
(DEI), for private real estate investment managers.
The handbook emphasizes that “[t]he principles presented
. . . are best practices only and should not be considered
requirements in order to claim compliance with the Reporting
Standards” (of how member firms report their performance and
portfolios to their clients and the industry). Nonetheless, these
principles likely will be widely adopted by institutional inves-
tors, given NCREIF’s and PREA’s influence in their respective
communities. The NCREIF/PREA guidance joins a growing list
of standards and tools being developed to help investors and
regulators in their quest to accelerate decarbonization in the
built environment and promote broader ESG adoption by the
private sector.
Moreover, the impact of this greater disclosure could be felt
more widely throughout the real estate industry due to the mar-
ket size of pension funds and other institutional investors. “Some
of our clients really resist adapting the ESG protocols, but I think
the capital demands it,” notes one senior adviser to institutional
As investors increasingly demand newer, greener, and more
energy-efficient buildings, particularly officesas noted in our
“Give Me Quality, Give Me Niche” trend—older “brown” build-
ings will see their values discounted, and their owners have
trouble selling them. As the head of U.S. real estate for a global
private-equity firm explains, “You can’t sell the building to a
major core fund, you can’t sell the building to [major insurance
firms] or other major players if the building is not sustainable.
The REITs won’t buy your building.
Even if investor demand increasingly pushes the market to more
sustainable buildings, some investors believe that a downturn
might slow progress for a while. Says a senior leader of one
global development firm, “That’s going to keep marching on,
there’s no doubt about it. And it needs to. But in the near term, I
think it’s definitely going to be overshadowed by the economic
reality of the U.S.
Owners may not have a choice, especially in markets imple-
menting their climate action plans. Buildings in several leading
markets will need to achieve energy efficiency targets and
greenhouse gas emission limits as early as 2024 or face sig-
nificant fines. The climate impact of buildings will likely become
more transparent across the United States if the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) has its way. The SEC proposed
27Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
new ESG disclosure regulations in May 2022. The amendments
to rules and reporting forms aim “to promote consistent, com-
parable, and reliable information for investors concerning funds’
and advisers’ incorporation of . . . ESG factors.” In simple terms:
greater disclosure and transparency, as well as enhanced
consistency in reporting that go beyond what industry self-
regulation calls for. This would include reporting on greenhouse
gas emissions and the portfolio’s carbon footprint, as well as the
climate risks an owner or investor may have in their real estate
Not all investors are covered, but as with the NCREIF/PREA
reporting principles, the SEC regulations could have broader
impact given the market size of the entities that are specifically
covered. The proposed changes would apply to “registered
investment advisers, advisers exempt from registration, reg-
istered investment companies, and business development
companies.” These would include REITs, with additional report-
ing requirements for funds specializing in ESG investing, such
as green building funds. Indeed, the SEC and European Union
regulators are already launching investigations into companies
accused of misrepresenting their environmental impacts in
funds claimed to be “green.
Still, these are only draft regulations. Indeed, some ques-
tion whether the SEC has the authority to implement these
rules, especially given the recent U.S. Supreme Court deci-
sion regarding the EPA’s authority to regulate climate change.
Regardless, few doubt that more regulation is coming, including
at the local level. Several investors we interviewed expressed
concern about being able to comply with New York City’s new
Local Law 97, which mandates that “most buildings over 25,000
square feet will be required to meet new energy efficiency and
greenhouse gas emissions limits by 2024.
To be fair, building owners and developers may also leverage
a host of new incentives from federal, state, and local govern-
ments, including billions of dollars in the Inflation Reduction Act,
to help buildings hit these aggressive climate goals. But these
“carrots” only underscore that the industry faces an increasingly
challenging set of environmental regulations.
ESG Disclosures So Far
A recent survey conducted by RCLCO shows both the progress
and potential for greater industry participation. As of June 2022,
38 percent of real estate companies report having policies in
place to integrate ESG considerations into the investment pro-
cess. But adoption varies widely by type of firm, with generally
much higher levels from public companies (61 percent) and
institutional investors (55 percent) than private companies
(23 percent).
ESG disclosure will be costly, requiring not only capital improve-
ments in buildings to reduce carbon impacts but also the
systems to measure them and the staff to comply with the
proliferation of reporting requirements. Those costs could favor
larger, better-capitalized investors, leading to more industry con-
solidation. Concludes one senior investment banker, “It’s clear
there’s going to have to be far more disclosure around carbon
footprints and related issues, which is going to inure to the ben-
efit of larger, more established REITs and market participants
who can meet that disclosure obligation and have the resources
to address the carbon offsets or other measures.
Regulation to Address Housing Affordability and Blight
Rent control. “Regulation is something that should be top of
mind for a lot of property owners. And we’re starting to see
significantly more rent control laws being passed at the local
and municipal levels. That does have trickle-down impacts to
individual property owners.” That warning comes from the head
of advisory services for a real estate data analytics firm.
As shelter costs increasingly strain household budgets, some
state and local governments are resorting to regulation to
address affordability. This takes two primary forms: limits on
how much landlords can increase rents and imposing costs on
owners who keep units empty. At present, only California and
Oregon, plus the District of Columbia, have statewide rent con-
trol, although about 25 municipalities in California impose their
own laws. Four other statesMaine, Maryland, New Jersey, and
New York—allow some or all local governments to enact local
own regulations but have no statewide law. Most other states
either expressly preempt rent control or limit home rules that
would allow it.
That could soon change, however. As of spring 2022, at least
17 states were considering some form of rent control legislation,
according to National Multifamily Housing Council tracking. The
states span all regions of the country and both political parties,
demonstrating the breadth of frustration with rising rents. Several
of these initiatives already failed to pass before the legislatures
adjourned for the session. But the volume and range of these pro-
posals show just how widespread the concerns are, and some of
these initiatives could be revived if rents do not cool soon.
In addition, many cities are considering enacting their own rent
laws. In November 2021, voters in St. Paul, Minnesota, passed
what some call the strictest rent control in the United States,
limiting annual rent increases to 3 percent with no adjustment
28 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Inclusive and Equitable Growth: The Emergence of Impact Investing within
Institutional Real Estate
In recent years, institutional investors and corporations have
announced billions of dollars’ worth of capital commitments
targeted at addressing socioeconomic inequity, particularly
with respect to bridging the racial wealth gap. At the same
time, there are very few announcements detailing if and how
those commitments have been met.
It appears that many of these corporations and investors
are struggling with how, where, and with whom to deploy
that capital; industry leaders have not yet coalesced around
solutions to address inequity that are innovative, replicable,
and scalable.
The 1977 Community Reinvestment Act initiated a wave of
investment targeted at meeting some of the basic needs of
low- and moderate-income communities. The passage of the
act was an important step aimed at reversing years of inten-
tional disinvestment caused by practices such as redlining
and blockbusting.
In my view, it was a recognition that capital should be
deliberately directed to address the needs of low-income
individuals: all members of society deserve to be afford-
ably housed, have enough food to eat, and have access to
employment that allows them to address at least their most
basic needs. It is critical that society continue to support its
most vulnerable.
It is now equally critical, however, that new capital deploy-
ment strategies be developed to support much more than
simple sufficiency; they need to be tailored toward more
equitable societal outcomes and the economic mobility that
is required to achieve them. Scalable solutions must be cre-
ated that allow more people to thrive, not just survive.
The distribution of that prosperity within America has
become increasingly inequitable, and socioeconomic
mobility has become less and less attainable for Americans
in the lower and middle classes. Research from McKinsey
found that, despite the longest economic expansion in U.S.
history through much of the 2010s, the Gini index (a measure
that represents the income inequality or the wealth inequal-
ity within a nation or group) reached 0.485 in 2018the
most inequitable level of income distribution recorded in the
United States since the Census Bureau began tracking the
metric in 1947, and the highest level of income inequality
among Group of Seven countries. In terms of wealth inequal-
ity, the top 1 percent of Americans hold nearly 40 percent of
the nation’s net worth as of 2019, the highest on record since
the Federal Reserve began collecting survey data in 1989.
Research from Opportunity Insights comparing children’s
household incomes at age 30 to those of their parents at the
same age shows that absolute mobility has declined precipi-
tously. Ninety percent of people born in the 1940s out-earned
for inflation, no exemption for new properties, no allowances for
capital expenditures, and no vacancy decontrol for move-outs.
Cities in both Massachusetts (Boston) and Florida (Miami and
Tampa) are considering either new laws or emergency declara-
tions. However, both states prohibit local rent control, and both
governors opposed relaxing state control, reducing the likeli-
hood of ever being enacted.
Vacancy taxes. Vacancy taxes can take various forms, but the
goal is to increase the effective supply of housing by impos-
ing costs on landlords who keep housing units vacant. Another
goal, which can also be applied to commercial property, is to
address blight by encouraging property owners to put their
buildings to productive use. For example, Washington, D.C.,
imposes a tax on vacant buildings of $5 per $100 of assessed
value, while “blighted” properties are taxed at $10 per $100
of value.
Vancouver, British Columbia, is believed to be the first city in
North America to impose a vacancy tax, enacted in 2017 to
combat widespread pied-à-terre ownership. While the tax did
raise funds for affordable housing initiatives, skeptics point out
that the tax apparently did not cause empty condominiums to
be converted into active rental units.
Oakland, California, enacted a flat vacant property tax of $6,000
tax on houses and nonresidential properties and $3,000 on con-
dominium units “in use less than fifty days in a calendar year.
Berkeley and San Francisco are considering adopting versions,
while several other cities have considered them in recent years
29Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
Continued next page.
but either rejected them or not yet voted on them. Most are in
California (such as San Diego, Long Beach, West Hollywood,
and Los Angeles), but the list also includes Honolulu and New
York City.
San Francisco also enacted a commercial vacancy tax on
vacant retail stores in 2020 but suspended implementation for
almost two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The measure
finally took effect in 2022 for commercial space vacant for more
than 182 days in a calendar year. The tax equates to an average
annual levy of $6,250 for a typical store with a width of 25 feet,
rising to $25,000 by year three. Local press accounts find that
the tax is very unpopular with landlords, who also complain
about the city’s slow and expensive permitting process, but it
is too soon to gauge the program’s effectiveness.
It is unclear how many local or state governments will follow
these early adopters, but more are sure to follow, particularly if
housing affordability does not improve.
Several industry leaders we interviewed noted that Washington’s
divided political climate was unlikely to yield any significant
changes to the essential tax structures and accounting regula-
tions that govern commercial real estate. However, both federal
and local governments seem more willing to push the industry
to address social issues related to its core function, especially
climate change and housing affordability.
their parents by age 30, while only 50 percent of people born
in the 1980s did the same. The decrease in absolute mobility
has affected people in all socioeconomic classes, with lower-
income Americans being affected most acutely.
A generational wealth gap has emerged. Wealth is now
increasingly held in fewer hands, with millennials and Black
Americans disproportionately affected by this rising inequal-
ity. According to research from the St. Louis Federal Reserve
Bank. in 2016, older Americans had more than 12 times
as much wealth as younger families, up from 7.5 times the
wealth of younger families in 1989. The top 10 percent of
families ranked by household wealth owned 77 percent
of America’s wealth in 2016, while the bottom 50 percent
owned only 1 percent. White families owned 89 percent of
America’s wealth in 2016, while Black and Hispanic families
owned about 3 percent each.
Millennials now represent the largest segment of the U.S.
workforce—paradoxically its most diverse, most educated,
and yet least financially stable cohort. Their ascendance
as talent and, increasingly, leadership within the workforce
will likely lead to a heightened focus on finding solutions to
these disparities. Their voices have been amplified by social
media, and they are increasingly holding corporations,
investors, and governments more accountable for mitigating
negative externalities that have been imposed on society.
Many recognize certain risks that come with wealth and
income disparity; growth potential may be disrupted by social
unrest and political instability that often accompany inequality
as those on the bottom see less opportunity available to them.
A more promising, evolving school of thought—impact
investing—shifts focus away from simply limiting downside
toward creating upside. While the definition of impact will
vary by investor, this deliberately inclusive form of capitalism
focuses on unlocking the potential of people and places that
have been historically overlooked and underserved. Looking
through a dual lens of purpose and profit, measurable impact
and equitable outcomes are central to this investment strat-
egy. This stands in stark contrast to how investors have often
viewed social responsibility in the past—as a tangential and
philanthropic “nice to have,” but not a “must-have.
Increased transparency has contributed to the evolution of
impact investing. The increases in both regulatorily man-
dated and stakeholder-driven environmental, social, and
governance (ESG) disclosures for public companies and
pension funds have required that investors spend more time
considering their negative and positive impacts on society
and demanding that their investment managers do the same.
Analyses of ESG-related key performance indicators along-
side their returns can now disabuse people of the notion
that purpose-driven investing must equate with conces-
sionary returns. Research now suggests that a company’s
improvement on material industry-specific ESG measures is
predictive of significant future financial outperformance rela-
tive to its competitive set.
30 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Furthermore, big data and social media also are helping
shed light on strategies that may contribute to more equitable
outcomes. For real estate investors, there now is a better
understanding of the characteristics of places that are cor-
related with higher rates of upward mobility. Among the most
notable, Harvard Think Tank Opportunity Insights has used
anonymized census data, tax records, and most recently
social media data to analyze the characteristics of “high
opportunity neighborhoods.” They found a direct link between
economic connectedness (one form of social capital) and
higher levels of socioeconomic mobility for lower-income
individuals. It is important to highlight that the research found
that simple coexistence did not correlate with mobility; the
correlation was with true connectedness (i.e., meaningful,
ongoing interactions and friendships) across socioeconomic
class lines. The built environment can fundamentally support
or, conversely, limit that sense of connectedness.
A sustainable and scalable solution for bridging wealth gaps
through increased social mobility will require increased partic-
ipation from the private sector, in tandem with the cooperation
of the public and social sectors. Recognizing that government
funding is often inflexible, inefficient to obtain, and insufficient,
it is critical that state, local, and federal governments continue
to focus on lowering the cost of capital for private investments
in low- and moderate-income communities. Institutional inves-
tors will likely need to be further incentivized to increase their
allocations outside the major metropolitan areas that have
traditionally been the primary beneficiaries of institutional
capital flows.
Public policy that deconcentrates poverty, reduces barriers to
the creation of affordable and attainable housing, and incentiv-
izes the development of mixed-income neighborhoods with
deliberate infusions of social capital warrants additional con-
sideration. The Economic Opportunity Coalition (EOC) recently
announced by Vice President Kamala Harris’s office is a posi-
tive step toward coalescing the public and private sectors to
deploy billions of dollars’ worth of investment into underserved
communities. Notably, the EOC “has committed more than
$3 billion of investments into CDFIs [community development
financial institutions] and MDIs [minority depository institutions],
including $250 million in long-term, low-interest debt and over
$70 million in grants to CDFIs and MDIs.
The social sector will continue to play a leading role as well,
particularly as more foundations and endowments broaden
the scope of their charitable and investment mandates. As
reported by Barron’s, some have even shifted from strictly
granting plus or minus 5 percent of annual spending to mod-
els in which they allocate increasingly larger percentages of
their assets under management with managers from diverse
backgrounds and/or with strategies that are focused on bridg-
ing wealth and gender gaps.
Impact investing can increasingly be informed by data-driven,
evidence-based approaches as a result of the growth of
big data and social science research, but it will need to be
complemented by qualitative input from local, community-
based stakeholders who will be essential in co-creating
sustainable solutions to reducing inequity. The importance of
intentional co-creation cannot be emphasized enough given
that only 1 percent of real estate assets under management
are deployed by minority-led real estate firms and only 2 per-
cent of real estate development companies are led by African
Americans. Those investors who may be best positioned to
co-create sustainable solutions are still typically unable to
access the capital necessary to scale those solutions. It mat-
ters where capital is deployed, how it is deployed, and with
whom it is deployed.
A new generation of impact investors within the real estate
industry is innovating holistic approaches to addressing
inequity. Their impact frameworks and investment strategies
reinforce one another. Investments of financial capital in low-
and moderate-income neighborhoods complemented by
people-focused investments empower individuals to realize
their potential and, in so doing, further contribute to society.
And beyond the moral imperative for investing in social and
human capital lies a clear economic rationale. These investors
are using data to demonstrate that supporting the financial,
physical, and mental well-being of their tenants enhances their
ability to deliver market-rate, risk-adjusted returns. Consciously
inclusive capitalism has the potential to turn vicious cycles
of disinvestment that leave many people behind into virtu-
ous cycles of inclusive growth that create a larger pie for all.
Mission-driven, data-informed innovators are leading the way
to a future when we can all do well by doing good.
Onay Payne is the managing director of real estate, Lafayette
Square Holding Company, LLC.
31Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
The Opportunities and Challenges of Climate Risk Analytics
It is clear that real estate investors and developers can no
longer avoid risk related to climate change; in 2021 alone,
the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
identified 18 separate billion-dollar disasters in the United
States. Many of these types of events—and the material risk
they pose to the real estate industryare unavoidable in the
near term, irrespective of the emissions scenario. As extreme
weather events continue to grow in frequency and intensity,
the real estate industry must protect the long-term value of
their assets.
Climate risk is typically categorized into two types: physical
risks and transition risks. While both are critical to address,
acute (e.g., floods and hurricanes) and chronic (e.g., sea-
level rise) physical risks present a special concern for the real
estate industry given the geographically stationary nature of
most assets.
An array of climate analytics data, software, and consulting
services has emerged in response to the changing climate and
the attendant shifts in policy frameworks, regulatory environ-
ment, and growth in investor focus on environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) issues. These data providers offer a
wider range of commercialized science applications designed
to help institutional real estate managers identify, measure, and
describe physical risk at the asset and portfolio scales. While
these tools offer an opportunity to evaluate current and future
physical risk; the process by which investors integrate the infor-
mation into investment decisions is currently opaque.
The Challenge of Climate Risk Analytics
Differences in climate risk analytics providers’ input data
and methodology for estimating risk can make it difficult
to compare results of analyses. For instance, within their
product offerings, these firms often create summary metrics
that aggregate the risk of multiple individual hazards. When
aggregated, the weighting factors and hazards included vary
by provider. Likewise, when calculating risk, providers may
or may not include government, municipal, or asset-level risk
mitigation considerations.
Some providers, in addition to determining the likelihood of
physical risk to assets, also calculate value-at-risk (VaR) to
assets, where VaR represents the expected financial loss
stemming from an event. Providers that offer a VaR measure
tend to introduce further variation in outputs. This is due to
the differences in how providers source the “value” of VaR.
Considerations might include market value, the assumed
percentage change in value, capital repair estimates, replace-
ment cost, assumed business interruption loss, or assumed
mitigation costs. Indirect considerations, such as ownership
structure, structure of the capital stack, lease considerations,
and insured amount, may or may not be factored in.
Needless to say, it is easy to see why a wide variation in
prediction patterns is prevalent across providers.
Improving Decision-Making with Climate Risk Analytics
To overcome these challenges of variability between climate
risk analytics providers’ outputs, it is necessary for institu-
tional real estate managers to carefully articulate their use
case needsspecifically regarding valuation and value-at-
risk. The climate risk analytics provider community can, in
turn, benefit from sharing more about their approaches and
the strengths and limits of models and physical risk data. To
the extent that these conversations can be continuous and
earnest, they will help guide both industries forward.
For more information on how to choose, use, and better
understand climate risk analytics, visit ULIs Knowledge
Finder site.
ULI Urban Resilience Program
This figure from an institutional real estate manager depicts a set
of aggregate risk scores generated by three different climate risk
analytics providers (vendors A, B, and C) for assets (A to G), dem-
onstrating the challenge of translating complex climate science into
business decisions.
32 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Emerging Proptech Developments
The 2022 Mid-Year Global PropTech Confidence Index shows
that confidence in proptech, as an industry, is at an all-time
low for both investors and founders. This latest sentiment
level is an abrupt departure from record-high confidence
levels in 2021, following years of unprecedented growth in the
industry, and is in keeping with 2022’s broader sentiment shift
in the capital markets.
Investor confidence has declined considerably, measur-
ing 5.8 out of 10, down from 9.3 in midyear 2021, the lowest
level since we began the index in 2016. According to KBW
PropTech Pulse, proptech firms’ enterprise value-to-sales
multiples were down 40 percent for incumbents and 75 per-
cent for new entrants since the market’s fourth quarter 2021
peak. Transaction volume in the late-stage venture market
has declined as some of the most active investors during
the recent bull run—nontraditional and crossover inves-
torsexited or meaningfully slowed their deal pace amid
well-publicized losses and continued market volatility.
Doom and gloom aside, there are favorable tailwinds for
proptech. Commercial adoption of software and hardware
technology is at an all-time high and overall revenue for
enterprise software continues to grow quickly. As real estate
owners, operators, and developers struggle with increasingly
challenging environments of their own, many believe that
technology can provide an opportunity for revenue genera-
tion and cost savings.
The real estate recession during the Global Financial Crisis of
20072010 saw some of the fastest growth rates for revenue
of property management software systems as the recession
forced chief financial officers to embrace technology as a
means to drive efficiency. It is possible that this trend will only
accelerate during the current environment, as technological
efficiency compounds over time. In fact, many startups have
experienced record levels of revenue growth and margin
expansion in the second and third quarters of 2022 despite
the challenging financing environment.
Only time will tell how long it will take for confidence to
rebound; and while these metrics reflect the current mood of
the industry, they by no means indicate an industry beyond
repair. This economyrecord-low unemployment, runaway
inflation, an inverted yield curve, and strong customer senti-
ment includedpresents the opportunity to adapt and share
best practices across asset types, sectors, and geogra-
phies. It encourages founders to move toward greater capital
efficiency and gives investors a new lens on how to make
meaningful investments.
As the real estate market continues to evolve, technology will
play an increasingly important role. In this section, we will
cover five emerging trends that are fueling new growth and
innovation in the proptech industry moving into 2023:
1. Investor and Regulatory Pressures Driving Increased
Focus on ESG Solutions
The global recognition of the climate crisis has led to over 70
countries setting net zero commitments as well as propos-
ing and passing key legislation to meet these targets. In
addition to environmental pressures, a number of prominent
social equity movements have catalyzed a shift towards the
public and private sectors including nonfinancial-related
disclosures, such as emissions and diversity data, into their
reporting. Firms are actively searching for an effective way to
collect and share data related to their pursuit. The real estate
industry is no exception to these shifting pressures, and it
faces heavy scrutiny as a significant negative contributor to
the environment.
An initial step for real estate companies with ESG targets is to
establish a baseline and measurement framework to map any
future improvements against. A selection of relevant bench-
marks include asset- and portfolio-level energy, water, and
waste data. Several companies have emerged as potential
leading solutions for reporting on such real estate ESG data.
After data collection is completed, real estate owners and/
or operators can take action to decarbonize individual assets
or entire portfolios. This solution set is deemed “climate tech”
and has a critical part to play in decarbonizing the global
economy since buildings account for about 33 percent
of global CO
emissions, based on a report from the IEA.
Energy and HVAC optimization, water and waste manage-
ment, and renewable energy sources help address emissions
throughout the building life cycle.
2. Increased Adoption of New Construction Technology
The construction industry is facing a series of intertwined
pressuresa worsening shortage of skilled labor, volatile
material prices, evolving contracting structures—that are
33Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 1: Taking the Long View
contributing to an increase in demand for and adoption of a
new array of compelling construction technology solutions.
The shortage of skilled labor has led many companies to
turn to digital-first labor marketplaces to meet demand
for projects, and to robotics and automation solutions to
address both labor scarcity and inefficiencies. For example,
construction and facilities management firms may employ
solutions that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics
to boost the productivity of a skilled painter more than 10
times within certain applications.
Similarly, the spike in prices of materials and ESG pressures
to reduce the carbon emissions impact of the built envi-
ronment are driving advancements in steel and concrete
production. The continued growth of modular and pre-
fabricated construction methods is aiming to make a dent
in rising construction costs and a structural shortage of 4
million homes in the United States, while heavy equipment
and parts marketplaces seek to wring greater efficiency out
of valuable production assets. And as the majority of large-
scale construction projects shift to design-build contracting
frameworks, platforms are making it easier for builders,
developers, architects, and other stakeholders to streamline
decision-making and bring in projects on time and under
3. Growing Demand for Data Interoperability,
Infrastructure, and Intelligence Tools
As the level of technology adoption within the real estate
industry and built environment has grown, the demand for
tools to coordinate and build upon the data and capabilities
produced by this increasingly robust yet fragmented solu-
tion set has grown as well. As they have in other technology
categories, data infrastructure and interoperability layers
are beginning to gain prominence in proptech as the sector
continues to grow and mature. These layers help to 1) nor-
malize data flows between software systems (e.g., ensuring
the real-time, automatic updating of floor plans across all
reliant systems), 2) ease new vendor integration challenges
into a real estate firm’s existing tech stack (e.g., reducing
the need for implementation consultants and engineers to
integrate a new vendor technology into a building), and 3)
enable customers and/or third-party vendors to create and
build upon the capabilities of existing tools via a few lines of
API code.
4. Emergence of New Asset Management Technology
Stack for the SFR Market
The single-family rental (SFR) housing market has been one
of the fastest-growing segments of the real estate industry
over the past decade and a half. Kick-started during the
Global Financial Crisis of 2007–2008, the industry has
rapidly grown and institutionalized, with the largest play-
ers controlling many tens of thousands of homes each.
Of the total SFR market, valued at $4.7 trillion, institutional
ownership is projected to grow from 5 percent market share
(700,000 homes) in 2022 to 40 percent market share (7.6
million homes) by 2030 according to Yardi Matrix, 2022.
In order to service this explosively growing institutional
investment, a new technology and service stack is emerg-
ing to power all stages of the asset management life cycle,
for all sizes of market participants. From acquisitions to
leasing to work order and facilities management solutions
targeting large and midsized owners and operators to full-
service acquisitions and property management solutions
for longer-tail players, a new tech ecosystem designed
around the nuances of single-family and scattered-site
rental housing stock is rising to power the continued growth
of this exciting asset type.
5. Increasing Globalization of Proptech Solutions
Proptech growth over the past decade has historically been
confined to its roots in the mature markets of North America,
with expansion prioritized to other English-speaking regions
of the globe. However, in the last few years, technological
advancements including the internet of things (IoT), big
data, and the cloud have catalyzed supply-side capability
and ambition to expand into mature international proptech
hubs earlier than predecessors. The supply is coupled
with an increasing demand for innovation and proptech
from leading real estate owners, operators, and developers
across Europe, Asia, and Latin America who have tracked
proptech’s success across North America and prepare to
foster growth of compelling foreign technologies or similar
local solutions. This confluence of demand and supply-side
appetite and technological advancements has led to a new
wave of proptech companies expanding to new interna-
tional markets easier, quicker, and more successfully than
ever before.
Continued next page.
34 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Metaverse Poised to Help Shape the Future of Real Estate
Business leaders are closely monitoring the potential impact
on the real estate industry of the metaverse, a digital platform
that may profoundly change how businesses and consumers
interact with products, services, and each other.
Real-world activities such as conferences, trade shows, exhibi-
tions, weddings, sporting events, and other social gatherings
could all be enhanced with the metaverse. Thus far, no one
is predicting that the metaverse will replace brick-and-mortar
properties, but the platform could, down the road, affect how
people interact with physical locations.
One of the biggest areas that the metaverse could affect is the
workplace. The metaverse can enhance collaboration, com-
plement the physical office, and improve the overall workplace
experience at a time when more workers are demanding flex-
ible work arrangements. The metaverse could also be useful in
helping firms build their employees’ professional skills at a time
when everyone is hunting for employees.
Like any other type of real estate, metaverse properties can
be bought, sold, and leased. This could open up real estate
investing to a new pool of investors, since virtual properties are
much cheaper than physical ones.
Interest in the metaverse is high, even though many of its con-
cepts are years away from being solidified. Your firm does not
need to be a metaverse leader today, but you should explore
the potential implications to your organization.
Like any new technology, the metaverse has potential risks
of which you should be wary. Among them are data privacy
and cybersecurity risks. As firms pursue applications, they
should conduct a thorough assessment of their organizations’
vulnerabilities to the metaverse and how to manage them.
For example, metaverse real estate buyers and sellers are
unlicensed virtual brokers and property managers who are not
required to obtain real estate licenses. Companies will need
to vet potential partners and work with someone they trust as
they outline a long-term plan.
As proptech internationalizes, local solutions emerge, often
adapting models pioneered in more mature markets, and
established solutions expand more quickly into new geogra-
phies. As this happens with greater frequency, best practices
for cross-border expansion surface. The top four drivers
of cross-border business success include the following: 1)
establishing a local presence (people and office); 2) building
a local ecosystem (network of “influencers”), whether that be
a champion customer, investors, and/or local brokers and
advisers; 3) tailoring the business model, including perform-
ing a cost/benefit analysis for the new region, assessing local
competitors, and developing a region-specific go-to-market
plan; and 4) localizing the product including user interface,
workflows, language, currency, data sovereignty, and secu-
rity, to name a few.
Maureen Waters, founder of Metaprop
35Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
Real estate capital markets are still open for business. Investors
are still buying, lenders are still lending, and no one seems to
be panicking just yet. But everyone is being more careful about
which deals they do until there is more market clarity.
Reflecting the more cautious mood, the average rating for all
property types together in our Emerging Trends survey fell more
this year than in any year since the GFC. But that overall trend
masks diverse underlying dynamics. Though the rating fell for
15 of the 25 property subsectors, they rose for the other 10, so
sectoral preferences are moving in different directions, even if
the general mood is less exuberant this year.
In this environment of economic and market uncertainty, inves-
tors seek properties with the strongest operating performance
while shunning weaker sectors viewed as riskier. This flight
to safety is shown in the nearby graph, as “investment pros-
pect” ratings for the top two major property sectors have been
separating from those for the bottom two sectors, meaning
that investors are more selective. The trend for “development
prospects” shows a comparable widening spread. In fact, the
gap between the preferred sectors and shunned sectors is
wider now than it has been for at least 15 years, which suggests
that investors perceive a narrowing range of compelling market
The industrial/distribution sector has again come out on top of
the major property types this year, followed closely by multifam-
ily housing. These two property sectors have ranked at or near
the top of the Emerging Trends surveys almost every year going
back to before the global financial crisis of 2008–2009, but the
margin of preference for them over other property sectors has
been increasing steadily for six straight years.
On the other hand, office and retail remain out of favor with
survey respondents. Office actually displaced retail as the
lowest-ranked property sector this year. Retail had registered
the lowest ranking of any property type for over a decade but
seems to have at least stabilized, while the future for the office
sector is uncertain at best.
In between these two extremes are the hotel and single-family
housing sectors in a virtual tie, though their fortunes have
reversed in the last year. Interest in hotels rose more over the last
year than any other major property type as tourists—if not busi-
ness travelersreturned to the roads and airways. By contrast,
prospects fell for housing as rising mortgage rates have cooled
buyer interest in new homes.
Property Type Outlook
“We don’t see signicant sales of assets taking place, but we do see a lot
more choosiness,
pickiness, selectivity
when it comes to new opportunities.”
Exhibit 2-1 Rating Spread between Emerging Trends
Top Two and Bottom Two Property Types, 2007−2023
Average 20072023: 0.53
Difference between top 2 and bottom 2 sectors
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate annual surveys; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: Based onInvestment Prospects.” Includes industrial/distribution, multifamily housing,
hotel, office, and retail for all years, plus single-family housing from 2016 onward.
36 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Beyond the major property types, 2023 may be known as the
year that “niche” property types came into their own. Five of the
six highest-rated property subtypes would be considered niche,
led by workforce housing and data centers, as well as life-sci-
ences facilities, medical office, and single-family rental housing.
These sectors generally command greater returns than tradi-
tional product types due to higher cap rates. But investors also
value the strong demographic tailwinds supporting these niche
sectors at a time of expectations of cyclical market challenges.
Multifamily: A Bumpy Ride and a
Bumper Crop
Demographics: A four-generation surge of household
formation and housing preference will buoy fundamental
apartment demand through and beyond 2030.
Technology impact: Exponential advances in technology,
data, and artificial intelligence capability and applications
will have impacts on building-cycle, property operations and
management, and resident experience cost-versus-value
Capital liquidity: A post-pandemic-era flight to safety will
continue to divert yield-seeking capital into residential rental
real estate vehicles.
Policy constraint: Policymakers’ ever more restrictive land
use barriers will spread sharper supply-versus-demand
mismatches to more cities, straining market-based solutions
and sculpting evolving geographies as people seek refuge
from high-cost locales.
In its broadest sense, a housing shortage in the United States
describes a lack of sufficient access to income-matched apart-
Exhibit 2-2 Prospects for Major Commercial Property Types, 2019–2023
Development prospectsInvestment prospects
Single-family housing
Multifamily housing
Single-family housing
Multifamily housing
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
37Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
ment rental housing. Today, with more than one out of three
of America’s 44 million renter households earning less than
$36,000 a year, roughly every other rental household puts
more than 30 percent of their earnings toward rent. And one
out of every four households spends 50 percent or more of
their wages on housing. Those percentages reflect divides
that deepen because not enough new apartment units are
coming online.
A present that is polarized grows more so over time. For market-
rate property investors, developers, owners, and managers,
what lies ahead is the brightest beacon of prosperity. But for
those who live and reside below the cutline of wherewithal and
social mobility, the future of apartment rentals holds more ques-
tions than answers.
With 1.3 million new U.S. households projected each year
through 2035, apartment industry trade groups—the National
Multifamily Housing Council (NMHC) and the National
Apartment Associationcalculate that the United States needs
4.3 million newly built apartments between now and then.
That level of new development would work out to 331,000 new
multifamily rental units annually. This would expand the exist-
ing apartment rental stock in the United States by more than 20
percent in just over a decade. What makes this goal plausible
are two strong tailwinds: household demographics and an
unprecedented global embrace of apartment development by
the investment community.
Still, the throes of land use policy drag on development. But
beyond local policy barriers, tugging housing to its future, are
a trio of macro forceswork/life balance, an urgency to stall
the climate effects of global warming, and an array of technolo-
giesin business management, livability, and construction.
Can this darling of real estate asset classes sustain its hold on
global investment inflows, unleash construction’s modern manu-
facturing era, turn the tide on local political will, and win over the
hearts, minds, and pocketbooks of consumer households to pull
off such a feat? If you had to guess todaywith residential rental
vacancies at historical lows of 6.2 percent and occupancy rates
and median asking rents for vacant units at historical highsthe
answer would be a cautious “yes.
However, a gigantic hurdle stands in the way of telling fleet-
ing trends apart from ones that will last: the pandemic and its
aftermath. During that two-year spandepending on whether
the data source is a private one like Apartments.com or Zillow or
a public-sector one like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsrent
Exhibit 2-3 Commercial Property Price Index, by Sector
2Q 20221Q 20211Q 20191Q 20171Q 20151Q 20131Q 20111Q 2009
1Q 2007
1Q 2005
Officesuburban Retail
Source:RCA CPPI, MSCI Real Assets.
Note: 100 = December 2006.
38 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
growth spiraled upward nationally in ranges from just under 10
percent to just shy of 25 percent.
The Pandemic: This Time Is Different
With the pandemic and the cascade of economic and social
policies it set off, five macro apartment industry tailwinds
reached gale-force levels:
One, there was a preexisting multigenerational avalanche
of both rent-by-choice and rent-by-necessity demand for
multifamily rental units.
Two, demand gathered speed and sweep as people sought
larger living spaces to balance remote work and household
life, and more outdoor living options.
Three, constrained construction of new supply, and a price
run-up on the single-family for-sale front, spilled over into
expanded apartment demand.
Four, construction capacity to add new supply stalled as
COVID-19 aftershocks played out.
Lastly, compounding the effects of these four dramatic
imbalances came the rocket fuel of a global capital rotation
toward de-risked assets (i.e., the safe haven of U.S. residen-
tial real estate).
Outsized demand, a sudden spike in remote work mobility,
constricted supply, and floods of money with nowhere better to
goa grand slam of anomalies.
The U.S. apartment property sector—providing shelter to 37 mil-
lion residents in 21.3 million structures of five or more household
units, and contributing $3.4 trillion annually to the U.S. economy,
according to the NMHCmorphed quickly into an investment
asset class pressure cooker. Inflated property valuations, com-
pressed cap rates, and a sea change from individual owners to
medium and large-sized corporate owners became a new norm
seemingly overnight.
This time period veers wildly from a steady slope of otherwise
well-entrenched trends across the structural demand front.
Operational modernization kicked into super-fast-forward mode
toward self-service, and a robust new-development pipeline at
least. According to a recent Bloomberg report, “After dipping in
2020, the number of new units authorized in multifamily build-
ings took off, running 37 percent higher over the past 12 months
[as of June 2022] than in the same period in 2018/2019.” As of
August, 862,000 apartments were under construction, up 25
percent from a year ago.
Exhibit 2-4 Apartment Investment Prospect Trends
High-income apartments
Senior housing
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Apartment Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Student housing
Senior housing
Single-family rental
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Buy Hold Sell
52.7% 38.4% 8.8%
42.3 40.7 17.0
38.1 48.8 13.1
27.0 50.3 22.7
19.0 56.9 24.1
19.0 56.9 24.1
Opinion of Current Apartment Pricing
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Over pricedUnder priced Fairly pricedOverpriced UnderpricedFairly priced
Student housing
Senior housing
Single-family rental
52.7% 38.4% 8.8%
42.3 40.7 17.0
38.1 48.8 13.1
32.5 56.2 11.3
27.0 50.3 22.7
19.0 56.9 24.1
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
39Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
At the same time, COVID-19’s aftermath sharply defined con-
flicting forces—which together destine virtually all of America’s
newly developed and built apartment communities for a
financially privileged professional class. Rather than causing
an expansion of rental housing stock, however, higher-income
households’ come-lately demand for rental neighborhoods
instead served to crowd out moderate- and lower-income
households in supply-constrained areas.
“It’s been virtually impossible to build affordable,” says the chief
executive of one of the apartment industry trade groups. “You
can’t build ground-up affordable because of the price of land,
and the regulations that govern that, and everything the NIMBY
activists rule . . . it all puts a real damper on the industry’s ability
to produce.
In mid-2022, yet another freshly drawn inflection point—coin-
ciding with the devastation wrought by the Russia-Ukraine war
and an aggressive U.S. monetary and fiscal tightening effort to
dial down inflationquickly spread the pain of a cost-of-living
crisis across America’s households. In addition, it casts a new
cloud of uncertainty over the near-term outlook for market-rate
residential investment.
The Push and Pull of Trends: Rentership Rising
Broad-stroke household demographics point irrefutably to strong
secular demand for multifamily rental apartment development.
During the 2022-to-2035 stretch that lies ahead, 275 million
adults —the total of all the adult-aged generational cohortswill
continue to make shelter decisions, especially as U.S. domes-
tic migration and mobility continues at over 27 million movers
(approximately 8 percent) each year. Financial factors—given that
runaway costs and high mortgage interest rates will price more
households out of homeownership as an optionwill determine
many of their decisions, as has long been the case.
What is different over the past several years has been growth in
discretionary rental households, also known as rent-by-choice
households. According to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing
Studies (JCHS), the number of renters making at least $75,000
jumped by 48 percent over the decade ending just before the
pandemic, to 11.3 million. With this increase, the share of renter
households in this income group rose from 20 percent to
26 percent.
Younger, older, and more economically, racially, and culturally
diverse households together will bend the economic and cultural
arc of rentership upward. (American Community Survey data
Exhibit 2-5 Owners and Renters: Select Household Characteristics
Hispanic AsianBlackWhite
75.1% 8.2% 10.2% 4.7
51.8% 20.3% 19.7% 5.4%
85+758465 74556445–543544Under age 35
9.9% 15.5% 19.0% 22.8% 19.1% 10.1% 3.5%
34.4% 19.9% 15.6% 13.7% 8.9%
Source: Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.
Note: Data as of 2019. Race and ethnicity categories reect U.S. Census Bureau terminology. Black or African American adults and Asian Americans do not include Hispanics.
Hispanics/Latinos are of any race.
40 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
notes that people of color represent 91 percent of total household
growth between 2009 and 2019, and fully 85 percent of renter
household growth in that period, according to the JCHS.)
Apartment industry leaders now recognize a blurring of behav-
ioral lines across generations. When it comes to housing type
need or preference, generational cohortsgeneration Z, millen-
nials, generation X, and empty-nester baby boomersact more
like each other than not.
“Our customer experience research shows it’s more appropri-
ate to classify people by [buying pattern] behaviors than by
generational cohorts,” says the CEO of one of the nation’s top
20 privately held multifamily developers. “You’re going to find
people in gen Z and millennials and even gen Xers that have
very similar behavioral components and some of that is stage
of life, but not all of it is.
Consumer-driven trendsa desire for indoor/outdoor living,
health and well-being features and functionality, designs for
a nimble work/life balance at home, holistic home technology
solutions for everything from package delivery management,
to smart locks, privacy, and security systems, to self-service
access to concierge and other community amenitiesare
becoming non-negotiable standards as technologies improve.
“Since COVID-19, we were able to pivot to a technology footprint
for our business model that reduces reliance on people and
improves the customer experience,” said the CEO of a publicly
traded, top-10-ranked multifamily apartment owner-developer.
“So, it was an acceleration of what we’ve seen in other sectors
to a self-service business model. The core of it is, ‘How do you
interact with your customer?’ and if that gets disrupted or the
rules of the road change, ‘How quick can you adapt?’”
Capital Calculus
As COVID-19 dynamics shifted multifamily property ownership
from individual owners to business and investor enterprises,
transaction volumes, multifamily loan originations, and property
valuations surged. Yield-thirsty investors greenlighted a boom in
new construction, with 420,000 completions estimated for 2022,
up from 364,000 in 2021.
Wall Street investment giants were raising massive amounts
of capital, buying every apartment they could,” says the chief
executive of a top-10 multifamily real estate investment trust
(REIT), speaking of the pandemic-era capital pivot into apart-
ments. “And so, all of a sudden, they became the market
themselves. When you’re buying apartment portfolios at $20
[billion] or $30 billion at a clip, you’re establishing what the mar-
ket floor is. It was, ‘We’re going to buy apartments everywhere
at a 3.5 or 4 capitalization rate.’ They didn’t differentiate one
property from another.
Class A property investments align with rent-by-choice higher-
income households and a swelling population of aging Americans
ready to downsize and simplify. B and C value-add investments
suit a growing market of younger and mid-career households
stuck in the limbo of scarce supply, high prices, and high interest
mortgages that will delay their becoming homeowners.
Closing a gaping, and widening, chasm in new investment
and development would well serve households in the 80 to
120 percent range of area median household income levels—
the wage range of many essential workers such as teachers,
sanitation workers, law enforcement officers, and fire and
medical first responders. Furthermore, addressing this “missing
middle” household income level does not preclude the need
for additions to and preservation of properties for lower-income
The Great Bottleneck: Local Ballot Boxes
Apartment stakeholders’ number-one nemesis, blocking private-
sector market solutions to deep and growing mismatches
between demand and supply, is a many-headed hydra—a bevy
of deep-rooted restrictive land use, permitting, and regulatory
cost burdens that thwart higher-density multifamily develop-
ment. On top of these longstanding challenges, a growing
push for rent regulation is adding uncertainty to the market.
For example, while 26 states prohibit local municipalities from
implementing rent control laws, five states permit localities to
enforce rent control—New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon,
and Marylandas well as Washington, D.C. Regulations being
proposed throughout the country would allow landlords to boost
monthly rents by no more than 2 percent to 10 percent. Arizona,
Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, New Jersey, New York,
Washington, and Massachusetts have all introduced proposals
to add or expand rent control protections.
“The problem of impact fees and NIMBYism really dominates
many markets and makes it too expensive to develop,” the
CEO of one of the nation’s largest property management
organizations says. “I think we’re still stuck in the past. Some
policymakers are not in tune. Voters who may not be well versed
in these issues elect government officials who then become a
huge wall to economic solutions. I don’t see solutions for all this
happening in my lifetime.
41Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
Exhibit 2-6 Prospects for Commercial/Multifamily Subsectors, 2023 versus 2022
Regional malls
Central-city office
Outlet centers
Power centers
Suburban office
Urban/high-street retail
Lifestyle/entertainment centers
Stand-alone retail*
Economy hotels
Student housing
Luxury hotels
Midscale hotels
Upscale hotels
Lower-income apartments
shopping centers
High-income apartments
Senior housing
Single-family rental housing
Medical office
Life-sciences facilities*
Data centers
workforce apartments
Regional malls
Power centers
Central-city office
Outlet centers
Suburban office
Urban/high-street retail
Lifestyle/entertainment centers
Economy hotels
Luxury hotels
Upscale hotels
Stand-alone retail*
shopping centers
Midscale hotels
Student housing
Lower-income apartments
High-income apartments
Senior housing
Medical office
Single-family rental housing
Life-sciences facilities*
workforce apartments
Data centers
Development prospects
Investment prospects
Abysmal Fair Excellent
Abysmal Fair Excellent
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
*First year in survey.
42 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Emerging Trends in Senior Housing
Major factors influencing senior housing continue to evolve.
Some trends are well known while others are developing. In
2022 and into 2023, senior housing trends include the following:
1. The growth of the sector into new product types differenti-
ated by rate and service offerings as the sector continues
to mature and evolve.
2. The articulation of a new value proposition for senior hous-
ing as the proverbial “fountain of youth” for future baby
boomer residents who seek a high quality of life, wellness,
longevity, and a sense of purpose.
3. The recognition that senior housing is truly part of the
health care continuum.
4. The gradual recovery of occupancy from the nadir reached
during COVID-19, boosted by a recent slowdown in inven-
tory growth and strong post-pandemic demand patterns.
5. Outside exogenous factors including the national and
global economies, inflation, and rising interest rates, which
present new challenges for senior housing.
6. Staff recruitment and retention as well as rising expenses
associated with labor shortages, insurance, food, energy,
and other goods and services. Collectively, these are
squeezing operator margins, investment returns, and debt
7. And, of course, U.S. demographic patterns, which are
pushing greater numbers of individuals into the 75-plus
cohort, creating a captive pool of potential new residents
for senior housing.
These and other topics will be explored below.
Sector maturation. It is an exciting time in the senior living
industry as the sector matures and product offerings become
increasingly differentiated. Much like the hotel industry, with
offerings from Motel 6 to the Ritz-Carlton, operators, devel-
opers, and capital providers are increasingly segmenting
the senior housing market by both price point and service
offerings. “Active adult” offers amenitized rental housing for
the “younger old” cohort seeking community involvement,
lifestyle, purpose, and connection. The “Forgotten Middle,
a term coined by the National Investment Center for Seniors
Housing & Care (NIC) in its 2019 seminal study that assessed
and quantified the need for more affordable housing and care
options for middle-income seniors, offers care and hous-
ing options for the value-minded older adult consumer. And
“ultra-luxury retirement communities” offer older adults high-
end concierge lifestyle living options with wellness centers,
five-star culinary options, entertainment, and A-list cultural
events. And, of course, the traditional senior housing product
remains, with a price point that falls between the two and
offers a value proposition of security, socialization, engage-
ment, room and board, care coordination, and lifestyle.
Wellness value proposition. Many operators increasingly
recognize that senior housing provides an environment that
can promote and support health and wellness, enticements to
the baby boomers as they age and seek the aforementioned
proverbial fountain of youth. Furthermore, the movement
of many operators to incorporate wellness programs into
their offerings has the ability to be a significant competitive
advantage as potential residents seek communities that hold
promise to improve the quality of their life through programs
focused on the intellectual, physical, social, spiritual, voca-
tional, emotional, and environmental dimensions of wellness
as defined by the International Council on Active Aging.
Senior housing as part of the continuum of care. Simply
stated, senior housing operators influence social determinants of
health for hundreds of thousands of older Americans. Operators
can help manage chronic illness and keep older adults
healthy—they have 24/7 eyes on residents and can systemati-
cally monitor changes in conditions. Properly managed, this
can result in fewer resident hospitalizations, reduce federal and
state-level health care spending, and act as a catalyst for future
business opportunities and collaborations. Further, thoughtful
care intervention can provide support to the overall health care
ecosystem through the support and creation of conscientious
awareness and follow-through. And, once senior housing is fully
recognized as part of the health care continuum, senior housing
operators will be able to participate in the revenue streams asso-
ciated with a capitated risk-sharing model of care.
Tailwinds for occupancy recovery. Two tailwinds support
an ongoing occupancy recovery for senior housing. First, on
the supply side, the number of senior housing units under
construction in the second quarter of 2022 for the 31 NIC
MAP Primary Markets was the fewest since 2015. And that
pattern may remain in placeat least in the near term
because senior housing starts continue to linger at moderate
levels and remain well below their peaks seen in the 2016
2018 period. This is because rising prices for materials and
43Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
continued next page
inflation, labor shortages in the building trade industries, and
the change in Fed policy of higher interest rates are collec-
tively affecting plans for new development; many projects
increasingly do not pencil out for reasonable returns.
Second, demand is also a tailwind for an ongoing improve-
ment in occupancy. Indeed, demand, as measured by the
change in occupied inventory or net absorption, was robust
in the second quarter of 2022, increasing at its strongest
pace ever recorded by NIC MAP Vision except for the post-
pandemic boost in demand in the last half of 2021. Since the
recovery began in the second quarter of 2021, 78 percent of
the units placed back on the market have been reoccupied.
As a result of these conditions, the occupancy rate for senior
housingwhere senior housing is defined as the combination
of the majority independent living and assisted living proper-
tiesrose 0.9 percentage point during the second quarter
of 2022 to 81.4 percent for the 31 NIC MAP Primary Markets.
This marked the fifth consecutive quarter in which occupancy
did not decline. At 81.4 percent in the second quarter, occu-
pancy was 3.4 percentage points above its pandemic-related
low of 78.0 percent recorded in the second quarter of 2021
but was 5.8 percentage points below its pre-pandemic level
of 87.2 percent in the first quarter of 2020.
Outside inuencing factors. Looking ahead, several exog-
enous factors will influence the strength of net move-ins and
demand. These include demographics (as discussed further
below) as well as the following:
The broad performance of the U.S. economy,
Consumer confidence (which is very low, according to a
University of Michigan survey),
The rate of inflation (the Consumer Price Index increased
by 9.1 percent from year-earlier levels in June 2022, result-
ing in the largest increase since 1981),
Interest rates (rising as the Fed tightens monetary policy
and increases the Fed funds rate),
The pace of sales for residential housing (slowing from
higher mortgage interest rates),
The stock market (considered in a bear market),
Pent-up demand for senior living settings (strong through
the second half of 2022),
Development currently underway (moderately paced com-
pared with history),
New competition in the form of recently opened properties
since the pandemic began, and
Local market area demand and supply pressures.
Senior Housing Fundamentals, Primary U.S. Markets, 1Q 2007–2Q 2022
Occupancy rate
2022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082 007
Inventory growth
Source: NIC MAP Data Service, ©2022 National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care Inc. (NIC).
Continued next page.
44 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Senior Housing Rent Growth and Employee Pay Increases, Primary U.S. Markets, 2007–2022
Rent increases
Employee pay increases
Pay increases, assisted living employees
Independent living rent growth
Assisted living rent growth
Source: NIC MAP Data Service, ©2022 National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care Inc. (NIC).
Note: Rent growth is change in annual asking rent. For 2022, wage growth is as of rst quarter and rent growth is as of second quarter.
Staffing challenges. Of importance, labor also is a key
consideration, with an increasing number of operators citing
labor shortages as a potential limiting constraint on growth.
In the WMRE/NIC Investor Sentiment Survey conducted
in June 2022, just under half of respondents (41 percent)
reported that labor shortages have caused a reduction in
the number of operating units/beds in their portfolios. This
is presenting challenges for operators seeking to maintain
census, much less grow and expand.
Indeed, the U.S. jobless rate was low at 3.6 percent in
June 2022 and was only 0.1 percentage point above the
pre-pandemic level of 3.5 percent seen in February 2020.
Furthermore, tight labor market conditions are pressuring
wage rates up quickly, especially for workers in skilled nurs-
ing and assisted living properties.
While good for employees, low jobless rates present chal-
lenges to employers who must staff their businesses. Surveys
conducted by the NIC among C-suite operators of senior
housing and care properties highlight strategies to combat
labor shortages and include raising wages, offering flexible
work hours, higher pay frequency, improving the work envi-
ronment and culture, recruitment programs comparable with
those used to market to new residents, and collaboration with
educational institutions.
Expenses, margins, and returns. Rising wage costs asso-
ciated with temporary agency workers, overtime hours, and
sick leave associated with COVID-19 have combined with
dollars expended on personal protective equipment and ris-
ing insurance costs to put significant pressure on expenses.
Rent growth, while rising, has not been sufficiently able to
offset expense growth for many operators. As a result, net
operating income has been hard to achieve for many—but
certainly not for alloperators of senior housing properties.
COVID-19 was particularly hard on the senior housing sector.
Many investors had reduced their appreciation expectations
for senior housing as the impact of the coronavirus weighed
heavily on their view of the sector. According to NCREIF
Property Index (NPI) investment return data, short-term total
returns for senior housing were low at 1.08 percent in the first
quarter of 2022 compared with the broader NPI, which saw
total returns of 5.33 percent in the first quarter. Appreciation
returns for the NPI dwarf those of senior housing, since the
NPI was boosted in part by outsized returns in industrial prop-
erties (10.96 percent). The senior housing income return in
the first quarter was 0.91 percent, its best showing since late
2020. This was stronger than industrial and nearly on par with
apartments, and slightly less than the NPI (0.99 percent).
Nevertheless, on a longer-term basis, the 10-year return for
senior housing was the strongest of the main property types
45Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
except for industrial. For this time frame, the income returns
for senior housing (5.47 percent) surpassed the NPI (4.83
percent), while the appreciation return (4.49 percent) was
slightly less than the NPI (4.61 percent).
Demographics favor senior housing. The demographics
supporting senior housing cannot be denied, as the number
and share of older adults continue to grow. For example, the
number of persons 82 and older—often the age at which a
person moves into senior housingis growing at an accel-
erating pace. In 2022, there were 10.6 million Americans
aged 82 and older; by 2026, this figure is projected to grow
to 12.3 million, and by 2030 to 14.8 million, according to the
U.S. Census Bureau. Further, in the not-very-distant future,
the ratio of adult children family caregivers (those aged 45
to 64) who are available to take care of aging parents (those
over 80 years of age) will continue to shrink at a precipitous
pace from 7:1 in 2015 to 6:1 in 2022 to 5:1 in 2026 to 4:1 in
2031 and to 3:1 in 2044.
With fewer family members and spouses available for
caregiving—divorce rates are high for older adults—con-
gregate settings will indeed get a further boost in demand.
In addition, the increasing segmentation and differentiation
of senior housing in serving the vast numbers of seniors in
the middle-income cohort will add a large demand pool for
operators to serve, as will the movement of “younger old”
adults into the active adult segment. With an industry pen-
etration rate of roughly 11 percent of U.S. households, the
penetration rate does not need to increase dramatically for
occupancy to rise to pre-pandemic levels.
Looking ahead, many reasons exist to be optimistic about the
outlook for senior housing, but the path forward may be a bit
bumpy due to the prevailing winds in the broader economy.
Inventory will continue to expand, although at a reduced pace
in the near term, which should act as a tailwind for occupancy
improvement. And, while demand may also be affected
by economic headwinds, the value proposition of senior
housingsecurity, socialization, engagement, room and
board, care coordination, and lifestyleremains in place and
ultimately should win the day by attracting new residents to
senior housing properties. In addition, the movement of many
operators to incorporate wellness programs into their offerings
has the potential to be a significant competitive advantage
as potential residents seek communities that hold promise to
improve the quality and length of their lives.
National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC)
Exhibit 2-7 Prospects for Residential Property Types,
2023 versus 2022
Vacation homes
Multifamily condominiums
Single familymoderate/workforce
Single-family lots*
Manufactured-home communities
Age-restricted housing
Master-planned communities
Single familyhigh income
Vacation homes
Multifamily condominiums
Single familyhigh income
Single-family lots*
Single familymoderate/workforce
Master-planned communities
Age-restricted housing
Manufactured-home communities
Investment prospects
Development prospects
Abys mal Fair Excellent
Abys mal Fair Excellent
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
*First year in survey.
46 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Student Housing: Improvement in Fundamentals
For those active in the student housing sector, fall 2022’s
massively improved performance has shaped up to be
essentially a best-case scenario. At a minimum, it has been
the rebound that many had hoped for. At best, it has been
something of a renaissance after two very challenging years
due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rent Growth and Occupancy Levels Not Seen in
at Least a Decade
Heading into the final month of the fall 2022 leasing season,
both rent growth and occupancy sit at all-time highs. The
former sits right at 6 percent—almost three times greater than
the 2010s’ decade normwhile the latter clocks in above 90
percent–plus. That is the earliest the sector has ever crested
above that 90 percent threshold on record. By the semester’s
start, it is almost a foregone conclusion that the year will kick
off with never-before-seen occupancy rates. With student
competitive housing (in other words, nearby conventional
multifamily housing properties that compete with purpose-
built assets) also seeing record rent growth and occupancy
rates as well, there is less pressure on purpose-built off-
campus housing space than in years past.
Investment from Institutional Players Solidies
Student Housing as a CRE Sector
Back in 2018, there was a big splash in the student housing
space when Greystar completed its acquisition of EDR. At
the time of acquisition, that left only one publicly traded real
estate investment trust (REIT) in the student housing space.
Yet another massive announcement followed in 2022 with
Blackstone’s acquisition of American Campus Communities,
which closed in early August. Although the acquisition leaves
no publicly traded REITs in the sector—a development that
lends itself to some challenges in terms of reporting and
benchmarkingthe more important takeaway is that institu-
tional capital continues to flow into the sector.
Will Fall 2022 Be a Flash-in-the-Pan Rebound, or
a Positive Shift in Long-Term Expectations?
While somewhat more difficult to measure, the return to a
more normal campus life for students, university employees,
and industry professionals alike has been widely welcomed.
After all, record leasing activity and record rent growth
indirectly point to improved qualitative aspects of student
life such as on-campus activities and in-person classes.
Only time will tell whether the 2022 rebound is a short-lived
bounce back or a resetting of baseline expectations for the
coming few years. Though with supply easing and students
who elected to take a gap year being reintroduced to the
pipeline of prospective student renters, it is reasonable to
suggest that the coming few years could see sustained per-
formance readings.
U.S. Annual New Supply of Student Housing, Fall 2014Fall 2022
New beds delivered
Fall 2022Fall 2021Fall 2020Fall 2019Fall 2018Fall 2017Fall 2016Fall 2015Fall 2014
New beds delivered
Historical average since 2014:
Source: RealPage Market Analytics.
Note: Data reect purpose-built off-campus student housing, and year-over-year production from July to July.
47Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
U.S. Student Housing Effective Rent Change
by Distance from Campus, Fall 2019Fall 2022
Less than 0.5 mile
Greater than 1 mile
0.5 to 1 mile
Fall 2022Fall 2021Fall 2020Fall 2019
Fall 2022Fall 2021Fall 2020Fall 2019
Less than 0.5 mile
0.5 to 1 mile
Greater than 1 mile
Source: RealPage Market Analytics.
Note: Data reect purpose-built off-campus student housing.
Rent change data is year-over-year from July to July.
Source: RealPage Market Analytics.
Note: Data reect purpose-built off-campus student housing.
Pre-lease occupancy data is as of July for each year.
U.S. Student Housing Pre-Lease Occupancy
by Distance from Campus, Fall 2019Fall 2022
Construction Levels at Decade Lows
In recent years, one of the more remarkable trends in the
student housing space has been the sheer consistency of
national supply totals. Although campus-level construction
figures are often capriciousit is not uncommon to see a huge
wave of deliveries followed by years with no constructionthe
United States averaged roughly 50,000 new beds per year
over the past few years, with relatively little deviation from year
to year. But the pandemic bred a lot of uncertainty. And, as a
result, fall 2022’s expected delivery total (fewer than 30,000
new beds) will easily be the lowest figure in at least a decade.
Not much is expected to change in 2023 either.
Despite Positive Signals, Be Aware of Headwinds
and Risks
Although fall 2022 performance is a welcome sight for
industry professionals, external risks and headwinds should
not be discounted. For one, inflation remains at its highest
level in 40 years. Although there does not appear to be a
correlation between rising inflation and increasing missed
payments (and eventually evictions) thus far, that does not
mean that the broader inflation story should be dismissed. In
addition, demographic trends such as fewer 18- to 24-year-
olds moving into the collegiate ranks alongside declining
total U.S. enrollment levels suggest longer-term pressure
on the student space. Still, it is worth noting that the core
set of major U.S. campusesprimarily large, state-funded
institutionsdo not seem to be seeing a decline, unlike their
smaller counterparts (e.g., small liberal arts schools and
some smaller private institutions).
RealPage Inc.
The Future of Single-Family Housing
The early 2020s have been a transformative time for the housing
industry as the pandemic caused people around the world to
reevaluate both where they live and how they live. The United
States experienced “the Great American Move” in which house-
holds and businesses relocated to more affordable places, often
to buy or rent a home with additional space and a yard, and
farther from employment centers. Builders across the country
could not keep up with the new demandand supply chain
interruptions, labor shortages, and permitting delays during the
COVID-19 pandemic did not help matters. As a result, home
prices escalated at historic rates; the median new home price in
the United States increased 22 percent since the start of 2020
and existing home prices increased 58 percent.
48 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
larger (65-foot-wide) lots. Buyers like the low maintenance and
compact design of these homes.
Technology also will affect the way people live, and faster
than most people believe, according to the CEO of a national
firm specializing in residential architecture. Homes have not
changed significantly over the past few decades, and he
believes there are “aspirationals”—people who value time more
than money and innovation over samenesswho are waiting
on the sidelines for innovation. He is focused on designing the
thoughtful home,” infusing floor plans with performance capa-
bilities that will save homeowners time, make life easier, and
perhaps help homeowners live longer. Homebuilders are often
willing to embrace new technology depending on the cost, but
more often, buyers will choose their own technology after they
purchase the home.
Where People Live
The pandemic brought massive migration across the United
States as people reevaluated where they wanted to live based on
cost, weather, community, and family. Builders noted the large
number of Californians who moved to Florida, and also took note
of apartment dwellers becoming homebuyers because they
wanted yards. A large private builder in the South experienced
the same and furthermore found that new in-migrants had suf-
ficient cash for larger homes and more upgrades.
The ability to work from home accelerated the migration.
According to a 2022 John Burns New Home Trends Institute
(NHTI) survey, only 49 percent of workers expect to come into
the office every day versus 66 percent of workers who expected
to come into the office every day prior to COVID-19.
Today, the single-family housing industry is on the other side of
the rapid run-up in demand and pricesinflation and the rapid
escalation of mortgage rates have resulted in a cooldown of the
for-sale housing market. Every housing metric is indicating a
softening, and builders are starting to recalibrate their business
plans in the face of slowing demand. As the housing market
resets, we should start to witness the true impact of the pan-
demic on home design, location preferences, amenities, and
financial preferences.
How People Live
Home offices and flex spaces are nothing new, but the desire for
more functional spaces grew tremendously during the pan-
demic-related lockdowns. Builders have not had time to create
new designs, but they are modifying current ones. The CEO of a
large private homebuilder noted that consumers prefer a higher
bedroom count (for offices and additional space), so in many
instances he is choosing existing plans with those features.
His team also puts in “reading nooks” and “drop zones” where
they can, often using space taken away from larger spaces.
Architects are reporting similar adjustments. Three significant
trends include the following:
More function in the same-sized home. Spaces added
include an extra bedroom and additional flex or office
spaces. To fit in the extra functions, architects are taking
space from typically large areas like the kitchen or dining
room and “right-sizing” the home office (which does not
need to take up a whole bedroom) and making additional
flex spaces (like in a hallway or loft) that serve as additional
work space.
Balance between public and private spacesopen great
rooms are not going away. Instead, they are being paired
with more private spaces like prep kitchens, drop zones,
retreats, and nooks.
Outdoor spaces taking a larger share of space and home-
owner spending. This often takes the form of “nodes”—small
patios, decks, and balconies off the primary living areas
instead of relying on one larger yard.
Despite the overwhelming desire for outdoor and indoor space,
density continues to rise as a way to improve affordability. Over
62 percent of architectural designers for production builders
are working on denser projects in 2022, compared with only
10 percent with lower-density projects. One of the most suc-
cessful active-adult brands in the United States has reported
overwhelming demand for its cottage product—1,200- to
1,400-square-foot homesand the builder is phasing out its
Exhibit 2-8 Single-Family Renters: Preference to Own
or Rent
Source: New Home Trends Institute by John Burns Real Estate Consulting LLC.
Note: Data collected in April 2022 survey of 1,160 single-family renters with a household
budget for rent of over $1,000.
renters who
would prefer
to own
Single-family renters
who prefer to rent
49Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
Buyers are also searching for the right community. With such
high levels of new residents, a CEO of an amenity planning
and lifestyle design company noted how amenities played a
more direct role in connections. New residents want to be con-
nected—especially via the outdoorswith their neighbors and
amenity programming. Lifestyle directors can make an outsized
impact in new communities. Her focus for new communities is
to make outdoor spaces livable all year long, with heating and
cooling elements to make residents comfortable.
Historically, affordability has played a key role in housing pur-
chase decisions, and the rise in home prices along with higher
mortgage rates has brought affordability to the forefront. Over 67
percent of households who rent cite the lack of a down payment
as the biggest hurdle to homeownership. Builders have always
struggled to provide affordable housing, but the rise in the cost
of materials over the past two years has impeded any progress.
However, some builders are starting to report lower costs
especially labor—as the market cools.
The key to improving affordability, according to the CEO of a
national firm specializing in residential architecture, is lowering
the cycle time for building homes. Just as Henry Ford slashed
the time needed to build a Model T from 12 hours to 96 min-
utes through process improvements, the same innovations
and improvements should be focused on housing. If we could
reduce cycle times in half to build a house, builders could offer
homes for less, thus improving affordability across the board.
Single-Family Rentals
The rise of the single-family rental business has huge implica-
tions for traditional builders. There are positive implicationsa
hedge against slower demand from consumers of for-sale hous-
ing, as many builders report that they are receiving multiple calls
each day from single-family rental operators who want to con-
tract builders to build homes. There are negative implications as
well: as single-family rentals become more prevalent, they could
become a competitor to traditional for-sale homes. The nascent
stage of the industry makes the future hard to determine, but
one ought to consider the following:
Nearly half of all master-planned communities are planning a
build-for-rent section.
Thirty-five percent of single-family renters with budgets of
$1,000-plus per month rent by choice.
Single-family renters with rent budgets of $1,000-plus per
month prefer to rent for more flexibility, as well as for less
maintenance and fewer financial responsibilities, than they
would have as homeowners.
Exhibit 2-9 Reasons Renters Continue to Rent, Based
on Rental Households That Believe Homeownership
Is Important
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Would rather spend money
on other things (e.g.,
hobbies, travel, etc.)
Cannot take on the
maintenance responsibilities
Require the flexibility to
move if desired/needed
Lack of supply (e.g., no
homes that fit my needs)
Cannot afford mortgage
Life circumstances (e.g., waiting
for marriage, planning to relocate,
desire to downsize, etc.)
Need to save for
Source: New Home Trends Institute by John Burns Real Estate Consulting LLC.
Note: Data collected in a survey of 1,347 U.S. homeowners and renters ages 18 and over with
household income of over $50,000. Survey elded July 12–17, 2022.
Exhibit 2-10 Footprint Allocated to the Home’s Outdoor
Space, 2021 versus 2020
Much less
Slightly less
Slightly more
Much more
Source: 2022 Annual Survey of Architecture. conducted by the New Home Trends Institute/
John Burns Real Estate Consulting LLC and Pro Builder
50 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Renters of single-family homes can have private yards, no
one living above or below them, pets, and garages—the
primary features that motivate people to own.
As the industry grows, the single-family rental space can serve
as a “living laboratory” for reducing cycle times, according to
the CEO of a national firm specializing in residential architec-
ture. As single-family rental operators design new floor plans
and build hundreds of houses at a time (with no option choices
from consumers to manage), the industry can modernize and
become more precise. The repetition will allow for innovation
and ultimately reduced cycle times that could, in the end, solve
the problem of affordability faster than expected.
So, it is possible that the housing issues raised by the pandemic
could result in industry improvements that outlive it.
Industrial/Logistics: Strong Fundamentals
Persist while Capital Markets Adjust
With today’s supply chain volatility and red-hot inflation, it may
come as a surprise that industrial rent growth in 2022 is on track
to break the previous year’s all-time high. Resilient consumption
supported demand for logistics real estate through the first half
of 2022, requiring more space to move goods quickly and hold
higher inventories. The urgency to secure more space, paired
with delays in supply and rising replacement costs, pushed
rents to historic highs while vacancies fell to record lows. At the
same time, capital market dynamics began to shift, marked by
repricing and a pullback in volume.
E-Commerce Holds Strong, Despite a Return to In-Store
Consumer spending patterns returned to in-store shopping
as local economies reopened, but the future of retail still relies
on e-commerce. Why? Because consumers prefer the conve-
nience and choice of shopping online. The number of people
who used same- or next-day delivery held steady in 2021 dur-
ing the holiday season, compared with a decrease in people
who purchased goods online and picked them up in store.
And e-commerce supply chains are being built to accommo-
date faster delivery timetables, which attracts sales because
consumers appreciate the speed. More than 90 percent of con-
sumers expect delivery in three days or fewer, and 30 percent
expect same-day delivery. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic
forced many physical stores out of business, limiting the number
of retail options close to home.
The pandemic’s impact on the growth of e-commerce extends
across retailer and product categories. While an e-commerce
giant is now focused on supply chain optimization and less
on absorbing additional space, other users are stepping up to
secure additional space. E-commerce will continue to drive logis-
tics demand for the foreseeable future with growing diversity.
Demand Still Outpaces Inventory
Given persistent stock-outs, rapidly rising prices, and unreli-
able supply chains, the need for higher inventories increased.
Inventory growth was rapid in the six months from February
through July 2022, up 9 percent on a net basis for wholesale
and retail. Although inventories are up, they continue to lag
sales. The July 2022 inventory-to-sales ratio for all retailers
(excluding automobiles) was almost 4 percent below average
2019 levels.
While inventories are growing, they are still too low overall. The
Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing PMI and
Services PMI ask about inventory levels: sentiment was below
50 until July 2022, when the services inventory sentiment tipped
slightly above. Meanwhile, the Manufacturing PMI customers’
Exhibit 2-11 Prospects for Niche and Multiuse Property
Types, 2023 versus 2022
Agricultural land
Suburban mixed-use properties
Urban mixed-use properties
Abysmal Fair Excellent
Investment prospects
Development prospects
Abysmal Fair Excellent
Agricultural land
Urban mixed-use properties
Suburban mixed-use properties
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
51Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
inventories remained below 50, meaning that there is still a need
for higher inventories, despite substantial inventory building
in recent months. This aligns with what some major retailers
noted during recent earnings calls: their inventories are not yet
back to pre-pandemic levels, and they are focused on carrying
more product to improve customer service. The end goal is to
plan for long-term capacity to shield from future supply chain
disruptions. Supply chain volatility should persist, so securing
inventory in response to changes in consumer behavior will
continue to be a challenge. Cyclical trends will only affect the
timing of this goal.
Oversupply Risk Is Low, Even as Supply Pipeline Builds
The pipeline of space under construction reached a record high
of more than 620 million square feet as of the second quarter
of 2022. At the same time, supply chain bottlenecks delayed
deliveries. Strong demand propped up the proportion of space
pre-leased on completionat roughly 65 percent as of the sec-
ond quarter of 2022, compared with a historical average closer
to 40 percent, according to JLL.
For now, delays in new supply and elevated pre-leasing are
keeping oversupply risk in check. Markets with high levels
of construction include Dallas, Atlanta, the Inland Empire,
Indianapolis, and Phoenix. As supply begins to come online,
rent growth is expected to deceleratefirst, in untested sub-
markets with elevated pipelines. Higher-barrier locations, on
the other hand, may sustain higher rent growth for longer.
Construction Is Battling Supply Chain Issues
Real estate developers across the United States are confronting
rising construction costs. Steel, concrete, and roofing materials
contribute up to 80 percent of typical shell costs. Market price
surges since the end of 2019 for these, and other major catego-
ries, caused finished construction costs to spike by 50 percent.
“Construction durations in the broader industry have increased
by two to three months, on average, since 2019, due to lon-
ger material lead times and increasing contractor backlogs,
according to a construction director at a large industrial owner.
Advanced material procurement strategies and construction
technology can resolve some ongoing construction issues.
Developers are moving upstream in the value chain by lever-
aging direct partnerships with national material suppliers to
pre-secure and prioritize long-lead building materials and
mitigate material shortages where possible. Developers are
also introducing modularized construction systems to expedite
repeatable project elements, such as office tenant improve-
ments and in-warehouse restrooms, which reduce on-site
construction timelines. Finally, traditional means of construction
Exhibit 2-12 Industrial/Distribution Investment
Prospect Trends
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Industrial/Distribution Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Buy Hold Sell
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
37.8% 40.8% 21.4%
35.6 54.1 10.3
33.9 51.9 14.2
31.4 44.1 24.5
30.2 51.3 18.5
Opinion of Current Industrial Pricing
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
56.9% 37.9% 5.2%
43.4 53.2 3.4
42.1 53.5 4.4
36.0 56.0 8.0
27.4 65.7 7.0
Over pricedUnder priced Fairly pricedOverpriced UnderpricedFairly priced
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
execution are being improved by optimizing schedules directly
with general contractors and trade partners in real time, before
delays are felt.
Labor Challenges Persist
Industrial labor shortages continue to consternate users of logis-
tics facilities. “Labor is always up amongst the top two things
companies look at when they move into an area,” according
52 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 2-13 Industrial Inventory: Selected Sentiment Indexes, January 2019June 2022
Index change
Manufacturing PMI
Services PMI
Jan 22 June 22Jul 21Jan 21Jul 20Jan 20Jul 19Jan 19
Source: Institute for Supply Management (ISM); used with permission of ISM.
Note: PMI was formerly known as the Purchasing Managers Index. The Services PMI covers transport and communication, nancial intermediaries, business and personal services,
computing and IT, and hotels and restaurants.
to an expert at a commercial brokerage firm. Labor shortages
intensified in rural areas because of local market overcrowding:
rapid growth of logistics facilities heightened competition for an
already-thin labor force.
Manufacturing relocation adds another layer of competition in
smaller markets, where some companies are diversifying pro-
duction locations by moving to secondary markets in the United
States to offset risks with supply chain disruptions.
As labor continues to stress industrial real estate users, auto-
mation is expected to rise. Some industrial property owners
and developers are using virtual-reality technology to train
employees about safety and career advancement on site, and
companies with robotic in-warehouse transportation are using
it to solve labor shortages.
“This [technology] can save three times the walking time that
a human being would need to cross through a warehouse,
explains an industrial investment expert.
Automation Is Increasing Supply Chain Visibility and
The modern economy requires technology for increasingly
complex supply chain operations. In addition, supply chain
disruptions increased the need for companies and governments
to monitor the flow of goods. Increased scrutiny of supply chain
externalities requires ways to measure metrics, such as carbon
emissions and truck serial numbers. Without an infrastructure
to track these statistics at scale, industrial real estate customers
struggle with supply chain accountability, according to an indus-
trial real estate investment expert. These factors are augmenting
a growing field of technology focused on enhancing supply
chain visibility.
In the trucking industry, industrial real estate customers are
focused on implementing autonomous trucks for middle-mile
operations. Middle-mile routesthe transport between ports
and warehousesconsist of stretches of open roads with lim-
ited human obstacles and pose the lowest barriers to
autonomous adoption.
Industrial developers are also monitoring advancements in
autonomous or remote-operated machinery with the potential
to mitigate labor shortages and increase safety in some of the
most injury-prone construction processes, which include heavy
equipment operation, working from elevated lifts, or repetitive
motions. Additional safety-related advancements that are in the
startup phase and show promise include biometric and posi-
tioning sensors to monitor worker health and safety, geofencing
positioned near hazards, and fall detection.
Investment Outlook: Rent Growth to Drive Future Returns
Real estate dealmaking has begun to slow as investors grow
cautious and interest rates rise. Although a marked deceleration
from the prior year’s growth, the transaction volume for indus-
trial warehouses increased by 11 percent year-over-year as of
the second quarter of 2022, according to MSCI Real Assets.
The deceleration reflects a slowing in smaller transactions.
Rising financial costs and a growing spread between bid and
ask prices could add hurdles to investment, thereby reducing
53Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
transaction volumes and new development in a rising interest
rate environment.
Repricing is taking place across markets, with many sellers
agreeing to renegotiate lower prices because of the interest rate
environment. NCREIF’s industrial cap rate, however, was still low
at 3.3 percent for the second quarter of 2022. Cap rates could
rise, but there is now more liquidity, pent-up demand, and stron-
ger fundamentals compared with prior cycles, which should
help shield against severe correction.
Even as capital market dynamics begin to shift, the return out-
look for industrial is positive. Results from the Emerging Trends
survey echo this sentiment, with respondents placing industrial/
distribution at the top of the list for investment prospects for four
of the last five years. A pullback in development means that rent
growth could remain stronger for longer, given the strength of
structural demand trends buoying future returns. According to
research from MSCI Real Assets of surveyed industrial manag-
ers, in-place rents were 22 percent below spot market rents.
This spread offers embedded net operating income growth for
the foreseeable future.
Office: Desperately Seeking Clarity about
Its Future
Into the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we should have
clarity about the direction of the future workplace. However,
what replaces the daily office grind remains murky and will not
be resolved soon. Most companies are still experimenting to
determine what works best for them in relation to what employ-
ees are willing to do. An industry consultant says: “We face a
lot of uncertainty for the next three to five years. Everyone is still
sorting this out.” An executive at a large office development firm
says, “I don’t think anyone is at the point now where we can say
with conviction, ‘This is the new normal.’”
Some office-using firms have taken an extreme position, either
going fully remote or hewing to the old school by requiring
full-time attendance. But most have embraced a hybrid arrange-
ment—some willingly because it is working for them and others
begrudgingly to avoid a mass exodus of workers—and are
experimenting with hybrid/remote work schemes and testing
new amenities and designs. In the short term, hedging bets
often involves reducing office space moderately, renewing
leases for shorter amounts of time, and embracing flexible
lease strategies such as coworking.
The sector’s traditional long-term lease structures enable the
extended experimental phase. Some executives hesitate to elim-
inate space they once acquired with pride, figuring that office
space represents a small share of expenses. Others are dealing
with bigger fires. “Businesses have a lot of problems now with
the supply chain mess, demand shifts, geopolitical risk—office
space is low on the list of issues to deal with,” said one executive
who advises companies on space. “We still have no idea how to
manage a company where people work two to three days in the
office. In many ways, it is easier to manage a workforce that is
fully remote.
Exhibit 2-14 Industrial Property Net Absorption and Vacancy Rate, 20102022
Net absorption
Absorption (millions of square feet)
Vacancy rate
Vacancy rate
Sources: CBRE, JLL, Cushman & Wakeeld, Colliers, CoStar, CBRE-EA, Prologis Research.
* As of second quarter.
Continued on page 58.
54 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Top North American Data Center Markets by Capacity
Northern Virginia
New York City
Northern New Jersey
Dallas/Fort Worth
San Antonio
Salt Lake City
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Source: datacenterHawk, datacenterhawk.com.
Note: Map depicts the 23 largest data center markets in North America, as measured by power used.
Data Centers: A Resilient Real Estate Asset Class in High Demand
Data centers are essential infrastructure that keeps modern soci-
ety functioning. Particularly post-pandemic, countless day-to-day
functions in people’s business and personal lives are processed
in data centers. While demand for data center infrastructure has
been growing for the last two decades, it has exploded in recent
years, leading to some of the largest developments, leases, and
transactions ever seen in the industry. As a result, the industry’s
supply/demand balance is somewhat strained, with vacancy at
its lowest point in many major markets across North America.
A data center is a building that houses hundreds of cabinets
full of servers that keep a company’s digital infrastructure
running. Streaming digital content, conducting electronic
transactions, sending emails, using a smart thermostat, or
scrolling through social media all involve the use of a data
center. Given the immense cost of downtime, data centers
are highly technical and employ infrastructure to keep things
running. Facilities often feature power feeds from multiple
substations, diverse connection points from fiber carriers,
redundant battery backups and diesel generators, and
robust cooling systems.
Companies typically prefer to outsource their data center
needs rather than owning and operating their infrastruc-
ture, opting to lease capacity from data center providers or
migrate their operations to the cloud. The migration to the
cloud alone is a major factor in the explosive growth of the
data center industry. To meet the demand for cloud infra-
structure, leading cloud providers are building some of the
largest facilities or executing substantial leases from data
center providers. Unlike traditional real estate assets, it is
more accurate to measure data centers by power (kilowatts
and megawatts) and not by square footage. While the physi-
cal space that a company occupies is part of its rental rate,
the rate is generally structured according to the amount of
power the company is using.
Because of the world’s reliance on technology, the data
center industry is more resilient in the face of economic
downturns, enabling it to thrive in the midst of the COVID-19
pandemic. Quarantines forced companies to analyze their
internal operations and bolster their existing digital infrastruc-
ture or shift legacy operations to digital platforms, further
55Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
North American Data Center Capacity Growth and Vacancy Rates
Capacity (megawatts)
Hyperscale companiesVacancy rate
Co-location data centers
1H 20222H20211H 20212H 20201H 20202H 20191H 20192H 20181H 2018
Vacancy rate
Source: datacenterHawk, datacenterhawk.com.
Note: Unlike traditional real estate assets, data centers can be more accurately measured by power used (kilowatts and megawatts) than by square footage. While the physical space
a company occupies is part of its rental rate, that rate is generally structured according to the amount of power the company uses.
increasing their reliance on data centers. As a result, the
industry witnessed a large spike in demand and develop-
ment in 2020 and onward.
Demand for data center capacity occurs across North
America but is most heavily concentrated in 10 primary
markets: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Northern
California, Northern New Jersey, Northern Virginia, Phoenix,
Portland, and Toronto. Among these 10 markets, there is over
6,100 megawatts of colocation data center capacity commis-
sioned or preleased, and over 9,250 megawatts planned for
future development. This does not include the large amount
of capacity owned and operated by hyperscale companies in
those markets.
Trends in Data Center Supply
Inux of capital into the industry.Data centers are now seen
as a distinct and valuable asset class, resulting in ample capital
flowing in from equity groups. Business and portfolio-level
investment is common, with groups like Digital Bridge, American
Tower, Blackstone, KKR, and IPI Partners acquiring data center
providers in multibillion-dollar transactions. Investors are also
interested in individual assets, often acquiring stabilized enter-
prise data centers in sale-leaseback transactions.
Limited options for users with smaller requirements.Due
to demand from hyperscale data center users (i.e., users with
requirements exceeding 5 megawatts), North America’s data
center vacancy level is at its lowest point ever. With the size
of transactions that occur nowadays, data center assets are
quickly occupied by single tenants, leaving little capacity for
users with smaller requirements. Some providers will even
opt out of competing on transactions if the tenant is not a
hyperscale company.
Trends in Data Center Demand
Data center requirements growing.Prior to 2017, leases
above 5 megawatts were uncommon, and leases above 10
megawatts were rarely seen. Since then, however, the indus-
try has witnessed a substantial increase in lease sizes, with
leases often exceeding 10 megawatts and some exceeding
100 megawatts. While these leases were becoming more
common, only five to 20 occurred annually in North America.
In the first half of 2022, however, at least 30 transactions
above 10 megawatts have occurred.
Uptick in demand from enterprise users.While hyperscale
leasing accelerated during the pandemic, enterprise leasing
(i.e., users with requirements between 500 kilowatts and 5
megawatts) slowed. The pandemic caused many companies
to shift their focus internally and examine how to maintain
their operations, putting their need for additional data center
space on hold. With businesses opening back up, however,
enterprise leasing is at an all-time high due to the backlog of
expansion that was put on hold during the pandemic and the
additional space that companies realized they needed during
the pandemic. 
56 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Self-Storage Outlook Remains Optimistic Despite Ination Headwinds
Self-storage properties are set to ride out the current
turbulence, though not free of hurdles. The self-storage
sector entered the second half of 2022 in a favorable position,
emerging from the most difficult period of the COVID-19 crisis
with record-low vacancy and sturdy rent growth. Historically,
the property type has weathered economic headwinds well,
and the sector has characteristics that should sustain its
performance through high inflation and rising interest rates.
Elevated living expenses continue to prompt household
relocations, driving demand for storage units across many
regions of the United States. Rising housing costs have also
prompted some individuals to take on roommates, translating
to a residential consolidation process that may generate addi-
tional self-storage demand as living spaces become more
crowded. However, property performance could be hindered
by new supply, since the pace of development is likely to
accelerate. The Federal Reserve’s tightening monetary policy
is also complicating the transaction climate for investors, who
maintain an otherwise positive outlook for the sector.
Migration boosts storage demand in high-growth metro
areas, but also stokes ination. Driven in part by a surge
of cross-country relocations, self-storage vacancy in most
major metropolitan areas fell to all-time lows in 2021. Lifestyle
changes fostered by the pandemic built upon long-term
demographic trends to drive population growth across the
Sun Belt, a trend that is ongoing. Of this year’s 10 fastest-
growing major metro areas, nine are located in the U.S.
Southeast or Southwest. The creation of self-storage demand
associated with this migration will support continued year-
over-year asking-rent increases, which surpassed 10 percent
in some markets in the second quarter of 2022. However,
the heightened consumer demand associated with these
population gains is also propelling local inflation well above
the national average, with Phoenix topping the list at 12.3
percent year-over-year price growth in June. Rising prices in
many larger Sun Belt metro areas could push some would-be
residents to shift to nearby markets with similar climates and
a more stable cost of living. Satellite metro areas, such as
Tucson and Fayetteville, North Carolina, posted self-storage
rent growth more than double that of the national average.
Major southern markets have also been historically popular
with older Americans on fixed incomes, a demographic
group that may increasingly opt to settle in exurban locales
where their retirement savings will go further—an additional
boon to storage use.
An uptick in household consolidation offers potential
upside for self-storage. Following a multiyear high in house-
hold formation observed in 2021, the pace is set to slow this
year as climbing living expenses shift some residential deci-
sion-making. Rising vacancies across all apartment classes in
the second quarter of 2022 indicated an increase in household
consolidation, where renters may opt to take on one or more
roommates to manage costs. This process typically bolsters
demand for storage units, as increasingly crowded living situ-
ations necessitate storage outside the home. Some residents
may also downsize apartments, creating a similar motivation
for additional storage space. Furthermore, the proportion of the
18- to 34-year-old cohort living with parents bumped up from
Self-Storage Construction Spending, January 2015May 2022
Spending (billions)
Jan 22Jul 21Jan 21Jul 20Jan 20Jul 19Jan 19Jul 18Jan 18Jul 17Jan 17Jul 16Jan 16Jul 15Jan 15
Sources: Marcus & Millichap Research Services; U.S. Census Bureau.
Note: Spending is seasonally adjusted annual rate.
57Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
32 to 34 percent during the pandemic and has yet to revert to
the prehealth crisis rate. Evolving economic concerns may
keep this metric elevated for the foreseeable future as young
adults stay at their family home to mitigate expenses. While
fewer new households ultimately mean fewer potential new
self-storage renters, this consolidation process can create
new storage needs that may offset the slowdown in forma-
tion. Positive effects of these factors on self-storage demand,
however, may be tempered by increased development activity
expected during the forthcoming year.
Construction spending foreshadows accelerating sup-
ply additions in 2023. Self-storage completions have been
steadily trending downward following a 2019 peak, when the
nationwide two-year completion total exceeded 145 million
square feet. However, the pace of stock expansion remains
markedly elevated when compared with the earlier part of
the previous decade, and early indicators suggest that the
declining rate of supply growth will reverse next year. After
hitting a half-decade low in early 2021, spending on new
self-storage construction projects has reported consistent
monthly increases thus far in 2022. While remaining well
below the levels seen in 2017 and 2018, which precipitated
the pre-pandemic development wave, this current uptick in
spending implies that additional projects will break ground in
the very near future. These forward indicators arrive as many
major markets report upward-trending vacancy, though the
more rapid stock expansions are geared toward chronically
undersupplied metro areas. In addition, the aforementioned
demand factors should mitigate the long-term upward
impact to availability in even the more generously supplied
markets, supporting a favorable revenue growth outlook.
Ination draws buyers to self-storage, but Fed response
creates capital market headwinds. Vacancy rates remain-
ing consistently below historical averages, in tandem with
recent rapid rent growth, are drawing buyers to self-storage
properties. The sector also boasts advantages as infla-
tion affects investor behavior and consumer sentiment.
Contrasting other property types, where leases may be
determined on a multiyear or even decade-long basis,
asking rents on most storage agreements are calculated
month to month, providing facility owners the opportunity to
respond to market conditions more rapidly than proprietors
of other asset classes. Though this advantage has attracted
investment capital, keeping transaction velocity historically
elevated through the first half of 2022, ongoing monetary
shifts have presented some hurdles. Faced with the highest
inflation recorded in four decades, the Federal Reserve has
conducted multiple sharp rate hikes this year, increasing
borrowing costs. Mounting debt service and difficulty gaug-
ing first-year returns amid a rising interest rate environment
could weigh on trading activity moving forward. These trends
have already influenced some institutional actors to pause
acquisitions until additional clarity emerges. However, if infla-
tion persists, more action on the part of the Federal Reserve
could extend rate turbulence into 2023.
Marcus & Millichap
Annual Household Formation and Percentage of 18- to 34-Year-Olds Living with Parents, 20022022
Percentage of 18- to 34-year-olds living with parents
Household formation (millions)
Household formation
Percentage living with parents
Sources: Marcus & Millichap Research Services; U.S. Census Bureau.
*Household formation forecast.
58 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
In a topic with little consensus, there is agreement that gen-
eralizing is dangerous. Some functions such as computer
programming or data entry are performed easily at home, while
for other jobs personal interaction is critical to productivity.
“There is no one-size-fits-all solutionnot by company, not by
industry, not by location. It all depends on the function within
companies,” said a senior research executive.
Little Consensus beyond Hybrid
The future of work is hybrid. Surveys indicate that the average
office employee will work in person three to 3.5 days a week,
reflecting the tug-of-war between employers and employees.
Many employers want personnel in the office even more to instill
culture and ease onboarding, and to increase collaboration and
productivity. Pro-office voices are growing and companies
particularly in the financial sector—are increasingly demanding
a full-time return to the office.
Employees, however, are happy to avoid time-consuming, expen-
sive, and stressful commutes and to have flexibility to make daily
schedules that permit a work/life balance. Flexible work sched-
ules allow for more housing options, since commuting fewer
days per week allows workers to choose housing further from the
officea significant benefit when housing costs have hit record
levels. The taste of freedom gained during the pandemic will be
difficult to take away. Firms that have tried to implement stricter
in-office policies are getting pushback. “The longer people are
away from the office, the harder it is to get them back,” said one
executive. “The biggest surprise for management teams is under-
estimating how hard it is to get people to go back.
More than a third of workers believe that companies demanding
more office attendance are bluffing and will not act if employ-
ees do not comply, according to the recent Survey of Working
Arrangements and Attitudes by WFH Research, an academic
team that explores office issues. Workers feel that way because
the labor shortage, especially in high-skill segments such as
technology, gives them leverage.
Would a recession change the dynamic? Some say yes.
“Everyone’s behavior is impacted by their wallet,” said one
office company executive. “Views about autonomy will change
when unemployment is no longer 3 percent.” Others disagree,
noting that a recession could provide an excuse for companies
to cut costs and reduce office space. “We’re waiting on shoes
to drop,” said a commercial mortgage analyst. “For companies
that are profitable, office space is not at the top of their mind, but
in a downturn we might see some layoffs, which shifts the pres-
sure to optimize expenses as it pertains to office space.
In the meantime, office usage has stabilized in the low40 per-
cent range nationally, though it varies significantly by location,
according to card security firm Kastle Systems. “The question is
what is going to unstick that,” said an industry researcher.
Office as Destination
Office owners are dealing with the post-COVID-19 paradigm
on several levels. One crucial element is adjusting to changing
demand of the physical space and office locations. Employers
are putting thought and capital into improving the workplace
experience. That involves not just healthy ventilation and light-
ing, enough space per person, fitness centers, food service,
meeting rooms, outdoor shared areas, and quiet space to make
Exhibit 2-15 Office Investment Prospect Trends
Medical office
Suburban office
Central-city office
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Office Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Central-city office
Suburban office
Medical office
Buy Hold Sell
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
43.6% 46.3% 10.1%
21.1 52.9 26.0
16.5 64.2 19.3
Opinion of Current Office Pricing
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
49.4% 35.9% 14.8%
41.7 45.5 12.8
27.8 69.9 2.3
Medical office
Suburban office
Central-city office
Over pricedUnder priced Fairly pricedOverpriced UnderpricedFairly priced
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
Continued from page 53.
59Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
phone calls, but also an array of services. For example, some
employers have apps that help workers plan their day and phys-
ical requirements such as food, car service, or seat reservations
while others provide concierge services.
“Companies should make the workplace a destination instead of an
obligation,” said a consultant at an architecture firm. This phenom-
enon is driving a bifurcation in performance between class A offices
and class B/C offices. Demand for new buildings with the latest
environmental standards and the newest amenities remains strong,
while older buildings that lack desired amenities are losing ground.
Occupiers are voting with their feet and their wallets. JLL
Research found that between the onset of COVID-19 and the
second quarter of 2022, buildings delivered in 2015 or later
had 86.8 million square feet of net absorption, while buildings
older than that had negative net absorption of 246.5 million
square feet. Most negative net absorption (195.5 million square
feet) was in buildings erected during the 1980s and earlier.
Meanwhile, CBRE Research found that buildings classified as
top-tier” garnered 3.8 percent rent growth in 2021 and 6.7
percent growth through two quarters in 2022, while buildings
classified as “lower-tier” saw rents drop by 3.4 percent in 2021
and 1.1 percent through midyear 2022.
Experimenting with amenities and lease terms has helped
revive the flex/coworking segment. “There’s more of a corporate
footprint in coworking; it provides more flexibility in terms such
as lease length and amount of spaceyou can take a smaller
footprint than you could elsewhereand companies can pick
up the amenities coworking has to offer,” said a data firm execu-
tive. A bank executive said, “It allows us to provide amenity-rich
space when we don’t have critical mass in an area.” The new
emphasis on flexibility is enabling coworking to recover after
being hard hit by the pandemic.
A related strategy, the “hub-and-spoke” model, which meant setting
up remote offices in suburbs outside a central headquarters, has
not gained traction. Few companies have a large-enough concen-
tration of workers in any area away from a headquarters to justify an
entire office. “No one’s figured that out yet,” said a senior researcher.
Impact on Capital
The overarching issue remains: how much will work-from-home
(WFH) change demand for offices? Some industry players main-
tain that the new flexible work paradigm will be in the rearview
mirror in a few years, since managers want workers in the office
for reasons noted above and eventually will succeed in getting
them back. Proponents also contend that for every company
cutting space, they can point to others that are growing their
office footprint. “Everybody is coming back to the office, it’s just
a matter of when,” said one senior finance executive. “To me, the
question is less about the lasting impact of COVID-19 demand,
and more the impact of the macro environment.
Pro-office proponents note that the total number of office-using
jobs in the United States was 5 percent higher than pre-pan-
demic levels as of midyear 2022, and the growth is even higher
in Sun Belt metro areas such as Austin, Atlanta, Dallas, Tampa,
and Denver. The argument is that the reduction in demand
caused by WFH will be offset by the growth in the number of
office-using employees and the increased space taken up by
design changes, i.e., more collaborative and open space. Not to
mention that companies will be hard pressed to cut desks when
on some days the entire workforce will be in the office. The idea
that WFH will be a drag on office demand “is overrated. Looking
at the data, the story is oversold,” said one researcher.
Since the start of the pandemic, the U.S. office vacancy rate
has increased by 200 to 300 basis points and sublease space
has increased another 100 to 150 basis points—far from the
forecasts of massive space cutbacks. Nationally, net absorption
returned to positive levels in 2022. Much of the vacancy growth
has been concentrated in gateway market downtowns such as
New York City and San Francisco, where vacancy rates rose by
8 to 10 percentage points.
Suburban offices are faring better than downtown offices. Since
early 2020, the office vacancy rate has shot up in downtowns
while increasing only slightly in suburban areas. It’s not that
companies are moving offices from urban areas to the suburbs,
but that fewer companies are downsizing in suburbs than in
urban areas. “There [isn’t] a flight to the suburbs; it is more that
companies are making space adjustments in urban areas,” said
one industry researcher. Some of the suburban growth comes
from coworking space that provides a harbor for employees to
get away from home or work in small teams.
Whatever the location, a significant amount of office space
is underused and potentially on the chopping block. Every
corporate pronouncement about a return to the office has a
corresponding announcement about permanent remote and/
or hybrid options for employees. With daily office usage down
from pre-pandemic levels, some researchers predict a drop
in demand of anywhere from 10 to 25 percent. For example, a
report by a New York University team forecasts that demand
for Manhattan office space will plummet, prompting values to
drop by 32 percent over the short term and by 28 percent over
the long term. “Remote work really is a big and important deal,
Continued on page 64.
60 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
The Future Looks Bright for Medical Office
The U.S. health care system supports an insured population
of more than 300 million people and represents over 18 per-
cent of U.S. gross domestic product. The medical real estate
that supports this industry generally falls into two categories:
inpatient, or hospitals, and outpatient, or medical office
buildings (MOBs). Occupied by medical tenants, MOBs are
facilities where services and procedures are performed on
an outpatient basis. These buildings may be on a hospital
campus or attached to the hospital building. They may also
be located out in the community in more convenient areas
for patients to drive to. They might be occupied by practi-
tioners of various types of specialties, ranging from urgent
care to dialysis centers to ambulatory surgery centers and,
of course, regular physician offices. They are generally
purpose built for medical use and have features that attract
medical tenants like a covered drop-off or a backup genera-
tor for emergency power.
Due to the increasing number of insured people who followed
the introduction of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, as well as
an aging population, the already significant demand for medi-
cal services has continued to grow. In addition, advances
in medical technologies have enabled the transfer of many
inpatient procedures to lower-cost, more-efficient outpatient
settings. The sector has also been shifting to a retail mind-
set, where hospital systems and providers look to attract new
patients and build market share in new areas, contributing to
the increased demand for high-quality medical space.
Tenants of medical office buildings tend to sign much
longer lease terms than tenants of other types of commer-
cial real estatesometimes up to 15 or 20 years—and are
much more likely to renew since moving too far away would
jeopardize their local patient market share. This patient/pro-
vider dynamic and the increasing demand for space have
resulted in remarkably stable performance across the sector.
Renewal rates in the medical office sector are typically 80
percent or more and rent growth is very steady, typically
ranging between 2 and 3 percent per year. These dynamics
also translate into a long-term stable occupancy trend. Even
in the wake of the financial crisis of 20082009, occupancy
never fell below 90 percent. After the pandemic-related shut-
downs, physician employment recovered remarkably fast
and, despite the sudden halt of many services for a period,
renewal rates increased.
Investors have also been shifting their view of the sec-
tor. Whereas previously it was considered so niche an
investment that only specialists would invest in it, it is now
recognized for how insulated it is and how resilient it is during
market cycles.
With awareness of the fundamentals of MOBs increas-
ing, sales volume has been growing dramatically over the
last five years. Previously, most of the acquisition activity
was attributable to health carefocused real estate invest-
ment trusts (REITs) and smaller, private investors. In recent
Medical Office Transaction Volume and Cap Rates, 1Q 2015–2Q 2022
Transaction volume (billions)
Cap rate
Cap rate average
Annual volume
Source: ©Revista, revistamed.com.
Note: Transaction volume is for trades valued at $2.5 million or more; gures are trailing 12 months, indicating annualized volume. Cap rate is average, trailing 12 months.
Data believed to be accurate but not guaranteed and is subject to future revision.
61Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
years, many more institutional and diversified investors have
entered the space. Transaction activity over the last year
has grown to an average annual run rate exceeding $20
billion, with institutional private equity accounting for most
of the activity. During this time, there has been significant
compression in capitalization (cap) rates. Average MOB cap
rates have compressed from above 6.5 percent in 2015 to
below 6.0 percent in early 2022. Looking ahead, medical
office transaction activity will face the same headwinds
rising interest rates, inflation, and a potential recessionas
other real estate. However, with so many entities interested
in investing and solid sector fundamentals, future activity will
likely remain strong.
As of the end of 2021, there were over 36,000 MOBs in the
United States comprising more than 1.6 billion square feet of
space. This amounts to roughly $498 billion in market value.
On a square footage basis, over half of the sector is owned
by users of the real estate (hospitals, providers, and physi-
cian groups). The remainder is owned by REITs and private
investors. This represents a substantial amount of opportu-
nity for investors to take on more ownership.
Inventory growth has remained stable for a number of years,
with typical annual deliveries ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 per-
cent of inventory. Most of the medical offices that are built
are largely preleased before breaking ground; speculative
construction is limited and geographically specific. Although
hospitals and health systems continue to build and expand
outpatient facilities on their hospital campuses, there is a
growing focus on building off campus. In fact, 76 percent of
the square feet started in the first half of 2022 was not on a
hospital campus.
Historically, most of the construction activity has been self-
developed by the hospital system or provider group; that has
been shifting, however, with third-party developers account-
ing for more activity. Many of these projects developed by
third parties are owned by the developer or partner investor.
In 2021, 45 percent of outpatient square feet started was
developed by third parties.
Looking ahead, many factors will continue to push demand
for medical office space on an upward trajectory—the aging
population and the growing number of insured people
needing care; the increasing move by health systems and
hospitals to locate services in more convenient, community-
based areas; and advancements in health care technology
and care delivery that require the space to support it. With
reliable performance and very little speculative construc-
tion, combined with the availability of industry-specific data,
medical office has been maturing into an attractive and
stable commercial real estate asset class. This has captured
the interest of the broader investment community, and their
appetite for exposure has continued to grow. These dynam-
ics bode well for the future and help insulate the sector
against broader market cycles.
Physician Office Employment and Medical Office Building Occupancy, 20102022
Physician office employment (in millions)
Occupancy rate (weighted average)
1Q 20221Q 20211Q 20201Q 20191Q 20181Q 20171Q 20161Q 20151Q 20141Q 20131Q 20121Q 20111Q 2010
Occupancy rate
Physician office employment
Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; ©Revista, revistamed.com.
Note: Revista data believed to be accurate but not guaranteed and is subject to future revision.
62 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Life Sciences
The life-sciences industry is flourishing amid record levels of
venture capital funding, continued investments in research
and development (R&D), and burgeoning investment in local
ecosystems that will bolster long-term industry expansion in
core clusters and emerging markets alike.
Commercial laboratory real estate has been in high demand
as life-sciences companies expanded and scaled opera-
tions over the last two years, driven by record venture capital
funding and strong revenue gains among select public
companies. Real estate investors followed in similar fashion,
targeting opportunities within the sector as the appetite for
alternative real estate investment opportunities accelerated
while the office sector outlook remained uncertain due to lag-
ging return-to-office momentum.
More recently, venture capital flows are being closely
watched as macroeconomic choppiness continues to weigh
on investors. Uncertain public market performance is driv-
ing conservative investment in 2022 compared with more
aggressive activity in 2021 when venture capital flows to
biotech and pharmaceutical startups hit all-time highs. Cash
preservation and cautious expansion activity have colored
the backdrop of real estate demand for lab space at midyear
2022. Nonetheless, the industry continues to thrive amid an
environment of uncertainty because of its long-term promise.
Venture Capital on Solid Footing Despite Uncertain
Macroeconomic Environment
Venture capital flows are a key driver of demand for lab
space and are highly correlated with leasing activity; a
capital event typically leads to a commercial lab lease
transaction within six to nine months. In 2021, U.S.-based
pharmaceutical and biotech startups received record levels
of funding, totaling $45 billion, far exceeding the average of
$15.3 billion annually from 2011 through 2020 and driving a
significant increase in demand for lab space. Capital flows
have cooled somewhat in 2022 but remain elevated against
historical trends with year-to-date funding totaling $22 billion,
above the $20 billion full-year total achieved in 2019.
While the COVID-19 pandemic may have shined a brighter
light on the opportunity to invest in these startups, the
industry had been gaining momentum prior to 2020. The
convergence of science and technology has been the
ultimate growth driver in this industry for the last decade,
leading to quicker development of breakthrough drugs and
innovative therapies. The added volume of funding served
only to accelerate activity faster than what occurred before
the pandemic. This cycle was marked by a stronger appe-
tite for early-stage and preclinical startups, creating frothy
Top Life-Sciences Submarkets versus Top U.S. Life-Sciences Markets Overall, 2015–2022
Top U.S. life-sciences markets overall
Mid-Peninsula (San Francisco)
University Towne Center (San Diego)
Torrey Pines (San Diego)
Seaport District (Boston)
East Cambridge (Boston)
Direct asking rent per square foot
Source: JLL Research. ©2022 Jones Lang LaSalle IP Inc. All rights reserved.
Note: Top U.S. life-sciences markets overall include Boston; San Diego; San Francisco Bay area; Greater Washington, D.C.; Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; Seattle; and
Philadelphia, which represent 80 percent of the total U.S. life-sciences market.
63Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
market conditions while underscoring venture capitalists’
appetite to invest in this innovative sector.
In the near term, investors will focus more on late-stage com-
panies, or companies that have moved through phase-one or
phase-two clinical trials, taking a more discerning approach
while the focus remains on preserving cash amid an uncertain
economic environment. Nonetheless, there is more capital to
deploy than ever before as total fundraising among venture
capital firms reached $120 billion in the first half of 2022,
nearly matching the full-year fundraising efforts of 2021. This
capital will drive continued company expansion, new com-
pany formation, and steady demand for lab space.
Attractive Property Fundamentals Drive Continued Real
Estate Investment
Real estate fundamentals remain very tight for lab space,
despite accelerated development activity over the last two
years. Aggregate leasing activity across the top life-sciences
cluster markets1 reached a new high in 2021, exceeding 18
million square feet, or 15 percent of existing inventory. The
momentum continued through midyear 2022, despite early
indications of macroeconomic challenges playing out in
some pockets. While 2021 was an unprecedented year in
terms of real estate demand, it was more of an outlier driven
by the sense of urgency that tenants felt that space was run-
ning out while they were flush with capital.
Developments underway or being converted totaled 26.8
million square feet at midyear 2022, 40.4 percent of which
has been pre-leased. When planned and proposed projects
are included, the volume of development swells to 70 million
square feet. Many of these planned and proposed projects will
not kick off until there is more certainty surrounding economic
conditions or costs moderate amid high inflation. Speculative
development has never been quite this active within the
space. Due to rapid tenant growth, investors and develop-
ers had to move quickly to capture demand, especially given
speed-to-market needs of growing companies. A majority of
leasing activity was driven by expansions and new leases,
accounting for 62 percent of leasing volume since the onset of
the pandemic, reflecting overall industry growth trends.
The quantity of sublease space began to tick up in 2022 as
uncertainty seeped into the market. By midyear 2022, sub-
lease availability climbed to 2.1 percent of inventory, totaling
3.2 million square feet, and up 60 basis points from the most
recent low in 2018 when sublease availability hit 1.5 million
square feet. The volume of new development boosted overall
lab inventory through this cycle, thus driving only a minimal
increase in sublease availability on an overall basis. This
recent sublease activity is not all unexpected, as the scarcity
of space amid a competitive leasing environment last year
drove some tenants to overcommit with intentions to release a
portion of space to the sublease market for a short period of
time, with plans to reabsorb following future expansion activity.
Life-Sciences Real Estate Supply and Demand, Top U.S. Markets, 1Q 2015–1Q 2022
Vacancy rate
Absorption and completions
(millions of square feet)
1Q 2022
1Q 2021
1Q 2020
1Q 2019
1Q 2018
1Q 2017
1Q 2016
1Q 2015
Source: JLL Research. ©2022 Jones Lang LaSalle IP Inc. All rights reserved.
Note: Top U.S. life-sciences markets include Boston; San Diego; San Francisco Bay area; Greater Washington, D.C.; Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; Seattle; and Philadelphia,
which represent 80 percent of the total U.S. life-sciences market.
Continued next page.
64 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
20 percent as of midyear 2022 and capitalization rates are
likely to keep rising as interest rates, the cost of debt, and risk
premiums all move higher. Office values will fall more than
other property sectors such as multifamily in which rising rents
counterbalance higher cap rates. Plus, debt is becoming more
constrained as lenders and bond investors are wary of the
potential for increased risk of default if office tenants downsize.
“There is uncertainty in the cost and access to debt finance
[for office],” noted one executive.
The Emerging Trends survey confirmed that industry partici-
pants are conflicted about pricing, favoring niche sectors such
as medical office, and expecting that suburban offices will retain
value better than center city offices.
Conversions to Rise, but . . .
As tenants eschew older, lower-quality stock, that means that
more office buildings are candidates for conversion. Obsolete
and its effects are strongly felt in the office real estate sector,
the report notes.
The ultimate impact of WFH on office demand is likely to fall
somewhere between the extreme estimates, varying by location
and property quality. Demand will be strong in growing markets
with rapid job growth, and for A-quality assets. B/C-quality
assets will see the biggest drop in occupancy and rents. Asking
rent growth will remain weak, and expenses will continue to rise,
so net income growth will turn negative in properties that are
dated or in need of capital improvements.
Prices Softening
Coming at a time when rising interest rates and mortgage
coupons have put a dent in transactions and pricing in all
property types, investor concerns about the future of office
count as a double whammy. Property values dropped 10 to
Lab real estate fundamentals remain relatively tight because
of steady company formation and expansion over the last
two years, easily keeping pace with robust development
activity. The top life-sciences clusters in aggregate recorded
lab vacancy of 5.6 percent at midyear 2022, reflective of
tight market conditions. Market equilibrium is generally when
vacancy is between 8 and 10 percent; some of the sublease
space coming online is helping create opportunity for tenants
trying to manage growth in a scarce real estate environment.
New development, scarcity of product, and active ten-
ant demand trends drove rents to all-time highs across the
commercial lab market. Asking rents increased 45.4 percent
on an absolute basis from the first quarter of 2020 through
midyear 2022, reaching an average of $79.08 per square foot
on a triple-net (NNN) basis. The core life-sciences clusters
saw rents soar well above the market average: Boston’s East
Cambridge saw NNN asking rates reach $125 per square foot
at midyear 2022, an increase of 23 percent since 2019; San
Diego’s UTC corridor recorded the highest rate of accelera-
tion, with rents increasing 69.7 percent since 2019 to an
average NNN asking rate of $88.13 per square foot. The pace
of rent growth is anticipated to slow amid a potential slow-
down but remain strong overall.
Life Sciences Is a Resilient Long-Term Opportunity
Innovation is happening at a more rapid pace than ever
before, opening up limitless possibilities for the advance-
ment of medical and life sciences. Novel therapies within
the realms of personalized and regenerative medicine will
continue to scale, revolutionizing the industry. The seeds of
growth begin with the research and development activities
happening in innovative life-sciences market clusters, where
science, technology, institutional support, and funding all
meet to drive progress.
The most mature market clusters are generating the great-
est level of demand and investment activity, but expansion
into emerging markets is starting to take firmer hold. As
institutions, universities, and local communities invest in the
development of innovation communities, talent pipelines,
and incubator space for growing startups, more markets will
capture the growth of the life-sciences industry.
Top clusters have evolved over several decades, but emerg-
ing markets planting the seeds of industry infrastructure today
will see the benefit over the long term. The convergence of
science and technology is happening within innovation com-
munities across markets, with pockets of growth emerging in
Houston, Boulder, Atlanta, and Dallas, among others.
The long-term view on the life-sciences sector is quite posi-
tive. The advances in science, the continued flow of capital,
and the development of ecosystems in markets outside the
core clusters will bolster the industry’s steady expansion over
the long term.
Continued from page 59.
65Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
office buildings around the country are being converted to
multifamily, industrial, medical offices, life sciences, and other
uses. States such as New York and New Jersey are exploring
legislation to ease the entitlement process around conversions.
It makes perfect sense in Manhattan, where the office vacancy
rate has shot up in Midtown as tenants chase new buildings
in Hudson Yards and housing is in critically short supply. For
example, New York developers Silverstein Properties and
Macklowe Properties are converting office towers to apartments,
and Hines is converting a tower in Salt Lake City.
Even so, conversions remain sporadic relative to the new
constructionnearly 150 million square feet of office space is
under construction nationally, per Yardi Matrix—due to logistics.
Conversions are costly and the stars need to be aligned with the
right building configuration, floor plates, neighborhood ameni-
ties, and demand, not to mention considerations such as tax
structure. Each conversion stands on its own. Notes Moody’s
Analytics: “The office-to-apartment conversion trend will likely
be a minor one, unless office values and rents see some major,
permanent decline after the pandemic. Finding an obsolete
office building at the right price and asking rents, with high
vacancy and the right floor plates to convert into an apartment
building is great in theory, but hard to execute in today’s market.
New Phase for Offices
It may be a cliché, but the pandemic exposed cracks and exac-
erbated trends as much as started them. Dissatisfaction with
offices did not start in 2020. Worker satisfaction was at an all-
time low in 2019 because of factors such as densification, small
workspaces, and mismanaged seating. “Job one is to correct
what was broken in the workplace,” said the office consultant.
We need to get the topic out of cocktail banter and into science
of how to create the best outcomes.
The key for office owners is to focus on facilitating the productiv-
ity of tenants’ workforces by improving the health, safety, and
functionality of buildings. “I think we who are now in the real
estate industry must realize we are no longer selling a product
but selling a service,” said one analyst. “Those are different
beasts. Any real estate investor that is not taking seriously the
possibility that the market is being fundamentally upended is
going to get a real shock. Office owners must understand the
customer like never before; if not, they will have a problem.
It might be easy to assume that the consensus outlook for the
retail sector in 2023 would be glum, given the outsized chal-
lenges that retail has faced in recent years and with economic
uncertainty on the horizon. But instead, there is a general sense
of wary optimism, though not without considerable concern
about the direction of the overall economy.
A Shift from Structural to Cyclical Challenges
Not surprisingly, when market participants were asked about the
greatest challenges facing retail ahead, economic conditions
garnered the most responses. Oversupply and e-commerce
followed, but we should note that those issues consistently led
survey responses in recent years. “Obviously, we are all hyper-
focused on the economy right now,” one top real estate analyst
told us. “But for years, the biggest challenges to retail real estate
have been deep structural ones related to e-commerce. The
question now is whether the pandemic accelerated a lot of
those changes, with much pain, and if we are past the worst
of the disruptions.
This shift in mind-set may be difficult to understand for those
accustomed to the popular pre-pandemic narrative of “retail
apocalypse.” It reflects not just the depth of the challenges the
sector has faced, but the strength of the reboundalbeit an
uneven onethat has been taking place since 2021.
As one institutional landlord put it, “Retail has always had to
adapt faster than other property types, simply because the
consumer space is always evolving, and it is doing so at a faster
pace than ever. But as much as those of us in the sector have
spoken about retail resiliency in recent years, I am not sure
many of us realized the true depth of that resiliency until the
That resiliency is best demonstrated by the wild swing in retail
demand that has occurred since 2020. The sector set records in
terms of bankruptcies and closures in the wake of the pan-
demic. COVID-19 accelerated the demise of dozens of chains
that had already been struggling. Other chains accelerated
right-sizing plans, expanded already planned strategic closures,
or withdrew from the marketplace completely.
Meanwhile, the categories hit hardest were those that had been
e-commerce-resistant bright spots of the retail landscape prior
to the pandemic. Service retail from restaurants to fitness clubs
and from experiential to entertainment concepts faced the great-
est challenges. Though quick service restaurants (QSRs) with
drive-throughs fared far better than their dine-in counterparts,
more than 110,000 restaurants failed in the first six months of
the pandemic alone. This sector would not see overall sales
rebound until March 2021 as vaccines became widely available.
For an industry dominated by small business (including franchi-
sees) and already operating on narrow margins, COVID-19 was
an unprecedented disaster.
66 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 2-16 Retail Investment Prospect Trends
Outlet centers
Lifestyle/entertainment centers
shopping centers
Power centersRegional malls
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Retail Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Regional malls
Outlet centers
Power centers
Urban/high-street retail
shopping centers
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Buy Hold Sell
54.7% 36.8% 8.5%
23.3 51.4 25.3
19.0 59.1 21.8
11.1 42.1 46.8
8.5 50.4 41.1
3.2 24.4 72.4
Opinion of Current Retail Pricing
shopping centers
Outlet centers
Power centers
Urban/high-street retail
Regional malls
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
52.9% 34.6% 12.5%
50.2 41.6 8.2
39.0 51.9 9.1
34.0 60.1 5.9
33.5 58.2 8.4
29.6 60.0 10.4
Over pricedUnder priced Fairly pricedOverpriced UnderpricedFairly priced
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
Though a combination of government aid (PPP loans), opera-
tor grit, and landlord largesse kept the damage from being far
worse, it is critical to remember that the pandemic dispropor-
tionately hammered small businesses across all retail sectors.
For many large national credit chains, this would become an
opportunity to aggressively grow market share heading deeper
into 2021.
This was only further fueled by outsized spending. Monthly retail
sales had averaged 2.9 percent annual growth in the 20 years
preceding the pandemic. This metric turned negative for the first
three months of lockdown. But consumers quickly reallocated
dollars that would have gone toward services, travel, and enter-
tainment elsewhere (those sectors would not see a rebound in
spending until the arrival of vaccines).
The impact of an unprecedented $6 trillion in stimulus would
only further fuel what would become a retail sales holiday. By
March 2021, growth was in the double digits, averaging 22.6
percent over the next 14 months. Sales numbers only began to
falter in May 2022 as the impact of inflation started to take a bite
out of consumer spending.
The stimulus also led to a surge in asset prices from homes to
equities; 2021’s booming stock market led to a round of retail
initial public offerings (IPOs), with multiple newly public retail
concepts announcing robust growth plans. Business investment
surged, as did new business formation. All these factors would
spur retailers to their most aggressive growth levels in the better
part of a decade.
This includes dollar stores and discounters, which have driven
retail growth tallies for the better part of the last decade. But the
automotive, convenience stores, cosmetics, fitness clubs/gyms,
grocery, hobby stores, home furnishings, off-price apparel, pet
concepts, shoe stores (athletic), and sporting goods categories
have all accelerated expansion plans.
Grocery remains white-hot, with growth bolstered by aggressive
expansion plans from newer market entrants like Aldi and Lidl.
Off-price apparel has returned to robust growth, with players like
Kohl’s and Burlington experimenting with smaller-format stores
to facilitate expansion into new markets. “Athleisure” and new
digital-native apparel brands have ramped up brick-and-mortar
growth even as department stores and many legacy players
are still facing challenges. Perhaps most surprising of all is the
massive surge in restaurant growth. Fueled by QSRs and new
fast-casual concepts, major chains were poised to add as many
as 7,000 units through midyear 2023. Dominant players like
Starbucks, Chipotle, Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, and Dunkin have
67Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
all ramped up growth, and intensified competition for coffee,
chicken, and new Asian concepts is expected.
Of course, not all retail sectors are in growth mode. Theaters
remain deeply challenged and we anticipate consolidation
ahead. Retail banking continues to deal with digital disruption,
driving less need for overall branches and smaller footprints.
Drugstore chains are reducing store counts, though online
pharmacy has yet to emerge as a major disrupter. Department
stores, particularly outside of the luxury sphere, still largely need
to downsize and evolve their models to remain relevant. But
2021 saw the lowest number of retail chain closures since 2018.
Announced closure plans for 2022 (if they hold) could account
for the lowest numbers in a decade. New store openings have
significantly outpaced closures since 2021 (the market recorded
its strongest occupancy growth numbers in five years and this
pattern should hold through the remainder of 2022).
Can Retail’s Recent Rebound Withstand a Recession?
The real question is whether the strong rebound can hold head-
ing into 2023 as the economycoming off stimulus-induced
highs that also unleashed a whiplash of supply chain and labor
disruption, 40-year high inflation, and growing concerns about
a recessioncan weather the storm. As one retail real estate
analyst put it, “While there’s still hope the Fed can engineer
a soft landing, the real question for retail is how well it could
weather a garden-variety recession and whether it would derail
the sector’s recovery.”
As of 2022’s midyear point, that recovery still appears to be
in force. One leasing representative told us, “We’re still seeing
robust tenant activity, but deals are starting to take longer to get
through committees. We’re expecting things to slow down in the
months ahead, but it hasn’t happened yet.” Meanwhile, a site
selection specialist for a major QSR chain advised, “Our biggest
challenge is still finding quality sites in our target markets. Class
A space is in short supply. Most of what is available is substan-
dard space.”
According to the CoStar Group, by midyear 2022, national
vacancy for community and neighborhood centers had fallen to
6.6 percent, well below the reading of 6.9 percent recorded in
the fourth quarter of 2019. Likewise, power center vacancy in the
United States fell below pre-pandemic levels as of the second
quarter of 2022 (4.7 percent versus 5.3 percent). Unanchored
strip center vacancy has followed a similar trend. But this
rebound has been uneven; it has overwhelmingly favored
class A projects, especially those in primary or high-population
growth markets. Above all, it has favored the suburbs.
The pandemic accelerated many of the issues facing urban
retail in high street or central business district (CBD) locations.
With tourism levels still below pre-pandemic norms for many
cities and a diminished pool of office workers, most (though
not all) high street retail districts continue to struggle to return to
previous foot traffic and sales levels. But the most pronounced
issue for urban markets is that of ground-floor amenity retail in
office towers. While workers continue to slowly trickle back to the
office, daily occupancy levels remain 30 percent to 45 percent
below pre-pandemic norms on any given day in most downtown
markets. This space will remain challenged until either higher
levels of daytime occupancy return or rent models are updated
to deal with this new reality.
Meanwhile, the mall sector continues to face vacancy levels well
above pre-pandemic readings. However, as one mall analyst
told us, “It is important to remember that nowhere is the bifurca-
tion in performance greater than in the mall world. Class A and
trophy malls account for roughly one-third of the inventory, but
80 percent of the sales. Those properties have benefited from
flight to quality as well as been the focus of nearly all the growth
from new clicks-to-bricks (digital-native brands opening physi-
cal stores) and experiential concepts, as well as a substantial
influx of food and beverage concepts.
The marked increase of clicks-to-bricks comes as welcome news,
particularly to mall, lifestyle center, and high street landlords.
Though a much-discussed trend in industry circles prior to the
pandemic, it had accounted for little actual occupancy growth out-
side of a few key markets. That is no longer the case. Heightened
online competition and rising customer acquisition costs in the
digital arena are part of the story behind this acceleration. But we
also see it as reflective of the natural evolution of retail in the “phy-
gital age.” As one REIT executive put it, “Clicks-to-bricks is finally
driving real growth, and not just in the same handful of high street
and trophy mall locations. It’s only going to intensify going forward.
The new formula for brands is to start online and inevitably most
will need some sort of physical presence.
Though class B and C malls remain deeply challenged, another
trend that the pandemic vastly accelerated has been the move-
ment toward mixed-use redevelopment and densification. Of
the roughly 1,300 malls in existence prior to the pandemic, over
500 are undergoing some level of mixed-use redevelopment.
This ranges from full-scale reenvisioning of projects to replacing
vacant department store space with multifamily, hospitality, or
office or medical office. Since 2018, developers have demol-
ished over 130 million square feet of space to make way for
redevelopment. The lion’s share of this stock consisted of vacant
department store and mall space.
68 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
The other significant factor aiding the recovery of the retail sec-
tor has been historically low development levels. The sector has
set records in this regard for three consecutive years and is on
track to do it again in 2022. Less than 30 million square feet of
new retail space came online in 2021, with the market on track
to deliver roughly 20 million square feet in 2022. With roughly
11.87 billion square feet of total retail space in the United States,
this reflects an increase in inventory of 0.25 percent. This metric
has not surpassed the 0.60 percent level in 15 years. Nearly all
new development has been in strong population growth areas
in the form of retail’s strongest-performing asset class, grocery-
anchored centers.
Investment Outlook
Grocery-anchored assets and net lease retail opportunities
have dominated the retail investment landscape for most of
the past decade. Do not expect this to change in 2023. This
year’s Emerging Trends survey respondents overwhelmingly
responded that the best opportunities in retail remain grocery-
anchored community and neighborhood centersparticularly
those in primary or high-population growth markets in the Sun
Belt or Mountain states.
Meanwhile, net lease retail also remains in high demand, with
survey participants particularly citing fast-food properties with
drive-throughs, assuming that long-term leases are in place to
gold standard, national credit tenants. The challenge one broker
told us is one of available product: “Everyone is chasing the
same thing.”
Another investor told us, “Stand-alone retail and community
centers are good opportunities, but don’t have pricing dis-
counts. Lifestyle centers are the best opportunities as they
have a mix of high viability with low valuations.
There is also a growing tide of respondents looking for oppor-
tunistic plays that may arise from changes in the debt markets.
While plenty of challenged assets remain across the wide spec-
trum of retail property types and geographies, the real question
for these buyers is whether tighter debt markets will depress
prices on high-quality assets.
Meanwhile, the trend of mixed-use redevelopment and densi-
fication playing out in the mall arena is likely to expand to other
property types. Said one acquisitions director, “We are actively
looking for class B properties in class A locations where there
is an opportunity to repurpose lifestyle, power, even grocery-
anchored centers to mixed-use live/work/play projects.
We anticipate an uptick in retail investment across the board in
2023. As one institutional investor told us, “Everyone is chas-
ing industrial and multifamily, and there is greater uncertainty
emerging around office. Retail pricing is going to offer better
returns, but you need to know what you’re doing. That said, I
think there is greater clarity in retail now than there has been
in a long time for investors.
The lodging sector has made significant strides in its recovery
since the height of the pandemic, highlighted by strong year-
Exhibit 2-17 New Retail Space Delivered and Deliveries as a Percentage of Total Retail Inventory
New retail space delivered
(millions of square feet)
2022**2021*2020*20192018201720162015201420132 0122011*2010
Deliveries as a percentage of total inventoryNew space delivered
New deliveries as a percentage of
total retail inventory
Sources: CBRE Econometric Advisors; CoStar Group.
*Indicates market record at the time for lowest level of new construction to come on line.
**Through second quarter.
69Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
over-year improvement in revenue per available room (RevPAR).
The improvement in RevPAR was driven in large part by strong
increases in average daily room rates. Increased levels of both
leisure and group demand andto a lesser extent—individual
business travel have been instrumental in driving the recovery.
According to STR data, monthly RevPAR had surpassed 2019
levels in every month from March through July 2022.
Following a soft first quarter 2022, group segment performance
improved dramatically year-over-year, suggesting a slow but
steady return toward pre-pandemic levels. The reemergence of
in-person conferences and meetings, along with the beginnings
of a return of the all-important midweek business traveler, has
had a significant impact on recovery in the top 25 hotel markets
across the United States. As a result, year-over-year improve-
ment in key performance indicators has been significantly
stronger in these top 25 markets relative to the rest of the
United States.
Midweek Travel Starts to Normalize
In the summers of 2020 and 2021, the leisure traveler was
the primary driver of lodging’s initial rebound, predominantly
affecting drive-to markets and resort destinations; however, it
is unclear whether this shift in demand will be permanent as
international destinations continue to open back up and offer
alternatives for the leisure traveler. These markets significantly
increased in popularity during the pandemic due to their built-in
outdoor activities (e.g., beach, mountains, and so on), which
are conducive to social distancing. As international outbound
travel continues to increase with domestic travelers becoming
more comfortable taking bigger, longer-distance trips again,
this previously built-up demand in drive-to leisure and resort
destinations may be disrupted.
Midweek travel patterns have begun to show promising strides
toward a more sustained recovery, largely propelled by the
group and business segments. Airlines have reported that while
they still lag pre-pandemic levels, corporate travel spending has
reached its highest levels since the onset of the pandemic. That
said, recent reductions in capacity by many major airlines, due
to an inability to safely staff flights, may have a negative impact
on the timing of recovery for hotels catering to corporate travel in
major metro markets.
While many organizations and their employees have become
accustomed to working remotely, they have also capitalized on
the opportunity to reconvene in person to work more efficiently
and maintain team chemistry. Organizations are also leverag-
ing the return of in-person group meetings and conferences to
connect with colleagues and clients, all in one place, for the first
time in more than two years.
To date, remote work has reduced the frequency of traditional
business travel; however, it has also blurred the lines between
work and personal life, which, in turn, has blurred the lines
between business and leisure travel. This has driven an increase
Exhibit 2-18 Hotel Investment Prospect Trends
Full-service hotels*
Limited-service hotels
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
*Starting in 2017, results are the average of investment prospects for three
categoriesluxury, upscale, and midscale hotels. Previous years’ results are based
on investment prospects for a single categoryfull-service hotels.
Hotel Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Buy Hold Sell
Limited-service hotels
Luxury hotels
Midscale hotels
Upscale hotels
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
33.6% 53.4% 12.9%
33.6 46.9 19.5
28.3 51.3 20.4
24.1 47.3 28.6
Opinion of Current Hotel Pricing
Limited-service hotels
Midscale hotels
Upscale hotels
Luxury hotels
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
40.0% 50.0% 10.0%
31.5 51.4 17.1
27.3 60.0 12.7
26.2 64.5 9.3
Overpriced UnderpricedFairly priced
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on U.S. respondents only.
70 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
in a unique guest demographicthe “bleisure” traveler. Some
people traveling for work have taken advantage of their new-
found flexibility and now consider adding a few days, or even
weeks, to their business trips to further explore a given destina-
tion, whether it be on their own, with a significant other, or with
family. Similarly, workers with the ability to work entirely remotely
may choose to stay in a destination for an extended period and
work from there. This may end up helping to offset any poten-
tially permanent fallout from traditional business travel demand.
Recovery in Top 25 Markets
Hotels in highly dense urban markets experienced the greatest
decline and slowest initial rebound during the downturn. The
initial uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, and the govern-
ments response, resulted in a dramatic shift in demand away
from urban cores and toward drive-to leisure markets and resort
destinations, which, as a result, rebounded the most quickly.
With pandemic-related regulations and restrictions largely being
phased out, urban markets are getting closer to fully reopened
and experiencing recent surges in lodging demand, giving pric-
ing power to the operators. So far, the resurgence in demand
in these markets is attributed, in descending order, to leisure,
group, and business travel.
Inbound international travel has contributed to the recovery in
several of the top 25 markets and is expected to play an even
larger part in the recovery through the remainder of 2022 and
into 2023. The U.S. Travel Association predicts that international
arrivals will total 47.9 million by the end of 2022 and 65 million
by the end of 2023, representing 60 and 82 percent of 2019
inbound international traffic levels, respectively. The increase in
international arrivals in 2022 represents a 117 percent increase
over 2021.
Inbound international travel restrictions were lifted in early sum-
mer 2022, but the resultant positive impact on inbound travel
is not expected to really emerge until at least the fourth quarter
of 2022. While summer vacationing was a driver of strong hotel
performance domestically for the second summer in a row, the
return of inbound international travel will be a key driver in pro-
pelling the lodging sector’s recovery through the fall months, the
holiday season, and into 2023 for top gateway cities.
After recovery in smaller markets outpaced the top 25 markets
in 2020 and 2021, the acceleration in performance has shifted
back to the top 25. Performance in the top 25 markets is trend-
ing upward, although recovery is uneven across these markets.
According to CoStar, New York, Boston, and Los Angeles have
experienced the most robust year-over-year recovery so far in
2022, while markets such as San Francisco substantially lag
pre-pandemic performance levels.
New York has benefited from increased demand in all areas,
particularly the early stages of international and business travel
in the first half of 2022, followed by international and domestic
leisure over the summer months. Improvement in Los Angeles
was propelled by a higher concentration of luxury rooms, which
were able to maintain, or even exceed, pre-pandemic rates with
less price-sensitive guests. Boston’s demand resurgence took
off in the second quarter of 2022, primarily driven by increased
levels of leisure and group travel. CoStar reports that Boston’s
market RevPAR through the first half of 2022 reached 88 per-
cent of 2019 levels.
San Francisco’s struggles have been primarily tied to slower
recovery in international traffic and recent changes in the tech
workforce, the city’s primary industry. Prior to the pandemic,
travelers from China made up the majority of San Francisco’s
international visitations. With nonessential overseas travel still
banned in China as of the late September 2022 publication of
this report, it is uncertain when San Francisco will experience
the same benefits from inbound international traffic as other
markets. The outlook for business traffic in San Francisco also is
unclear, as the tech workforce has largely shifted to hybrid and
remote working models.
Condition of the Labor Market
In the early stages of the pandemic and prior to the rollout of
vaccines, thousands of workers in the lodging industry lost their
jobs through furloughs, layoffs, or permanent property clo-
sures. The industry had also historically relied on an immigrant
workforce and international contract (temporary visa) work-
ers, which was initially halted by government and international
travel restrictions. This reduction in labor forced properties to
adjust their operating models and scale back service offerings,
most notably daily housekeeping, room service, and restaurant
Following an efficient vaccine rollout nationwide, leisure travel
recovered relatively quickly, driving occupancy and nightly room
rates to levels that allowed properties to once again support an
increased workforce. However, hotel employees did not return
with nearly the same enthusiasm as travelers did. These former
industry workers had found other jobs and, in many cases,
higher pay, increased benefits, and greater scheduling flexibility.
More than two years later, the effects of the spontaneous dis-
placement of these workers are still being felt in hotels across
the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
71Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 2: Property Type Outlook
July 2022 employment levels in the accommodations (lodging)
sector remained 20 percent below February 2020 (pre-pan-
demic) levels. Hotel operators introduced incentives such as
sign-on and referral bonuses, increased pay, and expanded
benefits and scheduling flexibility, but they were still unable to
attract an adequate number of employees to support the current
consumer demand for lodging.
Higher costs of living further pushed hourly wage workers out
of the primary markets, and it remains unclear if they will ever
return. While urban markets are finally starting to see increased
demand for lodging, operators are not able to keep up with the
guest volume potential due to continued staffing shortages.
Properties have raised room rates on the reduced demand they
can support, while service offerings remain limited, tainting
guest satisfaction and blurring some hotels’ value proposition.
Capital Markets and Transactions
In the early months of 2022, buyers were eager to capitalize
on the sector’s performance recovery as weekly travel pat-
terns started to normalize and urban markets started to show
promising strides in recovery. The pent-up buyer demand had
begun to translate to increased deal activity in the second half
of 2021 and continued through mid-2022, with many institutional
funds needing to place raised capital. According to Marcus &
Millichap, in the 12-month period ending June 2022, the number
of deals completed was up over 40 percent from the prior 12
months. Cap rates have compressed for both full-service and
limited-service hotels since 2021, while prices across hotel
asset classes have climbed more than 10 percent, as reported
by MSCI Real Assets.
Although limited-service hotels represented the bulk of the sec-
tor’s deal volume through most of the pandemic, deal flow for
full-service hotels has started to bounce back, particularly with
premium-branded assets in primary metro markets, as well as in
resort locales. According to CoStar, transaction volume for full-
service assets in the first half of 2022 increased 7 percent from
the same period in 2021, compared with a 1 percent decrease
in limited-service deal volume. If business travel continues to
recover, the focus on full-service assets in historically successful
metro markets is expected to increase, since these investments
often offer more value-add levers for a buyer to pull.
Individual asset deals have also proved more favorable than
portfolio deals. This trend is likely to continue as recovery time-
lines across individual markets remain uneven. Improvement in
RevPAR is driving down delinquency rates, which, in turn, has
decreased instances of distressed sales.
More recently, transaction activity has started to wane with
the increased cost of debt fueled by higher interest rates. The
Fed’s implementation of tighter monetary policy has prompted
lenders to adjust rates and widen spreads. With speculation of
an impending recession, debt availability has become limited
and heavily dependent on characteristics specific to both the
asset and the borrower. In addition, lenders may become more
averse to lodging assets in drive-to leisure destinations and
more enthusiastic about assets in traditional gateway markets,
if group and individual business travel continues to increase.
Borrowers with a proven track record in hotel investment, as well
as strong lender relationships, will have a competitive edge.
The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly more
apparent with the increased rate of natural disasters, flooding,
and abnormal weather patterns. As a result, insurance premi-
ums have risen in regions with high risk. These premiums have
been more heavily factored into underwriting, affecting both
debt and equity investment decisions in locations where these
higher risks exist.
72 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
73Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
Markets to Watch
always a new bull market
somewhere. You’ve just got to go nd it.
Our report this year highlights two sometimes-contradictory
property market trends: aspects of the industry are “normal-
izing” or reverting closer to their pre-COVID-19 patterns, while
others appear to have sustained permanent shifts to a “new
normal” as the pandemic induced changes in how and where
we use different types of properties. These same patterns are
playing out in how real estate professionals view prospects in
the 80 markets tracked for this report.
Reflecting the “normalizing” trend, almost every market in the
country received lower ratings for both investment and develop-
ment prospects this year, illustrating that outlooks are darkening
just about everywhere following the brief post-COVID-19 exu-
berance shown in last year’s survey across a variety of metrics.
Similarly, some of the fastest-growing Sun Belt and other high-
flying markets in recent years have faded a bit in the Emerging
Trends standings, while many lower-rated markets are improving
their relative status.
On the other hand, the pandemic seems to have reinforced
some trends, notably the dominance of what we called the
“Magnet” marketsmany of which are in warmer Sun Belt
regions—at the top of the Emerging TrendsMarkets to
Watch” standings, at the expense of the older and colder
Exhibit 3-1 Warm versus Cold Climate Markets in Emerging Trends’ 20 Highest-Rated Markets, 2011–2023
Sun Belt markets
Midwest and Northeast markets
Number of markets in Emerging Trends Top 20
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys; compiled by Nelson Economics.
74 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 3-2 Overall Real Estate Prospects
1 Nashville
2 Dallas/Fort Worth
3 Atlanta
4 Austin
5 Tampa/St. Petersburg
6 Raleigh/Durham
7 Miami
8 Boston
9 Phoenix
10 Charlotte
11 San Diego
12 San Antonio
13 Orlando
14 Houston
15 Northern New Jersey
16 Denver
17 Seattle
18 Washington, DC–Northern VA
19 Salt Lake City
20 Los Angeles
21 Las Vegas
22 Fort Lauderdale
23 Washington, DC–District
24 New York–Brooklyn
25 Orange County
26 Inland Empire
27 New York–Manhattan
28 Philadelphia
29 Indianapolis
30 Richmond
31 Chicago
32 Jersey City
33 Minneapolis
34 West Palm Beach
35 San Jose
36 Long Island
37 Kansas City, MO
38 Jacksonville
39 Boise
40 Detroit
41 Pittsburgh
42 New York–other boroughs
43 Oakland/East Bay
44 Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
45 St. Louis
46 Columbus
47 Greenville, SC
48 Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
49 Sacramento
50 Virginia Beach/Norfolk
51 Washington, DC–MD suburbs
52 Baltimore
53 Charleston
54 Cincinnati
55 Memphis
56 Portland, OR
57 Knoxville
58 San Francisco
59 Birmingham
60 Cleveland
61 Tallahassee
62 Tacoma
63 Louisville
64 New Orleans
65 Chattanooga
66 Omaha
67 Deltona/Daytona
68 Oklahoma City
69 Providence
70 Des Moines
71 Gainesville
72 Albuquerque
73 Honolulu
74 Tucson
75 Milwaukee
76 Portland, ME
77 Madison
78 Buffalo
78 Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
80 Hartford
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Exhibit 3-3 Homebuilding Prospects
1 San Antonio
2 Raleigh/Durham
3 Tampa/St. Petersburg
4 Austin
5 Charlotte
6 Dallas/Fort Worth
7 Denver
8 Houston
9 Atlanta
10 Washington, DC–Northern VA
11 Salt Lake City
12 Las Vegas
13 Phoenix
14 Seattle
15 Inland Empire
16 Kansas City, MO
17 Sacramento
18 Washington, DC–District
19 Miami
20 West Palm Beach
21 Jacksonville
22 Nashville
23 Orlando
24 San Diego
25 Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
26 Tacoma
27 Fort Lauderdale
28 Indianapolis
29 Boston
30 Columbus
31 Orange County
32 Philadelphia
33 Boise
34 Los Angeles
35 Greenville, SC
36 Charleston
37 Oakland/East Bay
38 Portland, OR
39 Norfolk
40 San Jose
41 Washington, DC–MD suburbs
42 Deltona/Daytona
43 Richmond
44 Memphis
45 Minneapolis
46 Cincinnati
47 Louisville
48 Northern New Jersey
49 Oklahoma City
50 Baltimore
51 Chicago
52 Albuquerque
53 Tucson
53 San Francisco
55 New York–other boroughs
56 Omaha
57 Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
58 Knoxville
59 Des Moines
59 Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
61 Birmingham
62 New York–Brooklyn
63 Tallahassee
64 Chattanooga
65 Madison
66 New York–Manhattan
67 Jersey City
68 Providence
69 Honolulu
70 Buffalo
71 St. Louis
72 Gainesville
73 Portland, ME
74 Pittsburgh
74 Long Island
76 New Orleans
76 Detroit
78 Cleveland
79 Hartford
80 Milwaukee
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
More than 1 standard deviation above mean +/– 1 standard deviation of mean More than 1 standard deviation below mean
U.S. Markets to Watch
75Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
“Establishment” markets that used to lead in investor prefer-
ences. (The Emerging Trends market groupings are shown in
the nearby chart and defined further in the sections below.)
Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 Market Categories
Major group Subgroup Markets
Super Sun Belt
San Antonio
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Dallas/Fort Worth
18-Hour Cities
Portland, OR
Salt Lake City
San Diego
Fort Lauderdale
The Establishment
Multitalented Producers
Chicago San Jose
Los Angeles Seattle
Knowledge and Innovation
Boston San Francisco
New York–Manhattan Washington, DC–District
Major Market Adjacent
Inland Empire Oakland/East Bay
Jersey City Orange County
Long Island Washington, DCMD suburbs
New York–Brooklyn Washington, DCNorthern VA
New York–other boroughs West Palm Beach
Northern New Jersey Westchester, NY/Faireld, CT
Boutique Markets
Portland, ME
Des Moines
Greenville, SC
Eds and Meds
Baltimore Memphis
Columbus Philadelphia
Gainesville Pittsburgh
Madison Tallahassee
Visitor and Convention Centers
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples Las Vegas
Charleston New Orleans
Deltona/Daytona Orlando
Honolulu Virginia Beach/Norfolk
The Affordable West
Spokane, WA/Coeur d’Alene, ID
Determined Competitors
Oklahoma City
Kansas City, MO
Buffalo Hartford
Cincinnati Milwaukee
Cleveland Providence
Detroit St. Louis
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: Bold type indicates the 20 highest-rated markets in Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey for overall real estate prospects.
Other trends that play out in the market ratings that follow are
the challenges facing some booming markets as they mature
into larger cities and the importance of housing affordability and
infrastructure investment to continued economic growth.
76 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Changes in Attitudes, Changes in Latitudes
Befitting the changes in economic and market trends and
outlooks that we have highlighted in this report, respondents to
the Emerging Trends survey expressed substantial changes in
market preferences. Many of the changes were relatively minor,
and nine of the 10 highest-rated markets last year repeated this
year (Miami moved in as Seattle moved out).
But there were some material changes over the year as about a
quarter of markets moved up or down in rankings (i.e., relative
ratings) by at least 10 places. And consistent with our “normal-
izing” trend, many of the markets near the top of the standings
last year have fallen this year, while many previously lower-
rate markets have risen: More than half (11) of the 20-highest
rated markets in last year’s survey fell in the rankings this year,
although almost all by less than 10 places. Meanwhile, some of
the markets that were found lower in the rankings in prior years
are now finding more support. Thirteen of the 20-lowest rated
markets in last year’s survey rose in the rankings this year.
Some Like It Hot
Despite the modest drop in the Supernova ratings this year,
Emerging Trends survey respondents still see the best prospects
in Sun Belt metropolitan areas, which have been growing over
time. The number of Sun Belt markets among the top 20
markets for “overall prospects” has increased from 10 in 2011
to 14 in each of the past two years. At the same time, the number
of markets in cold-weather climates in the Northeast and Midwest
has declined from five to just two (as shown in exhibit 3-1).
These climate preferences are even stronger at the top and bot-
tom of the rankings. The average year-round high temperature
among the five top-rated markets is a balmy 76 degrees, almost
20 degrees warmer than the 57-degree average in the bottom
five markets. Warm temperatures, of course, are not enough
to guarantee market success, nor is a cold climate necessarily
disqualifying. Boston (average high temperature, 59 degrees)
has ranked among the top 10 markets for the last six years, but
Boston increasingly seems to be the outlier. No other north-
eastern or midwestern market has ranked in the top 10 in the
Exhibit 3-4 Average Ranks by Market Category: 2023 versus 2022
(Lower scores are better)
Average Rank
Change 2022–2023
Percentage of markets in category
Group Subgroup 2023 2022
Change in
% That
Moved Up
% That
Stayed Even
% That
Moved Down
Super Sun Belt 7.4 11.9 – 4.4 71% 14% 14%
18-Hour Cities 23.9 21.9 + 2.0 43% 0% 57%
Supernovas 17.6 13.0 + 4.6 0% 60% 40%
All Magnets 16.2 15.8 + 0.3 42% 21% 37%
The Establishment
Multitalented Producers 25.8 20.5 + 5.3 0% 60% 40%
Knowledge and Innovation Centers 29.0 29.8 – 0.8 50% 0% 50%
Major Market Adjacent 32.8 33.8 – 1.0 58% 0% 42%
All Establishment 30.7 30.4 + 0.3 56% 0% 44%
Boutique 58.7 57. 3 + 1.4 57% 0% 43%
Eds and Meds 53.9 58.3 – 4.4 75% 0% 25%
Visitor and Convention Centers 48.1 50.3 2.1 63% 13% 25%
All Niche 51.0 54.3 – 3.3 69% 6% 25%
The Affordable West 67.2 58.0 + 9.2 0% 0% 100%
Determined Competitors 51.2 54.2 – 3.0 60% 0% 40%
Reinventing 62.6 62.8 0.1 50% 13% 38%
All Backbone 60.7 59.1 + 1.7 54% 8% 38%
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: Rankings based on Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys (overall real estate prospects).
77Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
previous two years, and only a scattering of others have placed
over the past decade.
Growth Attracts
It’s not heat and humidity that investors and developers seek in
the Sun Belt markets, of course, but strong market prospects.
And forecasts for population and especially economic growth
show that are looking in the right places. Population and gross
metro product (GMP) are both expected to grow far faster in the
Magnet markets than just about anywhere else in the nation,
particularly in the northern markets that constitute much of the
Backbone markets.
Accordingly, the Magnets have maintained their dominance at
the top of the Emerging Trends ratings. Although their average
ranking slipped slightly this year, more markets moved up
than down.
Growth is expected to be greatest in the Supernova subgroup
but moderating from its recent torrid pace. For example, popula-
tion growth is projected to slow from 1.9 percent annually over the
last four years to 1.6 percent over the next fivestill the highest
of any subgroup but slower than before as these markets experi-
ence some growing pains that we highlighted in our trends
Also of note is that many of the Establishment markets that lost
population during the pandemic are expected to reverse course
and resume growth over the next few years. This growth will
be slower than in our other market groups but represents the
biggest increase from the recent past to the expected near term.
This reversal perhaps accounts for the modest relative improve-
ment in the 2023 ratings of the markets in this group.
Affordability Matters, Too
Quality of life and affordability also matter. Many of the markets
that received relatively lower scores this year have inadequate
infrastructure for their population size and growth, here measured
by their transit availability score. The failure to adequately expand
the regional infrastructure was a problem identified by local
experts we interviewed and an impediment to future growth.
Exhibit 3-5 Population and Economic Growth by Market Category
Population Growth (CAGR) Forecast Economic Growth (CAGR)
Group Subgroup
Total GMP
Per capita GDP
Super Sun Belt 1.1% 1.3% 3.7% 2.4%
18-Hour Cities 0.4% 0.9% 3.2% 2.3%
Supernovas 1.9% 1.6% 4.6% 2.9%
All Magnets 1.0% 1.2% 3.7% 2.4%
The Establishment
Multitalented Producers -0.4% 0.1% 2.2% 2.0%
Knowledge and Innovation Centers -0.8% 0.2% 1.9% 1.9%
Major Market Adjacent 0.5% 0.5% 2.6% 2.2%
All Establishment 0.0% 0.3% 2.3% 2.0%
Boutique 1.1% 0.7% 2.6% 1.8%
Eds and Meds 0.5% 0.4% 2.4% 2.0%
Visitor and Convention Centers 0.8% 1.1% 3.3% 2.3%
All Niche 0.7% 0.7% 2.7% 2.1%
The Affordable West 0.9% 0.9% 3.0% 2.1%
Determined Competitors 1.2% 0.8% 2.9% 2.1%
Reinventing 0.2% 0.1% 1.6% 1.5%
All Backbone 0.6% 0.4% 2.2% 1.8%
Total, all Emerging Trends markets 0.5% 0.7% 2.7% 2.1%
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis, IHS Markit, and U.S. Census Bureau; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: CAGR = compound annual growth rate. GMP = gross metropolitan product.
78 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Housing affordability is another constraint on growth. For-sale
housing is now less affordable (relative to local incomes) than
the national average in the three market subgroups experienc-
ing the most significant decline in ratings this year, including the
Supernova markets, while rental housing is also less affordable
than average (again, relative to incomes) in two of the three
groupings. That is, a lower share of the local population can
afford the median-priced home, whether for-sale or rental.
Ironically, the affordability challenges extend to a subgroup
we call the Affordable West. These markets are, indeed, more
affordable than the ultra-pricey West Coast markets, especially
those in California. But population growth has outpaced hous-
ing development, pushing up home prices faster than local
incomes. Much of the population growth in these markets has
been fueled by the in-migration of households seeking more
affordable housing, suggesting that growth could soon slow in
some of these markets, absent an easing in home prices.
On the other hand, the three market subgroups that experi-
enced the greatest relative rating improvements over the last
year all have relatively affordable housing (a higher share of
the local population can afford the median-priced home). This
includes the large Super Sun Belt group, comprising markets
such as Houston, Atlanta, and Dallas/Fort Worth. Though the
cost of doing business in some of these metro areas has been
rising, investors like the combination of housing affordability and
strong population and economic growth.
Also gaining strongly this year are the highly affordable Eds and
Meds markets. Six of the eight markets in this subgroup improved
their relative ratingwith Memphis and Pittsburgh each rising
more than 10 placesand only one market fell modestly.
The situation is the opposite in many of the Establishment mar-
kets, which suffer from not only expensive housing but also high
costs of doing business, in addition to slower growth. Continuing
a longstanding Emerging Trends pattern, interest in the gateway
markets is muted. Only three of the eight most expensive coastal
markets rank among the top 20. This represents a significant
comedown from a decade ago when these markets accounted
for seven of the top 10 Emerging Trends markets.
Exhibit 3-6 Quality-of-Life Metrics by Market Category
Housing Affordability
Group Subgroup For-Sale* Rental** Transit Quality
Cost of Doing
Super Sun Belt 47.3% 75.8% 3.48 102.8
18-Hour Cities 41.7% 61.2% 4.78 109.8
Supernovas 43.6% 78.9% 2.41 99.8
All Magnets 45.0% 71.5% 3.76 104.7
The Establishment
Multitalented Producers 36.1% 49.7% 5.59 93.4
Knowledge and Innovation Centers 32.4% 42.6% 6.34 119.4
Major Market Adjacent 30.5% 45.0% 6.47 116.3
All Establishment 32.1% 45.8% 6.39 115.5
Boutique 59.8% 88.2% 1.85 94.6
Eds and Meds 56.2% 73.1% 4.05 62.6
Visitor and Convention Centers 36.1% 76.9% 3.48 10 3.1
All Niche 50.0% 7 7.1% 3.46 82.2
The Affordable West 3 4.1% 65.2% 4.27 58.0
Determined Competitors 60.9% 91.8% 2.01 93.6
Reinventing 61.2% 88.4% 3.56 99.6
All Backbone 55.5% 85.3% 3.46 89.6
Total, United States 44.0% 65.4% 3.97 100.0
Sources: IHS Markit and Urban Land Institute; compiled by Nelson Economics.
*Share of all homes likely affordable to a four-person family earning 120 percent of area median income (AMI). **Share of two-bedroom rentals likely affordable to a four-person family earning 80 percent of AMI.
†Ratings are on a scale of 0 to 10, with a higher value indicating better transit access. ††Costs relative to U.S. average, where U.S. = 100.0.
79Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
The More Things Change . . .
Real estate markets are ever dynamic and metropolitan econo-
mies even more so. The relative rankings of the markets tracked
in Emerging Trends changed meaningfully this year as eco-
nomic conditions in the United States appear to be heading for
a slide. Nonetheless, many Magnet markets remain among the
most favored, even if some of them have slipped a bit this year.
At the same time, real estate professionals appear more willing
to consider some markets that had been less in favor in recent
years. The perpetual search for new opportunities ensures con-
stant flux in how markets are viewed over time.
Grouping the Markets
After comprehensively reorganizing how we group our 80 geo-
graphic markets two years ago and a lighter refresh last year,
we are continuing with the same groupings this year and turn
our focus to how the various groups and some key markets
have changed since our previous report. Additional demo-
graphic and economic data and more detailed descriptions
of these market groups are available online, as listed at the
end of this chapter.
Magnet markets are migration destinations for both people and
companies, and most are growing more quickly than the U.S.
average in terms of both population and jobs. These metro
areas are also the preferred markets for investors and builders,
with the highest average “Overall Real Estate Prospects” ratings
of any group in the Emerging Trends survey by a wide margin.
Collectively, these markets account for almost one-third of the
population base in the Emerging Trends coverage universe, the
second-largest group in “Markets to Watch.
Super Sun Belt. These markets are large and diverse but still
affordable, forming powerhouse economies that attract a wide
range of businesses. Despite their large population bases, most
are among the fastest-growing markets in the United States.
Moreover, their economic performance has been solid through
thick and thin. Though every market lost jobs during the pan-
demic recession, recovery has been much quicker and more
complete in the Super Sun Belt markets. These metro areas
collectively have the highest average rating of any subgroup, as
it did last year.
18-Hour Cities. Metro areas in this category faired relatively
well during the pandemic recession, a testament to their endur-
ing appeal. Though growing less affordable over time, these
medium-sized cities nonetheless continue to attract in-migration
due to lifestyle, workforce quality, and development opportuni-
ties, according to ULI interviews. Measured by per capita GMP,
workers here are the most productive of any subgroup in the
fast-growing Magnets category. As a group, the 18-Hour Cities
rate third highest among the 12 subgroups, though the average
market ranking fell this year as four of the markets declined while
three rose.
Supernovas. Like the astronomic source for its name, the five
metro areas in the Supernova category markets have exploded
into prominence over the past decade or so. All are smaller
markets with 1 million to 2 million residents, but their defining
attribute is their tremendous and sustained population and job
growth, which are well above national averages. Despite their
relatively modest sizes, all the Supernovas have above-average
levels of economic diversity and white-collar employment, which
explain their strong investor appeal and should help them sus-
tain high growth in the years ahead.
Exhibit 3-7 Population Size and Economic Output by Major Market Category
Magnets Establishment Niche Backbone
Population (000s)
Total 63,996 67,95 4 34,347 31,634
Average 3,368 3,398 1,493 1,757
Share of all Emerging Trends markets 32.3% 34.3% 17.4% 16.0%
GMP ($ Millions)
Total $4,015 $5,741 $1,957 $1,766
Average $211.3 $287.1 $ 8 5.1 $9 8.1
Share of all Emerging Trends markets 29.8% 42.6% 14.5% 13.1%
Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis, HIS Markit, and U.S. Census Bureau; compiled by Nelson Economics.
Note: GMP = Gross metropolitan product, a monetary measure of the value of all nal goods and services produced within a metropolitan statistical area annually.
80 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Nashville has repeated as the nation’s top market, the first
market to repeat atop the Emerging Trends table since San
Francisco in 2013 and 2014, and Austin repeated as the fourth-
highest-rating market. Nonetheless, the glow for this category
has faded somewhat as their unfettered growth has invited
some big-city problems like congestion and rising living costs.
Last year’s shooting star, Boise, fell sharply after two years in
the top 20. Raleigh has continued its modest decline, from the
top-rated market in 2021 to number six in the 2023 survey. But
more broadly, the Supernovas appear to be suffering some
growing pains, as discussed elsewhere in this report. Housing
construction is not keeping pace with household growth, strain-
ing housing affordability, which has been one of the
chief attractions.
The Establishment
The Establishment markets have long been the nation’s eco-
nomic engines. The 20 markets in this category produce almost
43 percent of the GMP in the 80 Emerging Trends markets while
accounting for only 34 percent of its population base. This pri-
marily reflects the outsized contributions of the nation’s gateway
markets, which we refer to as the Knowledge and Innovation
Though growing more slowly than the Magnet markets, the
Establishment markets still offer tremendous opportunities. This
group’s average rating is second among our four major group-
ings. However, the appeal of these markets to investors and
developers has waned in recent years as growth has slowed
across many of these markets while challenges have increased.
Multitalented Producers. Though all the Establishment
markets are large and economically varied, some are more
diverse than others, specifically the multitalented metro areas
of Chicago, Los Angeles, San Jose, and Seattle. Workers here
tend to be productive, with per capita GMP ranking the second
highest of any of the subgroups. Though their elevated cost of
doing business and getting deals done limits their appeal for
some real estate professionals, the Multitalented Producers
Exhibit 3-8 U.S. Industrial Property Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
40% 60% 80% 100%
74% 20% 6%
73 19 8
72 23 5
69 24 8
67 21 11
64 24 12
64 28 8
62 29 10
62 26 13
62 28 11
61 24 15
61 33 6
60 17 23
59 27 14
59 26 15
58 26 16
57 34 9
57 30 13
57 30 13
56 29 15
Buy Hold Sell
New York–Manhattan
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Jersey City
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
New York–other boroughs
Los Angeles
Orange County
Inland Empire
New York–Brooklyn
Northern New Jersey
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the industrial sector; cities are ordered according to the percentage of “buy” recommendations.
81Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
nonetheless continue to attract a disproportionate share of
investment dollars.
Ratings for these markets have been volatile in recent years,
primarily due to the changing fortunes of the tech sector, which
figure heavily in these economies, especially Seattle and San
Jose, which both tumbled in this year’s ranking. Together, the
ratings of these markets fell the second most of any category
after improving more than any subgroup in the Emerging Trends
2022 survey. This subgroup now rates the fourth highest, down
one rung from last year.
Knowledge and Innovation Centers. This grouping serves
as the focus of intellectual capital in the economy, whether in
social media (San Francisco), finance (Manhattan), biosciences
(Boston), or think tanks (Washington, D.C.). With the most edu-
cated workforces in the United States, these innovation centers
are by far the most productive, with per capita GMP more than
twice that of any other subgroupalong with some of the most
expensive housing in the country, along with the highest costs of
doing business.
This group remains somewhat out of favor with investors relative
to its former glory not long ago. Only Boston remains among the
20 top-rated markets. Boston has leveraged its region’s world-
class concentration of higher education to become a world
leader in life sciences.
Major Market Adjacent. This group includes the markets sur-
rounding high-cost CBDs in Los Angeles, Miami, New York City,
San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. Though most are subur-
ban in character, some are more urban. Moreover, several are or
contain metropolitan statistical areas in their own right.
Many of these markets benefited from the out-migration
from their neighboring CBDs during the pandemic, and their
prospects have improved somewhat in the eyes of survey
respondents. But here, too, there is a diversity in trends as seven
of the 12 markets improved this year and five declined. Most of
the improvement was registered in the New York metropolitan
area, while the declining markets are mainly in California.
Exhibit 3-9 U.S. Multifamily Property Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Dallas/Fort Worth
Salt Lake City
Greenville, SC
San Diego
West Palm Beach
New York–other boroughs
Long Island
New York–Brooklyn
40% 60% 80% 100%
70% 25% 5%
69 20 11
68 19 13
68 25 8
67 23 10
66 32 3
66 21 13
65 27 8
65 28 7
64 26 10
64 27 10
64 27 9
63 25 12
63 31 6
61 31 8
61 32 7
60 23 16
60 21 19
59 29 12
58 29 13
Buy Hold Sell
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the multifamily sector; cities are ordered according to the percentage of “buy” recommendations.
82 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
As befitting their moniker, Niche markets are generally smaller or
less economically diverse than the Magnets and Establishment
markets but typically have a dominant economic driver that
supports stable economic growth. This group ranks third among
the four major market groups in terms of investor outlooks but far
behind the Magnet and Establishment groups.
Boutique Markets. These are smaller markets with lively
downtowns; diversity in leisure, cultural, and natural/outdoor
amenities; and stable economic bases that withstood the
COVID-19 downturn better than many markets. These mar-
kets offer a lower cost of living and cost of doing business in a
diverse range of settings, primarily noncoastal. All have popu-
lations of less than 1 million, and all maintained their previous
positive in-migration during the pandemic, indicating the appeal
of these towns. Richmond remains the top-rated market in this
subgroup, but this grouping experienced relatively lower overall
scores this year.
Eds and Meds. Before the pandemic, Eds and Meds markets
were envied for their desirable combination of stability (large
universities) and growth (health care). COVID-19 initially dented
their reputations as both education and medicine suffered
disproportionately during the pandemic. However, demand for
education and health careand the facilities that house them
has resumed its growth. Ratings for these markets rose the most
of any subgroup this year, tied with the Super Sun Belt markets.
Convention and Visitor Centers. These Sun Belt (or just
sunny, in the case of Honolulu and Las Vegas) markets draw
substantial numbers of visitors, whether for conventions or lei-
sure, while several markets in this category also have substantial
bases of retirement/second-home markets. All have significantly
more tourism employment (relative to market size) than the U.S.
average, with Las Vegas the most travel-dependent market in
the country.
Exhibit 3-10 U.S. Hotel Property Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
40% 60% 80% 100%
Buy Hold Sell
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Fort Lauderdale
Salt Lake City
San Antonio
New York–Brooklyn
New York–Manhattan
Washington, DC–District
Greenville, SC
West Palm Beach
Tampa/St. Petersburg
51% 28% 21%
46 32 21
41 38 21
40 24 36
36 42 22
34 42 23
33 33 33
32 44 24
32 39 30
31 31 38
30 45 24
30 49 21
29 53 18
29 48 23
29 43 29
25 47 28
23 58 19
22 56 22
22 48 30
22 52 26
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the hotel sector; cities are ordered according to the percentage of “buy” recommendations.
83Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
These markets all endured significant challenges resulting from
COVID-19-related restrictions, particularly those that rely on
air travel, business demand, or both. Several markets in this
grouping staged a solid recovery over the last year, especially
Deltona/Daytona and Virginia Beach/Norfolk, both of which
improved more than 10 places in the rankings. But Honolulu and
Charleston both suffered significant declines. Overall, ratings
increased moderately.
The final group comprises a wide variety of interesting and
enjoyable places to live and work. Though generally rated
relatively lower in our surveys, many of these metro areas offer
select investment development/redevelopment opportunities.
Although markets in the Affordable West subgroup are growing
sharply, most of the Backbone markets are slower growing but
benefit from moderate housing and business costs.
The Affordable West. Beyond the pricey West Coast markets,
several small- to medium-sized cities offer attractive places to
live at a more affordable price. Notably, they are among the
fastest-growing metro areas outside the Magnets. Nonetheless,
affordability here is fading as this rapid population growth has
pushed home prices relative to income higher than the national
average. Investors seem to have soured on these markets, as
each fell in the rankings this year. Overall, the ranking of this
subgroup declined more than that of any other in the survey and
now has the lowest overall rating.
Determined Competitors. These diverse markets tend to be
strong ancillary locations in their regions, with several success-
fully revitalizing their downtowns and neighborhoods. These
markets tend to be very affordable with a favorable quality of life.
Significantly, all maintained positive population growth through
the pandemic. Though population growth is expected to moder-
ate in some of these markets, the overall ratings for this group
rose strongly in this year’s survey.
Exhibit 3-11 U.S. Retail Property Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
40% 60% 80% 100%
48% 36% 15%
47 43 10
46 35 19
41 44 15
41 41 18
40 35 25
36 41 23
36 18 45
36 44 19
35 46 19
34 53 13
32 53 16
31 51 17
31 47 22
30 59 11
29 54 17
28 44 28
27 45 27
27 50 23
27 42 31
Buy Hold Sell
San Diego
Salt Lake City
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Fort Lauderdale
Des Moines
San Antonio
Greenville, SC
West Palm Beach
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the retail sector; cities are ordered according to the percentage of “buy” recommendations.
84 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Reinventing. Reinventing markets are eastern and midwestern
cities seeking to modernize their economic base. Many were
manufacturing centers and are now moving to a more sustain-
able mix of education, health care, and technology. Though
the economic rebound in most of these markets lags the
national recovery, the federal government’s stimulus programs
Exhibit 3-12 U.S. Office Property Buy/Hold/Sell Recommendations
40% 60% 80% 100%
44% 28% 28%
38 27 35
38 40 21
38 48 15
37 44 19
32 43 24
32 44 24
31 56 13
30 53 16
29 44 27
27 40 32
27 50 23
27 9 64
26 39 34
26 48 26
25 45 30
24 50 26
23 46 31
23 35 42
22 50 28
Buy Hold Sell
Las Vegas
Dallas/Fort Worth
Orange County
Des Moines
Greenville, SC
San Antonio
San Diego
Fort Lauderdale
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Salt Lake City
West Palm Beach
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Cities listed are the top 20 rated for investment in the office sector; cities are ordered according to the percentage of “buy” recommendations.
have helped cushion the downturn. However, anemic popula-
tion growth remains a problem. Overall, there was no material
change in the outlook for these markets, in the view of Emerging
Trends respondents, but Detroit showed a substantial improve-
ment this year, continuing the gains first seen in Emerging
Trends 2021.
85Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
Exhibit 3-13 Local Market Perspective: Investor Demand
Weak Average Strong
Dallas/Fort Worth
Tampa/St. Petersburg
West Palm Beach
Fort Lauderdale
New York–Brooklyn
San Diego
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Salt Lake City
San Antonio
Inland Empire
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
Orange County
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Los Angeles
New York–Manhattan
Greenville, SC
Northern New Jersey
Jersey City
Washington, DC–District
New York–other boroughs
Las Vegas
San Jose
Long Island
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
Kansas City, MO
Des Moines
Oakland/East Bay
Portland, ME
Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
Oklahoma City
San Francisco
Portland, OR
St. Louis
New Orleans
Exhibit 3-14 Local Market Perspective: Development/
Redevelopment Opportunities
Weak Average Strong
Dallas/Fort Worth
Tampa/St. Petersburg
San Antonio
West Palm Beach
Fort Lauderdale
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Kansas City, MO
New York–other boroughs
Salt Lake City
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
San Diego
Des Moines
New York–Brooklyn
Orange County
Greenville, SC
Las Vegas
Inland Empire
Northern New Jersey
Washington, DC–District
Portland, ME
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Jersey City
New York–Manhattan
St. Louis
San Jose
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
Los Angeles
Long Island
Oklahoma City
Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
New Orleans
Portland, OR
Oakland/East Bay
San Francisco
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Ratings reect perspective of local market participants.
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Ratings reect perspective of local market participants.
86 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 3-15 Local Market Perspective: Local Economy
Weak Average Strong
Dallas/Fort Worth
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Fort Lauderdale
West Palm Beach
San Antonio
Washington, DC–Northern VA
San Diego
Salt Lake City
Greenville, SC
Orange County
New York–Brooklyn
Washington, DC–District
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Inland Empire
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
Kansas City, MO
New York–Manhattan
Des Moines
New York–other boroughs
Northern New Jersey
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
Jersey City
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
Portland, ME
San Jose
Long Island
Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
Oklahoma City
Portland, OR
Oakland/East Bay
St. Louis
San Francisco
New Orleans
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Ratings reect perspective of local market participants.
87Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
Exhibit 3-16 Local Market Perspective: Local Public and
Private Investment
Weak Average Strong
Exhibit 3-17 Local Market Perspective: Availability of Debt
and Equity Capital
Weak Average Strong
San Jose
Las Vegas
Oakland/East Bay
St. Louis
Portland, ME
Portland, OR
Oklahoma City
San Francisco
Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
New Orleans
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Dallas/Fort Worth
West Palm Beach
Des Moines
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Fort Lauderdale
Salt Lake City
San Diego
New York–Manhattan
San Antonio
New York–Brooklyn
Kansas City, MO
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
Northern New Jersey
Inland Empire
Los Angeles
Orange County
Jersey City
New York–other boroughs
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Long Island
Washington, DC–District
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
Greenville, SC
Dallas/Fort Worth
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Salt Lake City
West Palm Beach
San Antonio
Kansas City, MO
Washington, DC–Northern VA
Fort Lauderdale
Des Moines
Orange County
Washington, DC–District
New York–other boroughs
New York–Brooklyn
San Diego
Greenville, SC
Las Vegas
New York–Manhattan
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/Naples
Jersey City
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
Oklahoma City
Northern New Jersey
Portland, ME
Washington, DC–MD suburbs
Long Island
St. Louis
San Jose
Inland Empire
Spokane, WA/Coeur d'Alene, ID
Los Angeles
Oakland/East Bay
Portland, OR
San Francisco
New Orleans
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Ratings reect perspective of local market participants.
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Ratings reect perspective of local market participants.
88 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 3-18 Economy
Sources: IHS Markit, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
*IHS Markit estimate for year-end 2022.
**Cost of doing business: national average = 100. Figures based on MSA-level data.
***Industry location quotient measures industry employment concentration by market—metro industry employment as a percentage of metro total, divided by national industry employment
as a percentage of national total.
2023 population*
Population distribution
(% of total population) Business costs 2023 employment*
Industry location quotient***
% change
Ages 65
and older
real GMP
per capita
Real GMP per
capita 5-year
annual change
2023 real
per capita
Real per capita
income 5-year
annual change
Cost of
business** Total (000s)
United States 334.21 8,334.0 0.5% 31% 27% 25% 18% $59,134 2.0% $53,617 2.0% 100.0 153,478 0.4% 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Albuquerque 0.92 33.3 0.7% 30% 28% 23% 18% $45,251 1.9% $46,246 1.9% 95.3 405 0.3% 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0
Atlanta 6.29 380.7 1.2% 32% 29% 25% 14% $65,031 2.4% $5 4,122 2.1% 97.7 3,000 0.9% 0.9 1.3 0.8 1.0
Austin 2.47 266.8 2.1% 35% 31% 22% 12% $71,747 3.4% $59,334
2.3% 104.1 1,271 1.9% 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.1
Baltimore 2.84 41.6 0.3% 30% 27% 26% 18% $66,443 2.2% $ 57,4 43 2.4% 109.9 1,426 0.4% 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.9
Birmingham 1.18 19.9 0.3% 31% 27% 25% 17% $49,992 1.9% $52,522 2.2% 90.3 553 0.3% 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9
Boise 0.84 86.1 2.0% 32% 29% 24% 16% $44,242 3.2% $49,325 2.0% 95.5 386 1.5% 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.0
Boston 4.89 106.7 0.4% 29% 28% 26% 18% $93,021 2.0% $70,934 2.2% 121.4 2,820 0.4% 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.9
Buffalo 1.15 (25.8) -0.5% 27% 24% 27% 22% $53,530 1.4% $52,150 2.7% 98.1 549 0.0% 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/
1.23 114.1 1.8% 25% 23% 25% 27% $43,797 2.9% $66,664 2.4% 101.7 470 1.2% 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.5
0.84 52.6 1.2% 31% 28% 25% 16% $51,247 2.5% $51,930 2.1% 98.3 390 1.0% 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.3
2.75 193.1 1.4% 32% 28% 25% 15% $61,290 2.5% $55,039 2.0% 97.0 1,306 1.1% 0.7 1.3 1.1 1.0
0.57 15.9 0.5% 29% 26% 26% 19% $49,945 1.5% $49,582 2.1% 9 0.1 270 0.1% 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.1
9.43 3.9 0.0% 31% 28% 25% 16% $ 67,7 21 1.3% $57,998 2.2% 103.5 4,702 0.1% 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.9
2.25 46.1 0.4% 32% 27% 25% 17% $ 61,140 2.0% $56,627 2.4% 94.2 1,117 0.6% 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.0
2.07 8.3 0.1% 28% 26% 26% 21% $58,858 1.2% $55,720 2.1% 93.9 1,067 -0.1% 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.9
2.18 85.5 0.8% 33% 29% 23% 14% $58,478 2.2% $53,762 2.1% 95.0 1,141 0.6% 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.9
Dallas/Fort Worth
8.08 602.6 1.4% 34% 30% 23% 13% $68,312 2.3% $54,685 1.8% 102.3 4,139 0.9% 0.8 1.3 1.0 0.9
Deltona/Daytona Beach
0.71 42.0 1.2% 26% 22% 27% 26% $30,606 2.6% $44,163 2.1% 99.3 219 0.5% 1.1 0.7 0.9 1.4
3.00 161.9 1.1% 29% 32% 24% 15% $71,669 2.4% $61,527 2.0% 110.7 1,592 0.7% 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.0
Des Moines
0.70 40.8 1.1% 34% 30% 23% 13% $72,595 2.2% $56,298 2.1% 95.8 385 0.9% 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.9
4.35 9.3 0.0% 29% 26% 26% 19% $ 56,144 1.5% $5 3,102 2.3% 100.7 2,016 0.0% 0.9 1.2 1.2 0.8
Fort Lauderdale
1.94 104.8 1.1% 26% 28% 27% 19% $54,130 1.9% $ 47,3 41 1.9% 113.7 886 1.1% 0.8 1.3 0.7 1.0
0.30 10.5 0.7% 38% 24% 21% 17% $48,980 1.9% $ 47,6 44 2.3% 97.0 153 0.4% 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.9
Greenville, SC
0.96 35.7 0.7% 31% 25% 25% 19% $45,312 1.7% $47,0 69 1.8% 91.3 442 0.6% 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.0
1.21 6.8 0.1% 29% 25% 26% 19% $74,535 1.2% $57,740 2.2% 109.7 633 -0.1% 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.7
0.99 6.3 0.1% 29% 27% 23% 20% $ 57,8 58 1.4% $ 47,3 55 2.4% 144.4 451 0.4% 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.5
7.4 2 549.0 1.4% 35% 30% 24% 12% $ 67,5 88 2.3% $54,593 2.1% 10 0.1 3,275 0.9% 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.0
2.17 119.0 1.1% 33% 29% 24% 15% $63,109 2.2% $57, 286 2.0% 95.4 1,131 0.7% 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.9
Inland Empire
4.73 244.9 1.0% 34% 28% 23% 14% $38,044 2.7% $40,832 2.3% 112.7 1,696 1.5% 0.9 0.6 1.0 1.1
1.71 113.7 1.3% 30% 27% 26% 17% $48,881 2.5% $51,356 2.2% 100.2 778 1.3% 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.1
Jersey City
0.69 5.9 0.2% 31% 33% 24% 13% $64,541 1.6% $55,210 2.3% 118.5 284 - 0.1% 0.8 1.3 0.4 0.8
Kansas City, MO
2.23 95.5 0.8% 32% 28% 24% 16% $58,534 2.2% $54,535 2.1% 96.6 1,10 4 0.7% 0.9 1.1 1.0 0.9
0.94 30.9 0.7% 29% 26% 26% 20% $47,12 9 1.7% $48,508 1.9% 90.5 425 0.3% 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.0
Las Vegas
2.35 141.6 1.2% 30% 30% 25% 16% $49,484 2.8% $49,833 2.4% 102.6 1,079 1.2% 0.7 1.0 0.8 2.4
Long Island
2.88 (25.8) -0.2% 27% 25% 27% 20% $62,393 2.1% $65,852 2.7% 118.5 1,333 0.3% 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.9
Los Angeles
9.70 (43.0) -0.1% 28% 30% 26% 16% $76,977 2.1% $56,608 2.6% 120.3 4,535 0.2% 1.3 1.0 0.8 1.1
1.33 34.1 0.5% 30% 27% 26% 17% $51,729 1.5% $54,314 2.2% 91.1 678 0.4% 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.9
0.69 28.6 0.8% 33% 28% 24% 16% $69,924 2.6% $60,022 2.3% 98.4 416 0.9% 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.8
Memphis 1.35 22.4 0.3% 32% 28% 25% 15% $52,613 1.6% $50,440 2.0% 91.0 661 0.3% 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
89Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
Exhibit 3-18 Economy
2023 population*
Population distribution
(% of total population) Business costs 2023 employment*
Industry location quotient***
% change
Ages 65
and older
real GMP
per capita
Real GMP per
capita 5-year
annual change
2023 real
per capita
Real per capita
income 5-year
annual change
Cost of
business** Total (000s)
United States 334.21 8,334.0 0.5% 31% 27% 25% 18% $59,134 2.0% $53,617 2.0% 100.0 153,478 0.4% 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
2.65 96.2 0.7% 27% 28% 27% 18% $58,520 1.6% $49,910 2.1% 113.7 1,254 0.7% 1.0 1.1 0.6 1.1
1.56 3.8 0.0% 31% 27% 25% 17% $59,16 6 1.7% $ 57,6 02 2.4% 97.7 851 0.2% 1.2 0.9 1.3 0.8
Minneapolis/St. Paul
3.74 127.0 0.7% 31% 29% 25% 16% $68,896 2.2% $59,118 2.3% 101.8 2,024 0.7% 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.8
2.09 145.9 1.4% 32% 29% 24% 14% $65,767 2.7% $58,392 2.2% 96.7 1,122 1.0% 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.1
New Orleans
1.26 7.5 0.1% 30% 28% 25% 18% $59,075 1.4% $52,817 2.2% 94.2 562 0.3% 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.4
New York–Brooklyn
2.60 45.0 0.3% 32% 30% 24% 15% $36,697 1.8% $41,948 2.9% 118.5 867 0.9% 2.2 0.5 0.5 0.5
New York–Manhattan
1.50 (31.6) -0.4% 24% 36% 23% 17% $451,047 1.8% $172,005 2.6% 118.5 2,431 0.2% 1.2 1.9 0.2 0.7
New York–other boroughs
4.20 60.4 0.3% 30% 29% 25% 16% $34,705 1.7% $35,894 1.6% 118.5 1,217 0.7% 1.6 0.5 0.6 0.5
Northern New Jersey
4.25 7 7.7 0.4% 29% 25% 26% 20% $61,485 1.6% $ 57, 237 1.8% 118.5 1,851 0.1% 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7
Oakland/East Bay
2.79 73.2 0.5% 29% 29% 26% 17% $78,627 2.2% $68,419 1.4% 131.2 1,183 0.9% 1.1 1.0 1.3 0.9
Oklahoma City
1.47 68.3 0.9% 35% 28% 22% 15% $56,228 2.4% $50,331 2.2% 91.6 672 0.5% 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.1
0.98 39.5 0.8% 34% 28% 23% 14% $63,527 2.3% $58,18 5 2.1% 97.0 508 0.6% 1.0 1.1 1.0 0.9
Orange County
3.15 61.6 0.4% 28% 29% 26% 17% $7 7,8 32 2.3% $62,180 2.4% 120.3 1,679 0.5% 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.1
2.77 238.6 1.7% 31% 29% 24% 16% $50,984 2.7% $44,269 2.0% 102.5 1,378 1.6% 0.8 1.4 0.9 2.1
6.25 94.6 0.3% 30% 27% 25% 18% $65,964 1.9% $60,221 2.2% 0.0 2,989 0.3% 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.8
5.12 433.0 1.6% 32% 28% 23% 17% $51,335 2.8% $46,960 1.8% 103.9 2,317 1.2% 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0
2.35 7. 5 0.1% 26% 25% 27% 22% $61,493 1.9% $59,069 2.3% 99.5 1,16 3 0.2% 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.9
Portland, ME
0.56 13.3 0.5% 25% 26% 27% 22% $55,445 1.7% $55,955 2.0% 103.4 297 0.1% 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.1
Portland, OR
2.54 94.2 0.7% 28% 31% 25% 16% $63,748 2.1% $54,478 2.1% 108.1 1,233 0.6% 0.9 1.0 1.3 0.9
1.68 22.4 0.3% 28% 26% 26% 19% $49,007 1.4% $51,868 2.1% 111.1 747 0.0% 1.2 0.8 1.0 1.0
2.80 195.6 1.4% 32% 28% 25% 15% $61,840 2.8% $55,912 2.0% 99.3 1,316 1.1% 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9
1.37 47.4 0.7% 30% 27% 25% 17% $58,778 1.5% $56,701 2.1% 95.6 685 0.7% 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.9
2.44 114.3 0.9% 32% 27% 24% 17% $56,868 2.5% $53,165 2.2% 115.4 1,076 1.0% 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
Salt Lake City
1.30 96.7 1.4% 35% 31% 22% 12% $74,514 3.1% $53,052 2.3% 99.2 789 1.2% 0.8 1.3 1.1 0.8
San Antonio
2.68 193.6 1.4% 33% 28% 24% 15% $ 47, 521 2.5% $46,434 2.1% 96.8 1,115 1.1% 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.2
San Diego
3.28 54.2 0.3% 31% 29% 24% 16% $71,254 2.3% $55,639 2.5% 128.5 1,541 0.6% 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.1
San Francisco
1.52 11.8 0.2% 25% 31% 26% 18% $212,848 1.6% $119,414 2.1% 131.2 1,147 0.0% 1.2 1.9 0.6 0.9
San Jose
1.92 46.3 0.5% 31% 29% 25% 15% $193,308 2.3% $104,890 2.3% 129.8 1,150 0.2% 1.4 1.5 1.6 0.7
3.12 130.3 0.8% 28% 33% 24% 15% $118,988 2.7% $71,689 2.3% 118.4 1,785 0.8% 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9
Spokane, WA/
Couer d'Alene, ID
0.81 45.3 1.1% 29% 27% 24% 19% $42,090 1.7% $44,600 1.8% 97.4 344 0.8% 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.0
St. Louis
2.80 17.4 0.1% 30% 27% 25% 18% $57,157 1.5% $ 57,08 5 2.3% 97.3 1,390 0.2% 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9
0.94 43.3 0.9% 31% 30% 24% 15% $45,311 1.6% $44,706 2.0% 118.4 332 0.8% 1.0 0.7 1.1 1.0
0.39 9.7 0.5% 37% 26% 22% 15% $44,014 1.9% $ 47,89 6 2.2% 96.2 193 0.5% 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.0
Tampa/St. Petersburg
3.31 176.6 1.0% 27% 26% 26% 21% $48,430 2.3% $49,039 2.0% 102.1 1,476 0.8% 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.0
1.07 47.7 0.9% 29% 25% 23% 22% $38,037 1.9% $45,527 2.2% 95.6 394 0.7% 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0
Virginia Beach/Norfolk
1.78 44.5 0.5% 32% 27% 25% 17% $47,436 1.7% $49,510 2.2% 96.5 790 0.5% 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.1
Washington DC–District
0.65 16.8 0.5% 27% 38% 21% 13% $197,42 5 2.2% $75,598 2.1% 117.5 783 0.7% 1.0 1.1 0.2 0.6
Washington DC–
MD suburbs
1.35 41.0 0.6% 29% 27% 26% 17% $73,562 2.5% $69,430 2.5% 117.5 598 0.5% 1.0 1.3 0.7 0.8
Washington DC–
Northern VA
4.38 201.8 0.9% 32% 30% 25% 13% $65,105 2.7% $64,177 2.2% 117.5 1,543 1.1% 1.1 1.5 0.6 1.1
West Palm Beach
1.52 78.2 1.0% 25% 24% 25% 26% $54,780 2.1% $72,469 2.1% 113.7 670 0.6% 0.9 1.2 0.7 1.3
Westchester, NY/Fairfield, CT
2.69 7.0 0.1% 31% 26% 26% 18% $71,440 1.9% $81,677 2.6% 118.8 1,136 0.3% 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.9
90 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Households Single-family market metrics General market metrics Multifamily metrics
2023 total*
annual %
% of owner-
% of all homes
likely affordable
to 4-person
family earning
120% of AMI
Tenure cost
homes as
% of new
% of workers
with commute
of more than
1 hour
per 100 HH
% of renter-
Affordable and
available rental
units per 100
HH at 80% of
Tenure cost
as % of new
United States 130,816.0 0.9% 66.1% 52.0% 1.03 65.3% 3.2 7.3% 128.0 34.0% 86 0.97 34.7%
381.9 1.2% 67.4% 50.1% 1.13 66.2% 3.6 5.4% 186.9 32.7% 96 1.13 33.8%
2,375.4 1.4% 64.2% 40.8% 1.04 67.5% 2.5 14.0% 86.6 35.8% 79 1.04 32.5%
960.0 2.6% 58.6% 49.3% 1.50 47.7% 2.8 8.2% 109.8 41.4% 64 1.50 52.3%
1,122.4 0.7% 66.6% 48.5% 0.99 47.0% 4.2 12.7% 162.0 33.4% 63 0.99 53.0%
481.3 0.4% 69.2% 58.1% 0.92 73.8% 0.1 6.8% - 30.8% 93 0.92 26.2%
310.6 2.3% 71.0% 29.2% 1.76 70.8% 1.8 3.8% 90.2 29.0% 96 1.76 29.2%
1,927.1 0.7% 61.7% 30.9% 1.09 32.4% 5.0 14.2% 109.6 38.3% 41 1.09 67.6%
493.0 0.0% 66.1% 66.6% 0.92 7 7.6% 3.9 3.1% 130.5 33.9% 94 0.92 22.4%
Cape Coral/Fort Myers/
519.2 2.4% 73.5% 28.9% 1.21 69.4% 2.1 6.4% 129.6 26.5% 76 1.21 30.6%
346.8 1.8% 66.8% 36.2% 1.06 69.5% 1.5 6.5% 111.1 33.2% 80 1.06 30.5%
1,090.2 1.7% 66.0% 63.0% 1.16 65.8% 2.2 7.3% 266.5 34.0% 86 1.16 34.2%
Chattanooga, TN/GA
233.6 0.8% 67.4% 59.0% 1.07 72.2% 1.2 3.9% 145.9 32.6% 95 1.07 27.8%
3,714.8 0.4% 64.8% 59.5% 0.85 56.2% 5.1 13.8% 92.8 35.2% 73 0.85 43.8%
898.6 0.8% 67.1% 76.4% 0.98 70.1% 2.5 5.2% 89.9 32.9% 92 0.98 29.9%
895.6 0.4% 64.7% 64.0% 0.88 83.6% 4.7 4.7% 55.7 35.4% 93 0.88 16.4%
867. 2 1.0% 61.8% 68.7% 1.04 60.4% 2.9 4.6% 133.3 38.2% 89 1.04 39.6%
Dallas/Fort Worth
2,982.4 1.7% 59.7% 56.6% 1.01 61.4% 2.8 8.9% 110.7 40.3% 75 1.01 38.6%
Deltona/Daytona Beach
301.0 1.7% 72.1% 49.0% 1.08 71.3% 2.4 9.5% 350.5 2 7.9% 40 1.08 28.7%
1,219.1 1.5% 64.8% 23.5% 1.40 53.7% 5.3 7.6% 98.3 35.2% 50 1.40 46.3%
Des Moines
283.6 1.5% 69.6% 65.9% 1.04 72.8% 2.6 2.5% 156.0 30.4% 88 1.04 27. 2%
1,783.1 0.5% 69.5% 57.2 % 0.82 62.6% 2.8 7.3% 46.4 30.5% 89 0.82 37.4%
Fort Lauderdale†
782.1 1.1% 59.8% 50.4% 0.94 33.5% 5.2 10.6% 121.10 40.2% 56 0.94 66.5%
124.5 1.4% 59.5% 52.7% 0.97 51.2% 4.0 5.0% 720.0 40.5% 89 0.97 48.8%
Greenville, SC
389.8 1.1% 69.5% 57.4% 0.77 68.5% 0.9 4.5% 385.0 30.5% 92 0.77 31.5%
491.4 0.5% 66.4% 66.2% 0.90 64.1% 3.9 5.1% 1299.1 33.6% 75 0.90 35.9%
336.3 0.5% 57. 5% 16.1% 1.53 42.5% 6.4 10.6% - 42.5% 34 1.53 57. 5%
2,688.8 1.7% 60.9% 49.9% 0.91 70.8% 2.8 10.9% 105.3 39.1% 79 0.91 29.2%
865.1 1.4% 65.7% 55.5% 1.03 69.2% 2.4 5.2% 194.8 34.3% 90 1.03 30.8%
Inland Empire
1,475.1 1.4% 6 4.1% 16.8% 1.40 81.8% 3.8 17.8% 101.6 35.9% 67 1.40 18.2%
679.7 1.6% 65.3% 44.4% 1.07 63.1% 2.6 6.3% 118.3 34.7% 87 1.07 36.9%
Jersey City††
284.5 0.5% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0% 6.9 22.0% 126.3 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
Kansas City, MO/KS
897.1 1.1% 65.2% 69.3% 1.01 64.6% 2.3 3.7% 7 7.0 34.8% 87 1.01 35.4%
387.7 1.1% 69.2% 53.4% 1.11 67.5% 1.1 4.4% 475.8 30.8% 95 1.11 32.5%
Las Vegas
906.7 1.6% 54.8% 23.5% 1.30 82.3% 4.8 4.6% 92.7 45.2% 88 1.30 17.7%
Long Island††
972.2 0.4% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0% 6.9 22.0% 183.74 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
Los Angeles†††
3,393.6 0.2% 48.7% 17.6% 0.81 34.4% 6.2 13.4% - 51.3% 34 0.81 65.6%
550.2 0.9% 6 7.4% 55.0% 0.92 83.3% 2.9 4.0% -24.1 32.6% 96 0.92 16.7%
299.2 1.1% 61.8% 41.9% 1.09 32.2% 3.0 3.7% 153.1 38.2% 72 1.09 67.8%
539.6 0.6% 59.8% 33.2% 0.91 83.8% 2.3 3.9% 158.0 40.2% 33 0.91 16.2%
988.0 0.7% 59.8% 50.4% 0.94 33.5% 5.2 10.6% 121.1 40.2% 56 0.94 66.5%
Exhibit 3-19 Housing
Sources: IHS Markit, and Urban Land Institute, 2022 Home Attainability Index.
— = data unavailable
*IHS Markit estimate for year-end 2023.
**Tenure cost proportionality – This metric illustrates whether rental and ownership costs in a region are proportional compared with the median for the Index dataset. A score of 1 indicates costs
are proportional (for example, both rental and ownership costs are 5% higher than the median). A score greater than 1 indicates that homeownership is comparatively more expensive than rental;
a score less than 1 indicates that renting is disproportionately expensive.
***MSA AIITransit Score - This metric assesses the quality and reach of the region’s transit system. Regions with higher AllTransit scores provide households with better transportation
alternatives beyond the automobile and put more employment opportunities within reach. Ratings are on a scale of 0 to 10, with a higher value indicating better transit access.
91Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 3: Markets to Watch
Exhibit 3-19 Housing
Households Single-family market metrics General market metrics Multifamily metrics
2023 total*
annual %
% of owner-
% of all homes
likely affordable
to 4-person
family earning
120% of AMI
Tenure cost
homes as
% of new
% of workers
with commute
of more than
1 hour
per 100 HH
% of renter-
Affordable and
available rental
units per 100
HH at 80% of
Tenure cost
as % of new
United States 130,816.0 0.9% 66.1% 52.0% 1.03 65.3% 3.2 7.3% 128.0 34.0% 86 0.97 34.7%
664.3 0.5% 59.8% 69.2% 0.98 66.4% 4.6 4.0% 10 5.1 40.2% 89 0.98 33.6%
Minneapolis/St. Paul
1,487. 5 1.0% 70.4% 54.9% 1.05 45.4% 3.7 5.6% 111.4 29.6% 73 1.05 54.6%
832.9 1.7% 65.6% 29.3% 1.25 70.9% 1.7 8.8% 141.7 34.4% 77 1.25 29.1%
New Orleans
517.8 0.6% 63.7% 47.8% 0.92 78.7% 3.4 8.3% 189.4 36.3% 89 0.92 21.3%
New York–Brooklyn†
1,018.6 0.6% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0 % 6.9 22.0% 183.74 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
New York
767.9 -0.1% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0 % 6.9 22.0% 183.74 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
New York–other
1,569.5 0.5% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0% 6.9 22.0% 183.74 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
Northern New Jersey††
1,590.0 0.7% 51.6% 31.9% 1.11 27.0% 6.9 22.0% 183.74 48.4% 0 - 73.0%
Oakland/East Bay
1,006.3 0.7% 55.0% 10.0% 1.69 18.7% 6.8 17.7% 102.36 45.0% 0 - 81.3%
Oklahoma City 580.8 1.2% 64.4% 64.1% 0.84 96.4% 1.7 3.9% 124.39 35.6% 97 0.84 3.6%
391.5 1.1% 65.8% 69.8% 1.01 54.8% 2.7 2.8% 102.41 34.2% 87 1.01 45.2%
Orange County††
1,075.9 0.6% 48.7% 17.6% 0.81 40.0% 6.2 13.4% - 51.3% 0 - 60.0%
1,054.4 1.8% 62.0% 36.2% 0.95 57.4% 3.3 8.2% 142.35 38.1% 77 0.95 42.6%
2,472.3 0.7% 67.2% 59.9% 0.95 51.2% 5.3 11.5% 157.5 3 32.8% 72 0.95 48.8%
1,945.7 2.0% 64.4% 29.4% 1.29 75.0% 4.1 7.7% 78.06 35.6% 83 1.29 25.0%
1,030.1 0.3% 69.6% 61.8% 0.81 76.5% 3.3 8.1% 251.62 30.4% 90 0.81 23.5%
Portland, ME
243.7 0.9% 72.1% 43.3% 1.05 72.8% 1.7 6.2% 114.31 28.0% 73 1.05 27. 2%
Portland, OR
1,021.3 1.2% 62.3% 25.6% 1.45 63.2% 6.1 7.6% 100.12 37.7% 67 1.45 36.8%
678.4 0.4% 62.0% 49.6% 1.33 88.3% 3.5 9.1% 149.82 38.0% 81 1.33 11.7%
840.9 1.9% 64.4% 56.1% 1.27 62.9% 2.8 6.3% 204.55 35.7% 85 1.27 37.1%
549.1 1.1% 66.7% 63.2% 1.01 50.7% 2.4 5.2% 12.28 33.4% 86 1.01 49.3%
887.8 1.0% 61.2% 23.8% 1.47 80.3% 4.0 8.5% 76.00 38.8% 66 1.47 19.7%
Salt Lake City
460.1 1.7% 68.2% 40.6% 1.65 51.9% 6.6 4.0% 50.49 31.8% 84 1.65 48.1%
San Antonio
988.6 1.7% 62.8% 55.5% 1.03 56.3% 4.5 6.9% 127.62 37. 2% 87 1.03 43.7%
San Diego
1,169.7 0.7% 53.9% 20.4% 1.69 44.3% 5.3 7.3% 137. 83 4 6.1% 31 1.69 55.7%
San Francisco††††
643.2 0.0% 55.0% 10.0% 1.69 18.7% 6.8 17.7% 102.36 45.0% 17 1.69 81.3%
San Jose
677.4 0.4% 56.6% 9.9% 2.14 43.7% 6.4 10.9% 122.03 43.4% 14 2.14 56.3%
1,642.6 1.3% 60.2% 32.3% 1.47 38.6% 5.1 12.3% 99.31 39.8% 44 1.47 61.4%
Spokane, WA/Couer
d'Alene, ID
328.7 1.4% 67.8% 30.1% 1.85 61.2% 2.5 4.4% 148.63 32.2% 95 1.85 38.8%
St. Louis
1,171.1 0.5% 69.3% 51.2% 0.93 65.0% 3.8 5.7% 134.49 30.7% 89 0.93 35.0%
1,642.6 1.3% 60.2% 32.3% 1.47 38.6% 5.1 12.3% 99.31 39.8% 44 1.47 61.4%
16 0.1 1.1% 58.2% 53.7% 0.80 48.9% 2.6 3.5% 161.46 41.8% 95 0.80 51.1%
Tampa/St. Petersburg
1,381.4 1.1% 65.8% 46.9% 0.97 71.9% 3.3 8.7% 105.65 34.2% 81 0.97 28.1%
450.8 1.2% 64.0% 50.2% 1.23 77.5% 3.7 4.4% 98.56 36.0% 95 1.23 22.5%
Virginia Beach/Norfolk
707.9 0.9% 62.3% 31.4% 1.00 55.9% 3.2 5.9% 190.62 37.7% 84 1.00 4 4.1%
Washington DC–
301.1 0.9% 63.9% 41.5% 1.16 45.3% 5.5 17. 3% 126.27 36.1% 32 - 54.7%
Washington DC–MD
499.3 1.0% 63.9% 41.5% 1.16 45.3% 5.5 17. 3% 126.27 36.1% 32 - 54.7%
Washington DC–
Northern VA†††††
1,613.1 1.2% 63.9% 41.5% 1.16 45.3% 5.5 17.3% 126.27 36.1% 32 - 54.7%
West Palm Beach
637.0 1.4% 59.8% 50.4% 0.94 53.0% 5.2 10.6% 121.10 40.2% 56 0.94 47.0%
Westchester, NY/
Fairfield, CT
963.3 0.4% 66.7% 41.6% 1.50 36.0% 4.5 16.4% 150.95 33.3% 45 1.50 64.0%
†Other than household gures, data are for Miami/Fort Lauderdale/West Palm Beach, FL.
††Other than household gures, data are for New York City/Newark/Jersey City, NY/NJ/PA.
†††Other than household gures, data are for Los Angeles/Long Beach/Anaheim, CA.
††††Other than household gures, data are for San Francisco/Oakland/Hayward, CA.
†††††Other than household gures, data are for Washington/Arlington/Alexandria, DC/VA/MD/WV.
92 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Exhibit 3-20 Local Market Perspectives by Select Market Categories, as indicated by ULI Focus Groups
Top Two Market Advantages
Group Subgroup For-Sale* Rental** Top Potential Disruptor
Super Sun Belt Growthdemographic
Political extremism
18-Hour Cities Growthdemographic Quality of life
Housingaffordability and
availability, and ination—
persistent higher rate (tie)
Supernovas Growtheconomic Quality of life
and availability
All Magnets Growthdemographic Growtheconomic
and availability
The Establishment
Multitalented Producers Economic diversity Desirable suburbs
and availability
Knowledge and Innovation Centers
Educational and/or
training opportunities
Urban amenities
and availability
Major Market Adjacent Desirable suburbs Economic diversity
and availability
All Establishment Urban amenities Desirable suburbs
and availability
Visitor and Convention Centers
higher rate
All Niche Growtheconomic
and availability
Determined Competitors Cost of living
higher rate
All Backbone Cost of living Desirable suburbs
higher rate
Note: Responses are provided for subgroups with eight or more focus group participants who completed the online intake form.
93Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
Canada’s real estate industry has had a long and good run.
Capital was plentiful; rents, valuations, and returns continued
to rise across much of the industry; and Canada’s stability and
immigration trends have played key roles in making the country
an attractive place to invest.
To be sure, there were significant challenges, including the
massive uncertainty created by the COVID-19 pandemic. But
the industry always seemed to keep doing well since expected
downturns never seemed to materialize orwhen they did
were short, mild, and fairly localized. Then came 2022, with its
mix of interest rate increases that were sharper and faster than
expected, inflation at levels that Canada has not seen since
the 1980s, and a geopolitical environment that has created
uncertainty that continues to reverberate throughout the global
Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
“Patience during this time of uncertainty will be
a real virtue
for 2023.”
economy. The result has been a significant disruption to the
Canadian real estate market.
While many trends are reshaping the industry now and in the
long term, in this year’s report, we focus on three issues that
are particularly salient for 2023 as financial, environmental, and
social pressures converge:
1. Navigating a period of price discovery amid rising chal-
lenges around costs and capital availability;
2. Addressing urgent imperatives around environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) matters; and
3. Finding meaningful solutions to escalating concerns about
housing affordability.
Other issues we have followed in the past, such as the need
to repurpose assets and reposition portfolios in light of the
continuing evolution of the world of work and changing con-
sumer behaviors and expectations, remain important ongoing
trends that we explore in more detail in our look at specific
asset classes like offices and retail properties. We also track
the regional impacts of recent shifts, which include significantly
brighter prospects for Calgary and Edmonton amid a rising
economic outlook and the relative affordability of these cities’
housing markets.
Even as real estate companies keep a sharp eye on these and
other trends, many of those we interviewed in the summer of
2022 were predicting a continuing pause in market activity as
they watch how the current uncertainty plays out. “We’re putting
a few things on hold,” one interviewee told us. But while the
changing environment in 2022 has been a shock for some, the
Exhibit 4-1 Emerging Trends Barometer 2023
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
94 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
the opposite is true now due in large part to a succession of
interest rate increases by the Bank of Canada.
Lenders, according to interviewees, have been tightening bor-
rowing requirements which, along with higher financing costs,
are making it harder for companies to raise capital and move
projects forward. This, in turn, is leading to reduced competition
for deals during a period of price discovery in which sellers and
buyers find themselves at odds over pricing expectations and
valuations as some real estate assets come under pressure.
We can see the impacts in our survey of Canadian industry
players, in which respondents identified interest rates and costs
of capital as the top economic issue for real estate in 2023 (see
exhibit 4-3). We also saw a significant rise in the number of
respondents saying that both equity capital and debt capital are
undersupplied (see exhibits 1-4 and 1-5).
Pressure on Institutional Capital Increasing Uncertainty
While some interviewees suggested that capital is still available
for top-quality borrowers or projects, other factors remain that
may hinder the market for the time being. Consider, for example,
institutional investors’ allocations to real estate. While these have
been rising in recent years, events in 2022 could reverse that
trend. With the value of their equity portfolio holdings having
declined, some may now have real estate allocations beyond
their target ranges. And as it becomes harder to generate
returns from real estate investments, investors may prefer the
relative safety of fixed-income assets that rising interest rates
have made more attractive.
To be sure, the current environment offers relief from the intense
bidding competition of recent years, which was also creating
challenges for real estate companies. But for now, the height-
ened uncertainty is leading many players to stay on the sidelines
as they wait to see where the market, particularly when it comes
to pricing and valuations, settles. One interviewee noted their
cautious approach when they said that they were “sticking to the
fairway, not trying to clear the trees and skip the dogleg,” when it
comes to deployment decisions.
Cost Escalations amid Supply Chain Challenges and Labor
On top of concerns about the capital markets are supply chain
shortages and delays as well as significant increases in costs
for labor and materials. Labor issues have been a challenge
for some time, but rising costs and shortages of inputs, includ-
ing for key materials like steel, have added to the pressures.
Exhibit 4-2
Real Estate Business Prospects, 2023 versus
2 3
4 5
Commercial real estate
Real estate security
Real estate lenders
Real estate equity
Real estate owners
Residential builders/
Real estate investment
Real estate services
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
long-term outlook is positive. Many of the fundamental underpin-
nings of the Canadian property market remain strong, especially
given the impacts of trends like rising immigration levels on
demand for real estate assets relative to continuing supply prob-
lems. This is why now is the time to invest in solutions to create
value beyond the short-term uncertainty. The key to navigating
this complex and volatile environment is a mix of patience, agil-
ity, and a willingness to take bold actions to deliver sustained
growth and outcomes in 2023 and beyond.
1. Costs and Capital: A Period of
Price Discovery amid Major Shifts for
Real Estate
“Things are changing so quickly. . . . Developers are not panick-
ing, just pausing.
While overabundance of capital was a significant concern last
year, the sentiment has changed in 2022, with some interview-
ees expecting continuing challenges in 2023. Whereas the
concern previously was about too much capital creating even
more competition for deals and pushing up prices for assets,
95Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
According to Statistics Canada, residential building costs were
up 22.6 percent on a year-over-year basis in the first quarter of
2022. For nonresidential construction, cost increases were lower
but still significant at 12.8 percent. Construction cost increases
continued into the second quarter of 2022 amid inflationary
pressures throughout the economy.
Rising labor shortages are exacerbating the challenges.
According to Statistics Canada, construction job vacancies
reached a record high in the first quarter of 2022 and were
double the number of open positions during the same period in
2020. And then there is the impact of construction wages, which
were up 6.6 percent in the first quarter of this year compared
with the same period in 2021.
All of this has made completing projects on time and on budget
even harder than in the past, and the situation is unlikely to
improve in the foreseeable future. The shortage of trades labor
is not expected to get better any time soon and construction
technologies have yet to evolve to make up the difference in
cost or productivity.
Adaptation Key as the Landscape Shifts for Canadian
Real Estate
What does this mean for real estate companies? For some, it
adds further to the need to take a pause on activity. There have
been rising projections, for example, of developers delaying or
potentially canceling condo projects as it becomes harder to
make the numbers work in these challenging conditions. Others
are trying to manage this by spacing out advanced sales of new
Exhibit 4-3 Importance of Issues for Real Estate in 2023
Threat of terrorism
Higher education costs
Diversity and inclusion
Federal budget deficit
Provincial/local governments budgets
Income inequality
Political extremism
Immigration policy
Climate change
Geopolitical conflicts
Housing costs and availability
Currency exchange rates
Federal taxes
Provincial and local taxes
Tariffs/trade conflicts
Global economic growth
Capital availability
Job and income growth
Qualified labor availability
Interest rates and cost of capital
Health- and safety-related policies
Municipal service cuts
Health and wellness features
Risks from extreme weather
Property taxes
Environmental/sustainability requirements
Provincial and local regulations
Tenant leasing and retention costs
Operating costs
Land costs
Construction material costs
Construction labor costs
Construction labor availability
Real estate/development issues
Economic/financial issues
Social/political issues
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
Exhibit 4-4 Real Estate Capital Market Balance Forecast,
2023 versus 2022
Equity capital for investing
OversuppliedIn balanceUndersupplied
27% 39%
3% 35% 62%
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
96 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
housing units to ensure that prices reflect rising costs as a project
moves forward. In some cases, companies are proactively shor-
ing up liquidityeven at higher financing costsas they look to
reduce risk amid uncertainty about the availability of capital.
One interviewee noted that these conditions may be especially
challenging for some industry players, such as real estate
investment trusts (REITs). As valuations come under pressure
and unit prices trade at discounts to net asset values, REITs
will find it increasingly harder to raise the capital they need,
especially those with development projects in the pipeline, this
interviewee suggested.
That said, many interviewees felt that capital is still available and
suggested that those with strong track records and relation-
ships with lenders should have no trouble attracting financing
at reasonable terms in order to move good projects forward. “If
you are a great borrower, it will be easier to get financing. If not,
it won’t be easy to get,” said one interviewee, who felt that the
market is witnessing a flight to quality.
While challenging, an environment like this also presents oppor-
tunities. Companies with less leverage will have greater flexibility
to capitalize on market shifts. And while some sources of financ-
ing may be less available than in the past, many interviewees
predict that the private debt market will help fill some of the gap.
The pause in the market is also a chance to explore solutions to
some of the challenges that builders are facing. Some interview-
ees, for example, touted mass timber as a potential opportunity
to get projects built faster, which is key in an environment of
rising costs.
2. ESG Performance: A Critical Issue for
Canadian Real Estate
“You can do ESG, and you can get a return.
Alternative materials like mass timber also offer important
sustainability benefits, which brings us to another critical issue
for Canada’s real estate industry: ESG performance. There
are many factors underpinning the ESG imperative, but a few
issues in particular are driving the increased focus for real
estate companies now. Key among them is the ability to attract
capital. At a time when financing is both less available and more
expensive, companies with a strong ESG track record will have
an advantage in attracting investment from institutional players
and sourcing new forms of capitalsuch as green bonds and
sustainability-linked loansthat continue to grow in Canada.
While many Canadian real estate players have responded by
increasing their focus on ESG strategies, expectations continue
to rise in key areas, including when it comes to having robust
commitments to address climate change. As we have seen
in other areas of the world, investors are increasingly looking
beyond whether a company has an ESG strategy to ask about
plans to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. And if a
company does not have a net-zero strategy, they won’t invest.
But while Canadian real estate players can expect to start
seeing similar requirements from their own investors, our inter-
viewees showed that some companies have yet to fully embrace
the net-zero imperative. According to PwC’s 2022 global CEO
survey, just 19 percent of real estate executives said that their
organization had made a commitment to net-zero greenhouse
gas emissions.
Exhibit 4-5 Real Estate Capital Market Balance Forecast, 2023 versus 2022
OversuppliedIn balanceUndersupplied
Debt capital for acquisitions
Debt capital for renancing Debt capital for development/redevelopment
50% 9%
OversuppliedIn balanceUndersupplied OversuppliedIn balanceUndersupplied
48% 10%
8% 46% 46%
9% 47% 44%
21% 42% 36%
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate surveys.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
97Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
For some real estate companies, the temptation remains to
be fast followers rather than leaders on matters like achieving
net-zero emissions. One interviewee, for example, told us that
they were waiting for other companies to do the heavy lifting on
exploring and investing in the right technology investments to
address ESG matters in real estate before following suit them-
selves. Others noted a tendency by some in the industry to
downplay the importance of ESG matters in favor of a continued
emphasis on quarterly financial performance. “Most private
investors want to feel good about ESG but care more about
profit,” one interviewee told us.
But amid rising investor expectations and growing evidence
that companies with strong ESG track records are expected
to be more profitable in the medium to long term, we also saw
plenty of evidence of a willingness by interviewees to address
these issues more proactively than in the past. From exploring
solutions to reduce embodied emissions related to building
materials such as concrete to increasing the proportion of
electric vehicle charging locations in residential developments,
companies are taking action on climate change. Others are
focusing on the potential of non-emitting energy sources, with
one interviewee noting that the high prices of traditional fuels are
shortening the cost recovery period for investments in this area.
This interviewee noted that they are looking at creating a service
around providing geothermal energy to customers, which shows
some of the ways that some real estate players are focusing
more on the business and revenue opportunities created by the
low-carbon transition as opposed to the costs.
Navigating a Rising Imperative around Climate Disclosures
While some real estate companies are still figuring out their
ESG and net-zero strategies, the imperative to act quickly goes
well beyond investor expectations. This includes the evolving
area of climate disclosures, which will increasingly affect both
publicly owned and private real estate companies in Canada.
In the United States, for example, the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) has proposed a new rule requiring issuers
to disclose climate-related information, including details about
greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks. This means that
SEC issuers that are real estate tenants, investors, or lenders
would have to report this information, including disclosures
about assets in Canada. This would affect private Canadian real
estate companies in a number of ways. For example, they can
expect requests from building tenants for information to help
them meet their own SEC climate disclosure obligations.
The landscape for climate disclosures and reporting is also
evolving quickly in Canada and internationally. The IFRS
Foundation’s International Sustainability Standards Board, for
example, has been working on draft sustainability disclosure
standards that set out detailed requirements in areas such as
climate-related information and make reference to industry-
Exhibit 4-6 Foreign Direct Investment in Canada and Canadian Direct Investment Abroad: Real Estate, Rental, and Leasing
Foreign direct investment in Canada Canadian direct investment abroad
Millions of Canadian dollars
Millions of Canadian dollars
Other countries
Asia and Oceania
Other Americas
United States
Source: Statistics Canada, accessed August 9, 2022.
Note: Includes rms under the North American Industry Classication System (NAICS) 53.
98 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
in multiple systems across the organization. In some cases, key
workforce inclusion and diversity data comes from areas of the
business that have yet to develop best practices around metrics
and reporting that functions like finance and accounting have
long been leaders in.
Opportunities to Make Headway on Inclusion and Diversity
Metrics and Reporting
The good news is that increasingly sophisticated tools are avail-
able to help organizations improve reporting on inclusion and
diversity matters. These cloud-based solutions pull in data from
disparate sources and connect teams across the organization to
create a single source of truth about ESG matters like perfor-
mance on inclusion and diversity. They can also help automate
many labor-intensive processes and increase the accuracy of
the data presented, which is critical at a time of rising expecta-
tions around the quality of ESG reporting.
Digital tools, of course, are very helpful, but they are only one
part of the journey to better reporting on social matters like
inclusion and diversity. A critical first step is to link your efforts
to your company’s purpose and values, which is key to aligning
the organization around what you are doing and making sure
that everyone understands the reasons for it. Other foundational
steps include defining your reporting strategy, such as what
to report and to whom, as well as assessing which data you
already have and what the gaps are that you need to address.
It is also important to think about compensation and incentives,
which an increasing number of organizations are doing by tying
executive pay to progress on inclusion and diversity metrics.
For the real estate sector, this will likely be an area where there
will be a need for industry associations to take a leading role in
attracting and developing a more diverse workforce for compa-
nies to recruit from.
3. Housing Affordability: A Growing
Challenge for Real Estate Companies
“In no jurisdiction in the world has affordable housing been
solved with no incentives.
A key social issue for real estate, of course, is housing afford-
ability. Housing costs and availability ranked as the top social/
political issue among survey respondents this year (see exhibit
4-3), and it comes as no surprise as concerns about affordability
matters continued to rise and reached crisis levels in some areas
of Canada in 2022. We can see the evidence in RBC Economics’
housing affordability index report, which showed that ownership
costs as a percentage of median household income reached
based provisions for sectors like real estate. The Canadian
Securities Administrators also is examining these issues, making
ESG and sustainability reporting an even more urgent matter for
real estate companies to address.
While reporting and disclosure obligations will be a critical driver
of activity, many other factors are driving the ESG impera-
tive, including its role in preserving and creating real estate
value. It is important to consider, for example, key risks like
climate-related property damage as well as tenant demands for
low-carbon space. One tenant putting an emphasis on this is
the government of Canada, which has a greening government
strategy that includes provisions and targets around new build-
ings, lease renewals, and retrofits. As one interviewee told us,
avoiding obsolescence as a result of a building’s carbon profile
will be increasingly important for real estate owners, as will the
upsides of having green properties that are more attractive to
lenders, tenants, and buyers. A willingness to look at retrofitting
buildings will also be key since avoiding emissions associated
with new construction will be a critical part of the industry’s con-
tribution to achieving climate change goals. And when building
new developments, companies will have to consider emerging
trends and standards, including the fact that setting up homes
to use natural gas heating will be an issue in the long run as
Canada and the world move toward net-zero emissions.
Measuring the S Factor an Emerging ESG Focus for
Canadian Real Estate Companies
While environmental matters remain a major focus of the ESG
agenda, concern about social factors was an emerging issue
for interviewees this year. An important consideration for many
interviewees is the need to measure performance on key social
issues like inclusion and diversity.
How, for example, do companies compare to their peers on mat-
ters like workforce representation, diversity at senior ranks, and
pay equity? As employees, community members, and, in some
cases, regulators increasingly look for data in these and other
areas, real estate companies will need to have good processes
in place to produce it. But as PwC Canada found in its 2022
analysis of ESG reporting practices of large public companies,
many Canadian organizations have gaps in this area. The report
found that while many companies disclosed policies and mea-
surable targets around gender matters, they tended to be lacking
when it came to transparency about other aspects of diversity.
The challenge for many real estate companies is the complexity
of reporting on social matters like inclusion and diversity. Data
may not be readily available or of sufficient quality, or it may lie
99Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
59.3 percent for single-family homes at the start of 2022 (see
exhibit 4-9).
Moves by the Bank of Canada to raise interest rates as part of
its bid to tackle inflation are having an impact on home prices.
But higher interest rates will counteract the affordability impacts
of any easing of home prices, at least for the time being. And
overall affordability pressures are affecting other classes of
residential real estate as rising interest rates and the resulting
challenges faced by homebuyers in qualifying for financing
under the mortgage stress test push many potential purchasers
to rent a home instead. But with supply also constrained and
getting even tighter in the rental market, rising rents are adding
to the growing affordability crisis.
While the RBC report noted that worsening affordability condi-
tions would be particularly marked in relatively high-priced
markets like Toronto and Vancouver, the challenges have been
spreading across Canada as Canadians increasingly move to
other communitieslike suburbs and evolving 18-hour cities
as well as small towns and rural areasin search of cheaper
places to live. Migration away from Canada’s largest cities—
which still tend to see population increases as a result of high
rates of international immigrationhas been a trend for some
time, but the growth of remote working during the pandemic has
exacerbated the move outwards and helped make affordability
pressures more widespread. We can see the impacts in annual
population estimates published earlier in 2022 from Statistics
Canada. The findings, which cover annual population changes
as of July 1, 2021, include the following:
Toronto and Montreal saw the largest net migration losses to
other regions of Ontario and Quebec, respectively, since at
least 2001–2002.
Net intraprovincial migration to rural areas increased across
As further evidence of the growth of secondary cities and
suburbs, the fastest-growing census metropolitan areas
were Kelowna, British Columbia (2.6 percent), Oshawa,
Ontario (2.3 percent), and Halifax (2 percent). These growth
rates were well above the average of 0.5 percent across all
census metropolitan areas (see exhibit 1-7).
We can also see evidence of these trends in international
immigration statistics published by Statistics Canada, which
show the changing distribution of new immigrants across the
country over the past 20 years (see exhibit 4-8). The data show
a declining share of new immigrants settling in jurisdictions like
Ontario, with a rising portion going to provinces such as Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba as well as the Atlantic region. The
impacts of these trends are also playing out at the city level,
with the share of new permanent residents settling in regions
like Toronto falling over time while the opposite is happening in
places such as Halifax, which is among the markets we have
Exhibit 4-7 Population Growth Rate by Census Metropolitan
Area, 2020–2021
Population growth rate (%)
–1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Thunder Bay
Greater Sudbury
St. John's
Saint John
Québec City
St. Catharines–Niagara
All census metropolitan areas
Source: Statistics Canada, accessed August 11, 2022.
100 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
been watching in recent years for signs of changing migration
What do all of these trends mean for housing affordability in
a place like Halifax? According to RBC’s latest report, the
affordability measure for Halifax reached 38.6 percent for a
single-family detached home, which was well above the long-
term average of 31.6 percent for the city.
Supply Insufficient to Meet Housing Demand
The question, of course, becomes what to do about an afford-
ability crisis as it spreads across Canada. Even if affordability
eventually improves with falling housing prices, the reality is
that the key issue underpinning the crisis is insufficient sup-
ply to meet high demand for all types of homes. Demand will
continue to rise, especially as the Canadian government com-
mits to higher immigration targets in the coming years and the
country welcomes large numbers of temporary residents, like
international students, who also need places to live. This means
that even as homebuilding activity has been rising, tight market
conditions have put pressures on affordability that are unlikely
to ease significantly. As we noted, some companies are looking
at pausing housing developmentsoften condo projectsas
they deal with cost and financing challenges as well as soften-
ing demand due to rising interest rates. As that happens, and
especially if projections of cancellations continue to materialize,
the supply and affordability challenge will not go away even if
the housing market cools for the time being.
And, as the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. (CMHC)
noted earlier this year, the number of new units required to
restore reasonable affordability levels is high. Taking into
account a number of factors, including income and demo-
graphic trends, CMHC estimated that Canada would need to
build an additional 3.5 million units to restore housing afford-
ability by 2030. This number is above and beyond the 2.3
million units projected to be built between 2021 and 2030. The
findings suggest that the country needs to build a total of 5.8
million homes over that time period, which is a high number
considering that, according to CMHC’s spring 2022 housing
market outlook, there were fewer than 300,000 housing starts in
Canada in 2021. These reports only reinforce the fact that what
is truly driving the affordability crisis is a lack of supply and are
a signal that Canada does not have the capacity to meet
housing demand.
Addressing the Supply Issue from All Angles
More recent policy discussions and actions have acknowl-
edged what needs to be done to address affordability. There
has been increased recognition that supply is the crux of the
Exhibit 4-8 Distribution of New Immigrants by Province or Region, 2021 versus 2001
Share of immigrants in 2021
Share of immigrants in 2001
TerritoriesBritish ColumbiaAlbertaSaskatchewanManitobaOntarioQuebecAtlantic provinces
Source: Statistics Canada, annual demographic estimates: Canada, provinces and territories, 2021, accessed on September 1, 2022.
101Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
challenge, and governments at all levels have announced
efforts to address that. We have seen initiatives from higher
levels of government to encourage faster development approv-
als by municipalities, new money to incentivize construction of
affordable homes, and policy changes aimed at facilitating the
building of modestly denser forms of housing, like duplexes, tri-
plexes, and mid-rise buildings, in urban areas currently reserved
for single-family units.
While the increased acknowledgment of the supply gap is posi-
tive and the initiatives in response are welcome, the actions fall
far short of what is necessary. For one, new funding to incentiv-
ize affordable housing is good, but it is not enough to make a
serious dent in the problem. And without more consistent criteria
around what we mean when we talk about affordability and
affordable housing and how to tailor initiatives for groups with
different needssuch as homeless Canadians, the working
poor, and middle-income householdspolicies and programs
will fail to address them effectively.
Governments also need to acknowledge the ways that their
actions hinder affordability by adding significant costs onto
the construction of new housing. In many communities, fees,
charges, and taxes levied by different orders of government
make up a very substantial portion of the cost of a new home.
In December 2021, for instance, the Building Industry and
Land Development Association released a study of the Greater
Toronto Area housing market that noted that government-
imposed taxes and fees account for as much as 24 percent
of the price of a new home. And in some municipalities, plans
are in the works to raise this significantly. This includes Toronto,
where the city council recently passed a plan to raise residential
development charges by 46 percent by 2024. Such actions,
along with lengthy development approvals and other municipal
policies, only add to homebuilding costs, which, in turn, worsens
affordability. Governments also need to prioritize setting aside
new land for development as well as more proactive efforts
to facilitate the densification of some existing neighborhoods.
These are just some of the changes required, but the cen-
tral theme is a focus on having consistent alignment around
increasing supply. And in many cases, that will require provin-
cial policies to ensure consistency that has been lacking at the
municipal level.
How Can the Industry Help?
To be sure, the development and broader real estate sec-
tors have a role to play in helping address the crisis. Beyond
concerns about societal trust and impacts on the industry’s repu-
tation, the issue also increases regulatory risk, especially when it
Exhibit 4-9 Housing Affordability
Quebec City
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
1Q 2017
(single-family detached)
1Q 2018
(single-family detached)
1Q 2019
(single-family detached)
1Q 2020
(single-family detached)
1Q 2021
(single-family detached)
1Q 2022
(single-family detached)
Source: RBC Economics, Housing Trends and Affordability reports, accessed July 21, 2022.
Note: The RBC Housing Affordability Measures show the proportion of median pre-tax
household income that would be required to cover mortgage payments (principal and interest),
property taxes, and utilities based on the benchmark market price for single-family detached
homes and condo apartments, as well as for an overall aggregate of all housing types in a
given market.
102 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
comes to potential policy changes like rent controls and mea-
sures targeting investment in the housing market. The industry
may have good arguments against such policies, but that does
not mean that governments won’t introduce them anyway.
Many interviewees say that they are ready and eager to help
address affordability. As one interviewee told us: “We are not the
enemy; we are part of the solution.” So, what can the industry do?
For a few interviewees, there was a recognition of the good
years they have been having, with one going as far as sug-
gesting that the industry should prepare for a reset of profit
expectations. Some interviewees noted modest actions they
have been taking on their own, with one describing efforts to
make a small number of units more accessible by modifying
deposit structures. Actions by real estate companies to incorpo-
rate technology innovationswhich we explore in more detail
further below in this reportas well as process changes that
reduce the cost of and speed up the time to build housing will
also help. One interviewee discussed their efforts to increase
efficiencies by shifting certain engineering and construction
activities to happen earlier in the design process. Another
interviewee emphasized the need for more collaborative part-
nerships among industry players, nonprofit organizations, and
governments to deliver affordable housing. There are many
examples of creative partnerships and approaches to building
affordable homes in Canada that, with the right funding and
incentives from governments, can make a difference if applied
more broadly.
Labor Shortages Amplifying the Affordability Challenge
The other key issue is that even with better, more consistent, and
more collaborative programs and policies focused on supply,
labor shortages will impede significant progress on building
more housing. As we noted, one of the big factors increasing
development costs relates to the tight labor market, and demo-
graphic trends mean that that issue is not going away. While
much has been made of the so-called great resignation and
the notion that many Canadians are reevaluating their relation-
ship with the workplace in the wake of the pandemic, Statistics
Canada has shown that the labor force participation rate by
those in the core-age cohort (people aged 25 to 54 years)
remains in line with pre-pandemic trends. (In July 2022, in fact,
it was above the rate for the same month in 2019.) One factor
contributing to the tight labor market is retirements by those
older than the core-age cohort, and with Canada’s population
aging, we can expect these demographic trends to add to the
challenges experienced by sectors like the construction indus-
try. This makes it even harder to see how Canada will build the
5.8 million homes that CMHC has suggested are necessary to
restore housing affordability.
So, what can we do about this? A key action is to heed calls
in reports like the one from Ontario’s housing affordability task
force to change immigration criteria to prioritize skilled-trades
workers. Promoting the trades and attracting people from under-
represented and marginalized groups to work in this area also
will help relieve these challenges over time.
The Path to Sustained Outcomes for Canadian Real Estate
“Being a trusted organization is good for business.
All these trends add up to a significant reset for Canadian real
estate companies, many of which are revisiting their strategies
for a period in which inflationary pressures, market volatility,
supply chain challenges, and geopolitical uncertainty are add-
ing to the existing forces of change that have been affecting
the industry. For some, this has led to a pause on making big
moves. While that will be part of the strategy for some compa-
nies navigating this period of price discovery, now is not the time
to hold off on actions necessary to set the organization up for
sustained outcomes and growth. So, what is the path forward for
real estate companies preparing for 2023?
1. Investing in Technology That Enables the Business
Investments in property technology (proptech) and other
aspects of the digital journey remain on the agenda of real
estate companies, but the focus has shifted to tools that
deliver tangible business outcomes. This is a good way to
approach technology, especially when many companies have
already made foundational investments and the challenge now
becomes how digitization can create value and differentiate an
organization from its competitors. Key opportunities to enable
the business through technology in the coming year include
the following:
Managing costs and efficiencies: At a time of cost, labor, and
affordability pressures, it is important to look for technology solu-
tions to create new efficiencies. And the solutions do not have
to involve the latest emerging technologies or big investments in
new areas like virtual real estate. In the past, we have discussed
opportunities involving construction technology, which ranked
as the top real estate disrupter this year (see exhibit 1-10).
Interviewees say they are incorporating construction technology
solutions in a number of ways, such as modeling tools that help
coordinate building activities more effectively. In other cases,
companies are using technology to streamline operations. One
interviewee, for example, said that they have been introducing a
103Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
platform to monitor operations across the portfolio. This allows
them to monitor more assets with the same number of staff.
Improved decision-making through data analytics: From
identifying revenue and deal opportunities to generating insights
on asset performance, data analytics is a critical business
enabler in light of the trends reshaping the real estate mar-
ket. While the goal for many interviewees is to embrace data
analytics, reporting, and dashboarding tools that improve deci-
sion-making, others are focusing on the key foundational step
of trying to better organize their data to create a single source
of truth. This could mean working with third-party organizations
that help connect the many sources of information across the
company to better manage and generate insights from the data
it already has.
Tracking and enhancing ESG performance: Technology will
be a critical part of the ESG journey. It is key to generating the
data needed to assess baseline ESG metrics. Interviewees also
acknowledged the role of technology in improving ESG perfor-
mance, and many told us about the solutions they are already
adopting or looking at incorporating. Several, for example, men-
tioned technologies for detecting water leaks in buildings, while
others are looking at solutions to reduce the carbon footprint of
using concrete. In another case, an interviewee said they are
investing in technology that anticipates surges in electricity use
so that they can take proactive measures to manage demand
peaks. They are now looking to apply artificial intelligence to
the technology to automate the process and further optimize
These are just some of the ways that technology can be an
enabler for real estate companies navigating this challenging
period. But the key to ensuring better outcomes from technol-
-ogy also means focusing on other important elements of the
digital journey, such as ensuring strong cybersecurity protec-
tions. Cybersecurity was a clear concern for interviewees this
year, with many increasing investments in this area amid a
rising threat environment and the evolving ways that real estate
companies are incorporating data analytics, smart building,
and other digital tools. As real estate companies increasingly
work with vendors of proptech solutions, they will need to make
sure they have strong third-party risk management practices
in place.
2. Capitalizing on New Opportunities amid a Reset for
Real Estate
While challenging for many real estate players, the current
environment will also create opportunities for some compa-
niesparticularly those that are well capitalized and were
able to reduce leverage ahead of the recent market shiftsto
acquire assets on more attractive terms, including in cases
where projects have run into trouble. Optimizing portfolios will
be key, and for some interviewees, opportunities are emerging
around providing credit, particularly as traditional lenders like
banks pull back on lending activities, focus on their best clients,
and introduce more restrictive terms. And some companies are
looking at combining credit strategies with covered land plays.
For example, a company could provide credit to the owner of an
older office building that has a key tenant with a few years left on
the lease. The company enjoys the upsides of lending at higher
interest rates and, if the tenant leaves and the borrower finds
itself in trouble, the lender would still have an asset that it could
repurpose to a more attractive use, like housing.
Other opportunities to optimize portfolios include niche assets
and subsectors of the real estate market, which some inter-
viewees expect to perform better than core property types. Key
opportunities cited this year include self-storage, data centers,
student housing, and life-sciences facilities. In fact, life-sciences
assets ranked as one of our best bets this year. While many of
these niche areas show strong underlying fundamentals and
offer attractive opportunities to generate income, they do raise
Exhibit 4-10 Importance of Real Estate Industry Disrupters
in 2023
3D printing
Augmented/virtual reality
Autonomous vehicles
Sharing/gig economy
Internet of things
5G implementation
Artificial intelligence/machine learning
Big data
Construction technology
Real estate industry disrupters
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
104 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
questions about liquidity and complexity. Still, given that Canada
is likely to need more of these types of spaces, there are good
reasons for real estate companies to consider them. But as with
all assets during a period of uncertainty and price discovery,
it will be even more important to invest time in due diligence
to ensure that an acquisition lives up to its promise of creating
value and delivering successful outcomes. Prudence will be
3. Focusing on the Long Term
Our interviews and survey results suggest that many in the
industry have entered a pause on activity that will likely last
through the rest of 2022 and may continue into a good part
of next year. But while conditions are more challenging, it is
important to focus on the long-term challenges affecting all
organizations—including broader global megatrends like rapid
urbanization, demographic pressures, polarization, social
inequality, and disruption caused by technology and climate
changeas well as ongoing issues reshaping real estate.
Preexisting trends, like the impact of a changing workplace
across all classes of real estate, remain salient, even if it has
become harder to act on some of the changes they might
require for the time being. Real estate continues to evolve to
be more flexible and service-oriented, and the trends toward
developing mixed-use properties, repurposing assets, and
repositioning portfolios are not going away. And while a com-
pany may pause a condo or purpose-built rental project for now,
long-term demographic trends remain favorable for residential
asset classes.
For real estate companies, the slowdown is an opportunity to
further explore these fundamental trends so that they can be
ready to transact when activity picks up again. At the same time,
they can focus on investing in digital tools and other solutions
to manage costs and talent pressures and increase their agility
to act on market opportunities. And with expectations around
issues like net-zero commitments set to rise quickly, Canadian
real estate companies can also use this pause to develop even
stronger ESG strategies.
As part of a focus on the long term, real estate companies also
need to focus on trust. Trust is a broad concept, but it is playing
a role in many of the trends we’ve explored, whether it is the loss
of key talent amid labor shortages and changing demographics,
skepticism about a company’s ESG metrics, or calls for restric-
tive measures to rein in the housing market. We have seen that
the most trusted organizations have better business outcomes
and are more successful at navigating relationships with key
stakeholders, like employees, customers, government agencies,
and investors. And for real estate companies, being a trusted
business partner will be critical to tapping both the opportunities
that will arise during this period of uncertainty as well as those
that will emerge in the long term.
The real estate industry has, of course, always kept a sharp
eye on the long term. But what is different now is the need
to consider a wider and more complex array of factors and
stakeholders when assessing what to do next and planning for
the future. This rising complexity, layered on top of increased
uncertainty and volatility, isn’t easy to navigate, and it requires
companies to think and act differently than in the past. But
the Canadian real estate industry has successfully managed
through periods of challenge and uncertainty in the past, which
should give companies confidence in their ability to see value
beyond the short term and deliver sustained outcomes in 2023
and the years that follow.
Property Type Outlook
There is continued uncertainty in the office market, with many
tenants seeking short-term lease renewals. Challenges include a
rising vacancy rate in the national office market, which reached
16.9 percent in the second quarter of 2022 (up from 14.9
percent in the first quarter), according to CBRE. As employers
strategize a return to the office, some are moving forward with
plans to offload significant amounts of office space, while others
are looking at distributed office models with urban headquarters
and suburban satellite locations. CBRE second-quarter data
showed suburban offices performing better on some measures,
like vacancy rates, than downtown locations.
A key issue for the office market is the changing world of work,
and studies suggest that the hybrid and remote working trend
has been stronger in Canada than elsewhere. PwC’s 2022
Hopes and Fears survey, for example, found that of Canadian
respondents who said they could do their jobs from home, 51
percent were working remotely full time. This compares to 31
percent for global respondents. On the other hand, while a large
number of Canadian employees say they want to keep working
remotely, they are not sure whether their employers will agree.
According to the survey, 39 percent of Canadian respondents
would prefer to have a full-time remote working arrangement 12
months from now, but just 21 percent think that their employer
will expect them to work that way by that time.
Evidence of these trends is clear on the streets of Canada’s larg-
est cities. While downtown foot traffic has been rising in recent
months in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver, it remains far
below pre-pandemic levels. But some interviewees did express
105Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
a sentiment that an economic downturn could give employers
more sway to bring employees back to the office. One inter-
viewee summed up a sentiment expressed by a number of
industry players when they told us: “The office environment is
not dead; we just need to be more careful.
Overall, interviewees did show a greater tendency this year to
acknowledge the fundamental headwinds in this asset class.
Facing the most challenging outlook are class B and C offices,
which have been struggling and are most likely to see impacts
on their valuations amid the current reset for real estate.
In this shifting and uncertain environment, we also saw more talk
from interviewees than in previous years about the need to repur-
pose offices in light of the changing world of work. This includes
converting office space to residential uses, although there are
ongoing questions about the feasibility of this. In many cases,
government incentives will be key to making this work. We have
also seen instances of companies redeveloping suburban office
lands to accommodate more attractive industrial uses.
The industrial market continues to see strong demand, though
concerns exist that the market is overheated. The availability
rate for industrial real estate was just 1.8 percent in the second
quarter of 2022, according to Colliers.
Nationally, the vacancy rate fell below 1 percent, while some
major markets dipped even further. Rents are rising quickly, with
Colliers noting increases of up to 30 percent on a year-over-year
basis in some cities. The market has been particularly hot in
Montreal, where Colliers found asking net rents rose 64 percent
on a year-over-year basis. One interviewee noted that rents have
increased so significantly that building new space may make
sense despite high costs and lofty valuations for industrial land.
Key trends driving industrial demand include onshoring of
manufacturing activities and the need for space for last-mile
delivery, fulfillment, and flexible office uses. Some industrial
tenants are holding more inventory on site to manage supply
chain issues, which is further bolstering demand for space.
But PwC Canada’s recent Canadian Consumer Insights survey
shows stabilizing e-commerce activity as pandemic restrictions
subside, and some interviewees questioned whether demand
for industrial space will soften, especially if predictions of an
economic downturn materialize. Others wondered whether
momentum for this asset class will continue given concerns
about potential overheating in the industrial market amid large
increases in net effective rents and valuations in the past year.
Overall, industrial property remains a best bet for many inter-
viewees, and some real estate companies with strong balance
sheets are looking to see whether a pause in the deals market
will create opportunities for them to enter or expand their pres-
ence in this asset class. Other important trends in this asset
class include construction of stacked or multistory industrial
buildings. While still rare, they offer opportunities to navigate
a market where land is scarce and can support sustainability
goals by helping combat urban sprawl.
Exhibit 4-11 Canadian Downtown Office Markets Statistics, 2Q 2022
Under construction (sq ft) Class A vacancy rate Overall vacancy rate
Vancouver 2,916,547 7. 2 % 7.2%
Toronto 6,884,299 10.6% 11.9%
Montreal 624,577 12.7% 15.3%
Ottawa 34,384 6.9% 10.0%
Edmonton 0 19.6% 21.7%
Calgary 0 28.7% 33.7%
Source: CBRE, Canada office gures, 2Q 2022, accessed July 21, 2022.
Exhibit 4-12 Industrial Space, 2Q 2022
Under construction
(sq ft)
Greater Vancouver 0.5% 7,757,58 3
Greater Toronto 0.6% 12,487,920
Greater Montreal 1.2% 2,550,703
Greater Ottawa 1.3% 583,596
Halifax 478,233
Winnipeg 699,084
Greater Edmonton 7.4% 5,584,864
Calgary 7.0 % 4,376,089
Source: Colliers Canada, accessed July 21, 2022.
— = data not available.
106 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
The retail market is continuing to rebound from the effects of
pandemic lockdowns, with vacancy rates and rents starting
to recover as Canadians return to brick-and-mortar shopping.
E-commerce activity has stabilized since the start of the pan-
demic, according to PwC Canada’s 2022 Canadian Consumer
Insights survey, which found that the percentage of consumers
shopping in a physical store at least monthly increased mod-
estly to 72 percent from 69 percent. More Canadians are also
returning to in-person work, giving a boost to retailers depen-
dent on office-based foot traffic.
Exhibit 4-13 Prospects for Commercial/Multifamily Subsectors in 2023
Investment prospects Development prospects
Regional malls
Suburban office
Power centers
Outlet centers
Central-city office
Urban retail
Lifestyle centers
shopping centers
Lower-income apartments
Stand-alone retail
Student housing
High-income apartments
Single-family rental housing
Senior housing
Medical office
Workforce apartments
Data center
Life science
Regional malls
Suburban office
Outlet centers
Power centers
Central-city office
Urban retail
Lifestyle centers
Stand-alone retail
Lower-income apartments
Student housing
Single-family rental housing
High-income apartments
shopping centers
Senior housing
Data center
Medical office
Workforce apartments
Life science
3.6 0
2.4 0
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
107Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
These trends have given some momentum to the need for a
brick-and-mortar presence in the retail sector. And our survey
did find very high interest in at least one type of retail property.
Neighborhood/community shopping centers ranked as respon-
dents’ top investment recommendation among commercial/
multifamily subsectors for 2023 (see exhibit 4-14), reflecting the
rising focus on necessity-based retail properties.
Despite some evidence of improving conditions for retail proper-
ties, a potential economic downturn could lead to decreased
consumer spending, which would add to the cost pressures,
labor shortages, supply chain issues, and other challenges
faced by retailers. Valuations of retail properties also have come
under added pressure amid rising interest rates, and some inter-
viewees said that the current environment is creating challenges
for shopping center redevelopment projects that are under
Even so, changing consumer buying habits, an evolving world
of work, and strong demand for residential space mean that
interest in reinventing retail properties to incorporate denser,
mixed-use developments will remain a trend in this asset class.
We also continue to see examples of retailers that turned to
e-commerce during the pandemic and are now repurposing
their physical space to incorporate deliveries or return centers.
Purpose-Built Rental Housing
Purpose-built rental housing is a key focus for interviewees this
year, given underlying demand driverssuch as immigration,
international students, and people who no longer qualify under
Exhibit 4-14 Investment Recommendations for Commercial/Multifamily Subsectors in 2023
Buy Hold Sell
Neighborhood/community shopping centers 62% 29% 10%
Life science 50 34 16
Fulllment 49 38 13
Self-storage 45 43 12
Medical office 44 40 16
Warehouse 39 49 12
R&D 37 50 13
High-income apartments 36 46 18
Workforce apartments 36 46 18
Lower-income apartments 36 46 18
Single-family rental housing 36 46 18
Student housing 36 46 18
Senior housing 36 46 18
Manufacturing 36 58 7
Data center 35 51 15
Flex 31 40 29
Central-city office 26 50 24
Power centers 25 29 46
Lifestyle centers 24 48 29
Urban retail 19 57 24
Stand-alone retail 19 57 24
Suburban office 16 50 34
Outlet centers 8 44 48
Regional malls 2 31 68
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian investors only.
108 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
the mortgage stress test—that support rent increases. Rental
demand has recovered from 2020 lows, and vacancy rates
have tightened.
But challenges facing the sector mean that it can still be hard
to make the numbers work. Rising construction costs and other
financial issues we discussed earlier are causing some devel-
opers to think carefully about pursuing purpose-built rental
Overall, we can expect higher rents to drive down affordability.
Affordability challenges will continue to affect a growing number
of communities across Canada—not just the most expensive
cities like Toronto and Vancouveras rents in some cases reach
or surge past pre-pandemic levels. Demand will be especially
strong given trends in the ownership market, where rising inter-
est rates are making it increasingly difficult for people to buy a
home and make the transition from renting.
While CMHC and other government programs are critical to
building affordable housing, concerns remain about the amount
of funding available and whether these initiatives truly target the
right groups in the most effective ways. One solution that some-
times comes up is the possibility of converting excess office
space and retail properties to affordable housing. Effective
government support will be critical to making the numbers
work in these cases.
While the real estate slowdown is creating challenges, condo-
miniums have been a growing area of the Canadian housing
market. Almost 143,000 condo units were under construction
across Canada in the second quarter of 2022, according to
CMHC, up from about 140,000 units last year (see exhibit 4-15).
But, as with other areas of the housing market, higher interest
rates, rising construction costs, and labor shortages are creat-
ing challenges for condo builders. A number of projects could
be postponed or even canceled and, in some cases, builders
have been holding back on pre-sales activity to better man-
age cost increases. In the Greater Toronto Area, Urbanation
estimates that developers could delay or cancel anticipated
launches of up to 10,000 condo units over the course of 2022.
Such slowdowns in supply are among the reasons why afford-
ability pressures are unlikely to improve significantly even with
sales declines in the housing market.
Looking beyond the current challenges, underlying trends
such as immigration, seniors downsizing, densification,
transit-oriented development, a desire to live in mixed-use
communities, and relative affordability compared with detached
homesremain positive for this asset class. This means that a
rebound in the market is a question of timing and degree.
Exhibit 4-15 Housing Starts by City
2010 2015 2021 1Q 2022 2Q 2022
owner Rental Condo
owner Rental Condo
owner Rental Condo
owner Rental Condo
owner Rental Condo
Vancouver 4,395 952 10,542 4,240 4,152 19,767 3,353 10,138 31,551 3,455 10,134 30,167 3,826 11,155 29,478
Toronto 11,094 2,599 32,830 14,913 5,023 44,862 11,822 11,471 62,870 11,735 11,393 64,528 12,238 12,270 66,640
Montreal 3,428 1,807 8,941 1,530 7,4 4 6 10,797 2,516 26,025 11,726 2,435 26,588 11,427 2,610 27,9 00 12,579
Ottawa 2,754 364 2,055 2,611 819 1,496 5,700 2,820 5,058 5,210 2,891 5,326 5,555 2,711 5,505
Halifax 802 935 244 480 2,335 544 867 5,700 2 758 5,887 2 811 6,710 1
Winnipeg 855 834 445 1,16 3 1,940 1,503 1,824 4,227 978 1,727 4,617 957 1,899 4,260 839
Edmonton 4,369 417 3,786 5,121 3,392 6,399 4,987 5,285 1,249 4,884 5,556 1,137
5,662 5,834 1,659
Calgary 3,004 382 3,813 3,312 2,346 8,115 4,966 4,375 5,097 5,202 4,832 4,699 5,760 6,074 4,657
Quebec City 632 1,286 1,102 432 2,808 745 740 8,112 364 822 8,286 263 988 9,438 275
Saskatoon 1,027 221 555 853 553 1,550 695 1,269 376 643 1,227 460 742 1,128 594
Canada 43,486 14,245 69,802 45,996 38,833 103,661 55,434 100,171 140,347 54,194 103,583 138,883 58,501 111,575 142,859
Source: CMHC Starts and Completions Survey, accessed July 25, 2022.
Note: Dwelling types include single-family, semidetached, rowhouse, and apartment.
109Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
Among the trends in the condo market are demands related to a
changing world of work, including the desire of some buyers for
bigger unit sizes to incorporate or accommodate home offices.
Some interviewees said they are also responding to these
demands by including meeting and work spaces in common
areas of condo buildings.
Single-Family Residential Housing
The outlook is mixed for single-family residential housing, after
a flurry of activity during the pandemic. In many markets across
Canada, strong demand for larger, more expensive homes was
driven by, among other factors, a desire for more space to work
from home. With limited supply, prices rose quickly.
But high prices, combined with rising interest rates, are putting
a damper on the single-family housing market. The result has
been faster sales declines for single-family housing than for
multifamily homes.
But while affordability challenges are a headwind for single-
family homes in the most expensive regions, some interviewees
say they are looking further afield at midsized communities for
opportunities to build low-rise subdivisions.
Overall, a desire for more space still exists, so the single-family
market is evolving as it shifts to slightly denser and more afford-
able forms of low-rise homes compared with detached housing.
Among the opportunities cited by interviewees are duplexes,
townhouses, and other types of low-rise housing. This is also an
area where technology will be key. As one interviewee noted,
the low-rise market is an area of real estate where technology
adoption has been particularly slow, making this an important
opportunity for dealing with costs and other pressures on the
Markets to Watch
Vancouver continues to be the top market to watch for both
its investment and development prospects, according to this
year’s survey results (see exhibit 4-16). The Conference Board of
Canada (CBoC) is also predicting healthy economic growth of
3.3 percent in 2023 (see exhibit 4-18).
Rental demand is strong, while CMHC’s 2022 spring housing
market outlook suggests that construction activity will not be
enough to increase vacancy rates or reduce rents. And amid
rising interest rates and slowing migration from other provinces,
housing starts are forecast to decline by 15.8 percent in 2022,
according to the CBoC. It predicts a further decline in hous-
ing starts of 6.4 percent next year. Among the opportunities for
the real estate industry are developments along the Broadway
subway project, which is finally underway.
The office market is seeing declining vacancy and climbing
rents with new developments in the works (the majority of which
are already pre-leased). The all-class downtown vacancy rate
dropped to 7.2 percent in the second quarter of 2022, down
Exhibit 4-16 Canada Markets to Watch: Overall Real Estate
Quebec City
3.76 3.71
3.41 3.22
3.47 3.22
3.15 2.92
3.05 2.87
3.09 2.97
3.11 3.08
3.08 3.00
3.00 3.06
2.91 2.90
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
Exhibit 4-16A Canada Markets to Watch: Homebuilding
Quebec City
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
110 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
from 7.7 percent at the start of the year, according to CBRE.
Among the factors buoying the office market are a vibrant tech-
nology sector as well as a higher propensity for employees to
return to the workplace in Vancouver and other cities in western
The amount of developable industrial land continues to shrink,
with much of the city’s remaining inventory made up of small
pockets, according to Colliers. The industrial vacancy rate of 0.1
percent is the lowest in Canada, according to Colliers, which
reported a 22.5 percent year-over-year rise in the asking net
rent. While some interviewees said that they were watching for
signs of a slowdown in Vancouver’s industrial market and the
impacts of rising interest rates, others emphasized that land
scarcity makes this asset class a best bet.
Toronto remains a top market to watch among survey respon-
dents, driven in part by strong population growth projections.
“Toronto is going to get into a boom based on strong fundamen-
tals,” said one interviewee who expressed optimism about the
region’s prospects despite some uncertainty in the short term.
Among the factors helping to bolster the market is continued
economic growth. According to the CBoC’s spring 2022 major
city insights report, gross domestic product will rise by 3.5 per-
cent in 2023, which is down slightly from an estimated increase
of 3.8 percent in 2022.
But the short-term outlook for some areas of the region’s real
estate market is mixed. Amid fewer preconstruction sales, total
housing starts will fall in 2023 before rising in 2024, CMHC
predicted in its spring 2022 housing market outlook. Rental units
are in high demand, driven by rising youth employment, the
return of foreign students, and increased immigration, but there
is uncertainty around new developments. In the condo market,
construction backlogs have delayed new projects from breaking
ground; some projects have been put on pause or canceled as
preconstruction sales fall amid higher borrowing costs. Adding
to the challenges are plans by the city of Toronto to raise resi-
dential development charges by 46 percent by 2024, while the
industry remains concerned about the impacts of the municipal-
ity’s plans for inclusionary zoning requirements.
There also is ongoing uncertainty around the office market, as
tenants wait to see how return-to-office strategies evolve. While
downtown foot traffic has risen, it remains below pre-pandemic
levels. Demand is strong for high-quality downtown offices, but
older properties could see valuations reduced since tenants
now have more options for newer, amenity-rich space.
The outlook for industrial assets remains strong, although some
concern exists that demand could drop if a broader economic
downturn materializes. Limited availability has contributed to
surging rents, which Colliers reports as having risen by 35.4
percent on an annual basis in the second quarter of 2022.
At 2.7 percent, the CBoC is predicting slightly more modest
economic growth for Montreal in 2023 than some of our other
markets to watch. Even so, the city’s attractiveness for invest-
ment activity and a very low unemployment rate that the CBoC
expects to dip to 5.3 percent this year continue to be sources
of strength.
A key focus of activity is the rental housing market, where
low vacancy and healthy rental rates are driving construction
growth. Condos also are attractive, and many projects are
moving forward despite rising interest rates and other industry
challenges. For many interviewees, the focus is on cost controls
and finding solutions to financing challenges. Developers also
see opportunities around transit-oriented development, includ-
ing those related to the ongoing development of the Réseau
express métropolitain network. But in some communities, they
are facing local opposition to increased density.
In the office market, many large tenants are still considering
whether to downsize or sublease space. Pressure remains high
on landlords of class B and C offices. While it is hard for them
to compete with newer class A spaces and recently renovated
buildings, many landlords want to make sure they have secured
tenants before embarking on a major revitalization.
With a vacancy rate of 0.6 percent during the first two quarters
of 2022, the industrial market is extremely tight, according to
Colliers. Asking net rents rose by a whopping 64 percent on a
year-over-year basis, Colliers reported.
Calgary is a key market to watch, rising to number four in our sur-
vey from number eight last year. Stronger oil prices are welcome
news for the city, which is also seeing high levels of investment in
the local technology and film sectors amid the drive to diversify
the economy. The CBoC is predicting strong economic growth
of 6.6 percent in 2022 and 4.7 percent in 2023.
111Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
The result is a rebound in sentiment about Calgary among
interviewees compared with the last couple of years. The city
has a strong outlook for residential activity, with its economic
recovery, job growth, relative affordability, and rising recognition
as a desirable place to live, making it attractive for many looking
ahead to 2023. Rising construction costs could hamper the
market, but CMHC is predicting a positive outlook for housing
starts this year before activity eases in 2023–2024. The rental
market will continue to tighten as demand rises.
Calgary’s office market will be challenging for some time to come,
with too much supply and insufficient demand amid further con-
solidation in the energy sector and the ongoing reevaluation of
space requirements by employers navigating a changing world
of work. The city’s high downtown office vacancy rate contin-
ues to spark discussions about repurposing office space into
residential units. One interviewee noted that they have pursued
opportunities with the help of a municipal incentive program aimed
at turning excess office space into residential units and develop-
ing more vibrant downtown neighborhoods. While CBRE reported
a very high vacancy rate of 33.7 percent for the city’s downtown
all-class office market in the second quarter of 2022, it also cited
a flight to quality that is benefiting some landlords.
The industrial market is seeing high levels of activity, with the
vacancy rate falling to just 2.4 percent in the second quarter
of 2022, according to Colliers. Calgary remains attractive
compared with even tighter markets, with affordable land still
available on the city’s periphery.
The economic outlook for Edmonton is bullish, with the city ris-
ing in our survey rankings of markets to watch over last year. The
CBoC is forecasting that economic growth will reach 5.6 percent
in 2022, followed by another healthy rise of 4.2 percent next
year. Rising international and interprovincial migration trends are
expected to benefit Edmonton’s economy in the coming years
as new residents bring additional wealth and capital into the city,
spurring further residential investments. CMHC is predicting a
strong economy will bolster demand across the homeownership
and rental markets through 2024.
Another advantage for Edmonton is the fact that it, like Calgary,
remains relatively affordable. And unlike many cities where
CMHC criteria for affordability supports can be a barrier to
pursuing projects, interviewees see more opportunities to build
affordable housing in Edmonton, where the structure of the
programs is less of a challenge.
Among the trends in Edmonton are efforts by the municipal
government to increase density by encouraging the develop-
ment of mixed-use communities. As a result, it is considering
taxing low-density properties at a higher rate than multiunit
buildings. We are also seeing a focus on the development of
lifestyle centers, where residents can live, work, and play within
their communities.
While the office market is beginning to stabilize, leasing activity
remains sluggish as companies continue to assess space needs
amid a changing world of work. The downtown all-class vacancy
rate sat at 21.7 percent in the second quarter of 2022, according
to CBRE, which noted that suburban markets are faring better.
As in many cities, the industrial market is strong, with Colliers
reporting a 5 percent year-over-year rise in rental rates in the
second quarter of 2022. Apart from the traditional demand
drivers related to warehousing and fulfillment, interviewees told
us that some industrial users are looking for additional space to
keep more inventory on hand to manage supply chain issues.
Ottawa continues to thrive alongside Canada’s top markets, with
many interviewees expressing optimism about the city’s pros-
pects. “Ottawa is . . . on everyone’s radar, especially out-of-town
investors,” one interviewee told us.
The CBoC is predicting that the regions economy will grow 2.6
percent in 2023, which is down from an estimated 3.2 percent
this year. In the housing market, migration from more expensive
regions like the Greater Toronto Area continues to be a driver of
demand. A key source of residential and other types of building
activity across the city is the ongoing expansion of light-rail tran-
sit in Ottawa. As construction of the second stage of the light-rail
line continues, developers are eagerly eyeing and pursuing mul-
tifamily and mixed-use development opportunities close to transit
stations. Another noteworthy development is LeBreton Flats, a
government-owned site just west of downtown Ottawa that has
been vacant for decades. A long-awaited redevelopment of the
site is seeing fresh momentum, with a renewed effort underway
to solicit proposals and sign agreements for new residential,
commercial, and entertainment space on several parcels.
The retail sector is steady outside of the downtown core,
where food and beverage retailers are struggling due to low
office-related foot traffic. But throughout the pandemic, Ottawa
has still seen steady investment activity in the office sector
with historic highs on pricing. A key area of activity is Kanata,
Ottawa’s suburban technology hub. But all eyes are on the
112 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
federal government, which is a major office tenant. With no
singular return-to-office strategy— the government is leaving it
up to individual departments to decidelandlords are facing
significant uncertainty. Demands from some federal govern-
ment unions to enshrine remote work in collective agreements
during bargaining rounds this summer are making the outlook
for office landlords even more opaque. Another consideration
for owners of older office buildings is the trend toward short-term
lease renewals by some federal government tenants. Among the
reasons cited by interviewees are evolving government sustain-
ability requirements, which we explored earlier in this report’s
discussion of ESG matters.
Ottawa’s industrial market continues to see strong demand, with
a vacancy rate of just 1.1 percent, Colliers noted in its report for
the second quarter of 2022. The asking net rent was up 13.3
percent on a year-over-year basis, according to Colliers, which
noted that a significant portion of space currently under con-
struction is already committed.
The CBoC is expecting economic growth of 2.6 percent for
Halifax in 2023, up slightly from 2.5 percent this year. The city is
benefiting from people moving from other provinces. According
to the CBoC, interprovincial migration in 2020 and 2021 was
more than 10 times the annual average of the previous decade.
While housing starts in 2021 reached the highest levels since
the mid-1980s, the CBoC reported, activity is expected to
decline this year and in 2023.
The rental market is very tight, which CMHC predicts may
continue in 2022 before easing in the next two years. Temporary
provincial rent control measures also are creating challenges by
discouraging tenant turnover, which, in turn, is adding to tight
market conditions. Multiresidential housing construction is a sig-
nificant source of building activity, but more supply is needed to
address affordability challenges. As concerns about affordabil-
ity mount, the provincial government is working on solutions to
accelerate development approval timelines in Halifax, although
the industry is still waiting for these efforts to make an impact.
Downtown class A office vacancy rates are high, sitting at 26.2
percent in the second quarter of 2022, according to CBRE.
While there is some discussion about repurposing outdated
and vacant office space into multifamily inventory, the costs of
conversion, combined with challenges around labor availability,
make it hard for the numbers to work.
The Halifax industrial market continues to grow, with Colliers
reporting a record-low vacancy rate of just 1.8 percent in the
second quarter of 2022. While a significant amount of new
industrial space is under construction, much of it has already
been pre-leased, according to Colliers. The strength of the
industrial market extends to other areas of the Atlantic region,
Exhibit 4-17 Survey Respondents’ Views of Their Local Markets
Poor Fair Good Excellent
Strength of
local economy
Vancouver 3.77 3.85 3.92 3.77 3.62 3.69 3.75
Toronto 3.68 3.80 3.80 3.93 3.47 3.67 3.43
Montreal 3.39 3.60 3.40 3.20 3.40 3.40 3.33
Calgary 3.72 3.48 3.75 3.89 3.72 3.68 3.76
Edmonton 3.23 3.56 3.17 3.33 3.08 3.17 3.09
Ottawa 3.35 3.58 3.42 3.33 3.25 3.36 3.18
Halifax 3.03 3.10 2.70 3.00 3.20 2.90 3.25
Quebec City 3.68 3.73 3.82 3.70 3.64 3.60 3.60
Winnipeg 3.79 3.83 3.76 3.88 3.76 3.63 3.88
Saskatoon 3.31 3.63 3.13 3.43 3.25 3.29 3.14
Source: Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2023 survey.
Note: Based on Canadian respondents only.
113Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Chapter 4: Emerging Trends in Canadian Real Estate
which could see a further boost from liquified natural gas ter-
minal projects now being given another look in light of shifting
global energy needs. If they do move forward, these projects
would strengthen the region’s overall economy and prospects
even more, making this an important issue to watch in the future,
along with growing discussions about the possibilities for hydro-
gen facilities in Atlantic Canada.
Quebec City
Quebec City’s economy will grow at a solid pace in the near
term, rising by 3.4 percent and 3 percent, respectively, in 2022
and 2023, according to the CBoC.
A key source of activity in the residential market is rental
construction, which in 2021 helped housing starts reach their
highest level in 30 years, CMHC noted in its spring 2022 hous-
ing market outlook. Still, CMHC expects demand to exceed
An ongoing issue to watch is the evolution of Quebec City’s
tramway project. It received the province’s go-ahead in April
and is expected to move forward in 2023. But delays and ques-
tions about the route are continuing to create uncertainty for the
real estate community around the transit-oriented development
opportunities that this will create. Like in many markets, inter-
viewees are struggling with shortages of labor for projects, with
many saying that demand for workers for government infrastruc-
ture activities is adding to the challenges.
In the office market, tenants are signing short-term lease renew-
als amid uncertainty over return-to-office strategies. But the
market is proving resilient, according to CBRE, which projects
that the downtown office vacancy rate will fall to 9.9 percent in
2022 from 10.2 percent in 2021.
The city is seeing some redevelopment of shopping centers,
with retail space complemented by multiresidential towers and
nontraditional tenants, such as post-secondary institutions.
On the industrial side, there is a lot of appetite for space but a
limited amount of land available.
The CBoC is projecting a solid outlook for Winnipeg, with eco-
nomic growth of 3.5 percent next year following a projected rise
of 4 percent in 2022. Growth was even higher last year, at 4.1
On the residential side, home prices have risen just as in other
cities, but the affordability picture is much more favorable in
Winnipeg than elsewhere in Canada. According to RBC’s afford-
ability measure, ownership costs as a percentage of median
household income were 30.4 percent in the first quarter of 2022
for single-family homes, which compares favorably to a national
average of 59.3 percent.
In the office market, CBRE is reporting a downtown class A
vacancy rate of 14.5 percent for the second quarter of 2022.
Exhibit 4-18 2023 Forecast Economic Indicators by City
Real GDP
Household income
per capita growth
Total housing
Retail sales
Vancouver 3.3% 1.7% 5.5% 2.6% 1.1% 20,482 2.8%
Toronto 3.5 1.3 6.9 2.3 1.5 41,078 2.0
Montreal 2.7 0.6 5.6 2.3 0.6 22,600 1.5
Ottawa-Gatineau 2.6 1.9 5.1 2.9 1.2 11,4 42 2.0
Halifax 2.7 2.0 6.0 2.3 1.4 2,673 0.5
Winnipeg 3.5 1.9 5.3 2.3 1.5 5,618 0.1
Edmonton 4.2 2.7 7.0 3.0 1.7 11,433 1.4
Calgary 4.7 2.2 7. 3 2.7 1.9 11,7 72 1.7
Quebec City 3.0 1.4 3.2 2.7 0.8 5,637 1.7
Saskatoon 4.1 1.1 5.2 1.5 2.3 2,212 1.2
Source: Conference Board of Canada, Major City Insights, May 2022, accessed August 2, 2022.
114 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
This was up slightly from 14.4 percent in the first quarter, accord-
ing to CBRE, which found a lower all-class suburban vacancy
rate of 9.4 percent compared with 16.4 percent downtown.
On the industrial side, absorption is high, rents are rising, and
construction activity remains strong, according to Colliers. The
industrial vacancy rate was just 2.3 percent in the second quar-
ter of 2022, Colliers found.
Economic growth in Saskatoon is projected to be strong as the
world’s need for commodities like potash gives a boost to local
prospects. The CBoC is projecting growth of 5.3 percent this
year, followed by 4.1 percent in 2023.
After a projected decline in 2022, the CBoC is expecting hous-
ing starts to rise next year. While affordability remains attractive
compared with many other parts of Canada, CMHC expects
rising demand for more affordable types of housing, such as
townhouses and condos.
The overall office vacancy rate is expected to fall in 2022 to 19.1
percent from 19.4 percent last year, according to CBRE. And
on the industrial side, Saskatoon’s market is seeing an uptick
in leasing activity, which helped lower the city’s vacancy rate to
2.1 percent in the second quarter, according to Colliers. That is
down from 2.5 percent in the first quarter of 2022.
Expected Best Bets for 2023
Industrial property: Industrial real estate remains an expected
best bet, with subcategories like warehousing, fulfillment, data
centers, and self-storage ranking high among survey respon-
dents’ investment and development recommendations. Even
with the possibility of an economic downturn creating doubt
about the extent to which e-commerce activity will continue to
drive growing demand in this asset class, many factors remain
in its favor: increasing rents, shortages of space and land
availability, and the rising need for industrial property to accom-
modate onshoring of production activities.
While supply chain issues have been creating many challenges
for real estate companies, they can in some ways bolster the
outlook for industrial property as users, whether manufactur-
ers or retailers, look to hold or produce more goods locally to
differentiate themselves as trusted suppliers. But the pressures
affecting real estate as a whole, such as rising interest rates, are
also affecting industrial properties. As interviewees noted, this
will make it important for buyers to assess opportunities even
more closely than before to find the sweet spot of fundamentally
good assets that trade at reasonable terms.
Multifamily residential housing: This was also a frequently
mentioned best bet this year, although the outlook was mixed.
On the one hand, factors like rising immigration activity are driv-
ing demand both now and looking further out. But how does this
square with discussions about delays in condo and purpose-
built rental apartment projects amid current market pressures?
One explanation is that the current environment favors invest-
ment in multifamily housing as opposed to developing it. And
investing in rental housing has become attractive at a time of
rising rents spurred by demand from people refraining from pur-
chasing or unable to buy a home during a period of increased
interest rates.
Life sciences: While we have discussed health-related uses,
like life sciences, as an expected best bet in the past, this sector
was even higher on the agenda of interviewees this year and
was a favorite among survey respondents. Like our other best
bets, this category also has its limitations, including the fact
that it remains a relatively small niche sector in the Canadian
real estate landscape. Still, this category fits with the overall
increased focus on niche sectors this year as an opportunity
to navigate headwinds in other asset classes. Canada is also
home to several clusters of life-sciences facilities spanning
research, manufacturing, and other areas of activity, and this
growing sector offers attractive opportunities to those real estate
companies that can meet the complex space needs of end
users in the industry.
115Emerging Trends in Real Estate
3650 REIT
Malay Bansal
Adi Development Group
Tariq Adi
AEW Capital Management LP
Michael Acton
Michael Byrne
Sara Cassidy
Josh Heller
AGF Investments
Ash Lawrence
Alate Partners
Courtney Cooper
Alberta Investment
Management Corporation
Paul Mouchakkaa
Ian Woychuk
Alignvest Management
Sanjil Shah
Aline Capital
Scott Williams
Alliance Global Advisors
Jennifer Stevens
Alliance Prével
Laurence Vincent
Alliance Residential
Bob Weston
Allied Properties Real Estate
Investment Trust
Michael Emory
Rafael Lazer
Almanac Realty Investors
Matthew Kaplan
Alston & Bird LLP
Jason Goode
Altree Developments
Zev Mandelbaum
American Constructors
Belinda Santolucito
American Realty Advisors
Stanley L. Iezman
Amica Senior Lifestyles
Christine Albinson
Angelo, Gordon & Co.
Mark Jackson
Reid Liffman
Mark Maduras
Adam Schwartz
Gordon Whiting
Antony Slumbers
Armco Capital Inc.
George Armoyan
The Armour Group Limited
Scott McCrea
Arnon Development
Corporation Limited
Gillie Vered
Asana Partners
Sam Judd
Stefan Neudorff
Brian Purcell
Aspen Properties Ltd.
Rob Blackwell
Greg Guatto
Scott Hutcheson
Associated Bank
Shawn Bullock
AvalonBay Communities
David Gillespie
Avenue 31 Capital Inc.
Jennifer Murray
Michel Pilon
Avenue Living Asset
David Smith
Bain Capital
Benjamin Brady
Joe Marconi
Balch & Bingham LLP
Patrick W. Krechowski
Bank of America
Ada Chan
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Stephen Morson
Barclays Capital
P. Sheridan Schechner
Bard Consulting
Roy Schneiderman
Barron Collier Companies
Brian Goguen
Barton Malow Builders
James Morrison
Basis Investment Group LLC
Mark K. Bhasin
Bateh Real Estate Advisors
Tarik Bateh
Beedie Group
David Pearson
Jonathan Epstein
Andrew Yoon
BentallGreenOak (Canada)
Limited Partnership
Christina Iacoucci
Phil Stone
Berkshire Residential
Gleb Nechayev
Eric Schrumpf
Billingsley Interests
Alan Billingsley
A.J. Agarwal
Janice Lin
Boardwalk REIT
Sam Kolias
Bosa Development
Clark Lee
Boston Properties
Mike LaBelle
Owen Thomas
Alex Horn
Brivia Management Inc.
Vincent Kou
Brookfield Properties
Ben Brown
Matthew McCafferty
Vicki Mullins
Travis Overall
Jan Sucharda
Malee Tobias
Brookfield Residential
Properties Inc.
Thomas Lui
Brookline Bank
Joan Matera
BSB Design
Dan Swift
BTB Real Estate Investment
Mathieu Bolté
Michel Leonard
BuyProperly Limited
Khushboo Jha
C.W. Urban
Darlene Carter
CA Health & Science Trust
Jesse Ostrow
Cabot Properties
Franz Colloredo-Mansfeld
Carey Herrlinger
Bradford Otis
Cadence Bank
Tim Williamson
Cadillac Fairview
Sal Iacono
Duncan Osborne
Caliber Companies
Chris Loeffler
Michael McGowan
Camden Property Trust
James Flick
Cameron Development
Tina Naqvi-Rota
Canada Ici Capital
Brandon Kot
Canadian Apartment
Properties REIT
Mark Kenney
Canderel Management Inc.
Shawn Hamilton
Brett Miller
Canyon Partners Real
Estate LLC
Robin Potts
Capital Associates
Thomas Huff
Capital City Development
Alexandra Monjar
Capital One Bank
John Hope
Carmel Partners
Dennis Markus
Ron Zeff
Castle Hill Partners
John McKinnerney
Lloyd E. Allen
Meade Boutwell
Brandon Forde
Justin Hirsch
Brandon Isner
Brandon McMenomy
Julie Whelan
CBRE Investment
Pam Boneham
Chuck Leitner
CenterSquare Investment
Management LLC
Rob Holuba
Centric Architecture
Gina Emmanuel
Charter Properties
Eric M. Williams
Childress Klein
Landon Wyatt III
Choice Properties REIT
Mario Barrafato
Rael Diamond
Cirrus Asset Management
Steve Heimler
Thomas Flexner
City and County of San
Daniel Adams
City of Raleigh, North
Patrick O. Young
Clarion Partners
Jeb Belford
Hugh Macdonnell
Tim Wang
Codds Creek Capital
Ken Crockett
Colicchio Consulting
Phil Colicchio
Colliers International
Annie Labbé
Warren Wilkinson
Colliers Nashville
Janet Miller
Colonnade Bridgeport
Hugh Gorman
Columbia Business School
Leanne Lachman
Combined Properties
Drew Faha
Steven Gothelf
Adam Medeiros
CompassRock International
David Woodward
Lisa Dilts
Concert Properties
Brian McCauley
Andrew Tong
Concord Group
Richard M. Gollis
Condor Properties Ltd.
Sam Balsamo
Nancy De Gasperis
The Conservatory Group
Mark Libfeld
Continental Properties
James H. Schloemer
Conundrum Capital
Daniel Argiros
Corporate Ofce Property
Stephen Budorick
Todd Hartman
Anthony Mifsud
Jason Kern
CoStar Group
Jan D. Freitag
CPM Texas
Dave Stauch
CRE Tax Planning LLC
Dawn Polin
Cremona Consulting
Sera Cremona
Cresleigh Homes
Robert Walter
Crombie REIT
Donald Clow
CrossMarc Services
John Crossman
Crow Holdings Capital
Cyndy Silverthorn
Crux Capital
Peter Aghar
116 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Kevin Salsberg
Christopher P. Marr
Cushing Terrell
Sheri Blattel
Cushman & Wakeeld
Barrie Scardina
Rebecca Wells
Deka Immobilien Investment
Alexander Heijnk
Simona Vigneron
Dermody Properties
Kathleen S. Briscoe
Desjardins Gestion
internationale d’actifs
Michel Bédard
Developing Solutions LLC
George J. Carfagno
Sam Scalia
Mona Lovgreen
Kelsey Reside
Paul Simcox
Gregg Walker
Doucet & Associates
Tracy A. Bratton
Downtown Austin Alliance
Michele Van Hyfte
Dream Unlimited
Jason Lester
Roberta Salas
Durum Properties Inc.
Jay Simmons
Eastdil Secured LLC
Miles Theodore
Michael Van Konynenburg
Eastern Bank
Matthew Osborne
Economical Mutual
Insurance Company
Jayme Gualtieri
Jodie McLean
ElmTree Funds
James G. Koman
EMBLEM Developments
Kash Pashootan
Emergent Research
Steve King
Empire Communities
Andrew Guizzetti
Empire Title LLC
Tayler Tibbitts
EOA Architects
Sheila Dial Barton
Jason Roque
Equus Capital Partners
Arthur P. Pasquarella
Federal Realty
Jeff Berkes
Jeff Kreshek
Fengate Capital
Management Ltd.
Jaime McKenna
Fiera Real Estate
Kathy Black
Fifield Companies
Joe Pitsor
William A. Finfrock
First Horizon Bank
Christina Blackwell
First Merchants Bank
Rick Baer
First Southern Mortgage
Stephen Brink
Graham Gilreath
First Washington Realty
Daniel Radek
Fitzrovia Real Estate
Adrian Rocca
Focus Strategies
Investment Banking
Terese Everson
FORE Institute, University of
Denver, Burns School of Real
Glenn Mueller
Forest Gate Financial Corp.
Daniel Marinovic
Forgestone Capital
Management LP
Trevor Blakely
Franklin Street
Laura Gonzales
Freddie Mac
Steve Guggenmos
Rudy Garza
GEM Health Care Group Ltd.
Mahmood Hussain
Syed Hussain
John Yuan
Gemdale USA Corporation
Michael Krupa
Diane Hoskins
Giarratana LLC
Tony Giarratana
Gregory Bates
W. Jeffrey Beckham
Hisham Kade
Suzanne E. Mulvee
Thad D. Palmer
Gilbane Co.
Morgan Beam
The Glenview Corporation
Jake Shabinsky
Goldman Sachs
Alex Cheek
Nick O’Neill
Neil Wolitzer
Government of New
Todd Selby
Green Cities
Molly Bordonaro
Green Mesa Capital LLC
Randy C. Norton
Green Street
Cedrik Lachance
Greenberg Traurig
Chuck Abrams
Michael Joyce
Groupe Commercial AMT
Jérôme Jolicoeur
Grubb Properties
Clay Grubb
GWL Realty Advisors
Paul Finkbeiner
H.J. Russell & Company
Delilah Wynn-Brown
Hawkeye Partners
Bret Wilkerson
Hawkins Partners Inc.
Landscape Architects
Kim Hawkins
Hazelview Investments
Michael Tsourounis
Aki Dellaportas
Herity Limited
Brad Foster
Hugh Heron
Hersha Hospitality Trust
Ashish Parikh
Jay Shah
HH Fund
Tony Shen
High Street Logistics
Robert Chagares
Andy Zgutowicz
Hilco Redevelopment
Jason Gill
Mark Cover
Josh Scoville
David Steinbach
H.J. Russell & Company
Delilah Wynn-Brown
HKS Architects
Emir Tursic
Holladay Properties
Allen Arender
Homes by WestBay
Willy Nunn
Murray Degirolamo
Jason Kraatz
David Loo
Houlihan Lokey
Nick Way
Hughes Investments Inc.
Phil Hughes
Hullmark Development Ltd.
Jeff Hull
iA Financial Group
Claude Sirois
ICM Realty Group
John Courtliff
IDI Logistics
Chris Kazanowski
Shawn Warren
Immeuble populaire de
Québec inc.
Michel Côté
Independence Title
Colin Parker
Craig Robinson
Intercontinental Real
Estate Corporation
Jessica Levin
Invesco Fixed Income
Kevin Collins
David Lyle
InvestPlus REIT
Domenic Mandato
Ivanhoé Cambridge Inc.
Michèle Hubert
Jamestown LP
Catherine Pfeiffenberger
Jayman Built
Aasit Amin
Jesta Group
Anthony O’Brien
JBG Smith Properties
Moina Banerjee
Steve Museles
Dave Paul
Angie Valdes
Jeff Coddington
James Cook
Mehtab Randhawa
Vineet Sahgal
Ryan Severino
John Burns Real Estate
John Burns
Kairos Asset Strategies
Rachel Lee
Katz, Sapper & Miller
Josh Malarsky
Kayne Anderson
John Wain
Kearny Real Estate Company
Hoonie Kang
Allie Rosenbarger
KHP Capital Partners
Ben Rowe
Killam Apartment REIT
Philip Fraser
Dale Noseworthy
Robert Richardson
Kimco REIT
Glenn Cohen
Ross Cooper
Conor Flynn
Kin Capital Partners
Galia Feiler
KingSett Capital Inc.
Jon Love
Kiser Vogrin Design
Katie Rudowsky
Chris Lee
Kothari Group
Anupam Kothari
Jonathan Fleming
Lafayette Square
Onay Payne
Landsea Homes
Logan Kimble
LaSalle Investment
Alok Gaur
Jacques Gordon
Brad Gries
Dale Stigamier
Le Groupe Maurice Inc.
Francis Gagnon
Lee & Associates Charleston
Cameron Yost
Les immeubles Laberge Enr.
Charles Laberge
Les Immeubles Roussin Ltée.
Nathalie Roussin
117Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Levcor Inc.
Justin Levine
Liberty Development
Marco Filice
Linneman Associates
Peter Linneman
Lionstone Investments
Andrew Bruce
Andrew Lusk
Lockehouse Retail Group
Steve Cutter
Low Tide Properties
David Ferguson
Martin Caverly
Mack Real Estate Group
Madison Homes Limited
Miguel Singer
Mainstreet Equity Corp.
Trina Cui
Maria Aiello
Manulife Investment
Management Limited
Gregory Sweeney
Jeffrey C. Wolfe
Marcus & Millichap
Geoffrey Bedrosian
John Sebree
Marcus Partners
Paul Marcus
Markee Developments
Jason Marks
MarketStreet Enterprises
Dirk Melton
The Mathews Company
Bert Mathews
Jody Moody
Mattamy Homes
Brad Carr
MCAN Mortgage Corporation
Floriana Cipollone
McMillan Pazdan Smith
K.J. Jacobs
Melcor Developments
Naomi Stefura
Meridian Capital Group
Helen Hwang
Merlone Geier Partners
Heather Beal
Metlife Investment
Sara Queen
Metro Nashville Housing
Hannah Davis
Michael Norton
Metrontario Group
Lawrie Lubin
Michelle Malanca Frey
Michelle Malanca Frey
Midtown Equities
Mehul J. Patel
Minto Communities USA
Mike Belmont
The Minto Group
Michael Waters
Moody’s Analytics
Victor Calanog
Morgan Group
Andrew Grimm
Morgan Properties
Jason Morgan
Jonathan Morgan
Morguard Corporation
Paul Miatello
Mortgage Bankers
Jamie Woodwell
MSCI/Real Capital Analytics
Jim Costello
Multiplex Construction
Canada Ltd.
Terr y Olynyk
MURAL Real Estate Partners
Robin Zeigler
MW Builders Inc.
Su Jones
National Development
Brian Kavoogian
National Multifamily
Housing Council
Douglas Bibby
Transportation Consultants
Lauren Mattern
New City Development
Isaac Bamgbose
New York Life Real Estate
Brian Seaman
Ross Berry
New York University
Arpit Gupta
NewQuest Properties
Jay K. Sears
Nordblom Company
Kris Galetti
Norris Design
Matthew Taylor
Northcrest Developments
Derek Goring
Northern Trust
Brian Bianchi
David Dagley
NorthWest Healthcare
Properties REIT
Shailen Chande
Northwood Ravin
Jeff Furman
Nuveen Global Cities REIT
Steve Hash
Nuveen Real Estate
Donna Brandin
Brian Eby
Jack Gay
Jason Hernandez
Chris McGibbon
Carly Tripp
Monica Onstad
Ontario Infrastructure and
Lands Corporation
Michael Fedchyshyn
Ontario Real Estate
Tim Hudak
Opus Development Company
Ryan Carlie
Orchestra Partners
John Boone
Jason Hardy
Oxford Properties
Michael Turner
Pacific Elm Properties
Billy Prewitt
John Rutledge
Pacific Urban Investors
Art Cole
Sara Ibarra
Ryan Losch
Whitfield Hamilton
Pan-Canadian Mortgage
Group Inc.
Joel McLean
Pangman Development
Kevin McKee
Parkwood Business
Chris Meyer
Parmenter Realty Partners
John Davidson
Patterson Real Estate
Advisory Group
Ken Grimes
Pebblebrook Hotel Trust
Thomas Fisher
Peerage Capital Canada
Gavin Swartzman
PEG Companies
Robert Schmidt
Pensford Financial Group
J.P. Conklin
PGIM Real Estate
Stephen Bailey
Alyce Dejong
Joanna Mulford
Soultana Reigle
Jaime Zadra
Plymouth Industrial REIT Inc.
Anthony Saladino
Pen White
Jeff Witherell
Port of San Francisco
Diane Oshima
Porte Realty Ltd.
David Porte
Greg Mackinnon
Preferred Apartment
John Isakson
Pretium Partners LLC
Zain Butt
Charles Himmelberg
Nishu Sood
Martin Young
Price Edwards & Company
Jim Parrack
Prima Capital Advisors
Nilesh Patel
Greg White
Prism Capital Partners LLC
Eugene Robert Diaz
Chris Caton
Liz Dunn
Ricardo Gradillas
Todd Lewis
Hamid Moghadam
Kim Snyder
Public Sector Pension
Investment Board
Carole Guerin
Luc McSween
Public Square
Clay Haynes
QuadReal Property Group
Limited Partnership
Anthony Lanni
Quinn Residences
Richard Ross
Monika Jaroszonek
RBC Capital Markets
Dan Giaquinto
David Switzer
David Tweedie
William Wong
Charles A. Hewlett
RCLCO Fund Advisors
Taylor Mammon
Real Property Association
of Canada
Michael Brooks
Jay Parsons
Realstar Management
Colin Martin
Regency Centers
Christopher Widmayer
The Regional Group
Sender Gordon
Kelly Rhodenizer
Regional Municipality of
Lorraine Huinink
Brian Tunnell
Reuben, Junius & Rose LLP
Corie A. Edwards
Revera Inc.
Glen Chow
Kulbir Nijjer
Rice Management Company
Ryan M. LeVasseur
Andrew Duncan
Jay Massirman
R-LABS Canada Inc.
George Carras
RLJ Lodging Trust
Nikhil Bhalla
Leslie D. Hale
The RMR Group
Adam Portnoy
Spencer Raymond
Rohit Group of Companies
Rohit Gupta
Rosen Consulting
Kenneth Rosen
The Roxborough Group
Marc Perin
Munezeh Wald
Roy-L Capital Corporation
Matthew Fishman
RVi Planning + Landscape
Jared Pyka
118 Emerging Trends in Real Estate
Mike Maturo
Mike O’Leary
Scott Rechler
Schneider Electric
Stuart Whiting
Seamon Whiteside &
Chip Buchanan
Sienna Senior Living Inc.
Nitin Jain
Signature Development
Paul Nieto
Signorelli Company
John Montaquila
SilverCap Partners
John Scott Trotter
Silverstein Properties
Brian Collins
Skyline Investments
Adam Cohen
Robert Waxman
Slate Asset Management
Brandon Donnelly
Steve Hodgson
Lindsay Stiles
Sleiman Enterprises
Michael McNaughton
SmartCentres REIT
Rudy Gobin
Mitchell Goldhar
Snapbox Self Storage
Scott Hastings
The Sorbara Group of
Edward Sorbara
Société de gestion COGIR
Mathieu Duguay
Sonesta International Hotels
John Murray
Southwest Properties Ltd.
Gordon Laing
Paul Murphy
Jim Spatz
Spirit Realty
Ken Heimlich
Stafford Developments
Jonathan Goldman
Starwood Capital Group
Ethan Bing
Anthony Murphy
Starwood Land Advisors
Mike Moser
STG Design
Jim Susman
Stiles Corporation
Scott MacLaren
Stillwater Capital
Clay Roby
Terry Fancher
Seth Kemper
Stephen Pilch
Kristin Renaudin
Nicole Stagnaro
Stock Development
Keith Gelder
Cathal O’Connor
Structure Development
Sarah Andre
Dante Angelini
Heidi Cisneros
Suburban Land Reserve
David Cannon
The Sud Group
Adrian Rasekh
Elliott Sud
Summit Industrial Income
Ross Drake
Dayna Gibbs
Summit Investors LLC
Greg Winchester
Sunstone Hotel Investors Inc.
Robert Springer
The Swig Company
Stephanie Ting
TA Realty
Randell Harwood
James Raisides
Sean Ruhmann
Tanzola Corp.
Greg Tanzola
Taylor Derrick Capital
Nick Etherington
Townline Homes Inc.
Rick Ilich
Dan Jekubik
Trammell Crow Company
Jim Casey
Matt Khourie
Trammell Crow Residential
Ken Valach
Transwestern Development
Ashley Grigsby
Doug Prickett
Lonnie Hendry
Trez Capital
Vikram Rajagopalan
Tricon Residential Inc.
Gary Berman
Tridel Corporation
Bruno Giancola
Len Gigliotti
Triovest Realty Advisors Inc.
Prakash David
Ted Willcocks
Triple Group of Companies
Steve Apostolopoulos
Tristan Capital Partners
Douglas Poutasse
Andy Holland
Thomas W. Toomey
United Property Resource
Tim Blair
University Federal Credit
Jason Qunell
University of San Diego
Norm Miller
Dennis Giuliano
U.S. Bancorp Community
Development Corporation
Kacey Cordes
USAA Real Estate
Will McIntosh
Vantage Point Development
Brannon Butler
Vential Investments
Dino P. Christoforakis
Yat-Pang Au
The Viera Company
Todd J. Pokrywa
Village Green
Diane Batayeh
Virtu Investments
Ritesh Patel
The Vision Foundry
David Stoller
W. P. C ar e y
Jason Fox
Brooks Gordon
John Park
Toni Sanzone
Walton Street Capital
Raphael Dawson
Washington Capital
Sean Whitfield
Waterstone Properties
Group Inc.
Herb Evers
Watson Land Company
Jeff Jennison
Westbank Corp.
Judy Leung
Weston Urban
Reeves Craig
Mark Jensen
Nicholas Shya
White Oak Partners
Michael Menzer
Windmill Development Group
Ross Farris
Jeremy Reeds
Jeff Westeinde
Jonathan Westiende
Yardi Matrix
Peter Kolaczynski
Zelman & Associates
Dennis McGill
ZOM Living
Matthew Adler
Nikolas Scoolis
Kristine Smale
119Emerging Trends in Real Estate
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global network of more than 327,000 professionals in 155 countries, we
are committed to advancing quality in everything we do.
Global Real Estate Leadership Team
R. Byron Carlock Jr.
U.S. Real Estate Leader
Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Frank Magliocco
Canadian Real Estate Leader
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Thomas Veith
Global Real Estate Leader
Frankfurt, Germany
K.K. So
Asia Pacific Real Estate Leader
Hong Kong, China
Angus Johnston
European, Middle East & Africa Real Estate Leader
London, U.K.
The Urban Land Institute is a global, member-driven organization
comprising more than 45,000 real estate and urban development pro-
fessionals dedicated to advancing the Institute’s mission of shaping the
future of the built environment for transformative impact in communities
ULI’s interdisciplinary membership represents all aspects of the indus-
try, including developers, property owners, investors, architects, urban
planners, public officials, real estate brokers, appraisers, attorneys,
engineers, financiers, and academics. Established in 1936, the Institute
has a presence in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific regions, with
members in 80 countries.
The extraordinary impact that ULI makes on land use decision-making
is based on its members sharing expertise on a variety of factors affect-
ing the built environment, including urbanization, demographic and
population changes, new economic drivers, technology advancements,
and environmental concerns.
Peer-to-peer learning is achieved through the knowledge shared by
members at thousands of convenings each year that reinforce ULI’s
position as a global authority on land use and real estate. In 2021 alone,
2,148 events were held in cities around the world.
Drawing on the work of its members, the Institute recognizes and
shares best practices in urban design and development for the benefit
of communities around the globe.
More information is available at uli.org. Follow ULI on Twitter, Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Instagram.
W. Edward Walter
Global Chief Executive Officer, Urban Land Institute
ULI Center for Real Estate Economics and Capital Markets
Anita Kramer
Senior Vice President
Urban Land Institute
2001 L Street, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20036-4948
Sponsoring Organizations
Atlanta’s Midtown skyline from the vantage
point of Piedmont Park.
Emerging Trends in Real Estate
What are the best bets for investment and devel op ment in
2023? Based on insights from a select group of the most
influential and experienced ULI members, this forecast will
give you a heads-up on overarching trends that will affect
real estate, where to invest, and which sectors and markets
offer the best prospects. A joint under taking of PwC and ULI,
this 44th edition of Emerging Trends is the forecast that you
can count on for no-nonsense, expert insight.
ULI is the largest network of cross-disciplinary real
estate and land use experts who lead the future of urban
development and create thriving communities across the
globe. As a ULI member, you can connect with members
around the world in Member Directory (members.uli.org),
find ULI opportunities to lead and volunteer on Navigator
(navigator.uli.org), and explore ULI’s latest research and best
practices on Knowledge Finder (knowledge.uli.org), including
all the Emerging Trends in Real Estate
reports published
since 2003. Visit uli.org/join to learn more about ULI’s
exclusive member benefits.
Tells you what to expect and what the expected
best opportunities are.
Elaborates on trends in the capital markets, including
sources and flows of equity and debt capital.
Indicates which property sectors are most promising
and what the risk factors are.
Provides rankings and assessments of a variety of
specialty property types.
Describes the impact of social and geopolitical trends on
real estate.
Explains how locational preferences are changing.
Elucidates the increasingly important intersection
of real estate and technology.
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